Carroll County

Court Records - Deeds

Carroll County was created by an act of the state legislature approved December 23, 1840. In part the act stated that Carroll county would include the following towns which had previously made up part of Strafford. These towns were: Albany, Brookfield, Chatham, Conway, Eaton, Effingham, Freedom, Moultonborough, Sandwich, Tamworth, Tuftonborough, Ossipee, Wakefield and Wolfeborough. In 1853, Bartlett, Jackson, and Hart's Location were disannexed from Coös county and became part of Carroll county. Therefore, some older "Carroll County" records may still be found in Strafford County.

Elijah Drown

Know all Men by these Presents that we Elijah Drown of Eaton County of Carroll and state of New Hampshire and Mary A. Drown wife of the said Elijah Drown for and in consideration of the sum of four hundred dollars to me in hand before the delivery hereof, well and truly paid by Widow Polly Drown of Eaton County of Carroll state of New Hampshire the receipt whereof we do hereby acknowledge, have given, granted, bargained and sold, and by these presents do give, grant, bargain, sell, alien, enfeoff, convey and confirm unto the said Widow Polly Drown and her heirs and assigns forever, or during her natural life for the purpose of securing to her her maintenance.

After the death of Widow Polly Drown the undermentioned premises to be the property of Elijah Drown and his heirs. The premises or estate is described as follows (viz) a certain piece or parcel of land situated in Eaton bounded as follows: southerly by land formally owned by Ivory Kenneson westerly by land now occupied by Hiram Paul on the north by the Ham farm so called, on the east by land owned by Dennis Patch meaning to convey the Josiah Drew farm so called and is the same farm that Amos Towle deeded to Stephen Drown of Freedom deed bearing date March 23, 1853 and Stephen Drown deeded to me deed bearing date October 3, 1856.

To have and to hold the said granted premises, with all the privileges and appurtenances to the same belonging to the said Widow Polly Drown and her heirs and assigns to them and their only proper use and benefit forever.

And we the said Elijah Drown and Mary A. Drown and our heirs, executors and administrators, do hereby covenant, grant and agree to and with the said Widow Polly Drown and her heirs and assigns, that until the delivery hereof we are the lawful owner of the said premises, and are seized and possessed thereof in our own right in fee simple, and have full power and lawful authority to grant and convey the same in manner aforesaid; and the said premises are free and clear from all and every incumbrance whatsoever; and that we and our heirs, executors and administrators, shall and will warrant and defend the same to the said Widow Polly Drown and her heirs and assigns against the lawful claims and demands of any person or persons whomsoever.

And I, Mary A. Drown wife of said Elijah Drown in consideration aforesaid, do hereby relinquish my right of dower in the before mentioned premises.

And we and each of us do hereby release, discharge and waive all such rights of exemption from attachment and levy or sale on execution, and such other rights whatsoever, in said premises and in each and every part thereof, as our family homestead, as are reserved or secured to us or either of us, by the statute of the State of New Hampshire, passed July 4th, 1851, entitled “An Act to exempt the homestead of families from attachment and levy or sale on execution,” or by any other statute or statutes of said State.

In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and seals, this Eleventh day of January in the year of our Lord 1858.

Erastus Baker Elijah Drown [seal]

Helen M Baker Mary A. Drown [seal]

State of New Hampshire Carroll SS. January 11, A.D. 1858 Personally appearing, the above named Elijah Drown and Mary Drown acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act and deed, Before me Erastus Baker, Justice of the Peace

Received January 11, 1858 at 1:00 P.M. Examined by ________Hardy, Recorder.

Contributed by Linda Walls, transcribed from Carroll County Deed Book 32, page 424.

Moses Drown

Know all men by these presents that I Moses Drown of Eaton in the County of Strafford and State of New Hampshire yeoman for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred Dollars to me paid by Moses Drown Junior of Eaton aforesaid yeoman the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge do hereby give grant bargain sell and convey unto the said Moses Drown Junior heirs and assigns forever a piece of land situate in Eaton aforesaid being a part of the lot No twenty four in White’s location in said Eaton, being bounded as follows, to begin at the south end of said lot, then running northerly carrying the whole width of the lot so far as to contain fifty acres it being a part of the lot of land whereon I the said Moses Drown now live. To have and to hold the aforegranted and bargained premises with all the privileges and appurtenances thereof to the said Moses Drown Junior his heirs and assigns to his and their use and behoof forever and I do covenant with the said Moses Drown Junior his heirs and assigns that I am lawfully seized in fee of the premises; that they are free of all incumbrances ; that I have good right to sell and convey the same to the said Moses Drown Junior to hold as aforesaid; and that I will warrant and defend the same to the said Moses Drown Junior his heirs and assigns forever against the lawful claims and demands of all persons.

In witness whereof I the said Moses Drown have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty sixth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and four.

Signed Sealed and Delivered Moses Drown [seal]

In presence of us

John Paine

Lot Wedgwood

Contributed by Linda Walls, transcribed from Strafford County Deed Book 49, page 39.

Eli Glines

Know all men by these presents that I Phillip Jackson in the County of Strafford in the State of New Hampshire collector of taxes of and for the town of Eaton in said County for the year one thousand seven hundred eighty six by virtue of sundry acts and laws of said State relating to levying collecting taxes of non-resident proprietors of land in the town of Eaton aforesaid in said State and County aforesaid for and in consideration of seven shillings to me in hand paid on each rite or proprietors share before the delivery hereof by Eli Glines have given granted and sold and by these presents do give grant sell and convey unto him the said Eli Glines aforesaid his heirs and assigns forever one hole rite or proprietors share the original proprietor namely Edward Smith.

Therein the said Eli Glines being the highest bidder for the same at public venue duly notified and held at Eaton so called at the dwelling house of Phillip Jackson aforesaid for the sail of lands in said Eaton belonging to such non resident proprietors or owners as are delinquent in paying on said taxes assessed thereon to have and to hold the said granted premises with the appurtenances thereof to him the said Eli Glines his heirs and assigns in fee simple forever.

And I the Collector aforesaid do in my capacity agree to and with the said Eli Glines his heirs and assigns to warrant and defend the said premises to him the said Eli Glines his heirs and assigns against the lawful claimes and demands of any person or persons whomsoever. Saving and reserving only to the owner or proprietor their heirs and assigns the rite of redemption according to law anything in this deed to the contrary notwithstanding.

In witness whereof I do here set my hand and seal this Sixth day of July 1790.

Signed Sealed and Delivered Phillip Jackson [seal]

In Presence of
Thomas Burk State of New Hampshire
Samuel Jackson Grafton __Burton March 31, 1791

Then the within named Philap Jackson personally appeared and acknowledged the within riten instrument to be his free act and deed.

Before me Benjamin Weeks, Justice of the Peace

Rec’d November 24, 1794

Contributed by Linda Walls, transcribed from Strafford County Deed Book 18, page 449.

David A. Sargent

Know all men by these presents that I David A. Sargent of Freedom, County of Carroll and state of New Hampshire yeoman in consideration of the sum of three hundred dollars paid by Almira Sargent widow of Jesse Sargent of said Freedom NH deceased the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge do hereby give grant bargain sell and convey unto the said Almira Sargent her heirs and assigns forever the following described real estate lying and being in the said town of Freedom NH and it is the farm where I now reside and it is the same farm lately the homestead of Jesse Sargent late of Freedom deceased together with one third part of the buildings thereon standing said farm is estimated to contain twenty acres of land let the same be more or less.

To have and to hold the aforegranted and bargained premises with all the buildings and appurtenances thereof to the said Almira Sargent her heirs and assigns to her and their use and behoof forever. And I do covenant with the said Almira Sargent his heirs and assigns that I am lawfully seized in fee of the premises; that they are free of all encumbrances; that I have good right to sell and convey the same to the said Almira Sargent to hold as aforesaid and that I and my heirs will warranty and defend the same to the said Almira Sargent her heirs and assigns forever against the lawful claims and demands of all persons.

Provided nevertheless that if the said David Sargent shall in a proper way maintain support and suitably maintain the said Almira Sargent at the home where she now resides in said Freedom NHampshire during her natural life in sickness and in health with medical aid when necessary and furnish her with every necessary thing for her convenience and comfort that her circumstances and condition from time to time may require and at her decease give her a decent burial. (The meaning is he is to furnish her the said Almira with good and wholesome meats and drinks clothing and lodging with every other necessary convenience that her condition may require and all to be done and furnished according to her standing and conditions in life and to be furnished during her natural life; and her said support and maintenance to be provided at the home where the has long since resided unless she shall consent to have it furnished at some other place agreed on between her and said David Sargent or his heirs.)

Then this deed shall be entirely and completely null and void to all intents and purposes but if said support and maintenance be not furnished according to the true intent and meaning of the above within under the proviso and also the said buried, then this deed shall remain in full force and virtue.

In witness whereof I the said David A. Sargent have hereunto set my hand and seal this sixteenth day of November AD one thousand and eight hundred fifty five signed sealed and delivered in presence of us

David Colcord David A. Sargent [seal]

Josiah Sargent

Received January 1, 1863 Examined by _______Hardy, Recorder

Contributed by Linda Walls, transcribed from Carroll County Deed Book 42, page 138.

David Sargent from Josiah Sargent

Know all Men by these Presents That I Josiah Sargent of Freedom Carroll County state of New Hampshire for and in consideration of the sum of seven hundred dollars to in hand before the delivery hereof, well and truly paid by David A. Sargent of Freedom in said county and state aforesaid the receipt where of I do hereby acknowledge, have given, granted, bargained and sold, and by these presents do give, grant, bargain, sell, alien, enfeoff , convey and confirm unto the said David A. Sargent his heirs and assigns forever the farm on which I now reside situated in the said town of Freedom Carroll county and state aforesaid and being the same farm that was owned and occupied by my father Jesse Sargent late of said Freedom deceased and is the same that my said father conveyed to me by his deed of May 12, 1851 together with all the buildings thereon estimated at twenty seven acres let the same more or less.

My said father deed to me is recorded Carroll County Records, NH, Book 21, page 372.

To have and to hold the said granted premises, with all the privileges and appurtenances to the same belonging to the David A. Sargent and his heirs and assigns to his and their only proper use and benefit forever. And I the said Josiah Sargent and my heirs, executors and administrators, do hereby covenant, grant and agree to and with the said David A. Sargent and his heirs and assigns, that until the delivery hereof I am the lawful owner of the said premises, and am seized and possessed thereof in my own right in fee simple, and have full power and lawful authority to grant and convey the same in manner aforesaid; that the said premises are free and clear from all and every incumbrance whatsoever; and that I and my heirs, executors and administrators, shall and will warrant and defend the same to the said David A. Sargent and his heirs and assigns, against the lawful claims and demands of any person or persons whomsoever.

And I, Pamelia [Paulina] W. Sargent wife of said Josiah Sargent in consideration aforesaid, do hereby relinquish my right of dower in the before mentioned premises.

In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and seals, this sixteenth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty five.

Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of us:
David Colcord Josiah Sargent [seal]
Samuel S. Weeks Pamelia W. Sargent [seal]

State of Maine, Oxford SS November 16, 1853 personally appearing, the above named Josiah Sargent acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his voluntary act and deed.
Before me, David Colcord, Justice of the Peace

Received March 28, 1872 Examined by ______ Hardy, Recorder.

Contributed by Linda Walls, transcribed from Carroll County Deed Book 59, page 320.

Jesse Sargent

Know all men be these presents that I Jesse Sargent of Freedom, County of Carroll and state of New Hampshire husbandman in consideration of the sum of one hundred dollars and my natural affections paid by Josiah Sargent 2nd of said Freedom county and state affor said and son of said Jesse Sargent the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge do hereby grant bargain sell and convey unto the said Josiah Sargent his heirs and assigns forever my homestead farm being the farm on which I live situated in said Freedom in the said county of Carroll and state of New Hampshire together with all the buildings therein containing twenty seven and one half acres of land let the same be more or less.

It is the same farm I bought of Josiah Sargent on the 29 of July AD1838 as per his deed to me of said date & recorded in Strafford County Records [bk] 178 [page] 559 reference being had for a more particular description. I deed to him said Josiah Sargent 2nd the above described farm & buildings with the following provisions via

Firstly he is to maintain me in sickness and in health furnishing me with suitable meats and drinks clothing medical aid if necessary and every other necessary that I need according to my condition and standing in life and during the whole period of my natural life; and he is to maintain my wife Almira Sargent in the same way and manner that he does me (above described) during her natural life or so long as she remains my widow and to pay the funeral charges of me and my said wife at our decease; He is also to pay all my just debts.

Now if the said Josiah Sargent 2nd shall in a suitable way and manner maintain me and my said wife in a suitable and proper way and manner and in the manner above stated during our natural lives pays all my just debts and pays our funeral charges, then in that case this deed to be and remain forever and to all interest in full force and virtue otherwise to be void and of no effect. The said Josiah Sargent 2nd have all my personal property reserving to my self the use and occupancy of it during my natural life to have and to hold the afore granted and bargained premises with all the privileges and appurtenances thereof to the said Josiah Sargent 2nd his heirs and assigns to their use and behoof forever.

And I do covenant with the said Josiah Sargent 2nd his heirs and assigns that I am lawfully seized in fee of the premises that they are free of all in cumbrances that I have good right to sell and convey the same to the said Josiah Sargent 2nd to hold as aforesaid; and that I and my heirs shall and will warrant and defend the same to the said Josiah Sargent 2nd his heirs and assigns forever against the lawful claims and demands of all persons.

In witness whereof I the said Jesse Sargent have hereunto set hand and seal this twelfth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty one signed sealed and delivered in presence of

David Colcord Jesse Sargent [seal]
Abram D. Sargent

Oxford SS May 12, 1851 personally appeared the above named Jesse Sargent and acknowledged the above instrument to be his free act and deed Before me

David Colcord, Justice of the Peace

Received January 1853 Examined by ______Hardy, Recorder

Contributed by Linda Walls, transcribed from Carroll County Deed Book 21, page 372.

Robert Sargent

Know all men by these presents that I Robert Sargent of Effingham in the County of Strafford and State of New Hampshire, yeoman, in consideration of fifty dollars paid by Josiah Pease of Parsonsfield in the county of York and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, gentleman, the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge have remised, released and forever quit claimed and do by these presents remise, release and forever quitclaim unto the said Josiah Pease his heirs and assigns forever the whole of lot numbered fifty in the second division of lot in said Effingham and is the same I now live on and is bounded northwesterly on land of William Towle easterly on the province line westerly on the Moses Leavitt lot so called together with the building thereon containing three hundred acres more or less.

To have and to hold the same together with all the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging to him the said Joseph Hawkins his heirs and assigns forever: and I the said Robert Sargent do hereby promise for myself my heirs executors and administrators to warrant and defend the before described premises from all persons claiming by or under me.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this third day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred.

Signed sealed and delivered
Robert X Sargent (his mark) Seal

In presence of us
Stephen Hawkins
Asa Pease

Strafford State of New Hampshire June 1st, 1805. Then the above named Robert Sargent personally acknowledged the above instrument to be his free act and deed.

Before Carr Leavitt Justice of the Peace

Recorded according to the original received Sept 7th 1813 Exam by Dominims Hanson, Register

[Note: Name at beginning of deed was Josiah Pease and at the end of deed was Joseph Hawkins. Joseph Hawkins is the man Robert bought a 27 ½ acre lot from in 1815. Don’t know if this is an error from the original deed or not]

Contributed by Linda Walls, transcribed from Strafford County Deed Book 76, page 442.

Robert Sargent

Know all men by these presents thus I Joseph Haukins of Effingham in the county of Strafford and State of New Hampshire Gentleman in consideration of one hundred and thirty seven dollars and fifty cents paid by Robert Sargent of Effingham aforesaid yeoman the receipt whereof

I do hereby acknowledge do hereby give grant bargain sell and convey unto the said Robert Sargent his heirs and assigns forever twenty seven and half acres of land situated in Effingham and is bounded as follows viz Beginning at the south east corner of Leut. Nason’s land on the northerly side of the road leading from Porter to Eaton and running south sixty six degrees east ten rods by the said road thence north forty eight degrees east thirteen rods thence south sixty two degrees east sixty nine rods to the province line to a yellow birch spotted on four sides thence north eight degrees east one hundred and eight rods thence south forty eight degrees west one hundred and twenty rods to the bounds first mentioned containing twenty seven and one half acres be the same more or less.

To have and to hold the said _______ ________ premises with the privileges and appurtenances thereof to the said Robert Sargeant his heirs and assigns to his and their use and behalf forever. And I the said Joseph Hawkins for myself my heirs executors and administrators do covenant with the said Robert Sargeant his heirs and assigns that I am lawfully seized in fee of the premises that they are free of all encumbrances that I have good right to sell and convey the same to the said Robert Sargeant and that I will warrant and defend the same to the said Robert Sargeant his heirs and assigns forever against the lawful claims or demands of all persons.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this first day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifteen. The words in the third line from the top are cents paid.

Joseph Hawkins Seal

Signed Sealed and delivered in presence of
Stephen Haukins Jr., State of New Hampshire

Mary Sweat

Effingham this first day of April A.D. 1815

Thus personally appeared Joseph Haukins and acknowledged the above instrument to be his free act and deed – Before me

James Leavitt Justice of Peace

Received January 31, 1821 by M. L. Neil Recorder

Contributed by Linda Walls, transcribed from Strafford County Deed Book 108, page 562.

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