Carroll County

Gilmanton Church Records

The Congregational Church in Gilmanton, NH, was incorporated into a church, November 30, 1774.

Membership Records 1774-1890

Mr. Isaac Smith was Ordained Pastor of the church by the following ministers: Revd. Timothy Walker, Revd. Jeremiah Belknap, Revd. Josiah Stearn, Revd Jonathan Searle, Revd. Samuel McClintock, Revd. Timothy Upham, Revd. Abiel Foster, Revd. Joseph Woodman

Original members of the church: Revd. Isaac Smith, Stephen Dudley, John Sanborn, Nathaniel Wilson

Members received by admission: John Dudley, Ebenezer Page Jr. and his wife Mary who deceased September 1781.

February 26, 1775.
William Smith and his wife Elizabeth, Jeremiah Cogswell and his wife Mehetable

May 4, 1775.
Received by Dismission and Recomendation from ye Churches of Nottingham and Epping Ebenezer Pages wife, Nathaniel Wilsons wife, Lemuel Rands wife.

August 31, 1775.
Received Samuel Morril and Mary ye wife of John Sanborn (next line is crossed out in original) and at ye same time Margaret Flanders ye wife of Thomas Flanders by dismission and recomendation from Mr. Adline Ch. Exeter.

November 1775
Received Elizabeth ye wife of Peter Gilman and Anna ye wife of David Bean and at ye same time Margaret wife of Thomas Flanders by dismission and recomendation from Mr. Odlin of Exeter.

December 4, 1775
Hannah ye wife of Samuel Avery admitted and deceased December 21.

December 10, 1775
Mary Bachelder the wife of Isaac Bachelder admitted

May 26,
Jonathan Hutchens and wife Theodate admitted

Oct 6,
Esther the wife of Joshua Gilman was received by dismission and recommendation from Mr. Foggs Church Kensington

Oct 6,
Mariah ye wife of John Melcher was received

November 3,
Judith the wife of Joseph Avery was received by dismission and recommendation from Mr. Stearns Church Epping

Nov 3,
Joseph Badger and John Gillman were both admitted into full communion Lords Day.

September 6,
Moses Page and his wife were received into the full communion of the Church and deceased the November following.

Sept 6,
Parson Smith of Meredith was admitted into full communion of the Church and deceased the November following.

June 6, 1779
Moses Page and his wife were received into the full communion of this church by dismission and recommendation from the church at Epping

Nov 5,
Payne Smith and Jacob Kelley were both admitted as member

May 6,
Benjamin French admitted from East Kingston s into the communion of this Church on Lords Day

June 31,
John Bradbury was admitted as a member into the full communion of this Church on Lords Day

August 5,
Elizabeth the wife of Charles Rundlet was admitted as a member to the full communion of this church

September 2,
Eliphalet Gilman and his wife Samuel Osgood, Betty the wife of Jonathan Flanders and Betty the wife of William Gilman were all admitted as members into the full communion of this church on the Lords Day

Oct 7,
David Fifield Caleb James Olive the wife of John Dudley, Deborah the wife of Jacob Kelly and Anna Berry a young woman of this town, Samuel French and his wife and Isaac Morril all of Loudon were received as members into the Full Communion of this Church on the Sabbath.

November 4,
Mary the wife of Revd Isaac Smith, Ruth the wife of Thomas Cogswell and Annise the wife of John Fox were all admitted as members into the full Communion of this Church on Lords day at the Sacrament.

July 7,
Edward Sarjant and Sarah Sarjant his wife of Pitsfield and Micajah Kelly of Gilmanton were all admitted as members into the full communion of the church

May 3,
Eunice the wife of Matthias Sawyer was admitted as a member into the full communion of this church

June 1,
Sarah Tilton the wife of David Tilton was admitted as a member into the communion of this Church

September 7,
Lydia Potter the wife of Israel Potter was received as a member into the communion of this Church

Oct 5,
Ruth his wife and also Sarah Dudley the wife of Major Nicholas Dudley of Barnstead were all admitted as members into the full communion of this Church Lords day

Nov 16,
Edward Sarjant and his wife John Lane and his wife all received a letter of Dismission and Recommendation to the Church to be gathered in Pittsfield and which was accordingly gathered and they were admitted members of it. This letter was signed by this pastor in the name of the Church of Gilmanton.

April 1, 1792
Payne Smith applied for a dismission and was dismissed by a vote of the Church and accordingly received his letter of recommendation to a new Church in Meredith.

May 6, 1792
Robert Smith and Dolly Gale the wife of Daniel Gale junior was received as members into the full communion of this Church.

Sept 23, 1792.
Ebenezer Page junior and Isaac Morril applied for a dismission and recommendation to a new Church in the town of Danville in Vermont and accordingly were dismissed and recommended.

July 17, 1793
Elisha Sweatt and his wife were admitted as members to the full Communion of this Church

June 1, 1794
Winslow Page and his wife Martha and Elizabeth Stevens the wife of Benjamin Stevens were admitted as members into the communion of this church.

The wife of William Price was admitted as a member into the communion of this Church by dismission and recommendation from the church at Ipswich the year

August 6,
Mr. Jonathan Ross originally a member of the church at Salem and Mr. Benjamin Page and his wife originally members of the Church at Deerfield were admitted by dismission and Recommendation as members into the full communion of this Lords day.

Whole number admitted 72

November 4,
Old Mr. Jonathan Prescott and his wife originally members of the Church at Kensington were admitted to the best of my rememberance the Sacrement (sic) following in September.

Moses Sawyer belonging to Barnstead was admitted to full communion Mrs. Price the widow of William Price Esq. Was admitted a member into the full communion of this Church at the Sacrement in 1799.

February 4,
By a vote of the Church Sally Tilton the wife of David Tilton was dismissed and recommended to the communion of the Church in Danville, Vermont.

May 4,
Trueworthy Perkins and his wife Sarah, Daniel Gilman, Rebecca Brown the wife of Jethro Brown and Salem a negro man servant of Lieut Jeremiah Cogswell were all admitted as members into the full communion of this Church the Lords day at our Communion Season

July 6,
Jonathan Ross junior and Hannah Smith daughter of Doctor Smith were admitted as members into the full Communion of this Church

October 5, 1800.
Sarah the wife of Jonathan Ross admitted

September 6,
The widow Sarah Lowel was admitted as a member

October 4, 1801.
Ezekiel French and Sarah Smith the wife of the Rev. Isaac Smith were admitted as members

Nov 1, 1801
Martha the wife of Jonathan nelson was admitted as a member into the full communion of this Church

Nov 1, 1801.
Daniel Gale was admitted as a member into the full communion of this church

Sept 26,
Samuel Morril dismissed from this church and recommended to the Church at Danvill .

October 3rd,
Hannah French the wife of Ezekiel French as admitted into the full communion of this Church.

Dec 30,
Doctor Elsworth being a member of the Church in Rowley and recommended as a member in good standing was received as a member into the full communion of this Church at a Church meeting held at Deacon Dudleys

Jan 16,
Joanna the wife of David Kimball was received as a member into the full communion of this Church

November 3,
Thomas Dean and his wife Lucy; Lucy Thurston the wife of John Thurston and Sarah the daughter of Robert Moulton were all admitted to the communion of this Church and took the whole covenant upon them

May 4,
Prudence Richardson the wife of Benjamin Richardson was baptised and admitted as a member of this Church

June 1,
William Garland was baptised in the water May 30 and received as a member into the full communion of this Church

July 6,
Elizabeth Garland the wife of William Garland was received as a member into the full communion of this church

August 3,
Anna the daughter of Andrew Page was baptised and admitted as a member into the full communion of this church

October 5,
Susannah Dudley the wife of Peter Dudley was admitted as a member into the full communion of this Church

Benjamin Swain was admitted as a member into this church by dismission and recommendation from the Church at Hopkinton.
The widow Sarah Nelson was admitted as a member into the full communion of this Church.
Ebenezer Stevens and his wife admitted as members in the Full Communion of this church.

June 6,
Mary the wife of Jacob Gale was baptised and admitted as a member into the full communion of this Church

July 5, 1807
Anna Prescot the wife of Timothy Prescot was received into this Church by a letter of dismissal from the Church of Chichester(date also written June)

August 4,
Hannah Sanborn the wife of Richard Sanborn was admitted as a member into this Church

September 1,
Rachel Swain daughter of Benjamin Swain was admitted as a member into this Church

October 6,
James Dirgin and his wife Huldah were admitted as members into the full communion of this church

July 31,
Mary Smith the wife of Timothy Smith was admitted as a member into the full communion of this Church

November 8,
Richard Swain was admitted into this church as a member

March 22, 1818
Ebenezer Eastman and wife, John Carr, John W. Shepard, Hannah Peaslie, Eliza Peaslie, Maria Leavitt Burns, Anne Greely Burns, John Fogg Lougee, Huldah Prentice Gale, Maria Frect, Lovey D. Gilman, Prince Cogswell and Nancy Adams were baptised and admitted as members in full communion.

Also Theophilus Gilman, William Bishop Norton, Jonathan Prescott, Frances Moody, Rebecca Marquand and Frances Susan Moody, Anna Lougee and Grace Crosby were admitted into full communion. Rev. Abraham Burnham officiated on the occasion.

May 17, 1818
Thomas Adams, Mary Smith Coggswell, Betsey Price, Lucy Sanborn and Judith Gilman were baptised and received into this church. Also Sophia Adams and Betsey Smith Gale were admitted. Rev. Enoch Currier officiated.

July 12, 1818
Joseph French, Moses Page, Eliza B. Shepard were baptised and received into the Church in full communion. Also Marther Horn was admitted as a member. Revd. Osiah Prentice officiated.

August 23,1818
Polly Gilman wife of Nicholas Gilman was baptised and received into this church in full communion. Also Amelia Gutterson wife of William Gutterson, Mary Page wife of Capt. Andrew Page Jr., Elizabeth Morgan wife of Jeremiah Morgan, Betsey Gilman wife of Theophilus Gilman, Mary Hall wife of Jeremiah Hall, Mary Sawyer wife of William Sawyer were received as members. Rev. Abraham Bodwell officiated on the occasion.

Sept 12, 1818
Lydia Kelly wife of John Kelly was received as a member, Revd. William Patrick officiated.

Nov. 8, 1818
Lois Gale wife of Stephen Gale was baptised and received as a member. Also Priscilla Dean daughter of Thomas Dean was received as a member. Rev. Enoch Courser officiated.

Jan 17, 1819
John Gunnison was baptised and received into this church. Rev. Enos George officiated.

June 19, 1819
By letter of recommendation and dismissal from the Church of Christ in Jaffrey the Rev. Luke Ainsworth Spofford was received into this church in full communion.

Sept. 26, 1819
Grata Spofford wife of Luke A. Spofford was received into this church by a letter of recommendation from the Church of Christ at Rindge.

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