Carroll County

Wills & Estates Court Records

Sometimes land transfers - from parents to children or husband to wife took place through "wills", not deeds. As a result, data from a missing deed might be found in probate records; the information might also be found in the original grants to settlers included in the New Hampshire State Papers.


[Administration on the estate of Orlando Bagley of Kingston, gentlemen, granted to Jacob Gale, gentlemen, Feb. 23 1770.] [Probate records, vol. 26, p. 258]

[Bond of Jacob Gale of Kingston, with William Parker, Jr., of Kingston and Elisha Hill of Portsmouth, blacksmith, as sureties, in the sum of £500, Feb. 22, 1770, for the administration of the estate; witnesses Jacob Tilton, Thomas Achinsloss.]

[Warrant, Feb. 23, 1770 authorizing Nathaniel Batchelder, gentlemen, Ralph Blaisdell, and Jeremiah Currier, yeomen, all of Kingston, to appraise the estate.]

[Inventory, March 3, 1770; amount, £121. 13. 4; signed by Nathaniel Batchelder, Ralph Blaisdell, and Jeremiah Currier.]

[List of claims against the estate, May, 1771; amount, £271.7.0¼; signed by Nathaniel Folsom and William Parker,Jr.]

[Settlement of claims; amount distributed, £87. 4. 5; allowed Dec.31,1772.


In the name of god amen y° 11th day of sep 1691__
I Anthony Bracket sey being in perfict memory doe make this my Last will & testament,Comiting my soul into the hand of my redemer the Lord Jesus Christ, & my body to the earth_

Itim I give & bequeath to my daughter Jane hains fouer acors, in part of marsh being more or Les, which shee formerly made use of & so upward to yº head of yº cove & to young oxsen Affter my desece

Itim I give & bequeath that three acers of marsh mor or Les being at black poynt to my daughter Ellener Johnson, which marsh I have a deed for, which deed doe assign over to my daughter Ellenor, & shee to take it into hur possestion Affter my deseac

Item: I give & bequeath unto my grand daughter kasia bracket three cows to be payed at age of Eightenn years or day of marridg

I give to my grand daughter Roose Johnson on heffer

I give to my grand son samuel bracket one heffer,all the Rest of my cattle & sheep I doe give equally devided amoung the Rest of my gran Children of what is lefft After my wiffs deseac, I doo here ordain & make my sonn John Bracket Executor of this my last will & testament, and him pay all Just debts & to gather all debts which is Justly dew unto mee, my housall good I Leve with my wiff for hur one use to this I set my hand.

Anthony Bracket
Nathaniel drackX
John Lock:
by his mark
[Proved July 11, 1602]
[Deeds, vol. 5. p. 82]


In the name of God Amen, I Jethro Brown of Gilmanton being in good health of body and of a sound and disposing mind and memory, assuming the uncertainty of this life and being desirous to settle my worldly affairs while I have strength and capacity so to do, Do make and publish this my last will and testament and therein and thereby dispose of all my worldly estate in manner following – to wit


All my just debts and funeral charges to be punctually and speedily paid by my Executor hereafter named.

Firstly I give bequethe and devise unto Rebecca Brown my wife the income of one half of all my real estate during her natural life also one half of the house that I now live in and celler under the same to be the westerly half of said house. Likewise, one half of the barn and one half of the sheds Likewise one half of my stock of creatures of all kinds to be equally divided between her and my Executor. Also one half of the farming utensils ____ also my sleigh and ___ and all my household furniture and her own weaving apparel the above mentioned household furniture and wearing apparel I give to my wife and to her disposal Likewise my will is that my Executor hereafter named shall have one cut up fit for the fine twelve cord of good house wood yearly. Also my will is that my Executor pay all the taxes upon said farm.

Secondly I give and bequethe and devise unto John Sanborn my nephew the income of the other half of my real estate, also the other half of the buildings also the other half of my stock of creatures and the other half of my farming utensils. Likewise my gun and my own wearing apparel.

Thirdly I give and bequethe to the above named John Sanborn all my real and personal estate after the decease of my wife except what I have given to her and her disposal.

Fourthly and Lastly I hereby nominate constitute and appoint John Sanborn my nephew to be Executor of this my last will and testament hereby revoking and annulling all former wills by me heretofore made.

In testimony whereof I the said Jethro Brown have to this my last will and testament my name and seal this twenty fourth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighteen .

Signed, sealed, published and

Delivered by the above named Jethro Brown and for his last will and testament in presence of us who at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other have submitted our names as witnesses thereto.
David Sanborn
Joseph Sanborn
Isaac B. Sanborn


[Administration on the estate of Ann Clough of Brentwood granted to Jacob French of South Hampton, yeoman, Aug.28, 1758.] {Probate records, vol. 21, p.42.}

[Bond of Jacob French with Samuel French of South Hampton, gentlemen, and Reuben Sanborn of Hampton Falls, yeoman, as sureties, in the sum of £500, Aug. 28, 1758, for the administration of the estate of his mother, Ann Clough; witnesses William Parker, Samuel Slade.]

[Agreement, Jan. 2, 1759, of Jacob French, William French of Hampton Falls, Samuel Winslow and wife Jane, formerly Jane French, Nathan Sanborn and wife Jemima, formerly Jemima French, all of Epping, Daniel Roby of Chester and wife Anna, formerly Anna Frenchm Winthrop Clough of Kensington and wife Rachel, formerly Rachel French, Anthony Peavy and wife Mary, formerly Mary French, children of Anne Clough, formerly Ann French, widow of Jacob French of Hampton Falls, joiner, as the division of her personal estate; witnesses, Elijah Cran, James Russell.]


The Last will & testament of Henery Dow Sen of Hampton. Beinge Sick & weeke of Body butt firme of under standing and memory.

Itt I Give and bequeth unto margrett my loving wife my House lott being by Estamation ten Acres more or less & Six acres of fresh meddow att the springs & one sheare of the lower Cowes Comon; Three of my Cowes: & the Dwelling House upon the lott above sd: and att my Househould stuff Excepting whatt shall bee other waies Disposed of.

Itt I Give and bequeath unto my sonn Henry Dow all the planting Ground thatt is in my Hands in the east field, and my seaventeen acres of Salt marsh sheare of the Cow common and a sheare of the ox Comon and all my Cattell Excepting the three Cowes abovesd.

Itt to my Sonn Henery, one feather bed wch Hee useth to ly upon and all the Bed Cloathes thereunto Belonging and the middlemost Iron Pott: and I Due by these presents make and appoint my sonn Henery my sole Exequetor to this will and testamentt.

Itt I Doe Give and Bequeath unto my sonn Joseph the some of thirty pounds to bee payd when Hee shall Arive to the age of twenty and one yeers.

Itt I Doe Give and Bequeath unto my sonn Danill and to my Daughters mary and Hannah five pounds apeece to be payd to them when they shall Arive to the ago of twenty and one yeers.

Itt I Give unto my sonn Thomas & my sonn Jeremiah five pounds a peece to bee payd to them att the age of one & twenty yeeres. And after my wives Decease the House & House lott and the six acres of meadow to Returne Into the Hands of my Exequetors; In Cause thatt Hee please to Resigne up the House and fifty Rods of ground which was sometime posesed by Thomas Sleeper Into the Hands of my sonn Joseph and Pay unto my five yongest Children above sayd five and twenty pounds thatt is to say five pounds a peece: to bee Payd five pounds to the eldest the yeere after my wives Decease and so five pounds a yeere to the next younger untill the some of five pounds bee payd to the....fter and still with this pviso thatt in Cause my sone Henery bee nott willing to leave the place wheare Thomas Sleeper lived & to take the lands above sayd After my wives Deceased upon the Conditions above named then the sd to my sonn Joseph who upon the takeing possesion of them is to undertake for the paying of the twenty five pounds above sdto my five youngest Children according to the times above mentioned:

Itt I Give unto my wife two of the best of my swine & so much of the Corne in the House as may maintaine Her & my Children untill Harvest & all the Crop on the House Lott att Harvest & the Corne till Harvest to bee twenty bushels.
To this my last will & testment I sett my Hand & Seale y 16:2 mo 1659.

Henrye dow
Robert Page
His X marke
Sam" Dalton

[Proved Oct. 4, 1659]
[Essex County Mass., Probate Files, amd Norfolk County, Mass., Deeds, vol. 1, p.85]

[Joseph Dow acknowledges the receipt from Henry Dow of £30 left to him in the will of his father; dated Nov. 28, 1666; witnesses, Thomas Nudd and Francis Page.]
[Norfolk County Mass., Deeds, vol. 3, p.46


Strafford (now Carroll) Co. Probate, Vol. 52, pp. 149-150.

I John Drake 2nd of Effingham in the county of Strafford and State of New Hampshire Yeoman do make and publish this my last will and testament in manner following

First I give bequeath and devise to my son John Drake Jr. all my Real and personal Estate to have and to hold to him his heirs and assigns he to perform all the terms and conditions of this will hereinafter mentioned and set forth

Also I give to my son Wear Drake one Dollar to be paid him in six months after my decease at this house by said John my son if the same shall be demanded by said Wear

Also I give to Carr L. Drake my son one Dollar to be paid him by my said son John in six months after my decease at this house if demanded

Also I give to my daughter Nancy Tuttle one Dollar to be paid her by my said son John in six months after my decease at this house on demand

Also I give to my daughter Harriet Leavitt one Dollar to be paid her by my said son in six months after my decease at this house on demand

Also I give to my daughter Mary one Dollar to be paid her by my said son John at this house in six months after my decease on demand and also said John is to provide for her a good and comfortable home and a suitable support if she shall not be able to gain one by proper diligence and industry in the various vocations of life during her natural life if she shall remain single and unmarried but if she shall marry then said provision is to cease and said John is to give her a good and suitable fixing out and also two cows and six sheep

Also I hereby order will and direct that my said son John shall provide a comfortable home for my wife and provide for her the neccessaries of life suitable meat and drink in health as well as in sickness and wearing apparel during her natural life is she shall remain unmarried and accept this provision in lieu of Dower

Also I further order and direct that said John my son pay all my just debts and have all the demands due or that may be due me at my decease

And I do hereby constitute and appoint my said son John sole Executor of this my last will and testament

In witness whereof I have set my hand and seal this tenth day of October 1836

John Drake 2nd (seal)

Signed sealed published and declared by the above mentioned John Drake 2nd as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names in witness thereto

Josiah Dearborn
Eleazer Rollins
Elvira Dearborn

(proved 14 Sep 1837)


[Administration on the estate of Joseph Eastman of Kingston granted to Sarah Eastman, widow, March 21, 1770] {Probate Records, vol. 26, p. 256}

[Bond of Sarah Eastman, with Abraham Smith and Josiah Tilton, gentlemen, as sureties, all of Kingston, in the sum of £500, March 21, 1770, for the administration of the estate; witnesses, William Parker Jr., Nathaniel Batchelder.]

[Inventory, March 26, 1770; amount, £951. 15. 10;signed by Josiah Tilton and Nathaniel Batchelder.]

[Account of Jeremiah Bean and Jemima Eastman, administrators; receipts, £146. 6. 7, personal estate; expenditures, £38. 7; mentions "maintaining Joseph one of the Children of the Deceased 2 years to this day....D° Elizabeth to this time 2 years"; allowed Oct. 30, 1776.]


The following is a transcription of a handwritten inventory for the estate of Loammi FLINN, b. 3 Sep 1788, Milford, Hillsborough, New Hampshire, d. Abt 15 Apr 1838, Pepperell, Middlesex, MA.

Interesting to see the value placed on the different articles.

The administrator of the estate was John MACE, the judge was Samuel P. P. FAY.

An Inventory of the Estate of Loammi Flynn late of Pepperell in the County of Middlesex; Carpenter deceased appraised by us the subscribers being duly appointed and sworn ---

Personal Estate

1 Wheel barrow 3.50 - 2 Broad Axes 2.25 5.75
2 Broad Axes 1.33 - 5 planes 3,00 - 12 Chissles 2.67 = 7.00
1 Shingle hatchet ,33 - 1 iron square ,50 - Callipers ,30 = 1.63
2 old sawplates & Sett[?] ,67 - 1 handsaw ,75 - 1.42
1 Ail Stone ,63 - 1 long Auger ,75 - Box & files ,54 -- 1.92
Gimblets[?], &c ,50 - Box & Sundry Articles ,63 - 1 Plumb ,08 1.21
fish lines &c ,50 - 1 pr. Pincers ,50 -- 1.00
Nails Small Boxes &c 1.08 - 1 Shovel 1.25 - 1 Garden fork ,56 = 2.89
2 Brase & Bits 1.50 - 5 hammers 1.50 - 6 gauges ,42 3.42
1 Compafs Saw ,25 - 2 try squares ,67 - 4 molding planes ,75 -- 1.67
3 guages ,50 - oiler &c ,25 - 3 drawers old files &c 1.33 2.08
4 Tool Chest 4.67 - 2 Boxstands[?] & Cords 2.75 7.42
1 Broad[?] Saw & horse &c 2.00 - fr[?] [?] & Pail 0.75 2.75
Corkboard &c ,25 - tin ware 3.00 - 1 Brafs Skimmer .75 4.00
Earthen ware ,50 - 2 Sod[?] irons ,50 - Chopping knifes &c ,45 4.00
1 tin kettle & pot 1.50 - Meal Chest &c 1.50 - 1 Bed & Bedding 3.50 6.50
1 Linnen[?] wheel .25 - 1 wheel 1.50 - 1 time piece 1.50 3.25
3 Baskets 1.00 - 10 chairs 2.67 - 3 tables 2.42 - 2 looking glafs ,92 7.01
4 lamps ,50 - 1 lantern ,25 - lamp filler ,12 - Bellows, Stoke &c ,50 1.37
1 fire sett[?] 1.83 - Crockery ware &c 4.12 - Candlesticks 0.33 -- 6.88

Amount carried forward 70.02

Silver Spoons & glafsware 3.90 - Bed & Bedding 8.33 - 2 Coverlets 1.11 - 13.34
4 Towels 1.00-4 do. ,25 - 2 table cloths 1.00 Sheets & pillow cases 3.00 5.25
1 Blanket ,25 - Shaving instruments &c 2,17 - 1 Chest & trunk 1.42 3.04
1 trunk .58 - 1 chest .33 Meat Barrels &c 2.08 - 1 Hutch 8.00 -- 10.99


1 Note of hand signed by William Furgeson to Enoch Woods dated
Groton Sept 7th 1836 and endorsed by said Woods 13.74


Pepperell April 27th 1838
[Signed] Ephm A. Lawrence
Luther Ballard
Jonas H. Lawrence {Appraisers}


In the name of God Amen

I Samuell ffog of Hampton in the County of Norfolke being very weake & Inferme in Body butt of sound understanding and of a Disposseing mind Doe make this my last will & testamentt as followeth, I sollemly Comitt my soule unto allmighty God the father of Spirits and my fraile and weake body unto the earth from whence itt was taken to bee buried in such Decientt manner as my Exequetors hereafter mentioned shall appoint

And for whatt Estate the lord of his bounty Hath bestowed upon mee in this world my will is as followeth

Ist I Give & bequeth unto Mary my Beloved wife Duering the terme of Her naturall life as Her Dowry the one Halfe of my Salt marsh which lyeth on this side of the falls River towards the towne the which was formerly the marsh of Roger shaw and so much of the five Acres in the little Comon as will make up Heir thirds of all the marsh in my possetion

Itt I give unto mary my wife for her Improvement the one Halfe of Eight Acres of planting Land in the East field viz thatt partt thatt which lieth towards william Samborns land towards the north (and so much as will make up her thirds of the upland) att the South End of my Howse Lott

Itt I Give unto mary my wife the west End of my Dwelling House Duering the terme of Her widowhood & no longer, butt if shee shall Remove Her Dweling from thence in the time of her widowhood then the whole Howse to bee leatt with the lands by my Exequetors untill my Eldest sonn shall Come to the Age of twenty one years, and then my Eldest sonn is to posses itt and pay unto mary my wife Her thirds of the Rentt

Ittem I Give unto Mary my wife two Cows & the whitt Rone mar and whatt Howsehold stuff she brought into the Howse with her or whatt beding or other Household stuff she hath Else whear to bee & Remain to Her & Her Heirs for Ever

Ittem I Give & bequeth unto my Eldest sonn Samuell fog the other two thirds of my land marshes & medows & Comonage the which he is to Enter upon & posses when he shall Come to the Age of twenty & one years, butt shall nott Have full power in selling or disposeing of his Estate withoutt the Consentt of my Exequetors untill hee shall come to the Age of twenty fower years.

Itt I Give unto my son Samuell ffoge all my Howseing & barne & out Howseing the which he is to Enter upon & posses att the Age of twenty one years paying the thirds of the Rentt for the Howse to my wife Duering the time of Her widowhood and for my stock of Cattle & other moveables & twoles and Implements of Husbandry nott otherwayes Disposed of by this my Last will they are to bee improved & Renewed att the Discression of my Exequetors so as thatt the stock may bee maintained & nott wasted & Imbesseled untill my sone shall Come to the Age of twenty one years and then to be and Remaine to him & att his Disposall payeing these following legacies

Itt I Give & bequeth unto my son Daniell ffog the some of fifteen pound to bee payd by my son Samll fog when Daniel shall Arive to the Age of twenty one years

Itt I Give unto my Daughter mary fog one fetherbed & one fether boulster & one pillow & two Blankits one of them a Red blanket and two payer of sheets which were her mothers

Itt to my Daughter mary and Brass pan & three puter platters and Som other puter & Earthin Dishies which were hir mothers, and these Goods being prized to my Daughter Mary my son Samuel is to make up the some of fifteen pound to Her when she shall Come to the Age of twenty one years or att Her marring which shall Happen first

Itt I Doe Give unto my son Daniell fog the other third partt of my land, which he is to Enter upon & posses att my wives Decease & within one year after to pay the some of fifteen pounds back againe unto my son Samuel if hee hath Received itt before the Land fall to him

Ittem I Give unto my son Daniell fog my two new puter platters & a puter Bason

Ittem I Give unto my son Samuell ffog my two Tables & one bed stead & one Greatt Chayer & three Chests and one new Greene Rug and a Sute of Curtains, and one fowleing peece and all the Rest of my Howsehold stuff I Give and bequeath unto mary my wife & to the three Children which I have by Her

Itt I Give unto my Son Seath ffoge the some of Six pound to bee payd to him by my son Samll when he shall Come to the Age of twenty one year

Ittem I Give unto my Son James ffog the some of Six pound to bee payd when he shall Com to the Age of twenty one years to bee payd by my son Samuel

Itt I Doe Give unto my youngest Daughter Hanna ffog the some of Six pound to bee payd by my son Samuell when she shall Come to the Age of twenty one years and if her marriag shall Happen forst then to be payd att her Day of marring and my will is thatt my Eldest Son should Die withoutt Heire of his owne body thatt then His portion of Land to Desend to my next son, and if any of my other Children should Die without Issue, thatt then their portion shall bee Devided amongst the Rest of my Children that shall Survive

And I Doe by these prsents Appointt my Loveing ffather in Law Deacon Robertt Page and my loving ffreinds william ffuller & Nathaniell Bachelder to bee my lawfull Exequetors to this my last will & testament: to see thatt the same be performed according to the tru Intentt & meaning herof and if God shall take away any of them thatt if god Permitt they shall Have power & liberty to make Choyce of whom shall suply in his or their place in point of Exequetorship

and I Doe appoint my Loveing Brother Thomas ward & my loveing ffreind Samuell Dalton to bvee as overseers to this my will who Have the like power to make Choyce of suply in their places in Cause of Death or Removall

and my will is thatt my three Eldest Children shall bee Settled by my Exequetors viz my Son Samuell & Daniell to som Good trade which they shall most Desire and to be placed in such famelyes as may bee for their Comfortt & Advantag both for soule & body as much as Can bee Attained and I Appoint that such wearing Cloathes as I shall leave att my Death shall bee Improved by my Exequetors to fitt outt my two sons Samuell & Daniell to service and to make such further supply as they in Descrestion shall Judg meett.

And my will is thatt my Executors shall take such Care both in the time of my wives widowhood & att all times thatt my Estate may bee prformed and ytthe Howseing Due nott Goe to Decay without Repayeration and thatt the fences and other things Doe nott suffer strip & wast in the time whilst itt is outt of my sons Hands

And my will is Conserning my Daughter Mary bee Desposed of to the tuission of my loving ffreinds william ffuller & ffrances His wife, and if God should take away Goodwiffe ffuller whilst my Daughter mary is in Her menority I will & Comitt her tuition unto my Brother Benjamin ------------ & to Goodwif Bachelder) and my will is thatt my Howseing & lands & stock of Cattle & other moveables & Improved by the Discression of my Exequetors for the subsistance of my wife & my three youngest Children untill my son Samuel shall Arive to the Age of twenty one years and to this I Affix my Hand & Seale as my last will this ninth Day of Janewary 1671

Samuell [seal]fogge

Signed & sealed in
the prsents of us

will ffuller
Samuell Dalton
Frances ffuller
[Proved Oct.8,1672.]
[Essex County, Mass., Probate Files, and Norfolk County, Mass., Deed, vol.2, p.264.]

[Inventory of the estate of Samuel Fogg of Hampton "late Deceased upon the 15 day of Aprill 1672;" taken by Thomas Marston and William Sanborn May 3, 1672; amount £249.19.0.]
[Essex County, Mass., Probate Files, and Norfolk County, Mass., Deeds, vol.2, p. 265.]


In the name of God Amen. I Edward Gilman of Exeter in the Province of New Hampshire in New England, Yeoman
being very weake in Body * * *

Item I give and will that all my estates both Houses and Lands Cattle debts and alsoe all moveables & be improved & made use for & towards the bringing up of what Children God was pleased to bestowe upon my according to the discretion of my Overseers hereafter menc'oned Item my Will is that the Overseers of this my Last Will & Testamt doe pay or cause to pay to my Son Edward Gillman one ffift all my estate in consideracon of his being my Eldest Sonn my Will is that hath the one Tenth part as addition to the former Legacy of all my Estate after the Children are brought up and the said Edward must obtained to the age of Twenty one yeares before that he is to have the s'd Legacie paid him which he is to be paid In the Houses & Land at Exeter and provided it be valued to more than his parte then he muste returne the overplus of the pay to the Overseers.

And likewise my Will is that my Son Maverick shall have the one ffift part of all my estate and that in my House & Land at Kittery & provided it be valued more than his ffift part he is to returne the Overplus ato the Overseers and the s'd Maverick is to be possest of the p'mises by the Overseers when he obtains to the age of Twwenty One yeares

Item I give to my Daughter Abigaill Gillman the fifft part of my estate and that when shee comes to the age of 18 years or at the day of Marriage. And lilkewsie the same part I give to my daughter Cuttering to be paid at the age of 18 or at the day of Marriage.

Item I give to me daughter Elizabeth one ffit part of my estate payable by the Overseers when shee of the age of 18 yeares or at the day of her Marriage.

Item my Will is that if any of my children dyes before that they receive their Legacy it must and my Will is that it be divided betwixt the Survivors equally, and alsoe it is further to be Explanined that the Tenth part which my Son Edward hath is to be taken out of each ones ffit part & that by the Overseers Now knowe yee That I doe Null and make voyd all former Wills whatsoever and that this psent Will I doe acknowledge to be my last Will and alsoe I doe nominate abd appoynt my Hon Unckle Capt John Gillman, Jonathan Thinge,Moses LEvit & John ffulsham Overseers of this my Last Will & Testamt. In witnesse therof I have here unto Sett
my hand & Seale June 2d 1690.

Signed sealed & delivered in the presence of us
Edward Gillman [seale]
Byly Dudly
John Beane
Henry Williams
[Proved April 12, 1692]

[Administration granted to Jonathan Thing and Moses Leavitt March 30, 1692, no executor being named in the will; bond in the sum of £800 was given, with Biley Dudley and John Folsom as sureties.]

[Inventory, June 26, 1690 [1692]; amount £270.10.9; signed by Biley Dudley and Kinsley Hall.]


Strafford Co., Probate, Vol. 2, p. 194:

Strafford, In a Court of Probate holden on the twenty first day of July Seventeen hundred and eighty five within and for the County aforesaid before the Honble. Joseph Badger Esq., Administration of the Estate of John Leavitt late of Effingham Esq. decd. Intestate was granted Carr Leavitt of said Effingham Husbandman who gave bond with Sureties to wit: Moses Leavitt Esq. and Thomas Leavitt Husbandman both of North Hampton in the County of Rockingham for the faithful discharge of that trust according to Law.

Vol. 2, p. 535:

Whereas we the subscribers being appointed and authorized by the Honble. Joseph Badger Esq., Judge of probate of Wills & within and for the County of Strafford by a Warrent bearing date March the twenty six, 1789 to make a distribution of the real estate of John Leavitt late of Effingham in the County of Strafford and State of New Hampshire Esq. deceased intestate lying in the said County of Strafford among the children of the said intestate, we have divided said estate as follows---viz:

To John Leavitt eldest son of said intestate a double portion in the following manner viz: twenty six rods and one half out of the Southerly side of Lot N79 in the first Division part of the original right of Abraham Drake jun. Also nine rods off the north westerly side of Lot N78 adjoining to the above mentioned land, the whole making twenty five rods and an half carrying that breadth SW parallel with the side lines the whole length of said lots containing thirty two acres more or less with the westerly half of the house and half the cellar reserving to Mary the youngest heir one half of the cellar an equal privelege of the oven for baking bread with the liberty of passing and repassing to and from the same with the whole of the old barn so called, also the south westerly half of the first Division Lot original right of Abraham Drake N91 Also the one half the first Division lot of the right of John Shepherd N92, the south westerly half of the said lot, also sixty rods of the westerly side of the second division lot of Thomas Robie N67 with his proportion of the oversites measure if any there be and carrying an equal width the whole length of said lot, Also two sevenths of the sawmill and lot N72 first division and an equal proportion of the Stream, also all the land lying in Washington, containing one lot and a quarter more or less reserving to the other heirs a cart way to pass and repass across each and all the other shares if required for carting hay corn &c to the new barn and house as may be neccessarily required by each shareer of said estate.

To Elizabeth Marston out of the said estate viz:
Seventeen rods and twelve feet out of lot N79 first division adjoining land set off to John Leavitt carrying that width the whole length of the said lot, also the first division lot of Thomas Nudd N90, also the one half of the second division of John Dearborn N31 being one hundred acres. Also the right of Moses Leaviit N23 in the first division, also one quarter of the second division of John Leavitt N1 also eight feet of the new barn extending that width the width of the same. Also the seventh part of the sawmill and lot and an equal proporting of the Stream. Also the second share of N77 Ben Perkins lot twelve rods adjoing to Simons share.

To Simon Leavitt out of said estate
Sixteen rods out of lot N78 in the first division adjoining to John Leavitts the southerly side and runing that width the whole length of said lot Also eight feet of the west end of the new barn carrying said width the whole width of the same Also David Marston's first division lot N11 forty eight Acres Also fifty acres in the second division of Joseph Toal N41 Also forty acres in the second Division of Jonathan Wegewood N29 southeasterly end. Also one quarter of Benjamin Leavitts N28 first division fourteen acres Also one share in the mountain lot so called of Thomas Robie N67 twenty eight rods in width or in proportion as the said lot holds out on the westerly adjoining to John Leavitts two shares.Also the first share N1 in the lot N77 first Division it being the first share begining at the corner of Lt. Titcoms lands twelve rods in width by the road. Also the seventh part of the sawmill lot N72 first division and an equal proportion of the Stream.

To Abigail Leavitt out of said Estate:
Seventeen rods and twelve feet out of Lot N79 adjoining to Elizabeth Marston's share and runing that width the length of said lot Also Josiah Marstons N61 first division thirty two acres Also one quarter part of John Leavitts Junr N62 first division fourteen acres Also twenty eight rods or in proportion as the lot holds out out of the second division lot of Thomas Robie it being the first share on the easterly side of said lot adjoining lands set off to Asahel Page. Also twelve rods out of Benjamin Perkins lot N77, called the pasture lot, it being the fifth share bounded on the road the westerly side Also the seventh part of the mill and lot N72 and an equal proportion of the Stream Also eight feet in the new barn in the bay place and to carry said width the width of said barn Also one half of lot N31 second Division original right of John Dearborn, being one hundred acres more or less

To Morris Leavitt out of said Estate:
Sixteen rods out of the first division lot N98 adjoining Simons part on the southeasterly side to extend that width the whole length of the same Also twenty eight rods with a proportionable part of the over plus land if any there be out of lot N67 second division of Thomas Robie to carry said width the whole length of said lot Also twelve rods in the first division lot N77 to carry said width the whole length of the said lot and joins southeasterly on that part of said lot set off to Abigail Also thirty two acresof the first division of the right of Jonathon Marston N75 Also one hundred and fifty acres more or less in the first division lot of Joseph Toal N82 Also one quarter part of the second division lot of Thomas Leavitt N86 containing sixty acres Also one seventh part of the mill and lot N72 and an equal proportion of the Stream Also eight feet in the new barn adjoining Simons part westerly end and to carry said width the whole width of the same

To Mary Leavitt twenty one rods and a quarter out of lot N78 bounded southeasterly on the road northwesterly on lands set off to Morris carrying said width the whole length of said lot And eight feet in the new barn the whole width of the same Also the easterly half of the house, with privelege of one half of the cellar and oven to bake bread with the liberty of passing and repassing to and from the same Also Jonathan Marston's first division N1 fifty acres. Also David Knowles first division fourteen acres Also Sam Robie Fog N81 first division fifty six acres Also Joseph Toal N41 in the second division thirty three acres Also thirty two Rods or in proportion out of lot N67 lying between the parts of Abigail and Morris second division of Thomas Robie to carry said width the whole length of said lot Also one seventh part of the saw mill & lot N72 and an equal proportion of the Stream Also twelve rods in the pasture Lot N77 first division original Benjamin Perkins being the third share from Lt. Titcombs corner extending the whole length of said lot Also eight feet in the new barn in the Bay place adjoining to Morris part extending said width the whole width of the same

The foregoing is a division of all the real estate of John Leavitt Esq., late of Effingham decesed, that hath been shewn among the six heirs to be to them their Heirs and assigns forever made and done, according to Law To the Eldest Son two sevenths and to the other children one Seventh share therof To hold to them in fee and in severalty forever

Wakefield November 12, 1789

David Copp }
Weare Drake } committee
Ebenezer Neal }


Dinah Brackett, wife of John Brackett of Newcastle, renounces administration on the estate of her former husband, James Marston, May 1, 1705.
[Probate Records, vol 4, p. 64.]

Administration on the estate of James Marston of Hampton granted to Nathaniel Prescott, May 1, 1705.
[Probate Records, vol. 4, p. 290.]

Inventory of the estate of James Marston, who died Sept. 3, 1693: amount £91.0.0; signed by William Sanborn and Benjamin Moulton; dated July 12, 1705.

Account of Nathaniel Prescott, administrator, against the estate; amount, £4.5.0; signed by Nathaniel Prescott; attested May 7, 1706.

This Agreement made this Seaventh day of May Anno Domini 1706 between John prescott in Right of his wife Abigal, Nathanll prescott in Right of his wife Anne, Bethia Marston Mary Marston and Lydia Marston Single women as followeth.

That whereas James Marston late of Hampton in the Province of New Hampshire in New England decd and left five daughters (viz) Abigal the wife of John Prescott, Ann the wife of Nathaniel prescott, and Bethia Marston, Mary Marston, and Lydia Marston, and Administration is Granted unto the above named Nathaniel prescott It is mutually Agreed and wee the above named parties, doe for our Selves our heires Execrs and Admrs Covenant and Agree to and with each other than the Admr Nathaniel prescott abovenamed for payment of Debts & Administration Charges doe Sell three Acres of Land be the Same more or less where the above named James Marston did dwell in his life time and where part of his House is now Standing. And the over plus of what it is sold for be Equally divided among us the five above Named Children And alsoe wee Agree that the Six Acres of Marsh lying at the Clamm Banks be Equally divided into three parts and the Share of the Ox Common be divided into two parts And what ever difference there be in the Goodness of each part, the other person or persons to this Agreemt to be paid soe much Mony by the party receiveing as the difference in Goodnesse shall be Judged by indifferent persons to be if the above named partyes cannot Agree; And alsoe that all other Estate either Real or personal which did belong to our father James Marston in his life time to be Equally divided among us the five above named partyes to this Agreement. And further wee the parties to this Agreement doe Covenant and obleidge our Selves and each of us and each of our Successors to Sett out and deliver Unto our Mother formerly Dina Marston the one third of all the Estate that was our father James Marstons when she shall demand it out of each of our parts. And wee humbly request the Judge of probates &c: for this province to Allow of this Agreemt; And that it be Recorded in the Registers office &c: In Witnesse hereof wee the parties to this Agreement have Sett to our hands and Seales this thirtyeth day of September one thousand seaven hundred and Six in the fifth yeare of the Reigne of our Soveraigne Lady Anne Queen of England &c:

the mark and seal of
John X prescott [seal]

the mark & seale of
Nathaniel prescott [seal]

the mark & seal of
Bethiah X Marston [seal]

Signed Sealed & owned
Mary X Marston [seal]

the mark & seal of
Lydia X Marston [seal]

in the pr of us---
John Sanborn

the mark of
Deborah X Godfrey

[Attested Sept 30, 1706; allowed, Oct. 1, 1706.]
[Probate Records, vol. 4, p. 81]


The last will & testament of William Marston senr of hamton who being through the mercy of god of perfit & sound memory & understanding as followeth. I bequeath my soull to him that gave it & my bodi to the earthe. I give my Eldest Sonn Thomas marston five shillines & to my son william marston five shillinges & my sonn John marston five shillinges & my dawtr preudenc Coxes five shillinges to be paid with .....twellf month after my deces all the Reast of my estat goodes Chattelles Debtes moveable & what elsed is any manor of wayes appertaining or belonging unto me I give unto my Dawter Trifana & I dooe make my beloved wife Sabina my Sole Excekketor unto this my last will & Teastament for the Confirmation hear of I have here unto sett my hand & seall the 25 of Jauen on thousand six hundred seventy & twoe.

witnes Nathanell Drak
the mark X of
Jane Drak
william Marston senior
John X lock
his marke

[Proved Oct.8, 1672]
[Essex County, Mass, Probate Files, and Norfolk County,Mass.,Deeds,vol.2,p.263]

[Inventory of the estate; personal,taken by Nathaniel Drake and Thomas Marston, 1672; amount, £73.10.0; real, taken by Nathaniel Drake and John Locke; amount, £50.0.0; total amount, £123.10.0]

[Essex County Mass, Probate Files, and Norfolk County, Mass. deeds., Vol 2, p.263]


In the name of God, Amen. I Benjamin Mooney, yeoman, of Sandwich in the state of New Hampshire and the county of Strafford Considering the uncertainty of this mortal life, and being of sound and perfect mind and memory, blessed be Almighty God for the same, do make this my last will and testament, in manner and form following, (that is to say)

First, I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Polly Mooney the whole of my real estate situated, and lying in Sandwich being the farm on which I live, together with the whole of my live stock, farming utensils, and implements of husbandry. Also the whole of my household furniture of all kinds, to have and to hold while she shall remain my widow.

I do also give and bequeath unto my daughter (Anna Frost) wife of (unreadable Frost) (crossed off) Sally Smith, wife of Capt. James Smith, Lucretia Johnson, wife of Alvin Johnson, Mary Moulton, wife of Benjamin B. Moulton, Ruth Cox, wife of Merrill Cox and Susan S. Mooney (unmarried) to each the sum of twenty five dollars, which said several legacies of sums of money. I will and order to be paid to the several respective legatees with two years after my decease.

I also will and order, that my youngest daughter, Susan S. Mooney, shall have as good fixing outs in furniture be as either of my daughters have had; which shall be given that time. I also will and order, that my daughter, Susan S. Mooney shall have the use of the East fore room in my house, this chamber over it and the cellar under it, a privilege in the kitchen to do her washing and baking, when she remains unmarried; also a privilege at the well, and in the barn and other out buildings.

All of my real estate as above named, live stock, farming utensils, carriages, sleighs ect. I do give and bequeath to my two sons, Benjamin G. Mooney and Isaac G. Mooney, to be equally divided between them after the decease of my beloved wife, to hold to them, their heirs and assigns forever. And if my wife shall marry after my decease, I will and order that my two sons, Benjamin G. Mooney, and Isaac G. Mooney, shall have two thirds of my real estate, live stock, farming utensils, carriages, sleighs, etc, at the time of her so marrying. I also will and order, that, after the decease of my beloved wife, my household furniture shall be equally divided between all my above named daughters.

And I appoint my son, Benjamin G. Mooney, sole executor of this my last will and testament, and hereby revoking all former wills by me made.

In witness whereof, I hereunto set my hand and seal this on this 10th day of December in the year of our Lord 1831.

Signed, sealed, published and declared
By the above named Benjamin Mooney
To be his last Will and Testament in The presence of us, who have hereunto Subscribed our names as witness in the Presence of the testator Benjamin Mooney

John Beebe 3rd
Patience G. Smith
Abigail M. Smith

Whereas I Benjamin Mooney of Sandwich aforesaid have surely made and executed my last will and testament in writing bearing date Dec.10th 1831 I do hereby give to my daughter Susan S. Mooney the use of a piece
of land by the barn walled in containing about five acres as long as she remains a single woman in addition to the above and at her marriage on death go to my two sons as above named E that she have the priveledge of Wood for one fire.

In witness whereof I have here unto set my hands And sealed this 18th day of Feby 1839

Signed, sealed, published and declared By the aboved named Benjamin Mooney

As a codicial to be annexed to this last will And testament in presence of Benjamin Mooney

Sam Ambrose
Almira Blake
Prescilla S. Ambrose


In the name of God, Amen, I Edmund Page of Plastow in the Province of New Hampshire in New England Husbandman, being under bodily weakness,* * *

Imprimis, I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Abigail Page the use and improvmernt of one half of my house and barn, and the use and improvment of the one half of my lands in Palstow, so long as she remains my widow. I likewise give to my wife all my stock, and all my household goods and moveables in the house for her to dispose of in way and manner she shall think proper.

Item I give to my beloved son David Page twelve shillings lawfull money besides what I have already given him, to be payed in one year after my Decase by my Executors hereafter named--

Item I give to my beloved Jesse Page the one half of my dwelling House and the one half of my barn. I likewise give him the one half of all my lands lying in Plastow in quanitity and quality to come into the possession of them at my decease.


In the name and fear of God Amen

I Rober Page of Hampton in the County of Norfolke in New England being aged and weak of Body butt sound of understanding and of a Disposeing mind doe make this my last will as followeth Haveing Comitted my selfe unto the almighty and shortly to lay of this Earthly tabernacle do Comitt my fraile body to the Earth to bee buried in Hampton burieing place in a Cristian and Decentt manner as my Children shall order & Appoynt And for whatt Estate God Hath bestowed upon mee in this world my will is thatt all my Just Debts bee first satiesfied and payd and my Estate to bee Disposed of as followeth

Ist I Give unto ffrancis page my Eldest son all my pastuer & upland which I bought of Lieut will Howard Containing Sixty Acres more or less besides a Certaine tracte which I Reserve for my Grand Child Robertt page the which is bounded with the land of Abr Drake and natt Boulter to a payer of barres Goeing into the Commons and from thence aboutt ten Rod in bredth to a bridg Goeing over the Swamp next Ed Colcords medow with two Acres Adjoining to boulters which parte of land so bounded I doe Reserve to Robertt page and all the Rest I Doe Give and Conferme to my son ffrancis page being aboutt sixty Rod more or lesse

2ly I Doe Give unto my sone ffrancis page one share of the Cowes Comon According to the vallue thereof

3ly I Doe Give unto mr Seaborn Cotton our Reverend pastor the some of five pound to be payd to him in Good merchentable pay as itt Comanly Goeth att Strabrey Bank within Halfe a year after my Decease if he Continow an officer in this Church till then

4ly I Doe Give unto my Daughter mary fogs two yongest Children the some of ten pound vizd to James fog five pound and to Hannah ffog five pound to bee payd to them by my son ffrancis page when they shall Attaine to the Age of Sixteen years

5ly I Doe Give unto my Daughter Margritt Samborn and to Her Seaven Children the some of fortie pounds to Bee payd by my son Thomas page viz to my Daughter margritt five pound to Josuph Moulton five pound to Benjmin moulton five pound to Hannah moulton five pound to bee payd within a year after my Decease and to the Rest viz to Sarah moulton now Sarah Haines the some of five pound to Ruth moulton now Ruth Samborn the sume of five pound to william moulton five pound, and to Jonathan Samborn five pound which is also to bee payd by my son Thomas page the fist year after my Decease & to william moulton my best weaning Calfe of this year

6ly I Doe Give unto the Children of my Daughter Rebecah and of my son in law william marston the some of fortie pound whereof ten pound is already payd the Rest to bee payd as followeth, five pound to Rebecah now the wife of John Smith and five pound to Hannah now the wife of Samuell foge, and five pound to Samuell Marston to bee payd by my Son Thomas page within two years after my Decease

Itt I Doe Give to my Grand Daughter Lucie marston the some of ten pound to bee payd to Her by my son ffrancis page within six years after my Decease: and five pounds to Meriah Marston the same year to bee payd by my son Thomas

7ly I Doe Give and bequeth unto my Daughter Hannah the wife of Henry Dow and to Her three Children the some of fortie pound viz to my Daughter Hannah the some of twentie five pound to bee payd to Her by my son Thomas page within three years after my Decease

Ittem I Doe Give unto Joseph Dow my Daughter Hannahs Eldest son the some of five pound

Itt to Symon Dow Her third son the some of five pound

Itt to Jabez Dow fourth son the some of five pound to bee payd to them by my son Thomas page the fourth year after my Decease

8ly: I Doe Give unto Samuell Dow my Daughter Hannahs second son my planting lott in the north plaine Containing thirteen Acres according as it is Granted and layd outt

9ly I Doe Give unto my Daughter mary ffog: the Houses which I have built upon my House lott where she now Dwelleth Sixty Rod of Ground Adjacentt as itt is now layd outt mor or lesse Duering the terme of her naturall life

Itt I Doe Give unto my Daughter mary fog five Acres of planting land more or less Adjoy[n]ing to the land of mr Samll Dalton towards the north west & the land of william Marston towards the south East, & two Swine & 3 of ye biggest shots & that wch is up a fatting

Itt I Doe Give unto my Daughter mary fog three Acres and halfe of pastur land which I bought of Nathaniel Bachelder Adjoyning to william fullers Swamp: and one share of the ox Common, and thatt Iland of Salt marsh by the landing place all Dureing Her naturall life and then to bee and Remaine to Her Eldest son Seath ffog after his mother Decease and my Daughters boyes to Helpe to Carrie the Dung outt this year & to have 12 load to lay on yt 5 acres bought of John Smith

10ly: I Doe Give and Bequeath unto my Grand Child Robertt moulton one share of the Cowes Comon and three Acres and Halfe more or less of Salt marsh which I bought of James philbrick which is bounded with marsh of William Samborn on the one side and the marsh of Robertt Smith on the other side

Itt I Doe Give unto the sd Robertt moulton my Iland of fresh medow that lieth above my planting land or pa[s]tuer by taylors River being by Estimation one Acre more or less as itt is with free Egres and Regres through my land to the same, and in Case the sd Robertt moulton Die without Issue then the sd lands and Commonage to bee and Remaine to his Brother Benjamin moulton

11 Itt i Doe Give unto my Son ffrancis page the one Halfe of all my fresh medow which I bought of Leiut Howard the whole being by Estimation Sixteen Acres Adjoy[n]ing to my Greatt lott, the which Sixteen Acres is to be Equally Devided betwixt my two sons my son ffrancis to Devide and my son Thomas to Choose after Devision the Stock yard to bee for both their use and thatt both of them their Heires and Assignes shall have free Egres and Regres to the sd stok yard and to their land According to their Devision from time to time for Ever

12ly: I Doe Give and Bequeth unto my Grand Child Robertt page my Son Thomas Eldest sone thatt tractt of land Reserved from my son frances his land Adjoyni[n]g to the land of Abra Drake and nath boulter and so to the Barrs thatt Goeth into the Comons towards John Garlands land with the two Acres Adjoin[in]g to Boulters fence and ten Rod more in bredth tot he Bridg thatt Goeth over the Swamp by Ed Colcords medow

Itt I Doe Give unto my Grand son Robertt page Eightt Acres of fresh medow by my son francies his medow the which he is to Enter upon and posesse att he Age of twenti fower years and his father to posesse and Injoy the same in the mean time

13 I Doe Give and Bequeth unto my two Grand Children Robertt page and Samuell page twentie Acres of upland att the Saw mill the which is to bee Equally Devided betwixt them, and they are to Enter upon itt att their fathers Decease and their fathers to Have the use of itt Duering the terme of their lives

14ly: I Doe Give unto my Grand Child John page one Hundred Acres of land Granted to mee in the west partt of Hampton bound, Called the new plantation

15 I Doe Give unto my two sones ffrancis page & Thomas page my Quarter partt of the old Saw mill built upon taylors River, with all the priveledge and appertinances thereunto belonging : and my son ffrancis page is to pay unto my Grand Child mary page the some of five pound : and to mr Samuell Dalton the some of twentie shillings as a Gratuity for his paines which is to bee payd by my sone francis page

16ly: I Doe Give unto my Grand Child Lucie page the Daughter of my son ffrancis page the some of ten pound to bee payd by my son Thomas page within seaven years after my Decease

17 I Doe Give unto my Grand Son Benjamin Moulton After my Decease one young Bull of two year old and upwards

18 I Doe Give unto my Daughter mary fog one fether bed with all the beden bedstead and furnituer thereunto belonging and also my Greatt Brass Kittle and my Daughter mary fog is to Have all the Crop of yt Ground Given to her both English and Indian Exept Halfe the oats, and to Have barne Rome for Corne and Hay Duering her life if she Remaine a widow and for such Cattle as are Robertt moultons and my Daughter fogs Childrens they are to Have a meett [pro]portion of the Hay thatt is made for the year following untill winter be over and my Daughter fog to Have Comonag to keep two Cows Duering the terme of her life and my Cloaths I Give to Her Children and one steer of a yer & vantag

19: I Doe Give unto my Grandson Robertt moulton one fether bed with the bolster Covelett and Appertinances thereunto belonging and my Sarg Coatt

20 I Doe Give unto my Grand Daughter mary page my son Thomas Daughter five pound as is mentioned in ye 15 Article and to my Daughter fog thatt bed which her Children lies upon

21: I Doe Give to my Gran son Robertt page that Chest which I brought outt of old England and my Copper Kittle

22: ffinally I Give and Bequeath unto my son Thomas page my Dwelling House barnes Stables and all other buildings being and standing upon my land not otherwayes Disposed of with all my land marsh and medow Comonage and all Rights priveledges and Appertinances to mee belonging in the towne of Hampton with all my tooles and Implements of Husbandry my stock of Cattle and all moveables both within Dores and withoutt that are nott other wayes Disposed of by this my last will

And I Doe make Constitute and Appointt my Son Thomas page to bee my sole Exectuer to this my last will and testementt and my son in law Henry Dow to bee my overseer to see thatt the same bee performed in Evry part thereof as itt is Declared and if my Exectuer faile in the [per]formance of any parte thereof itt shall bee in the power of my over seers to pay any part of Legacy outt of the stock or other Estate and I Doe by these prsents Nullifie and make voyd all former wills made by mee and for the Confermation of this my last will and testament I have Hereunto sett my Hand and Seale the Ninth Day on September in the year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred and Seaventy nine Enterlined in the fifteenth Article and one line Rased in the 17th and one in the twentieth before the Sealing Herof his
Rober X [eal]
pag mark & Seale

Deacon page Signed Sealed and Declared this to bee His last will in the prsents of us
Samuell Dalton
John Smborne
Jonathan Wedgwood

[Proved Nov. 11, 1679]

[Essex County, Mass., Probate Files, and Norfolk County, Mass., Deeds, vol 3, p. 26]

[Inventory of the estate of Deacon Robert Page, taken by Thomas Marston, Nathaniel Weare, and Samuel Dalton Oct. 10, 1679; amount, £579.4.0.]

[Essex County, Mass., Probate Files, and Norfolk County, Mass., Deeds, vol 3, p. 28.]


In the name of God Amen. I Abraham Perkins of Hampton in the Province of New Hampshire in New England being weak in body but sound in understanding and of a disposing mind Do make this my will & Testament as followeth.

ffirst, I commit my soul to Almighty God y ffather of Spirits, who gave me life and being, and my body to the earth from whence it was taken, that after my dissolution to be buried in Hampton burying place in a Christian & decent manner as my Executors shall appoint. And for what worldly goods God hath given me my Will is as follows

Item, I give unto my beloved Wife during her lifew the new end of my house, with the chamber above: And give her hereby liberty to make use of y other back house as she shall have need. And I give unto her two cows & their increase wholly to dispose of them as she shall please. And for as much as I do by this my Will give unto my sons Jonathan & Humphry all my lands & cattell excepting them two above menc'oned deviding all things equally betwixt them as hereafter shall be declared. And my Will is, that they do both of them carefully provide comfortable relief for their mother, & to provide three lods of hay & put it into the barn for to winter her two cows, except they do agree otherwise. And further my two sons Jonathan & Humphry shall provide for their mother sufficient fire wood so much as she shall need making it fit for her use, And to give her yearly sixteen bushel of corn Twelv of Indian Two of wheat & Two of barly or rye. And they shall provide for her a well fatted hog or shot to kill, & half a hundred of good beef yearly. And I do give unto my Wife all my household stuff to be at
her disposing excepting carpentars tools & military implements & husbandry. And I give unto her 4 sheep & my sons to maintain them for her & the thirds of y apples in y orchard. And in case my two sons Jonathan & Humphry do neglect their duty to their mother in providing things necessary for her comfortable being & not attending to my Will, then this is my Will; She shall have y theirds of all I have And further-more this is my Will, that I give unto my sons Jonathan Perkins and Humphry Perkins all my lands I have in Hampton, both meadow and Upland, viz; My house Lots & planting Lot North hill Lot and Asbrook and the North devision towards Greenland and the new Plantac' on with thjree shares of the Cow comons and one in y Ox com'on. With all my tools for Carpentars, All implements for husbandry, as Ploughs, carts,harrows,yokes,chains. And likewise all implements belonging to military discipline; Guns, swords,pikes,am'unition,& what els. And my Will is, that my son Jonathan shall have y whole Lot that I bought of Isack Cole wch is about four or five acres, lying between my old house Lot & y street way which he hath now built upon. All these particulars above mentioned I do give to him & his heirs for ever, paying out such legacies as hereafter shall be expressed. And I do give unto my son Humphry my House y I now live in. With all y building belonging to it, with y Orchards belonging & being that this Lot is bigger than Jonathans, the Lot being about ten acres & much building, my son Humphry shall pay to my daughter Sarah twenty pounds for a legacy, Shall pay it in four years after my decease, To pay it in currant merchantable pay at current price. And I do give unto my Granddaughter Mary ffifield now dwelling with me, five pound. And I give unto my daughter Abigial five pound. And I do give unto my son James Perkins five pound. And I give unto my Grandson John Perkins five pound. And I give to my son David five shillings. And I give unto my son Luke five shillings; for these two sons have had their share already, these six last legacies which is twenty pound ten shillings shall be paid by both my sons Humphry and Jonathan equally alike every year five pound to them above named after one another as they are set down to be paid in current marchantable pay at curra't price: and my son Jonathan & Humphry shall equally divide all my cattel excepting that cow he had with his wife. And to all these abovemenc'oned I set my hand & seal.

Hampton August 22. 1683
Abraham Perkins [seal]
Signed & Sealed in y
psence of us Witnesses
Seaborn Cotton
John Tucke
[Proved Sept. 18, 1683.]
[Deed, vol. 4, p. 63.]

[Inventory of the estate of Abraham Perkins of Hampton, who died Aug. 31, 1683; taken Oct. 4, 1683; amount, £361.2.6; attested before Edward Cranfield by Jonathan Perkins and Humphry Perkins Oct. 5, 1683.]


[Adminstration on the estate in Salisbury,Mass., of Samuel Winsley of Kingston granted to his widow, Catherine Winsley,
Oct. 5, 1710.]

[Essex County Mass., Probate Records, vol. 310, p-275.]

[Inventory,taken by Solomon Shepard and Samuel Eastman; amount £36.10.0; attested by the administratrix Oct. 5, 1710.]

[Essex County Mass., Probate Files]

Provence of Newhampsheir. Artecelius of agreement made and concluded upon the nintenth day of novembr 1723 and in
the tenth year of his majestys Ragine king Geoarge over gratt brittain france and Irland &c

As to y devesion of y said sam winsley desesed Cattran and the Est devesion and y tweny acreLoot Laying betwen y Louer second devesion and y two hundred acre grant

2ly as to Sam winsly y son of y aboves Sam winsly desesed for his part one halfe y first devesion and y forty Acre Loot In y upper devesion next Chesser and one share In y Common

3ly mary pages part of y aboved Estate who was dafter of y abovesd sam winsly desesed and now y wife of John page of Salsbury In y County of esex in provence of y masetusetts bay In newe ngland Cordwainer which part Is as fouelloweth
one third of y two hundred acre grantt and the north grant and y Litell Loot nextt Exetar line Below Israls meddow and one share in y Common

4ly the part of Elisha winsly y son of y above said sam winsly desesed as to y abovesd Estat which is as foulloweth y
second acer grant and the west devesion and one share in y Common

5ly as to y part of hannah winsly y dafter of the above said Samu winsly in y above Estat which is as foulloweth two thirds
of y two hundred acre grant and one share in y Common

and we y above named Cattren winsly widdow Sam winsly John page and mary page the dafter Elisha winsly and Hannah winsly do by these presints Bind our selves our heirs Executours adminstratours and asignes to stand fuly Satisfied as to y devesion of y above Estat as It is above mentioned as witness our hand and seals y day and year above mentioned

It is to be understpd y Eben Stevens of y town and provence abovesd is chosen by y hannah winsly to be garden to hir and
he doh allow of this abovesd devesion this was Intred befor sining and sealing of thes presents as witness his hand

Signed Sealed and delivered

In y presents of us Cattren X winsly [seal]
Peter Colcord mark
John fifield Samuel winsle [seal]
Sam Easman John Paige [seal]
mary page [seal]
Eben Stevens [seal]

[Inventory, feb. 29, 1723/4; amount, £330.0.0; signed by Samuel Eastman and Joh Fifield]

Contributed by Rosa "Birde" Rediger

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