Carroll County



Located in West Sandwich

John Beede Esq. d. Nov 15, 1841 age 83 yrs 8 mos. Rev Soldier (unmarked)
wife Sarah d. Dec 04, 1839 age 79 yrs, 1 mo, 14 days
son Josiah d. Nov 16 1879 age 76 yrs
wife Elmira Paine Beede d. Nov 11, 1874 age 75 yrs
son J. Edwin 1838-1915
wife Augusta A. (Sullivan) Beede 1839-1915

John Beede d. Apr 27, 1858 age 61 yrs.
wife Mary d. Mar 28, 1859 age 57 yrs.
dau. Mary Ann d. Jan 30, 1842 age 4 yrs 2 mos 26 days

Thomas Beede b. Sandwich, NH d. Mar 6, 1806 age 68 yrs. 8 mos
wife Elizabeth b. Gilmanton, NH d. Nov 20, 1824 age 92 yrs, 4 mos

Jonathan Clark d. Sept 23, 1839 age 23 yrs, 10 mos, 9 days
wife Polly Beede b. Apr 4 1791, d. Oct 20, 1875

Ebenezer Dale b. Mar 1788 d. Sept 1, 1862
wife Mehitable (Beede) Dale b. Apr 12, 1800 d, Aug 14, 1861

Isaac H. Harris d. Nov 15, 1876 age 52 yrs.
wife Mary E. d. Nov 15, 1887 55 yrs

Benjamin Hodge d. Feb 13, 1898 age 78 yrs.
wife Mary A. b. May 26, 1829 d. Oct 26, 1899
dau. Nellie F. d. Dec 4, 1864 age 11 yrs 10 mos.

John Norris d. July 8, 1849 age 74 5 mos, 26 days
wife Elizabeth d. Dec 1, 1841 age 59 yrs 10 mos, 25 days

John Sullivan b. Nov 5, 1837 d. Jan 13, 1909

Bradbury Prescott d. Apr 7, 1859 age 83 yrs.
wife Betsy d. July 4, 1860 age 95 yrs.
son Bradbury Jr. G.F b. 18 1847 36 yrs 7 mos 16 days

Weymouth Wallace Field stone unmarked. Rev. Soldier active service G.A.R. flag. Great or great great grandson is Charles Wallace, Principal of Dover NH High School.

Bickford Family Plot

Located in North Sandwich

The Bickford family plot is located on the abandoned Trask farm. It was impossibly to reach it as the road leading to it is unpassable with fallen trees and growing shrubs. A while ago I was contacted by a lady that was doing research on the Bickford cemeteries. She has given me permission to include her findings here. Instead of rewriting what she has told me I am going to let her tell this in her own words. From Ella VanCamp:

Hi ... I just got back from New Hampshire ... and I found 2 Bickford cemeteries off of Trask Hill Rd.!!
I had contacted Jeff Burrows who is one of the cemetery trustees in Sandwich, as well as the mailman! I figured he might be able to help me. He was able to copy a little information from a book he had. He included a 1931 map for us to follow. We were skeptical that the map would do us any good, but we went to North Sandwich anyway. We found that a new home had been built off of Trask Hill Rd. No one was home on Saturday when we went there. We looked around for a while and found what we thought was described online, but didn't hike in very far because we didn't have long pants on. We went back the next day and talked to the people in the house. She told us where she had seen a sign on a tree on the old Bickford Place down the road and around the corner. We drove there and found the sign on the tree. It read:

Bickford Place
James Brier Pre-1844
2 Owners
Addie Bickford died in childbirth 1894
John Bickford died in poverty
Henry Dorr 1900
White Mountain Paper Company 1901

The owner from the house who we talked with told us we would not find any headstones there. After reading the sign, we decided to hike up the hill a little further to look around. We found what looked to be an opening wide enough to have once been a road. We hike up the hill further and found a sign on the tree which said, Bickford Cemetery! And there was one headstone there. It read:

Addie Bickford

We noticed there were four 18' pipes (approximately) laying on the ground to form a square around the headstone. We assumed this was the entire cemetery plot. We didn't find any other smaller stones in the plot, but we didn't have any tools to dig around and move the leaves, etc. So, there may have been more, but we didn't see any.

We decided to leave and go back to the opening we had seen the day before on the other side of the road, which according to our 1931 map was the Trask farm area. My son and I hiked in about a half mile going through lots of tall ferns and around a fallen tree. We split up briefly and when I came to a "T" in the path, my son called from the right that he had found a sign. It read:


We could not make out the rest of the sign. It was a white sign with the above letters hand written on it in what looked to be a blue permanent marker. After studying the sign for a few minutes, I looked up and said to my son, "Look behind you." There was a row of stakes in the ground each with a first name on written down the side in white paint! There were 13 stakes all together. Each stake was about 1 1/4 inch square and stood about 3 feet out of the ground. They were all in one line. There was also some blue plastic tape stretched between the trees on each side of the sign ... in an attempt to show people where to enter the 'cemetery'. The names on the stakes were as follows ... as we passed the sign and walked toward the first of 13 stakes in a row:

NICHOLAS (We had to look closely at this one because the paint was faded on the stake.)

Isn’t that cool? We could not find any dates any place around the area. There was also a very large boulder near the first couple of stakes, but we didn't see anything etched on it either.

Thought you might want to hear about what we found on the old Trask farm and the old Bickford farm ... both located off Trask Hill Road in North Sandwich, New Hampshire. I hope to see if I can research more about these two places and come up with some dates. Talk to you later. Ella Van Camp

Chicks Corners Cemetery

Located in West Sandwich

Jacob Beede d. Oct. 2, 1824 58 yrs
wife Susanna d. Dec 7, 1854 91 yrs.

Isaac Bunker
wife Mary E. (Cook) d. July 25, 1853 26 yrs.
infant son Willie S. d. Oct 15, 1854 17 mos.

Samuel Buswell d. Dec 17, 1862 age 76 yrs.
wife Susanna d. Oct 16, 1865 age 74 yrs.

Rev. M. Chase?
wife Susan G. d.July 26, 1842 age 32 yrs. 4 mos. 22 d.
dau. Eliz. J. d. Aug 4, 1861 age 21 yrs, 10 mos
son Henry M. d. Mar 11, 1862 age 28 yrs.

Henry G. Chick d. June 26, 1894 age 74 yrs. 8 mo.
wife Sally L. d. Feb. 13, 1877 age 55 yrs
son Samuel Osgood Cook d. Sept 6, 1842 age 1
dau. Emily S. (Chick) George d. Mar. 21, 1870 age 25yr

Wife of Daniel W. George

John Cook
wife Sarah
infant son William Marshall Cook d. Jan 28, 1842
dau. Lydia Cook d. 1831 age 19

Deacon Levi Gilman of Alton, NH
wife Merci (Cook) d. Sept 22, 1852 age 32yrs

Stephen Fellows Cemetery

Located in North Sandwich

Mr Stephen Fellows d. Oct. 15, 1830 age 82 yrs
widow Hannah (Sargent) b. Aug. 17, 1749 Hampton, NH dau. of Edward & Sarah (Sanborn) Sargent
d. Oct. 20, 1832

Jonathan b. Sept. 3, 1775 Kingston, NH d. Mar. 20, 1855 (He lived on the farm to the west on property given to him by his father.)
wife Miriam (Jewell) dau. of Joseph & Miriam (Currier) Jewell d. Aug 11, 1852, cemetery trustees have reparied her stone beautifully.

John b. 11 Nov 1791 Poplin, NH d. 3 July 1869 -was Captian in the Militia
wife Mary (Johnson Quimby) b. 11 Dec. 1796 d. 1857 dau. of Enoch & Sarah (Libby) Quimby
infant son d. Sept 1818

The Gilman's were the next residents of the farm. There was no relation to the Fellows. The Gilman family is noted on a large monument stone incised with multiple names and dates on all sides.

James Gilman b. before 1769 probably in Brentwood, NH to Daniel & Alice (Leavitt) Gilman d.?
wife Martha dau. of Theophilis & Deborah (Webster) Gilman b. 6 Aug. 1761 Exeter, NH m. 1789 Exeter, NH
was a cousin) d. July 9, 1851

Theophilus b. circa 1791- d. Nov. 12, 1853, age 62, was the actual owner of the farm. He fell into a vat of boiling water while skinning a pig in the barnyard and died three days later.
wife Hannah ( was Hannah Hurd b. Rochester, NH circa 1813 dau. of Reuben & Mary (Varney) After her
husband Theophilus died she remarried Albert F. Irving "from over on Sandwich Notch". He was not a good farmer/businessman, and they ended up having to sell the place after selling off one of the barns to a
neighbor. Hannah is not buried with Theophilus although her name is on the monument. She and her second husband Albert Irving are buried in the nearby Quaker Cemetery on Stevenson Hill Road in North Sandwich. d.?
infant son d. Feb. 15, 1851
son Amos H. d. June 9, 1857
The elderly mother of Theophilus (born 1791) was Martha and she lived with them. Her husband James probably is buried in Meredith, but his name is on the stone because Martha is called "wife of James Gilman".

Two graves with uninscribed field stones.

There are various depressions in the eastern section of the neat cemetery. Obviously there are more buried there than there are stones.

The cemetery book maintains that the Fellows Cemetery is "in the field on the beautiful property "Homewood" owned by Frank A. Neff." This is definitely wrong. "Homewood" was the farm to the east and whose field was a good 800 feet from the cemetery. In 1930 when the cemetery book was compiled, the Fellows Cemetery was on property that was a summer place owned by writer Cornelius Weygandt of Pennsylvania. His family owned the property from 1914 to 1999. it is now owned by Frank and Deborah Wilson.

Note: Many corrections for this cemetery and additions are all thanks to Debbie Wilson.

Nathaniel Fry Family Plot

Located in East Sandwich

Nathaniel Fry d.?
wife Eliza A. d.?
dau. Lydia Frances Fry d.?
son Frederick Fry d. Feb 27, 1860

George Cemetery

 Located in West Sandwich

Capt. Rufus F. Clark b. Mar 23, 1830 d. Oct 19, 1892

G.A.R. Dahlgren d.?
wife Harriet A. Clark b. Aug 20, 1831 d. Mar 18, 1902

Osman B. Felch b. Holderness, NH Nov 19, 1836 d. Sandwich, NH Oct 25, 1901
wife Mary J. d. Mar 20 1873 age 36 yrs

Frank H. Felch b. Apr 29, 1887 d. Feb 28, 1908

Charles P. George b. Nov 23, 1832 d. Feb 11, 1910
wife E.M. (Smith) d.?
son Daniel E. d. July 5, 1882 age 18

Daniel George d. Mar 1, 1860 age 57yrs 5mos
wife Mary G. d, Mar 28, 1884 age 80 yrs 9mos
son Henry d. Sept 26, 1849 age2
son Emerson d. July 8, 1869 age32
dau. Mary J. d. May 3, 1837 age 5mos
son William M. d. Aug 25, 1847 age 4yrs 3mos

James d. Jan 3, 1833 age 57
wife Betsy d. June 16, 1856 age80

Simeon D. d. Jan 13, 1891
wife Nancy P. d. Mar. 21, 1885

Levi G. Smith d. May 22, 1898 age 68yrs
wife Almira d. May 11, 1880 age 53yrs

Russell Smith d, Feb 6, 1900 age 73 yrs 9mos
wife Eliza M. (George) d. Mar 28, 1904 age 74yrs

Gilman-Hall Cemetery

Located in Sandwich Notch

Thomas R. Bryant d. June 23, 1857

Joseph Flanders d. Oct 12, 1842 age 63yrs
wife Sarah d. Jan 27, 1846 age 72yrs

Jonathan Gilman 1789-1876 GAR marker
wife Sally 1789-1880

Charles H. Gilman 1846-1873

Ada A. Hall d. Feb 21, 1868
Almon M. Hall d. July 10, 1867
Frank M. Hall d. Feb 21, 1871
George H. Hall d. Sept 23, 1878
John B. Hall d. Nov. 25, 1893
Lizzie E. Hall d. Dec 25, 1874
Willie J. Hall d. Jan 30, 1869

Nine field stones will no inscriptions mark various graves.
The Hall family have beautifully polished granite monuments.

Mason Cemetery (Old Horn Farm)

Located in North Sandwich

One of the monuments is the McCauley-Wallace family. On the McCauley side of the plot are the head stones marked as follows:

L.J.M. 1822-1900
J.O. 1827-1910
M.W. 1846-1923
J.M.S. 1878-1919
C.A.D. 1854-1928

Wallace side:
A.W. 1828-1889 G.A.R. marker
A.P.W. 1828-1890
Alida 1861-1879
E.F.W. 1856-1917

Alfred Wallace d.?
wife Ann P. d.?
dau. Alida E. d. Sept 22, 1879 age 17yrs 10 mos 25 days

Mason monument with head stones reading:

Octavius C. Mason 1831-1913
wife Martha Quimby d.?
dau. Maudie b. Jan 14, 1872 d. Jan 24, 1874

Claude O. Mason d.?

B. Frank Fellows b. Nov. 11, 1834 d. Apr. 9, 1897
Nancy M. b. May 26, 1834
son Frankie H. d. Aug 5, 1862 age 1 yrs 4mos

Albert Mason d.?
wife Sally d. Sept 23 1854

Andrew Mason d.?
wife Joanna d. July 20, 1869
son Lemuel P. Mason d. Aug 21, 1853

Andrew B. Mason d. Feb 8, 1862
wife Sarah T. d. Jan 25, 1864

Nathan Mason b. May 17, 1797 d. Mar 26, 1864
wife Charlotte P. b. Aug 21, 1803 d. Mar 16, 1900
dau. Nancy M. d. Dec. 21, 1830 1yr
dau. Louisa Q. Johnson (see Johnson)

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