Carroll County


BOYNTON, Dr. Royal Bullard

Boynton, Mason Village, (now Greenville) New Hampshire.
Source: Groton Historical Series, Vol III 1893 by Dr. S. A. Green

Dr. Royal Bullard Boynton was the youngest child of Isaac and Sibyl (Lawrence) Boynton and was born at Pepperell (Mass.), on February 7, 1826. He was descended from John Boynton an early settler of Rowley (Mass.), and on his mother's side from John Lawrence an original proprietor of Groton (Mass.).

He was brought up on his father's farm, doing the work which under such circumstances usually falls to the lot of a country lad; but the chief ambition of his boyhood was to become a physician.

During the years 1848 and 1849 he attended school at the Lawrence Academy (Groton, Mass.), where he was preparing to enter an advanced class in college. After studying dentistry for a short time in the office of Dr. Calvin C. Knowles of Lowell, Mass., he began the study of medicine under the instruction of Dr. Nehemiah Cutter of Pepperell, Mass., and in 1852 took his degree from the Vermont Medical College at Woodstock.

Immediately after his graduation he settled in Pepperell where he remained for three years and then removed to Townsend, Mass. In 1862 he established himself at Mason Village (now Greenville), New Hampshire, where he remained for the three years and then removed to West Townsend of which place he remained. He acquired a large practice and was consulted by patients over a wide range of territory.


From the Morning Star issue 11 Sept. 1890

Mrs. Sally Burley, daughter of Ebenezer and Sally HODSDON, was born in Ossipee, NH on 3 Aug. 1806, and died at Sandwich, NH on 13 July 1890 aged 83 years and 11 months. While very young she began the effort to live a Christian life, which was con-tinued with marked success up to life's close.

She was married to Andrew Folsom of Ossipee, with whom she found a happy home for many years. Seven children were born to them, four of whom survive her. Her faithfulness as a mother was rewarded by her being permitted to see all her sons and daughters following her Master and Lord. When the companion and father was taken, she found in God a refuge whose right hand upheld her.

Her second marriage was to John Burley of Sandwich, who also went before her to the higher life. The last few years of her life were largely filled up with sickness; but during these years she manifested the patience and sweet spirit of a faithful and loving disciple. It was beautiful to behold her in her last days. so unselfish, so patient, calm, and Christ-like, manifesting in every word the glorious resuits of the grace of Christ. The memory of her nobles self sacrificing life will be a constant inspiration to the dear ones who morn her departure.

Contributed by David C. Young

CRAGIN, Charles Hartwell

Source: Groton Historical Series by Dr. Samuel A. Green, Vol II 1890, p.336
b. 1817, Alstead, N.H.

Charles Hartwell Cragin, the son of Josiah and Hannah (Hildreth) Cragin was born in Alstead, N.H. Sept. 17, 1817, and was fitted for college at New Ipswich, New Hampshire and the Groton Academy (Groton, Mass.). After graduating he taught a year in Richmond, Virginia and two years in Fitchburg (Mass.) beginning at the same time the study medicine with Dr. J. A. Marshall of that place. He continued the study of his profession with Dr. Thomas Sewall of Washington, D.C. and received the degree of M.D. from the Columbian Medical School in 1844.

During this time he was also engaged in teaching. After practicing one year in Washington, he removed to Georgetown, D.C., where he passed his life, with the exception of one year which he spent in California. He was four years Police Commissioner of the District of Columbia and for three years Postmaster at Georgetown. He died at Georgetown of catarrh of the stomach, April 1, 1887.

Dr. Cragin was married (1) Oct 2, 1845 to Mary, daughter of Samuel Mc Kenney of Georgetown, D.C., who died May 21, 1853; he m. (2) April 16, 1857 to Henrietta F. McKenney, a sister of his first wife, who died Feb 2, 1887. Of Dr. Cragin's six children, three survive him.

Transcribed by Janice Farnsworth

CUTTING, Francis

Francis Morrill Cutting, who died on November 15, 1888, was a valued citizen of Newport, Sullivan County. He was born in the neighboring town of Croydon, November 28, 1825, a son of Francis and Keziah (Hudson) Cutting. His grandfather, Benjamin Cutting, who enlisted in the Continental army when a young man, Croydon. Francis Cutting, son of Benjamin, was born in Croydon, and there spent his life of seventy-eight years. He owned about five hundred acres of land, and was extensively engaged in farming and stock-raising. His first wife, Keziah Hudson, a native of Goshen, N.H., died at the age of seventy-six; and he subsequently married Miss Mary Rollins. By the first wife he had nine children, by the second two; and of the whole family seven are now living.

Francis Morrill Cutting grew up on a farm, acquiring his education in the schools of his native town. After reaching man's estate, he engaged in farming and cattle-raising, purchasing land in the western part of Newport. A wise manager, square in his dealings, and a good practical farmer, he had a valuable property, comprising some five hundred acres, his farm in Newport alone covering one hundred acres. In politics Mr. Cutting was a Democrat, in religious belief a Methodist. He was a man of sterling character, conscientious and honest, and was respected by all who knew him.

Mr. Cutting was married July 25, 1855, to Hannah A., daughter of Dimmick and Hannah (Colby) Baker. She was born in Meriden, N.H., October 4, 1832. Mrs. Cutting is a member of an old New England family. Her ancestors came from England. Joseph Baker was born April 13, 1678, and lived to a ripe old age. He married Hannah Pomroy, July 8, 1702. She died, leaving two children; and he married Abigail Bissell, who bore him nine children. The Hon. Dr. Oliver Baker, a son of Joseph Baker by his second wife, was Mrs. Cutting's grandfather. He was born in Tolland, Conn., and was one of the early settlers of Meriden, N.H. He died October 3, 1811.

His brother served in the Revolutionary War, and was taken prisoner by the British and nearly starved, having nothing but raw frozen turnips to eat while confined in an old church in New York. He offered his silver watch for another turnip, but was refused. When he was released, Oliver carried him home, some of the way on his back. He afterward died of small-pox.

FELLOWS, Stephen Norris (1830-1908)

The Iowa City Citizen, Wednesday, June 3, 1908

Beloved Pastor and Teacher – A Noted Temperance Worker and Religious Writer – A Man of the Highest Type

A feeling of sadness spread over the city yesterday morning when the word was passed around that early, in the morning the life of Dr. Stephen Norris Fellows had ended. The news was communicated to points more distant speedily and there again was sorrow that the life of one so good had ceased to be.

Last Saturday Dr. Fellows was receiving the congratulations of his friends at having reached his seventy-eighth birthday. Though he had not been in the best of health this spring he had nevertheless been active and the past three weeks the Methodist Church had practically been in his charge as Dr. Clark, the pastor, was absent from the city and in that time Dr. Fellows had preached in the church and conducted several funerals and also had officiated in a ceremony of marriage. Thus his life ended in the work, which he had spent his life, that of an earnest Christian advocate.

The immediate cause of death was diabetes.

A Varied Life.

“Dr. Fellows was great, not in one line, but in many,” said one who knew him closely. “His work in temperance lines is pre-eminent. As a speaker and writer he upheld the cause and served in the capacity as President of the Temperance Alliance and Anti-Saloon League.

“As a teacher he has an enviable record. Upon his graduation from college in 1854 he was elected to a position in Cornell College and remained there until 1860. He spent seven years as a pastor thereafter and in 1867 he was unanimously chosen Principal of the Normal Department in the State University. Here he spent twenty years of notable work.

“His record in the Church is indeed unique. He joined the Upper Iowa Conference at its organization in 1856 and at the celebration of the semi-centennial of the conference in Maquoketa in 1906 he gave the semi-centennial address. He also wrote the history of the Upper Iowa Conference, which is the best conference history ever written and stands as a remarkable monument to him and is a treasure for the conference. He was personally acquainted with every bishop at the Church prior to the general election recently. He was seventy years in Sunday School and for sixty years was a teacher. He held charges in this conference in Dyersville, Tipton, Lyons, Marshalltown, Waterloo, Manchester, Toledo, Fayette and Grundy Center. At the time of his death he was agent of the conference fund.

“While at Toledo he became interested in the Indians near that place and largely through his efforts the Indian Rights Association was formed and a training school was established for Indians with an endowment of $435,000 from Congress.”

This is enough to show that Dr. Fellows was indeed unique in his work accomplished but this does not tell all nor do him complete justice. His labors were always conducted in a high-minded manner, which did much to set a good example for those about him. He enjoyed to an exceptional degree the esteem of his neighbors and friends and was always interested in civic betterment. The local church owes him a great debt, as does the community in general. The completion of the beautiful new church was a great consolation to him.

His Family History.

Dr. Fellows was born in North Sandwich, New Hampshire. He was next to the youngest of a large family of children. Most of his childhood was spent in Dixon, Illinois, and his education was acquired with much personal privation. He was married in 1852 (1856 according to Jones County, Iowa records) to Miss Sarah Matson who now survives him. Of their six children, three are living, Albion N. in New York City, Olin S. in Middletown, New York and Ora N. Fellows of this city.

The Funeral.

The funeral services will be in charge of Dr. Clark and will be held in the Methodist Church Friday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock. There will be several speakers, Dr. Parsons of Cornell College, Dr. Miller of Des Moines, Dean A. N. Currier, Reverend A. B. Leamer, and possibly others, who will say a few words with reference to their special relationship to the deceased.

GARLAND, Clara Ellen (Meserve)

"Whitefield [NH] Times,"
Friday, February 21, 1908 in the "Lunenburg" column:


Clara Ellen (Meserve) Garland was born in Jackson, NH, Oct. 6, 1852 and died at the home of her daughter Mrs. Arthur Hartwell February 13, 1908.

October 4, 1874 she married Ephraim Garland and six sons and two daughters are now living. Mr. and Mrs. Garland lived in this town ten years going from here to Whitefield where they resided until very recently. Mrs. Garland became a member of the M. E. church in this place during the pastorate of Rev. W.J. McNeil and has lived a consistent Christian life since then. The funeral services were held at the home of Arthur Hartwell on Saturday, February 15. Rev. Mr. Enright speaking of the beauty of a Christian life such as that lived by Mrs. Garland. Three favorite hymns were sung by Mrs. Clara Dodge, Mrs. Flora Balch, George A. Balch and K. T. Brown. The interment was in the Riverside cemetery.

I would like to exchange family data on the family of Ellen and Ephraim Garland of Jackson,NH; Whitefield, NH; and Lunenburg, Vt.

GRANT, Charles

From the front page of the Perham Bulletin
May 9, 1890
I located this on the New Hampshire Mail List.

Charles Grant is dead. Dying Friday last. He was taken with a fainting spell about two weeks ago. Dr. Caniff attended him and finally pronounced him out of danger. But Friday night he had another attack and this time went to sleep not to wake until the resurrection. Mr. Grant was born 70 years ago in New Hampshire; Emigrated from that state New York, from there to Wisconsin thence to Iowa and eight years ago settled in Red Eye Valley. Since the coming to Minnesota he has enjoyed the best of health almost up to the time of his death. He was upright and honored citizen and will be greatly missed by his friends.

He is buried in the Bethel Cemetery north of Hillview MN with his wife Julia Ann Earl and three following generations of Grants.

Claire Marie Grant

WOODARD, Stephen GAGE & Lucy Elizabeth

21 Aug 1866

The two faithful followers of the Redeemer whose names appear above passed away recently to the home of the blessed within a few weeks of each other, having lived together 54 years. Mr. Woodard was born in Sutton, N.H., in 1789, and his wife in Ellsworth, Me., in 1794. They were married in 1812 and immediately settled in Ellsworth, where they continued to reside until death, having lived together 54 years.

Mr. Woodard was one of the first settlers of the town, and followed the occupation of house and ship carpenter. He is very highly estimated by his fellow townsmen and held successively the position of postmaster, selectman, and other offices of trust and usefulness among them. He was likewise an active member of the Ellsworth Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons. Out of a family of 14 children, 10 have survived him and his estimable helpmeet, four having died in infancy. They were both members of the Baptist Church, and for over 40 years have sat down to the communion table of our Lord side by side. During one period of his life, Mr. Woodard became possessed of considerable property and was somewhat extensively engaged in house and ship building as well as in general trade, but did not seem to consider "honesty the best policy," he was stripped of all he owned, and left encumbered with numerous debts. Instead of going through chancery to clear himself as he was strongly advised by several friends, he began life anew, as it were, and with nothing but his hands and his tools, paid every dollar of his indebtedness.

Sometime in February last, pulmonary difficulties of a serious nature developed themselves and caused considerable alarm to his friends. While watching at the bedside of her sick husband, Mrs. Woodard was herself attacked by heart complaint and congestion of the lungs, and it soon became evident that she was not long for earth. Her children were at once informed of her situation, and seven of them were able to reach her before her spirit departed. She was perfectly resigned to the will of God. Although oppressed for breath and using her voice with great difficulty, she talked considerably with her children, and with unvarying constancy attested the sufficiency of her Christian faith to strengthen and support the soul even while walking through the valley of the shadow of death. She preserved her faculties to the end, and her last words were, "All is well with me." She died on April 27, age 72 years, and was buried in the family graveyard of Mrs. Whitaker, a daughter.

Subsequent to his wife's death, Mr. Woodard seemed slightly to rally, and was well enough for several days to visit the spot where she was interred. In a few weeks, however, he grew worse and took to his bed, fully conscious that he would never leave it again alive. He was perfectly tranquil and peaceful. Not with-standing his proximity to the grave, he took a lively interest in everything that was going on about him, and listened to the daily news with the utmost avidity. His spiritual vision seemed to have been opened, and he repeatedly affirmed that he saw beyond the vale and beheld the forms of those who had preceeded him to eternity, especially the spirit of his wife, who seemed to hover about him constantly and to be waiting for him to join her in the better land.

Previous to entering his chamber for the last time, he bade farewell to everything about his house and then took leave of all his friends, made his will, and throughout the whole of this experience, so trying to others, was as composed as if engaged in the transaction of his ordinary business. His last words were, "I hope that all my children will stand on the same platform with me." His death occurred on the 23rd of June, age 77 years. His remains were deposited in the same spot by the side of his wife. United in life, in death they were not divided.

WOOLSON, Dr. Ephraim

Hanover, New Hampshire
Source: "Columbian Centinel" (Boston)
February 6, 1802 as posted in Vol III,
Groton Historical Series, Dr. S. A. Green 1893

Dr. Ephraim Woolson died at Hanover, New Hampshire near the beginning of the year 1802. See "Columbian Centinel" (Boston) February 6, 1802 in the List of Deaths.

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