Carroll County

Association Test

The Association Test was a declaration of independence by the New Hampshire people, and proceeded the national Declaration by several months. It was a bold move to resist the authority of King George. If the cause had not been won, these men quite possibly would have been put to a cruel death as traitors.

This declaration, by the order of the General Congress, was sent on April 12, 1776, to the inhabitants of New Hampshire:

"We the Subscribers do hereby solemnly engage, and promise, that we will, to the utmost of our power, at the risque of our lives and fortunes, with arms, oppose the hostile proceedings of the British fleets and armies against the United American Colonies."

This was signed by 8199 persons in the state; 773 refused to sign. Not all who did not sign were against the cause; some were Quakers and their religion prevented them from doing so; and some were not brave enough.

Some of the names from Carroll County that answered the call were: Enoch POOR of Exeter, Benjamin TITCOMB of Wolfeborough, Elkanah DANFORTH of Tamworth, David COPP of Wakefield, James OSGOOD of Conway, Joseph BADGER of Wolfeborough, Nathanial AMBROSE of Moultonborough, Stephen MASON of Tamworth, Joseph SENTER of Moultonborough, Isaac WYMAN of Keene, Joseph LEAVITT of Wakefield, John FULLERTON of Wolfeborough, Pearson HUNTRISS of Conway, John GARLIN of Moultonborough, Elisha WINSLOW of Sandwich, Moses PAIGE of Sandwich, Bradstreet TAYLOR of Wakefield, James MASON of Moultonborough, Enoch THOMAS of Wolfeborough, James FLAGG of Sandwich, Joseph AMES of Tamworth, John ROW of Moultonborough, James CLARK of Wakefield, Rueben LIBBEY of Wolfeborough, Carr LEAVITT of Effingham, and Josiah BEAN of Sandwich.

Association Test of Sandwich Men

We the Subscribers do hereby solemnly engage, and promise, that we will, to the utmost of our power, at the risque of our lives and fortunes, with arms, oppose the hostile proceedings of the British fleets and armies against the United American Colonies.

1. Isaac George
2. Nathaniel Knowles
3. Henry Weed
4. Richard Sinkler
5. Jeremiah Page
6. David Bean
7. Christopher Tappan
8. Bagley Weed
9. Samuel Brown

10. Jonathan Page
11. John Page
12. John Prescott
13. Jacob Smith
14. Israel Gilman
15. Simeon Smith
16. Eliphalet Mansfield
17. Enoch True
18. Joseph Hoit
19. Thomas Burley

20. Daniel Beede
21. Elias Smith
22. Elias Ladd
23. Nathaniel Ethridge
24. Benjamin Atkinson
25. John Glidden
26. Benjamin Bean
27. Edward Smith
28. John Ladd
29. Jeremiah Hilton

30. Daniel Beede, Jr.
31. Micah Rice
32. Joshua Prescott
33. Benjamin Blanchard
34. Josiah Bean
35. Edward Wells
36. Elias Ladd, Jr.
37. Nathaniel Scribner

In persuance of the request of the Government set up at Exeter, we have asked all male inhabitants of Sandwich who are above twenty-one years of age to sign the above declaration, and the above signed the same, and the following are the names who refused to sign.

38. Jacob Jewell
39. Benjamin Scribner
40. Moses Weed

41. Nathaniel Weed
42. Henry Weed, Jr.
43. Mark Jewell

44. Jacob Weed
45. Nathan Beede
46. Aaron Beede

June 15, 1776
Mark Jewell
Joshua Prescott
{Selectmen of Sandwich}

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This page was last updated 05/03/2024