Carroll County

Vittum Family

Nathaniel Vittum

Nathaniel Vittum was one of the first settlers in New Hampshire, cutting his way into the forest, and receiving the deed to a large tract of land for his settlement. His son Tuftine was the first boy born in the town of Sandwich. On growing to manhood he married Dolly Weed, who was the first girl born in Moltonboro, N. H., and whose parents, Moses and Dolly (Mugget) Weed, were very early settlers in the Granite State and had been warm friends of the Vittums for many years. Tuftine Vittum and his wife resided in their native State throughout the entire course of their lives. To them were born three children — Nathaniel, Daniel and Sally. An uncle of our subject fought in the Revolutionary War and many relatives participated in the War of 1812.

Nathaniel Vittum was born in Sandwich. N. H., March 30, 1804, and grew to manhood in his native State, following farming as an occupation. He at one time owned a hotel and was also interested in the stage business. In 1825 he was married to Miss Clara Palmer, a daughter of John and Sallie (Cannister) Palmer, who was from early infancy a near neighbor of Mr. Vittum and is but four months his junior, having been born August 17, 1804. Her ancestors in both the paternal and maternal lines were from Holland. Mr. and Mrs. Vittum are the parents of three children — Sarah, who married Joseph Drake, both being now deceased; Daniel W., a prosperous farmer and wide­awake business man of this county; and Martin, who died at an early age.

Mr. and Mrs. Vittum came to this county from their native State in the year 1847, purchasing large tracts of land which embraced about five hundred acres. Their son had previously visited this section in company with an uncle, and considering it a most desirable place of residence, had located here, and the father coming to visit him, was equally well pleased. Mr. Vittum continued his agricultural operations until his advancing years impaired his health and he retired from business. He has been an active, hard-working man, devoting much time to financial matters, but having achieved success, is now enjoying life in a most comfortable way. He and his wife, who has been his faithful companion for sixty-five years, occupy a cozy home in Canton, where they are surrounded by admiring friends.

Mr. Vittum has taken great interest in politics, both in his native State and Illinois, and has on many occasions been urged to become a candidate for office, an honor which he kindly but firmly declined. He was an old acquaintance of "Long John" Wentworth, and many times while boys together in New Hampshire, they hauled wood to boil maple syrup. Indeed, the Wentworths, Vittums and Weeds were upon very intimate terms and the subject of our sketch frequently visited Mr. Wentworth in Chicago. Both Mr. and Mrs. Vittum have been connected with the Congregational Church for half a century.

Contributed by Janine Crandell, extracted from Portrait & Biographical Album of Fulton County, Illinois, published in 1890.

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