Carroll County

Grandmother Haley Letters

I call these the Grandmother Haley letters because two of them have envelopes, and on those envelopes is written in pencil "Grandmother Haley from ... " These are not my family items. I bought them in a shop and thought it would be neat to connect them. ... Always happy to share. Would most appreciate any thoughts on the genealogy of these people. -- Julie Bright


1. Updated two small pieces

"Betsy Gordon according to your desire I write a line to you I have nothing particular to write but Nancy Russel and Eliza Webster sends their love to you. I was looking among my cloths the other day and I found your white sleeves to your white cambrick gown I thought I would send you word that they were here as soon as I could ..."

2. 1807 or 1801 from Plymouth (stampless)

To Widow Joanna Gordon, Epping NH (in another hand on address portion is Benjamin Osborne on Castle Island)

"Honored Grandmother ... references having met her once when small. Mentions Maam (who I take to be Mother of writer) mentions Uncle Dudley and Joanna coming to Plymouth in the fall and that writer would like to return with them ... Gramdmaam Webster is tolerably well ... Daddy and Maam sends their respect to you and the Children send ... their love to you. Please give respect to my Uncle’s and Aunt and love to my Cousins ... accept love of affectionate Granddaughter Eliza Webster"

3. 1811 Stampless from Monmouth - This has one of the envelopes (not used to send) and it says To Grandmother Haley from Betsey Thurston 1811.

To Miss Bettsey Gordon Epping, Hampshire

This one references Bettsey’s poor health and that a visit to this town would be delightful. Repect to Bettsey’s Maam and Dady (so one would GUESS they are living) Nancy Bartlett, Miss Capt. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Brown and to Bettsey’s sister and is signed Betsey Thurston

4. 1816 Stampless from Moultonborough

Miss Betsey Haley Newmarket, NH

"Dear Sister ... is a great distance from her ... her accomodtions better than expected ... Mother and I visit ofen ... agreeable neighbors ... Mrs. Moulton ... "Elisabeth wants to see Samuel very much and thinks she and Hitty shall lead him to school next summer ... write and tell me about Epping folks ... in particular give my respects to Laurence & Sally and tell thm to kiss the little babe…compliments to Nancy Bartless ... tell Mr. Haley I want to have him get through with his business as soon as possible and I want to know how you like your Country seat. Yours J (I think) Brown.

(Here I am thinking that Betsey has a sister who married a Brown and that this sister has two girls, Elisabeth and Hitty (Mehitable?), and that Betsey herself has a child, Samuel.)

4. 1818 Stampless from Epping

To Betsey Haley Respected Friend from Nancy Bartlett mentions Betsey’s sister.
Mentions Nancy’s Mother and friendship

5. 1828 Stampless

To Master Samuel Haley from Dudley Gordon

"Beloved Grandson. pleased to inform you that my family and your father's are well. Glad to hear you are contented and thought it could not be otherwise considering the privilege you enjoy. Samuel I hope as you Grow in stature you will Grow in Wisdom Knowledge and understanding ... your character in future depends much on your conduct in youth. Your Uncle Brown family all sends their Love to you. Your mother intends to come to Plymouth as soon as is convenient. I & your grandmother intend to come over as soon as possible."

6. 1828 Stampless (w/envelope to Grandmother Haley from her cousin David C. Webster) from Plymouth

To Mrs. Betsey Haley Moultonborough

"At my mother's request I write you a line to send by Samuel – Nancy’s illness and the great scarcity of help make it impossible for her to take care of him ... Mother says she would have been very glad to have kept Samuel longer ...

7. 1840 Stampless Moultonborough from Dudley Gordon

To John G. Haley Boston

Dear Grandson

"... your Grandmother was taken very sick ... she wants to see you ... your father is in a bad situation he has been very unsteady of Late his wife as gone home & says she will come no more ... your father wants very much to see you, we think you had better come home as soon as possible to see to things ... tell Alfred & Oliver there folks are well

9. April 3 1842 Stampless from Moultonborough from Mehitable Gordon

To John G. Haley Boston

"My Beloved Grandson ... it is my painfull duty to address you upon a new and mournfull subject I think possibly you heard of your Grandfathers sickness by Mr. Rogers who called to see him ... he was taken suddenly Saturday about 10 o’clock and the Doctor said his left side was paralisyed and had no use of his arm nor leg while he lived ... funeral was attended Friday the 1st inst Tesat Psalm 46-10 ... Since that time we have felt very lonely we often think of you and wish you could call in often and see us ... Your Mother and little sister has been to visit us before your Grandfather's last sickness and while he was sick your Father has called in frequently to ... Your Mothers health is not very good ... I remain your affectionate Granmother Mehitable Gordon ...

10. There are a couple of 1859 letters

 to Mrs. (possibly Sarah) Haley from Castle of Peace from a woman for signing E. H. Cobb. Indicates that this is the wife of John G. Haley who it would appear needs nursing and says how nice she has "her quiet room and books ... "


I did find a marriage of a Dudley GORDON to Methitable SLEEPER in NH around 1789.

Did Betsey HALEY have two sons? Samuel born prior to 1816 and John born say 1818?

The 1850 MA shows a John G. Haley 32, in Boston, a Trunkmaker, born in NH, whose wife is Sarah.

1850 next door to John Haley in Boston is a Caroline Haley age 51 born MA

1850 NH is a David G. Webster age 67 born NH

1850 Dover NH an Elisabeth Haley age 65 born ME with a Clara age 25

1850 Epping NH a Samuel Haley age 52 born NH with a wife and children

1850 Epping a Samuel HALEY age 36 born in NH with Mercy age 31, Clinton, Henry, John and a Mary FRENCH age 56

1850 Epping a Gordon HALEY age 62

These letters were donated by Julie Bright. I would like to thank her for caring enough to share with us these wonderful documents. Julie has transcribed these letters just as they were written nearly 200 years ago.

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This page was last updated 03/04/2025