After a few years the hotel [Presidential Inn] was taken over by a local syndicate consisting of George Stone, Frank Kennett, Sr., and Herbert Lovejoy. They put in charge of the business Mr. and Mrs. George R. Lane, who made it into a very successful hotel. It was then sold to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hale, who also ran a fine establishment. After Mr. Hale's death, Mrs. Hale carried on the business most successfully, but finding the work too much of a burden, she sold the hotel to Mr. Paul Dantos, the present proprietor. When the new road on the east side was put thorugh the hotel property, Mr. Dantos established the Shopping Center.
Joseph W. Hale came from Barrington. He was the son of Samuel Hale, to whom Hale's Location was granted for meritorious service. Samuel sent his son to look after the property. He lived for several years on a farm in that tract. He then purchased a farm on the West Side, the home of his descendants for two or three generations. It is now the home of Clifford Jackson.
Samuel Sparhawk of Posrtsmouth, at one time Secretary of State, came to Conway and built the
present Henry Hale home on the West Side, and there spent the rest of his days.
In 1853 Samuel Hale bought this place for his son Matthew, and it has
remained in that branch of the Hale family ever since, the best preserved home
of early America anywhere around. The paper which was put on the parlor walls in
1853 is still there and as fresh as if put on recently.
Source: Conway Through the Years, by Ruth B. D. Horne, published in 1963, pages 96, 103-104
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