Source: Unknown
The Iowa City Citizen, Wednesday, June 3, 1908
Beloved Pastor and Teacher – A Noted Temperance Worker and
Religious Writer – A Man of the Highest Type
A feeling of sadness spread
over the city yesterday morning when the word was passed around that early, in
the morning the life of Dr. Stephen Norris Fellows had ended. The news was
communicated to points more distant speedily and there again was sorrow that the
life of one so good had ceased to be.
Last Saturday Dr. Fellows was
receiving the congratulations of his friends at having reached his
seventy-eighth birthday. Though he had not been in the best of health this
spring he had nevertheless been active and the past three weeks the Methodist
Church had practically been in his charge as Dr. Clark, the pastor, was absent
from the city and in that time Dr. Fellows had preached in the church and
conducted several funerals and also had officiated in a ceremony of marriage.
Thus his life ended in the work, which he had spent his life, that of an earnest
Christian advocate.
The immediate cause of death was diabetes.
Varied Life.
“Dr. Fellows was great, not in one line, but in many,” said
one who knew him closely. “His work in temperance lines is pre-eminent. As a
speaker and writer he upheld the cause and served in the capacity as President
of the Temperance Alliance and Anti-Saloon League.
“As a teacher he has
an enviable record. Upon his graduation from college in 1854 he was elected to a
position in Cornell College and remained there until 1860. He spent seven years
as a pastor thereafter and in 1867 he was unanimously chosen Principal of the
Normal Department in the State University. Here he spent twenty years of notable
“His record in the Church is indeed unique. He joined the Upper
Iowa Conference at its organization in 1856 and at the celebration of the
semi-centennial of the conference in Maquoketa in 1906 he gave the
semi-centennial address. He also wrote the history of the Upper Iowa Conference,
which is the best conference history ever written and stands as a remarkable
monument to him and is a treasure for the conference. He was personally
acquainted with every bishop at the Church prior to the general election
recently. He was seventy years in Sunday School and for sixty years was a
teacher. He held charges in this conference in Dyersville, Tipton, Lyons,
Marshalltown, Waterloo, Manchester, Toledo, Fayette and Grundy Center. At the
time of his death he was agent of the conference fund.
“While at Toledo
he became interested in the Indians near that place and largely through his
efforts the Indian Rights Association was formed and a training school was
established for Indians with an endowment of $435,000 from Congress.”
This is enough to show that Dr. Fellows was indeed unique in his work
accomplished but this does not tell all nor do him complete justice. His labors
were always conducted in a high-minded manner, which did much to set a good
example for those about him. He enjoyed to an exceptional degree the esteem of
his neighbors and friends and was always interested in civic betterment. The
local church owes him a great debt, as does the community in general. The
completion of the beautiful new church was a great consolation to him.
His Family History.
Dr. Fellows was born in North Sandwich, New
Hampshire. He was next to the youngest of a large family of children. Most of
his childhood was spent in Dixon, Illinois, and his education was acquired with
much personal privation. He was married in 1852 (1856 according to Jones County,
Iowa records) to Miss Sarah Matson who now survives him. Of their six children,
three are living, Albion N. in New York City, Olin S. in Middletown, New York
and Ora N. Fellows of this city.
The Funeral.
The funeral services
will be in charge of Dr. Clark and will be held in the Methodist Church Friday
afternoon at 2:30 o’clock. There will be several speakers, Dr. Parsons of
Cornell College, Dr. Miller of Des Moines, Dean A. N. Currier, Reverend A. B.
Leamer, and possibly others, who will say a few words with reference to their
special relationship to the deceased.
Contributed by Sheila Simpson
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