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Desire your presence at
their Commencement Exercises August 11 to 16, Wayne, Nebraska
PROGRAM...Tenth Annual Commencement...Nebraska Normal College
August 11 - 11 a.m.,
Baccalaureate Sermon Rev. F. H. Sanderson
August 12 - 8 p.m. Teachers' and Scientific Classes
August 13 - 8 p.m. Teachers' and Scientific Classes
August 14 - 8 p.m. Conservatory of Music
August 15 - 8 p.m. Presentation of Diplomas
Lecture, "Living or Making a Life" Rev. Edward F. Trefz, Omaha
August 16 - 8 p.m. Alumni Meeting
August 16 - 10 p.m. Alumni Banquet
Sunday, August 11, 11 a.m., Presbyterian Church
Music, Anthem College Choir
Scripture Lesson and Prayer Rev. Welden
Hymn, No. 165, Pentecostal Hymns No. 1
Sacred Solo Miss Stewart
Sermon Rev. F. H. Sanderson, Fremont
Prayer Rev. Bithell
Anthem College Choir
Hymn No. 108, Pentecostal Hymns No. 1.
Benediction Rev. Ringer
Monday, August 12, 8 p.m., Chapel Hall
Motto: The Past Forever Gone, The Future still Our Own.
Colors: Royal Purple and Old Gold
Piano Duet Sonata Diabelli
Mrs. Grace Witzel, Miss Mabel Tompkins
Our Heritage Winona B. Moran
The Uses of Great Men J. W. Cronk
The Beauty of the Lillies Marion E. Elliott
The Bedouins of the Desert Grant A. Hall
Vocal Solo "Hearest Thou?" Robert Elliott
A Silhouette Emma Gibbins
Intercepted Dispatches John H. Wilson
Uncle Tom Without a Cabin Ada Clair Leonard
Twelve Years of British Song Clair M. Whitney
Male Quartette
Messrs Hadley, Wilson, Elliott and McCorkle
Geology of Nebraska F. H. Willis
Music in the Poets Mabel Norma Dodge
The Empress Josephine Emma Katherine Larson
Piano Duet "American Guards" Goerelerer
Fred Pile, Helen Pile
Tuesday, August 13, 8 p.m., Chapel Hall
Piano Duet "Waltz de Concert" Mattei
Misses Chase and Stewart
The Dawn of the Reformation Laura M. Nieland
Circle Mabel E. Tompkins
Alexander Hamilton Archie E. Littell
The Songs of the Creole Alma E. Schwichtenberg
Vocal Solo Miss Fannie Dyer
A Study in Black and White Maud Iva Johnson
Representative Men Jesse B. McCorkle
Literary Women Rosanna Rossbach
Piano Quartette "Romeo and Juliet" Bellini
Misses Hanson, Larson, Stewart, Mrs. Paul
The Forgotten Millions Susan S. Knox
Robert Burns Mary McLaughlin
Daniel Webster Robert I. Elliott
Double Quartette
Misses Tompkins, Edgerton, McLaughlin, Neiland
Messrs Hadley, Wilson, Elliott, McCorkle
Wednesday, August 14, 8 p.m. Chapel Hall
Piano Quartette "Carnival De Venice" Schuloff
Misses Elliott, Pile, Stewart, Mr. Fred Pile
Solo "2d Rhapsodie Hongroise" Liszt
Miss Mabel May Griffith
Vocal Solo, Mr. McCorkle
Piano Quartette "La Baladine" Lysburg
Misses Elliott, Hanson, Pile, Fred Pile
Double Quartette
Misses Tompkins, Edgerton, McLaughlin, Nieland
Messrs Hadley, Wilson, Elliott, McCorkle
Solo "Serenade and Ellegro Giojoso" Mendelssohn
Miss Griffith, orchestra part by Miss Stewart
Class Roll with Home Address
Cronk, J. W. Page, Neb.
Dodge, Mabel Norma Laurel, Neb.
Elliott, Marion E. Winside, Neb.
Elliott, Robt I (Scientific) Winside, Neb.
Gibbins, Emma Troy, Kan.
Griffith, Mabel May (Music) Wayne, Neb.
Hall, Grant A. Mariaville, Neb.
Johnson, Maud Iva Sioux Falls, S.D.
Knox, Susan S. Hubbard, Neb.
Larson, Emma Katherine Beresford, S.D.
Leonard, Ada Clare Wakefield, Neb.
Littell, Archie E. Pierce, Neb.
McCorkle, Jesse B. Napier, Neb.
McLaughlin, Mary E. Meckling, S.D.
Moran, Winona B. Linsay, Neb.
Neiland, Laura M. Wayne, Neb.
Rossback, Rosanna Cornlea, Neb.
Schwichtenberg, Alma E. Pierce, Neb.
Tompkins, Mabel E. Bassett, Neb.*
Willis, F. H. Battle Creek, Neb.
Wilson, John H. Gordon, Neb.*
Whitney, Clara M. Wayne, Neb.
Teachers' and Scientific Classes
Thursday, August 15, 8 p.m., Opera House
Motto: The Past Forever Gone, The Future Still Our Own.
Colors: Royal Purple and Old Gold
Invocation Rev. Bitbell
Piano Duet "Grand Galop de Concert" Ketterer
Misses Pile and Griffith
Vocal Solo Miss Stewart
Lecture " Living or Making a Life" Rev. E. F. Trefz
Piano Solo "6th Rhapsodie Hongroise" Liszt
Fred Pile
Presentation of Diplomas Pres. J. M. Pile
Piano Quartette "Revell Du Lion" Kontski
Miss Griffith, Pile, Stewart and Fred Pile
Transcribed by: Mary Thompson Saban
granddaughter of Mabel Ella Tompkins and John Henry Wilson (graduates
above), from the original parchment announcement as sent out in 1901.
Family history is available on Mabel Ella Tompkins and John Henry
Wilson. My mailing address is Mary Thompson Saban, PO Box 522, Riverton,
WY 82501. I will mail a xerox copy of the original to any descendant of
any person listed in the announcement.
Additional notes on John H. Wilson - he received a Business Degree in
1902 and a Science Degree in 1903. As soon as I get the degrees copied
and reduced in size, they will be available to any descendant upon