WAYNE COUNTY NEBRASKA 1890-91 Gazetteer Business Directory. CARROLL, WAYNE COUNTY NEBRASKA Carroll, a post office & station on the C. St. P. M. & O. RR., in the northwestern part of Wayne county, 20 miles from R&olph & 10 miles from Wayne. Population, 100. HOSKINS, WAYNE COUNTY NEBRASKA A station recently established on the Norfolk branch of the C.St.P.M. & O. RR.,in the southwestern part of Wayne county, 28 miles from Wayne, the county seat. Business Name Type of business Town Grosvenor R L, Phys Hoskins Harshar A B Blacksmith Hoskins Howser A L Justice Hoskins Hughie J M Drugs Justice Hoskins Lenz C F Blacksmith, agr implements Hoskins Powell J W Postmaster, sta agent Hoskins Trotter & Howser Saloon Hoskins Yutz W Genl mdse, agr implements Hoskins MAZE, a new post office in Wayne county WAYNE, WAYNE COUNTY NEBRASKA Is the county seat of Wayne county. It has a population of 1300 & is on the C.St.P.M. & O. RR, (over which the U. P. RR run trains to Sioux City, Iowa) at its junction with a branch road running northwestward from Wayne to Randolph. It is 47 miles southwest of Sioux City, Iowa, & is a large shipping point for grain & cattle. The banks, churches, schoolhouses & business blocks would be creditable to a town twice its size. The banks are the First National & the Citizens. A roller flour mill & a feed mill are among the industries of the place. The Hotels are The Boyd, H M Henry prop, & The Commercial. Two newspapers The Wayne Gazette , J L Lewis prop, & The Herald, Goshorn & McNeal props. are published weekly. The churches are the Presbyterian,Methodist, Baptist, Lutheran, German Lutheran & Catholic. A good waterworks system is about to be constructed; the citizens voted to issue bonds to the amount of $18,000 for that purpose. Business Name Type of business Town Ahern M P Dry goods Wayne Bailey George Restaurant Wayne Baum D Clothing Wayne Bennett N F & Co Real estate Wayne Boyd (The) H M Henry prop Wayne Bradford E Phys Wayne Britton D L Horse breeder Wayne Britton James Atty Wayne Burson O H Saloon Wayne Campbell & Ott Millinery Wayne Chace & Neely Hardware Wayne Childs Nathan Saloon Wayne Citizens Bank A L Tucker pres Wayne Citizens Bank M Grimsley vice pres Wayne Citizens Bank D C Main cashier Wayne Clark S P Barber Wayne Commercial Hotel Thomas B Flanagan prop Wayne Connor, Hughes & Co Genl mdse Wayne Corbil H E Dry goods & notions Wayne Crawford R B Real estate Wayne Danielson D A Jeweler Wayne Davis M S Books & stationery Wayne Dearborn L C Drugs Wayne Dobbins & Britton Carriage repository Wayne Dorman August Genl mdse Wayne Edgerton C E Confectionery Wayne Edwards & McCulloch Lumber co W H Bradford agt Wayne Feather B F Justice Wayne Ferguson A J Real estate, chattel loans Wayne & collection agt Wayne First National Bank J M Straham pres Wayne First National Bank Geo Bogart vice pres Wayne First National Bank H F Wilson cashier Wayne Flanagan Thomas B Pres. Commercial Hotel Wayne Fuller Frank Atty Wayne Gaetner J P Furniture Wayne Gamble Wm O Real estate Wayne Gifford & Smith Agri implmts Wayne Gildersleeve J J Ins Wayne Golden Valley Creamery Henry Ley mgr Wayne Goll J H Meat market Wayne Goshorn & McNeal Publishers of the Herald Wayne Gregory Horace Blacksmith Wayne Hammond W D Veterninary surgeon Wayne Harrington bros Genl mdse Wayne Harrington & Epler Dry goods Wayne Hayes & Bargelt Jewelers Wayne Healey M T Restaurant Wayne Henrichs Fred Blacksmith Wayne Henry H M Prop of the Boyd Wayne Herald (The) Goshorn & McNeal pubs Wayne Hoeneck A F Groceries Wayne Ivory W A Dentist Wayne Jones Eli Livery Wayne Juhlen N I Boots & shoes Wayne Kass B J Drugs Wayne King J D Atty Wayne Kortright & Co Photographers Wayne Larson Wm B Barber Wayne Leisenring H G Phys Wayne Lewis J L Publisher of Wayne Gazette Wayne Lewis J S jr Harness Wayne Lewis W F Phys Wayne Ley Henry Genl mdse Wayne Liljiberg Fred Boots & shoes Wayne Love W A Phys Wayne McGinty J W Pumps & Windmills Wayne Miller P L Groceries Wayne Milligan J O & Co Grain Wayne Miner & Davis Confectionery Wayne Moran T W Sta, tel, & ex agt Wayne Newton L & son Feed mill Wayne Northrop Frank M Atty Wayne Olmstead R S Housemover Wayne Olmstead E P & Co Hardware Wayne Oman P W Auctioneer Wayne Peavey F H & Co Grain & coal Wayne Perrine E E Drugs Wayne Perry Bros & Warner Livery, sale & feed Wayne Philleo & Grinsley Lumber Wayne Piepenstock Aug Bakery Wayne Piepenstock Wm Harness Wayne Rayburn L F Blacksmith Wayne Regan M R Phys Wayne Relyea S D Carpenter Wayne Riley Geo W Loans Wayne Roe & Co Meat market Wayne Rundell L E Genl mdse Wayne Sebald Geo Barber Wayne Sidner Miss D M Millinery Wayne Skeen F M Ins Wayne Soenneken Wm Genl mdse Wayne Stone A Merchant tailor Wayne Stringer Mark Blacksmith Wayne Warnock Robert Q Livery Wayne Wayne Gazette J L Lewis publisher Wayne Wayne Roller Mills Weber Bros prop Wayne Weber Bros prop Wayne Roller Mills Wayne Welch A A Atty Wayne Wightman W C Phys Wayne Wilkinson & Swan Millinery Wayne Winsor L S Blacksmith Wayne Witter A T Groceries Wayne Wright H C Postmaster Wayne Wright W M Atty real estate Wayne WINSIDE, WAYNE COUNTY NEBRASKA A station on the C St. P. P. & O. RY in the southwestern part of Wayne county, 12 miiles west of Wayne, the county seat. Population, 150. Business Name Type of business Town Bender John Sta agt Winside Carter A H Postmaster Winside Carter & Mundy Genl mdse Winside Cherry A B Drugs. Winside Clarke A B Hardware. Winside Dodge M H Justice. Winside Dredla John Harnessmaker Winside Hart Wm Blacksmith Winside Heyer Wm Blacksmith Winside St John Mrs Millinery, dressmaking Winside Tillson J W Hardware Winside Weible Frank Genl mdse Winside ====== This file may be freely copied for non-profit purposes. All other rights reserved. ====== Copyright © 2006 Donna Shufelt Kathie Harrison Wayne Co., NEGenWeb Project