Dist. 28 Dedicates New Two Room Standard School with Appropriate Exercises; Large Crowd Attends
Address by State Superintendent Taylor is a Feature of the Program
-------With a most interesting entertainment attended by a crowd that overtaxed the capacity of the building, the splendid new, modern school house in District No. 28, five miles northeast of Platte Center, was dedicated last night.
Informal addresses by State Superintendent Charles W. Taylor, of Lincoln; County Superintendent Fred S. Lecron, of Columbus, and Rev. Lobsein, of Platte Center were among the features of the program, which included also the singing of "America" by the audience, several delightful musical numbers by a Dist. 28 orchestra, reading of the history of the district by Mrs. Alfred Camp, one of the former teachers, and the following numbers by the pupils of the school, who had been drilled by their teacher, Miss Mary Haney: "America," by the school; "Bell and Belle Drill," by 12 boys and girls; "Mama's Hired Girl," reading by Elsie Gerling; "The Ghost in the Closet," dialogue by five boys and girls; "Soldier BOys" Marold Janssen, Edgar Janssen, Marvin Kallweit; "Molly Whimper," reading by Marvin Kallweit; "Sunbonnet Drill," by eight girls; "Old McDonald's Farm," song by the six girls and two boys; "Grandma's Peppermints," dialogue, Madeline Hassebrook, Clarence Gehring, Helen Lobsien; "The Leaflets and Ladybugs," six girls; "Reuben and Rachel," song by Clarence Goering, Esther Goering, Marie Hassebrook, Elmer Janssen; "The City Cousins," dialogue by Ruth Kallweit, Alvin Janssen, Marie Hassebrook, Elmer Janssen, John Goering, district director, presided.
After the program, an elaborate plate lunch, prepared by the ladies of the district, was served in the community room in the basement of the new school. So large was the crowd attending, that both the main floor and basement were filled.
The New Building District 28's new building, which replaces one that has been in use 44 years, meets the state specifications for standard schools in all respects. It is 30 by 40 feet in dimensions with a 10 by 14 porch and entrance on the south. Though the district does not have high school grades now, two class rooms have been provided, one 24 by 30 and the other 16 by 30, with a view to future expansion to a 10 grade school, as has been done in six other districts in the county.
The two school rooms are separated by a folding partition that can be opened to make one large room. Two cloak rooms are also provided on the main floor. Light for the class rooms is admitted through windows at the left and rear of the pupils' desks.
In the basement are a large room for children's play and for community meetings, kitchen, furnace room and two fuel rooms. The building is heated by a hot air furnace.
Erection of the building, which was authorized July 6, 1927, was commenced in September, and cost approximately $5,000. The building committee included the members of the school board--John Goering, director; Gerhard Janssen, treasurer, and John Hassebrook, moderator--and George Kallweit, Ben Janssen and Oscar Arndt. Theodore Behrens and Anton Treinies were the builders, Thomas Zuerlein did the masonry and Henry Gerbers, the painting.
History of the District The history of Dist. 28 as read by Mrs. Camp related many interesting facts about the district from the time of its organization more than half a century ago to the present. It was as follows:
"Among the mouldy records of the court house at Columbus and the thumb worn records of the district offices the following has been found concerning the early history of District No. 28.
"O. Stearns and others presented a petition for the formation of a new district which was set apart bounded as follows--commencing at the N.E. corner, section 4, Township 20, Range 1 W., thence west one and one half (1 1/2) miles, thence south five (5) miles, thence west to the N.W. corner of Section 31, same Township and Range, then south to the S.W. corner Section 30, Township 19, Range 1 W., thence east to the S.E. corner Section 28, same Township and Range, thence north to the place of beginning to be known as District Number 28. Meeting called at the house of O.E. Stearns for election of proper officers on July 14, 1872, at 2 p.m. John Peter Braun was elected moderator, H.V. Monnette, director and O.E. Stearns, treasurer. No doubt the first officers of the district.
"On May 20, 1873, a special district meeting was held and 10 mills on the dollar was voted for building purposes, and six mills for general purposes, total of 16 mills. Same was forwarded to County Clerk of Platte county Clerk of Platte county [sic], and signed by John Peter Braun, moderator, H.V. Monnette, director and O.E. Stearns, treasurer.
"The first school house in the district was built of sod. Total receipts for the first year was $118.36. Total expense for first year was $97.65. Building material that was needed for the sod school house was bought of Hunneman and Hollman, lumber dealers, and H.P. Coolidge, hardware. Total expense $33.60. First stove cost $3. The first teacher in the district was J. Lynch, receiving his salary in Feb. 19, 1873. Records do not show how many months school was open.
"According to the records there was no school taught in 1874 and 1875 and 1876, as the next teacher's salary was paid to J.H. Lynch, Sept. 7, 1875, the amount of $22.60. But we find record of the following officers for 1874: Nicholas Gentleman, director, O.E. Stearns, and John Carlson, moderator. No mention is made of the officers of 1875. In 1876 the district was represented by the following--Jos. B. Shillito, director, Robert Gentleman, treasurer and Jas. McCormick, moderator. Here J.H. Lynch received two interest payments, one for $2 and one for $7.50, which must have been an order carried over from 1873. One payment to A. Stoll on J. Lynch's order and interest amounted to $44.65. This was paid Apr. 2, 1876.
"In 1877-78 a term of six months was taught. No mention is made of officers. Rosilla Thomson taught the first four months, receiving $25 per month for salary. Lizzie Fagan taught the last two months, receiving $30 per month.
"In the fall of 1879 the first frame school building was erected. It was located about one-fourth mile west of where the present school now stands, being one-half mile from where the old sod school house stood, in order to be nearer to a farm home in case of storms. Rudolph Faunce doing the carpenter work on the first frame building. In the fall of 1879 Lizzie Fagan taught one month, followed by Miss Olilia V. Harmon, teaching two months.
Kate Schrack was the first teacher to teach in the new frame building in 1880-81. The following were officers, J.B. Shillito, director, H. Wasserberger, treasurer and Jacob Judd, moderator.
"In the fall of 1881 F.G. Leisenring was the teacher, with the following officers, J.B. Shillito, director, J.S. Freeman, treasurer, and R.J. Gentleman, moderator.
"The school term of 1882-83, Mary Carrig was teacher with the following officers--Jos. Shillito, director, J.S. Freeman, treasurer, and R.J. Gentleman, moderator. Miss Carrig taught two terms. In 1883 the board remained the same except N. Gentleman was appointed as the new director.
"A fire destroyed the first frame building, and in the fall of 1884 they started to erect the second frame building, the one now standing on the present school site. Wm. Uschold being carpenter, with the following officers--N.J. Gentleman, director, N. Gentleman, moderator, and J.S. Freeman, treasurer. In 1884-85 John Maher taught the first in the new school building. The records do not show the cost of this school house, but Mr. Henry donated one acre of ground for the school site.
In 1885-86 J.J. Barnes taught. He lived six miles northwest of Columbus. The officers for this term were N.J. Gentleman, director, J.S. Freeman, treasurer and N. Gentleman, moderator.
"In 1886-87 Thomas Welch came here from Iowa to teach. The board for this year were N.J. Gentleman, director, Wm. Lawrence, treasurer, and N. Gentleman, moderator.
"In 1887-88 Mamie Whalin taught. She is better known as Mrs. Wm. Gentleman of Archer, Neb. That was the year of the blizzard of Jan. 12, 1888. There were 15 pupils present that day and all had to stay at the school house over night. Jacob Judd came to the school at 1 o'clock that night. He was treasurer of the school board at that time, living on what is now the Slovinski place. THe other members of the board for that year were Wm. Schelp, director and Wm. Lawrence, treasurer.
The next year, 1888-89, Anna Freeman was teacher. She is now Mrs. Coleman. The school board members were the same as 1887-88.
"Miss Minnie Owens taught the school from 1889 to 1892. She is now Mrs. Rauch. The board members of 1889-1890 and 1891 were Wm. Schelp, director, J.S. Freeman, treasurer and Jacob Judd, moderator.
"In 1892-93, the same school board was elected with Miss Mary Griffin as teacher. Mrs. Wm. Gentleman tells us that Miss Griffin died shortly after the school term. She was a good teacher and well liked, which was proven by the large attendance of neighbors at her funral.
"Miss Hattie Glass taught the school for one term, 1893-94, with Wm. Schelp as director, C.W. Freeman, treasurer and Jacob Judd moderator.
"The year of 1894-95 Miss Maggie Cronin of Platte Center taught the school, with the same school board members as the year before. Miss Cronin is Mrs. R. McGuane.
"In 1895-96 Miss Mary Cronin taught the school. She taught two terms. The school board members of 1895 were Wm. Schelp, director, C.W. Freeman, treasurer and Jacob Judd moderator. Members of the school board of 1896 were Wm. Gentleman, director, C.W. Freeman, treasurer, and Henry Gehring, moderator.
"Miss Lydia Bloedern taught the school term of 1897-98 with the school board members the same as 1896.
"In 1898-99 Miss Florence Nay taught two months, and Mr. P.H. Hogan completed the term. Members of the board that year were Wm. Gentleman, director, C.W. Freeman, treasurer and Henry Gehring, moderator.
"Miss Mary Cronin again taught the school the term of 1899-1900, with Wm. Gentleman, director, C.W. Freeman, treasurer and Henry Gehring, moderator, as the school board members.
"In June 1900 F.W. Monden was elected moderator, succeeding Henry Gehring. The term of 1900-01 was taught by Henry Lamb for two and one-half (2 1/2) months and John Hays completed the term.
"Wm. Gentleman resigned as director in the spring of 1901, and Geo. Walter was appointed to take his place. Miss Margaret Regan taught two terms, 1901-02 and 1902-03. In 1902 the school board changed to F.W. Monden, moderator, C.W. Freeman, director and Phil Goering, treasurer.
"1903-04 R. Turner taught three months, and Dessie Sought completed the term, with the school board members the same as 1902.
"Miss Pearl Freeman taught the school for three terms, 1904-05, 1905-06 and 1906-07, with the same school board members for 1904 and C.W. Freeman, director, Phil Goering, treasurer, and Henry Walter, moderator for the years of 1905-06 and 1906-07.
"1907-08 Mary Cronin of Platte Center again taught the school. This term Wm. Gentleman was elected director, succeeding C.W. Freeman.
"In June 1908, Ernest O. Arndt was elected moderator to succeed Henry Walter and the term of 1908-09 was taught by Miss Anna Burns of Platte Center.
"1909-10, 1910-11, 1911-12 and 1912-13, Miss Florence Dunn taught. She is now Mrs. Risedorf. The school board of 1909, 1910 and 1911 were Wm. Gentleman, director, Phillip Goering, treasurer and Ernest O. Arndt, moderator.
"June 12, 1912, there was a change in all the offices of the school board except the moderator, who remained the same. They were Anton Hassebrook, director and Phllip Goering, treasurer and E.O. Arndt, moderator. The term of 1912-13 was taught by Clara Hilzinger.
"The term of 1913-14 was taught by L.F. Kopp, and John Hassebrook was elected moderator and E.O. Arndt, director.
"1914-15 Magdalen Spriegel taught, with E.O. Arndt, director, Phillip Goering trasurer and John Hassebrook, moderator. These three men were the school board members from 1914 to 1918 inclusive.
"Anna O'Callahan taught the term of 1915-16, Helen Kelly of Monroe the term of 1916-17 and Rose Hackmann of Columbus, the term of 1917-18.
"Miss Lillian Kluever who lived near Columbus, now Mrs. Ted Raymonds of Columbus, taught two terms, 1918-19 and 1919-20. In June 1919 Gerhard Janssen was elected a member of the school board as treasurer, succeeding Phillip Goering.
"1920-21, Margaret Langan, of Platte Center, now Mrs. John Cady, of Genoa, taught, with John Goering, director, Gerhard Janssen, treasurer, and John Hassebrook, moderator.
"June 1920, John G. Goering was elected director, succeeding E.O. Arndt, Miss Frances Dunn, now Mrs. Alfred Camp, taught the school, for four terms, 1921-22, 1922-23, 1923-24 and 1924-25.
"1925-26 Mabel Kluever, now Mrs. Herman Goering, taught the school for four months, and Violet Mohlman taught the last five months.
"1926-27, Bertha Olson, now Mrs. Dave Nelson, of Newman Grove was teacher, and for 1927-28 Mary Haney is our teacher.[The Columbus Daily Telegram, ___________, 1928]