NEGenWeb Project
Platte County, Nebraska
Photographs from the Viola (Grotelueschen) Kyes Collection

The following photos were found and submitted by Steve Ryan ( These photographs were rescued by Steve after having been discarded by someone. Thank you, Steve, for salvaging these photographs and sharing them with us! If these photographs are of your family, please contact Steve Ryan

There is some information on this family found in the Grotelueschen obituaries found at Vital Records. Scroll down to the subheading of "Miscellaneous obituaries" near the bottom of the page.

NOTE: Click on small picture to view larger image. Use your browser "back" button to return to this page.

1.Bauman brothers and their goats

2.Cousin Ed and ____ Lueke and son

3.Emma Grotelueschen (feeding chickens)

4.Emma Grotelueschen

5.Emma Grotelueschen (wash day)

6.Eva Grotelueschen and Alvina Grotelueschen

7.Marion Grotelueschen

8.Viola Kyes

9.Paul Putman, Clarence Muhle and Elmer Muhle

10.Russ and Henrietta Bell-Keyes Place

11.Elazda and Nola Burgess Nola

12.Eva Grotelueschen

13.Grotelueschen Farm

14.Ed Lueke and Herb Grotelueschen

15.Hugo Loseke, Isabell Loseke, Elazd Hunteman and Herb Grotelueschen

16.Elazda Hunteman and Viola

17.Viola and Grandpa Hunteman

18.Elazda and Lottie Klug

19.Kopac Bros. Car

20.Adline Loseke

21.Adline Loseke and Viola Keyes

22.Loseke, Loseke, Welch

23.Lotta Loseke and Viola Keyes

24.Maggie Welch and Luela Loseke (Viola's cousins)

25.Paul Putman, Clarence and Elmer Muhle

26.Elmer Muhle and Paul Putman

27.Viola, Everette Loseke, Elzada Hunteman, ______________

28.Harold Putman and Viola

29.Paul and _____

30.Rev. and Mrs. Wechert Family, Shell Creek

31.Shell Creek Lutheran Church (Grotelueschen Family Church)

32.Back of _________ (four kids, house & cats)

33.Unknown (in drag)

34.Gerhard and Augusta Voss Cemetery Stone
(Parents of Emma Grotelueschen)

35.(Aunt) Lilly Voss and daughters

36.Mabel Voss
. . . .

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