Platte Co., NE - Monroe 1905 (Oct-Dec) News NEGenWeb Project
Monroe Looking Glass
1905 Newspaper Extracts (October - December)

Please note that these are selected articles only and I do not have access to the full year of newspapers. Also, I have retained the original wording and spelling from the articles. I realize they contain many typographical errors. A special thanks to Charlotte Morton for loaning me these newspapers and Shirley Martys for typing them!

October 5, 1905

Mr and Mrs Charles Kelley were in Creston on Sunday. ... Charles Carrig of Columbus was in town Monday. ... Hon J.E. North of Columbus was in Monroe Monday. ... Mrs Dyre of Boone is the guest of Mrs E. R. Dack. ... Frank Smith of Fullerton is visiting relatives north of Monroe. ... Tom Mallalieu is visiting his uncle C.W. Ziegler. ... Dr. Frank moved his stable today; He will get fixed soon. ... Why not build a parsonage this fall for the Presbyterian Minister. ... Mr and Mrs McDonald have purchased the Miller property in Monroe. ... Miss Keating arrived last Thursday from North Platte and is the guest of Mrs Young. ... Miss Iniz and Vinta Nash were in Columbus Friday. ... Mrs Mable Matson came up for a visit with relatives on Wednesday. ... Mrs E.A. Gerrard and Miss Fannie Weeks spent Sunday in Columbus. ... Mr and Mrs Charles McCone of Silver Creek were in Monroe the first of the week. ... Mrs Will Kelley is receiving a visit from her parents Mr and Mrs Obrist. ... Mr and Mrs Percy returned to their home in Chicago Friday after several weeks visit with relatives in Monroe and vicinity. ... Fifield sold his wheat to Murdock two cents better than Monroe offered; The big new elevator looks like a black eye for Monroe. ... Miss Ethel Hughes, a Missionary among the Mormons of Utah will give an address at the Presbyterian church on Monday evening Oct 9, at 8'clock. Miss Hughes is an unusually interesting speaker, and no one ought to fail to hear her. Everybody come. Bring your friends. No admission, a collection will be taken.

October 12, 1905

DIED - Mr G.A. Kerr at his home at 3 o'clock p.m. Oct 11th. His death was expected as he had been very low for some time. The funeral will be from the farm house at 2 p.m. Friday and at the Congregational church at 3 p.m. ... Crystol N.D. Oct 5, born, to Mr and Mrs Harry McClanaghan a son. ... Wm Webster returned from Springfield S.D. Tuesday. ... F.H. Gerrard was in Columbus Wednesday. ... Mrs Mable Matson returned to her home at Pawnee City today. ... Mr Frank Strother was in town the first of the week. ...Fred Watts is working on the seed washing machine this week. ... Mr. Finnamore of Columbus was in town last Friday. ... Mr M. Fish and family returned from S.D. Friday of last week. ... Mrs Thompson was in Columbus Monday. ... Ch.H. Kelley and A.E. Priest went to Creston Saturday night. ... Mrs Dockhorn of Arcadia is visiting friends here this week. ... Dr. Pass returned from a trip Tuesday. ... Dr. Frank is receiving a visit from his sister. ... Harry Crookman returned home from California last Saturday. ... E.A. Gerrard and wife start today for Iowa to visit relatives. ... Mrs J.H. Smith visited in St Edward Friday and Saturday. ... Mr. Lennen has been quite sick this week; has had several sinking spells. ... Mrs Ida Watts of Genoa came down Saturdy to visit with relatives a few days. ... B.S. Thurston started on his new house just north of C. Terry's place. ... Mr Evans from Kearney was visiting his sister Mrs S.L. Humphrey Sunday and Monday. ... While working on the see works W.E. Cole had the misforturne to have his boot mashed by a heavy weight falling on it. ... The bank of Springfield S.D. of which Wm Webster of this place is President was burlarized last week. ... Isiah Lightener has bought the lumber barn on what was the Gerrard yard; he will remove it to his daughters farm. ... There is a good prospect for a new elevator which is badly needed. Genoa on one side and the little burg of Oconee on the other, get all the grain. Why? because they pay more. The new elevator looks good.

OCONEE NOTES - D. Zeigler representing the Security Mutual Ins Co, was a pleasant caller here Saturday. ... R. Way was here Tuesday enroute to Ceder Rapids in the interest of the Monroe Independent Telephone Company. ... Beckwith and Sons have their elevator ready to load their large crop of sugar beets into cars. ... O. Weber will put up a wind mill near his stables and hog sheds. ... A message reached J.C. Dawson Saturday that his wife who is visiting her sister-in-law in Kansas City was taken sick. J.C. knew that she would be well cared for but was ready to start there if her condition did not improve.

November 16, 1905

Mr Reed is in Omaha this week. ... Mr Hugh Hill was in Columbus Monday. ... Mrs Alec Ault was visiting in Columbus over Sunday. ... Mr McAlister of Columbus was in Monroe Saturday. ... Mrs C.W. Zeigler of Columbus is visiting relatives this week. ... The G.A.R. Post met with Henry Kelley on Wednesday. ... Oconee is intending to paint and repair their church; they have forty dollars and will get more. ... Mrs Nina Cave and children of Humphrey are visiting their parents Mr and Mrs Cummins. ... D.W. Wilson was a Monroe caller Monday. He speaks very highly of our minister, thinks he improves noticeably all the time. ... C.W. Talbitizer was visited by friends on Monday evening in honor of his birthday anniversary; it was a surprise and he was away at a school meeting when they gathered. ... Mrs Dickinson's son John came down to make her a visit; partly because he heard about her cutting her foot; she was glad he came, but not glad enough to cut another foot to secure another visit.

OCONEE NOTES - Rev. Angell was a caller here Tuesday. ... D. Murdock is busy unloading cars of lumber, stocking up his lumber yard he has here now. ... J.F. Beckwith and sons are busy getting in their large crops of beets and seeds. ... Denny Roberts shipped a car load of hogs from here Wednesday. ... Stewart Kennedy of St Edward was the guest of Mr and Mrs Dawson Monday.

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