July 4, 1901George and Eva Shuman are here visiting friends.
Stanley Maly visited in Schuyler over Sunday.
H.G. Huston of Grand Island was a Monroe visitor Monday.
W.T. Craig and wife returned from Friend yesterday.
Mrs. L. Riley went up to Woodville Tuesday to visit relaties.
Mrs. Sarah Watts left for Cincinnati, Ohio, Monday, to see her daughter, Mrs. W. E. Cole.
Elmira Conard and Maud Moore went to Genoa yesterday to spend the fourth with relatives.
The man that thinks the Fourth of July is a day to make a fool of himself ought not to be an American citizen. Citizenship ought to be a prize worht striving for.
In looking over some papers the other day Bert Preist found the following interesting relic:
Chas Kelley says that J.R. Smith told him that he heard John Gleason say that Fred Meedle told him that Willie Smith said that Billie McWilliams thought James Irwin believes and Dave Reisland reasons positively that Alf Matson told Will Howe that Henry Gibbs had said plainly by that he had heard Dan Zeigler say that his friend Jake Smith had said that it was well known all over the county that Geo. Swisher had caught Oscar Crawford saying in his opinion that it was a matter of fact and of great public interest that George Alexander had said that Mike Campbell told him Charlie Gerrard had said that James Leggett did say that Henry Smith intimated that Jack Williams store was the best place to buy Dry Goods, Shoes, Clothing, Hats, etc., of which he keeps a large stock at Monroe.Mrs. George Barnums barn is under way.
Miss Edna Jencks visited in Boone this week.
Rob and Willie Sutton are over from Stromsburg this week visiting relatives.
Mrs. Carrie Glines and children came up from St Joe, Mo., last week for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clayburn.
Mrs. James Cooper and two little girls came over from Bellwood Wednesday to visit her daughter Mrs. C.A. Gerrard.
Mr and Mrs R.B. Sutton and Mrs Chas Terry expect to start for the Pan American Exposition the first of the week, and will also visit with relatives and friends in the east.
A niece of Mrs. John Gleason's, Miss Mary Delaney, from Lead City So. D., is visiting her aunt and cousins for a few weeks. She is a teacher in the Lead City school.
CONCERT. Miss Carrie Sackrider will give a Concert by her pupils on July 20th, in Monroe Hall. Miss Sacriders pupils were the attraction at a former concernt, which we all remember with pleasure. Admission 15cts, Children 10cts. Dont forget the date July 20th.
OCONEE NOTES. Mr, Pederson Auditor O.E. Co. with a friend drove up from Columbus Saturday. ... Bud Strother was here Saturday to meet a friend. ... Jacob Bodmer is now attending to his grapes of which he will have a large yield. ... R.S. Hilliard was cutting Rye for Daniel Murdock this week. ... Elmar Francis will purchase 10 acres of land near town from E.A. Gerrard. ... Grant Delarm reports the bugs doing lots of damage to squash.
July 11, 1901Spring wheat will not be a good crop. ... Winter wheat looks like a good yeild.
F.H. Gerrard is a Columbus visitor today.
Mr. Pugsley was doing business in Monroe Wednesday.
Mr. Musser of the A.D. Co. was up on Monday.
Two new steam threshers were shipped in. W.H. Cole is agent we learn.
The man who is prepared to irrigate smiles at the fear for his corn crop.
John Ratteyman, of Norfolk, representing the Norfolk Beet Sugar Co., was a Monroe visitor Saturday.
Robert Welch returned to Columbus Monday. He says Monroe has more of a sporty class of young men than Columbus.
Ernest Gerrard's man was down for lumber for a grainery, he says he has 75 acres of winter wheat that is very good, and 25 acres of rye.
James Weatherbee has sold his farm of 320 acres north of Oconee to Dr. Benthack of Platte Center for $12,800.00 Mr. Weatherbee talks of coming to Monroe to live.
If you are in need of a Doctor and you all need him sometime do not forget that Dr. Benthack is always on hand at the Dack Drug store in Platte Center, and he will attend your wants at a reasonable figure.
Corn looks well in spite of the hot winds.
Monroe can help Columbus out on Ice this year.
Mrs. Asmus has recovered so as be around again.
Alkali farms are selling for $40. and up near Columbus.
C.F. Newton has purchased the candy store of C.A. Gerrard.
Red wood siding is far and away the best for outside buildings.
Dr. Hansen and wife were Monroe visitors the first of the week.
W.T. Strother is building a picket fence in froat of his residence.
John Dawson was a Monroe visitor yesterday and called at our office.
A new sidewalk is to be built from the Blacksmith shop to Wm. Hollingsheads store.
The petition for a school meeting to vote bonds has the requisite number of signatures.
The Farmers elevator of Columbus declared a dividend of 50 per cent on Tuesday.
The grain combine has put on the pressure to squeze out the independent grain buyers.
Mrs. Hugh Hill fell from the porch last Sunday evening and dislocated one of her knees. Dr. Hansen attended her.
The Creamery combine takes up all smaller concerns. first thing we know we dassent churn our own milk.
Oconee Notes. H.G. Fenimore is putting a new foundation under the O.E. Co., warehouse. ... And still the talk is a Store, Elevator, etc. Wish some one would start the procession. ... Jack Dineen had a find Emmerson piano shipped in Tuesday. A present to his daughters. ... W.L. Smith was in COlumbus Tuesday. ... C.L. Gerrard was in town Wednesday. ... A few from here attended the Gentry show at Columbus, Saturday, they report a good performance.
Dr. Benthack was over Monday and made the Looking-Glass a pleasant call. The Doctor has bought the Residence and Private Sanatoriam from Dr. Hanson and will be in better shape to attend the wants the people than ever. Which is a great thing for Platte Center.
July 18, 1901Robt VanLear moved into his new house Saturday.
Mrs. Charles Miller was a Columbus visitor Saturday.
Chas Kelley shipped a car load of hogs Monday night.
R.L. Rossiter is a Monroe visitor today, He is making estimate on grade west of town.
Mrs. Esther Matson and children arrived in Monroe Saturday for a visit with relatives.
Miss Silvia Preston and a small brother came down from Scotia on Saturday.
Mrs. Olean threshed her wheat on Friday last, it went 20 bus. Not so good as expected.
Mox Miller has purchased the F.H. Gerrard residence building near the Walrath lumber yard.
Atty. Cornelius and Mr. Hart, the Columbus Clothing Merchant, were Monroe visitors last week.
J.J. Williams has a telegram from his brother Os, from Los Angelos, Cal., he is sick with appendicitis, and wants J.J. to go and see him.
And now business waits on rain, while the Neb., Central Irrigation Co., is commencing its last spring work of cleaning out the laterals.
Mrs. H.C. Hicks received the sad news on Saturday that her father, Mr. Thomas Jensen died suddenly at El Reno, Okla.
Gerrards have the Shiping bill of the Car of Oak Plank for the Township, this will make their 18th Car. It PAYS to buy Lumber of them.
Mr. John C. Newton has bought out the confectionary stock of C.A. Gerrard and will continue to cater to the wants of the Public in hs line, call and see his nice candies.
A number of neighbors surprised S.S. Sanford last Thursday evening, it being his 62nd, birthday. Ice cream and cake was served and an enjoyable time had by all those present.
Mrs. L.F. Miller who has been visiting with her parents, Prof. and Mrs. J.E. Hicks, for the past five weeks left today for her home at Baltimore, Md.
Oconee Notes. D.L. Bruen and Family of Grand Prairie were visiting with Mrs. Bodmer Monday. ... The Great Eastern Canal Co., seem to have the situation at present. They are furnishing their customers with an ample suply of water which means big crops to all who are lucky enough to be tributary to their laterals. ... Daniel Murdock will use his portable gasoline engine as a power for his threshing machine. ... H.B. Fenimore has been making long drives the past week with Mr. Frank Emerson who has been inspecting his seed crops in this county. ... F.H. Gerrard came in on the evenng train from Omaha Tuesday.
Jacob Smyers is up from Columbus today.
Corn looks well in spite of the hot winds.
N.P. Nelson was a county seat visitor Monday.
L.J. Hendryx was a Columbus visitor Monday.
Miss Lillian Adams returned to Columbus yesterday.
Rev. T.J. Asmus was a Columbus visitor Tuesday.
F.H. Gerrard was an Omaha visitor the first of the week.
Miss Martin of Faragut Iowa is visiting her sister Ms. C.F. Newton.
Miss Lillian Adams came up from Columbus Saturday for a visit with relatives and friends.
Mr. Stone came up from Omaha Tuesday for a visit with Mr. J.H. Sacrider.
F.H. Gerrard and Mrs. G.E. Barnum went to Columbus on Saturday to attend Dist Court.
Frank Smith came down from Belgrade Tuesday for a visit with relatives and friends.
Charles Drawbridge of Scotia arrived the later part of last week to see his mother, who has been very sick.
The W.C.T.U. gave a reception at the home of the President on Friday evening, nine new members placed their name upon the roll.
Mr. W. Ernest Wells of the Platte County Argus force made us a pleasant visit yesterday. He wants to write up the town.
Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Hicks who have been visiting with Mr. Hicks parents and relatives in Nebraska left for their home at El Reno, Okla. on Monday.
The M.E. people took the preliminary steps to organize here on Tuesday evening. We understand they appointed a committee to go to see the West Hill church which is for sale. They think of moving it to Monroe.
One of the steam threshers got their water hose choked, finding the water was getting low, all hands ran away so as not to get hurt when the explosion came, when it did not come they went to work again. Nothing like understanding your machine.
School Meeting. Special Meeting to vote bonds will be held in the school house on July 29th, at 8. O.clock P.M. The purpose being to build a new School House.
July 25, 1901J.R. Meagher Sundayed in Columbus.
H.E. Babcock was a Monroe visitor yesterday.
Dr. Hanson was a Monroe visitor this morning.
John Wiggins of Columbus was a Monroe visitor yesterday.
J.E. NOrth came upon the train Wednesday.
Mike Cassin was up from Columbus last Thursday.
Frank Campbell visited in St. Edwards over Sunday.
Mrs. McGraw was a St. Edwards visitor this week.
Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Gerrard returned from Bellwood Saturday.
John M. Kelley will put a water wheel in Looking Glass creek to raise water to irrigate with.
Hinkle has irrigated his corn on sec 4 once and will go through it again.
H.J. Hendryx and wife visited with Daniel Murdock, at Oconee last Sunday, and took a row on his lake. Mr. Murdock says his ice is keeping nicely.
Oconee Notes. Dan Thayer and Henry Pharman are hauling corn from here, they think it pays to feed high priced corn to hogs at present prices. ... August Seibler is taking a two weeks vacation. ... We predict that soon the large stock and grain men will own one fifth of all the best land in the state. ... Ernest Hoare was in town Monday, he reports corn holding out well, he expects a good yeild from his fall wheat of which he has some 70 acres in shock.
Parties farming below the Monroe ditch talk of making the Irrigation company pay for the crop that has not grown, because no water has been furnished. It is wicked to let the water run down the creek while the crops dry up.
A Mr. Bryan and a Miss. Salt of Kewanee Illinois, are visiting with Mr. Bryan our Townsman.
Mr. Hank Randall was a Monroe visitor on Monday. He thinks he would have been rich had he stayed in Monroe and bought hogs and cattle as of vore. Kelley, Oh, he would have shipped him with the first car of polled white faces.
H.B. Huston, a lumber salesman, was a caller on Monday. He says he has not sold a car of lumber for nearly three weeks. Perhaps it is becuase lumber has been getting so cheap lately.
DIED. On Monday last Mr. George Tomazin. He Went to Tarnov for twine and was overcome by the heat and stopped under the shade, later his son went after him and brought him home, he undertook to walk to the house but fell, They carried him in and He was dead when they laid him down. He was burried Tuesday. Mr Thomazin was well fixed financially and was highly respected.
August [1], 1901Irrigated corn is doing splendid.
Ed Spear of Genoa was a Monroe visitor today.
Mrs. N.P. Nelson returned from Bute, Mont., Saturday last.
Rev. H.E. Nicklen was on our streets Tuesday. He shipped his household good east.
R.B. Sutton has returned from his trip. He was one of the lucky ones to draw a farm near El Reno.
Mrs. Adams and son, Horatio, of Columbus, are visiting with her parents Mr. and Mrs. H.J. Hendryx.
Mr. Bryan and family left for Kewanee, Ill., the first of the week where they will make their future home.
Victor Oline came down from Boyd Co., Monday. He looks healthy and reports too much rain in Boyd county this summer.
Cut up the corn. Where the corn is dead it is more profitable to cut it up before weather beaten. The chances are that the fodder will be worth as much as an ordinary corn crop.
Mrs. James Irwin left for Ill., last week to see her mother who was very ill. She reports her a little better.
Mr. Wm. Spiece of Columbus was killed by the cars on Monday. He was crossing the track east of the depot and was struck by an engine.
There ought to be a watchman at that crossing. Mr. Spiece was hard of hearing which probably accounts for his getting caught. Mr. Spiece was an old settler in Columbus, a very quiet man. He leaves a wife and brother, Hon. Charles Spiece of Columbus.The special school meeting called to vote upon the issuing of bonds to build a new school house, held on Monday evening was quite unanimous, the vote stood thirty for to two against. A number intending to vote for the bonds were too late to get their votes counted.
On the proposition to move the east ward school to town and provide a conveyance to bring the scholars to school, the expression was very favorable there being but one vote against it. The two members of the High school board from that ward were appointed to circulate a petition asking the county Supt, to incorporate the proposition in the record of the union of the district.Miss Fannie Geer, of Michigan, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H.J. Hendryx.
Miss Martin, sister of Mrs. Newton, returned to her home in Iowa Wednesday.
Oconee Notes. C.L. Gerrard has carpenters at work on his property bought here. The house will be all "over-hauled" and modern improvements made on the buildings. Clarence says he will improve the building and sell it. Yes, Yes. ... Mrs. and Miss Bodmer drove to Grand Prairie Wednesday for a few days visit with their folks on the farm. ... Oh for a good rain, what contentment it would make everywhere in the state. ... Geo. Hall was in town Tuesday looking up business for the Rex Food Co. ... Cigars hath no charms O.T. Weber now, he has taken the great Anti Tobacco cure. ... Mayberger & Peofell, G. Gardener's, and D. Murdock's threshing machines are all at work in this vicinity.
All Going to the Circus. Everybody is talking about Ringling Bros.' famous big circus, which is to exhibit in Columbus Saturday Aug. 10th. Several big excursions will go from this vicinity and the popularity of the show will insure an enormous crowd. People from this locality should make an especial effort to arrive in time to see the new free street carnival which precedes the exhibition every morning at 10 o'clock. The procession is divided into thirty enormous sections, each of which is a complete parade, and presents in its entirety a bewilderingly magnificent two-mile carnival of pageantry, such as the world has never seen. In this gorgeous display and are shown over 100 beautiful dens and cages of wild animals, 500 horses, 30 elephant and nearly a thousand people, and the costumes throughout are of the finest silks, satins, and cloth of gold. The performance that follows is the most magnificent arenic display ever presented by any circus in America.
August 8, 1901Daniel Murdock was up from Oconee yesterday.
J.J. Williams expects his brother Os, back soon.
Potters have sold the wild hay on one 80 for $450.00.
F.H. Gerrard transacted business in Columbus Tuesday.
Mr. Boyd was up from Columbus Monday doing some work for H.J. Hendryx.
Mrs. Olie Steinbaugh of Council Bluffs was a guest of relatives and friends this week.
Mr. H. Robison of Columbus was up the first of the week looking after his farming interests here.
Henry Mahoney and his sister Katie were over from Platte Center Monday. Henry contracted some Plastering here when here.
Spring Rye is a delusion, Winter Rye requires twice the amount of seed usually sown.
Gerrards have the Automatic door catch, holds your screen door close so the flies are diconcerted. Call and see them at Looking-Glass office.
Long ago we heard of men in Polk county drilling wheat both ways, one bushel to the acre and then crossing with one bushel, they reported 40 to 50 bushel to the acre. We think it worth trying here.
Mr. and Mrs. James Stafford and Mr. Geo Stafford of Albany, Inc., arrived yesterday for a visit with Mrs. Stafford's sister, Mrs. Gates also her brother, Albert Russel.
W.T. Strother is building a nice barn.
Monroe is growing steadily and healthyly; we will have a town yet.
Wm. Webster was a Columbus visitor Tuesday.
Mrs. Ohlson is visiting relatives up the Looking Glass creek.
Geo. Alexander's little boy has been very sick this week.
John Blodgett was up from Oconee Tuesday and bought some posts. Mp> Miss Mamie Depew visited in Columbus the first of the week.
Stanley Maly, who has been clerking for H.J. Hendryx, returned to his home at Schuyler Monday.
Mrs. G.C. Smith of Belgrade is visiting relatives and friends in Monroe this week.
Mrs. Kinney, who has been visiting her sister Mrs. DeGraw for a month, returned to her home at St. Edwards, Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gates, Mr. and Mrs. James Stafford and Geo Stafford drove over to Silver Creek today.
Miss May Zeigler returned last Thursday from Kearney where she has been visiting relatives for a month.
Mrs. Longshore has been the guest of Mrs. Manington this week. Many of our readers will remember her, as she was for a long time a resident of Columbus. She now lives near National City, California.
Mrs. James Hilliard of Oconee who has been very sick for almost a year and for a long time was not expected to live, was visiting her daughter Mrs. Wm. Truelove, yesterday.
Oconee Notes. Considerable grain has been coming in here the last few weeks. ... D. Murdock's portable gasoline engine is proving a success as power for threshing. ... R.S. Hilliard will have a large acreage in fall rye the coming season.
Isiah Lightner brought us in a sample of apples, they are good eating even in hot weather. He does not irrigate but mulches heavily with straw, 18 inches to 2 ft deep and his trees do not suffer from drouth.
Messers H.E. Babcock, Mayor Ragats, James Galley and Lou Phillips, of Columbus, passed through Monroe yesterday morning to Genoa, coming back in the afternoon overland, to look over the irrigated farms along the canal. We do not think they will be disappointed in the results where there was thorough irrigation.
August 15, 1901There is talk of a new hotel. It is a good time to build.
S.S. Sanford expects to start for Scotia Saturday.
Miss Fannie Weeks is visiting in Belgrade this week.
Prof. Moore of Clarks is the guest of Prof. Hicks today.
Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Gerrard returned from Bellwood today.
John Newton and H.J. Waffle went up to Fullerton Wednesday.
Henry Stevens, from near Genoa, is hauling his grain to Monroe.
Miss Nellie Keeler visited in Columbus last Friday and Saturday.
A daughter arrived this morning at the home of Mr. and Mrs Walter Beckwith.
Mr. Jernberg from up Looking Glass is hauling grain to Monroe this week.
Mrs. R.B. Sutton and Mrs. C.F. Terry returned from their eastern visit on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Westen, of Genoa, were down to attend the funeral of John Munter. Mrs. Westen is a sister of Mrs. Munter.
Rev. Waldron, well and favorably known among our people, died lately in Iowa. He was in usual health up to within a few days of his death.
The Session of the Presbyterian church has called a congregational meeting of the church members to convene after morning service on Sabbath the 25th of August, for the purpose of electing two Elders to fill the vacancies in place of Elders J.A. Douglas and J. Elvin Oline.
This is an important matter and should be given full consideration by the members. The best men should be selected, men who will be earnest and faithful to fulfil the duties. It is also an honorable office that good men should aspire to. The Apostle says "covet earnestly the best gifts."DIED. Mr. John Munter died suddenly on Tuesday, Aug. 13th, 1901. He was born in Sweeden, Mar. 28, 1851 came to America in 1879 and located near Monroe 13 years ago. He appeared to be in usual health up to the day of his death, though he told C.W. Hollingshead he was going to die several days before, repeating the statement. Quite recently he made his will. He leaves a wife, two sons and a daughter. Mr. Munter had accumulated quite a little property and was running a successful business in harness and furniture. He was living near here when the town was laid out. Mr. Munter was a natural mechanic and could do any kind of mechanical work well, from building a house to repairing a watch. He was carpenter, cabinet maker, harness maker, and watch maker for our town, and a very useful man whom we all liked, though he had his failing. We shall miss him.
Funeral services were conducted by the Rev. Asmus at the Presbyterian church, Wednesday afternoon, after which the remains were taken to the Friends cemetery for interment, followed by a large concourse of friends.Saturday Monroe was very quiet, the Agent sold 190 tickets to Columbus. "How the circus do draw."
Harry Huston, salesman for Bradford, Kinsler Lumber Co., was on his rounds Monday. He made a sale to Gerrards.
Mr. and Mrs. Conaway of Omaha were Monroe visitors Monday. Mrs Conaway was well known to many of our readers as Miss Grace Taylor formerly of Columbus. They sold a Monroe lot to F.H. Gerrard.
Rev. Weed of Columbus will visit Monroe, and hold services in the Episcopal church on Sabbath. The Rev. Weed was in charge here so long that our people all know and appreciate him.
Robert Clayburn met with a serious accident last Thursday after noon. In mounting a mule, with the harness on, he was thrown and struck his side on the harness in some way. At first it was thought there might be serious results, but he is now getting along nicely.
A Colorado man on raising potatoes: Plant your potatoes shallow, when there to five inches high hill them up so as to cover them all over. Make a good furrow between the rows. Then irrigate, a small stream is best, do not let the water come up to the potatoes, but keep them wet. When you plow them out set a bushel basket in the row, keep one hand in the basket, if you get a bushel your yeild will be five hundred bushels to the arce.
Oconee Notes. Dan Thayer delivered a car load of hogs here Wednesday, solf to C.J. Carrig, of Platte Center, for $5.55 per cwt. They were a lot of heavy hogs averaging nearly 340 lbs. ... R.S. Hilliard while cutting sun flowers on the canal banks broke the sickel it was like cutting telephone poles. ... Oconee was well represented at the circus last Saturday. Every one seemed to think they got their moneys worth. ... E.M. Blore is putting some substantial improvements on his property here. ... C. Brown advocates trying some explosive in the air to corner a good shower for this locality.
Card of Thanks. To the friends who so kindly assisted us during our recient bereavement we wish to express our heartfelt thanks. Mrs. John Munter Sr. and Family
August 22, 1901There is still a demand for houses in Monroe.
E.A. Gerrard was a Columbus visitor yesterday.
Mrs. Ruth Kenyon is reported on the sick list.
Mrs. G.E. Barnum and Miss Depew were Columbus visitors Saturday last.
Monroe needs many things, one is a practical plasterer.
Hugh Hill went to Columbus yesterday to meet his brother who comes from Boston for a visit.
Mrs. Lillie Henzie who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Chas Terry, returned to Omaha the first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Keeler were Clarks visitors last week. They saw the fire which burned out a large part of that village.
James Irwin's mother arrived yesterday to keep house for him until his wife can come home. Mrs. Irwin's mother is still very sick.
R.B. Sutton returned from the territory Friday last and report that he has a very valuable claim covered with walnut timber.
We understand that parties were here the first of the week to see about buying Emmerson's cucumber and putting in a pickling plant here.
Mrs. Schomaker and family who have been visiting J.R. Smith and famly returned to her home at Renolds, Ill., Monday. She is a daughter of Mr. Smith.
The man that want to farm 160 acres and use irrigation should have not less than four steady hands, and could make use of eight.
All the land from Monroe to Oconee might be made into a garden or a seed farm, what it needs is water and wofk.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Obrist were over from Silver Creek the later part of last week visiting their son and daughter.
S.S. Sanford moved to Scotia on Monday last. Mr. Sanford has earned the name of a good farmer here, and we hope he may be very successful in his new location; and he will.
Among those who attended the Conference at Fullerton from here were Mrs. C.S. Jencks and daughters, Miss F.E. Weeks, Mrs. Ed Gates and daughter, Mrs. A. Russell and family, Mrs. Stafford, Mrs. L._. Conard and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Johnson.
Oconee Notes. George Gardener of Toulon, Ill., arrived here Wednesday morning to take charge of his threshing machine outfit. Mr. Gardner reports small grain in Ill., about the same as here with corn a little better than in Nebraska. ... Charlie Brown is painting the residence of C.L. Gerrard. ... R.S. Hilliard has a fine piece of corn near his house that may yeild 40 bus., per acre. ... Messers Weatherbee, Hitchcock, Campbell, Hilliard and Godfrey are hauling some fine wheat to the Oconee grain dealers. ... Daniel Murdock is irrigating his orchard reviving the blue grass and small fruit.
W.T. Rickley of Columbus was a Monroe visitor on Monday.
Ike Kenyon will have melons and melons, but his corn was short of water.
Mrs. John Munter and son, John, were Columbus visitors Friday last.
C.E. Hicks returned from Des Moines, Iowa, last Thursday, where he has been attending college.
Isaiah and Fannie H. Lightner went to Butler county last week for a visit.
Miss Lillie Beckwith of Silver Creek visited with Miss Mabel Campbell last week.
County Att'y Obrian was a Monroe visitor on Friday last. He says every thing is quiet in Columbus.
We hear of an ear of corn 14 inches long from Clarence Gerrard's farm near Oconee.
Monroe needs a brick maker, we have clay, sand, water, fuel, and a market for the brick.
Pickles are likely to be good property this year. Ripe cucumbers make good pickles after the seeds are out.
We understand that Mr. Emerson has sold 75 acres of Cucumbers to a firm from Omaha who will gather them for Pickles, salting them here and then shiping them to Omaha to pickle.
Our spring wheat averaged 16 bushels to the acre, we hired every lick of the work done, sold the wheat for 51 cents. We had $4.55 per acre left after paying every man his price for work and 65 cents per bushel for seed. This without irrigation.
Irrigation. S.C. Terry brought in a root of Alfalfa which was planted this spring, the root measured fifteen inches long, having been irrigated once. It is reported that Mr. Sheldon and Patrict Murry are willing to let the canal go through their farms now. The Irrigation Co., is getting to the front with the men who opposed irrigation. Terry says he favors irrigation, and thinks the dry spell a boom for Monroe.
August 29, 1901Mrs. Chas. Kelley was a Genoa visitor Tuesday.
Ike Kenyon is picking his cucumbers for market.
W.A. McAllister of Columbus was on our streets Tuesday.
Axel Engberg was a Columbus visitor Tuesday.
Os Williams returned from California yesterday morning.
Mr. Gardener was up from Oconee Tuesday and made us a call.
Prof. Hicks and W.A. McWilliams were over the river Monday.
Miss Shotwell of Garrison is a guest at the Lightner home this week.
H.J. Waffle and John and Chas. Newton are down at Seward this week.
Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Talbitzer are attending the G.A.R. reunion at Hastings this week.
Chas. and Ed Obrist of Silver Creek are visiting with relatives in and near Monroe.
Ed Gates went over to Silver Creek the first of the week to see about selling hay.
Mrs. W.H. Cole and children returned from Kewanee, Ill., last Saturday.
Mrs. S.C. Gates when to Omaha Monday evening to buy her fall stock of Millinery.
John Lawson was down, Tuesday, to get some more cheap lumber, and gave us a dollar on Looking-Glass. Come again.
Among the Monroeites that attended the Republican convention at Columbus Tuesday were Geo. F. Alexander, Harry Luke, O. Ohlson and J.J. Williams.
The Misses Cora Oline, Lizzie Lightner and Fannie Weeks returned Tuesday from Madison where they have been visiting Mrs. Esther Matson.
Parties in Columbus are urging us to put the Monroe prospect hole down water. It is down 580 feet and several parties would like to see it go down 1000 ft unless flowing water is reached sooner. Talk it up.
Boon county proposes to hold a fair at Albion, Sept., 25th to 27th. This will be the 16th, Fair for Boone county, and she has always plenty to exhibit. It will do peoples eyes good to see the display this dry year. Boon county is hard to beat.
Ad Smith of Columbus was a Monroe visitor Monday.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ellis, Aug. 27th, a daughter.
Mrs. W. Strother is visiting relatives at Columbus.
H.L. Locklin foreman of the St. Edwards Advance was a Monroe visitor Monday and make this office a pleasant call.
A Mr. Gates accompanied by three othere gentlemen of Fullerton were here Monday looking over the irrigated farms in our vicinity.
Dave McWilliams returned yesterday from Nebraska, City, where he has spent his vacation visiting his grandfather.
H.E. Babcock accompanied by H. Hockenberger, C.H. Sheldon, A. Jaggie J E. North, Jonas Welch and O.T. Roen of Columbus are here looking over the irrigation sights.
Oconee Notes. Mr. Nunnally of Monroe is cutting hay on W.D. Wilson's land near town. ... Mr. Gardner pulled in his threshing machine Tuesday after making a successful but short run. ... A pleasure party from Columbus will be up Thursday afternoon to enjoy a sail on the Murdock lake. ... Elmer Francis will move the small dwelling house on the land lately purchased by Dr. Benthack near this place.
September 4, 1901Dr. DePugh of Platte Center was a Monroe visitor Thursday last.
F.H. Gerrard transacted business at the county seat last Friday.
Mrs. G.E. Barnum and Miss Depew were Columbus visitors Friday last.
Some of the town boys want to help Ike Kenyon save his melons. They work on Sunday too.
Charlie Lightner went to Fremont on Monday, he will attend the Commercial College this winter.
The M.E. people have organized a class here in Monroe and will build after a year or so.
Miss Delaney niece of Mrs. John Gleason returned to her home at Lead City, So. Dakota, last week.
C.E. Hicks went to Platte Center Saturday last, and is now installed as principle of their schools.
Isaiah Lightner attended the State Fair and the State Prohibition convention in Lincoln this week.
J.R. Smith and Miss Anna L. Smith Mrs. Jane Irwin and little Anna Smith visited in Bellgrade with Mr Geo. Smiths family over Sabbath.
The Sunday School library scheme is taking shape, a good library for young and old is a credit to any town besides being quite a convenience. Come and join the S.S. and let us have a good large useful library.
Frank Crowshaw and Lydia Talbitzer visited in Schuyler over Sunday.
Orrie and Roy Preston went up to Scotia last week to have a visit with the home folks.
Mrs. Barter of Chicago is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.J. Hendryx.
The Rev. Asmus preached a very good sermon on "Keeping the Sabbath" last Sabbath.
Mrs. F.A. Baldwin and family of Millard, Nebr., are the guests of Mrs. Murdock this week.
The Monroe Democratic Primary for the election of delegates to the County Convention, will be held at the Red School house Sept. 12th. at 5, p.m.
F.M. Widner of Corning, Iowa, was looking over the irrigated farms in our vicinity, with Frank Emmerson, last Thursday. Mr. Widner has 6000 acres under a ditch of his own near O'Neill.
Oconee Notes. John Gleason, one of the founders of Monroe was in town Tuesday. ... Mrs. James Hilliard was very sick Monday. ... John Sacrider of Monroe, a veteran of the civil war, was in town Tuesday enroute to Columbus. ... Mayberger and Piefell are having a good run with their threshing machine this season. ... E.M. Blore is up and around again. Bert is too good a man to be knocked out by a blooming chimney.
September 12, 1901Ad. Smith was up from Columbus yesterday.
James Baker will build a residence soon.
Owen Perry will build at Postville.
C.W. Hollingshead is laid up with rheumatism.
G.C. Smith is down from Belgrade visiting relatives.
The W.C.T.U. are circulating a petition for Sabbath observance.
Isaiah Lightner left us a nice sample of tame plums from his orchard, this week.
Mrs. John Kelley left today for a visit with friends and relatives in Omaha and Council Bluffs.
The next meeting of the W.C.T.U. will be with Mrs. J.T. Smith Sept. 25th at 3 p.m.
Mrs. Dress, and children, returned to her home, at Woodville, the first of the week after a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Potter, and other relatives.
We learn that Mr. L.O. Williams who owns the place east of Emmersons will come to live upon it in the spring.
John and Chas. Kelley, George Alexander and Ed Watts went to Columbus yesterday to witness the laying of the corner stone of the new oprea house.
Mr. E. Slayton accompanied his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bruning, to Colorado last Tuesday. We hope he will return improved in health.
Isaiah Lightner reports a good State Fair.
J.J. Williams wants more room for his growing business.
The late rains are making the winter wheat prospect look up.
Mrs. E. Slayton accompanied her husband as far as Columbus.
Wm. Truelove is putting a picket fence in front of his residence.
A Miss Nickel of Boone was visiting friends in Monroe last week.
Banker Webster went to Dakota last week returning the first of this week.
The Rev. and Mrs. Butler returned Saturday from their vacation trip south.
Mr. James Weatherbee is looking up lots with a view to locating in Monroe.
Miss Mamie Depew has quite a house under way, near the Episcopal church.
James Pearsall has the plans and specifications prepared for the new school building.
Mrs. North left Tuesday for her home at Columbus, after a weeks visit with her son Luther J. North.
Chas. Terry, who has been sick for the past two weeks, is again able to attend to business at the elevator.
Oconee Notes. Daniel Murdock will sow 300 acres in winter rye and wheat this fall. ... C. Mayberger sold nearly a car load of old corn this week. ... C. Chapin sold 25 shoats last week. Charlie thought he had too many to winter. ... The many friends of Mrs. and Miss Killip will be glad to hear that they have purchased a cottage in Kansas City, Mo., where Miss Mabel has a lucrative position with one of the largest papers in that city.
September 19, 1901Mr. Bruning of Cedar Bluffs, Neb. was here to attend the funeral of Mr. Slayton.
W.H. Cole is erecting a business house where he expects to buy chickens for Swift and Co.
Mrs. M. Campbell and her sister-in-law, Mrs. E_ Fox, of Columbus, are visiting a brother in Omaha this week.
The growth of J.J. Williams is like the growth of Monroe, it is so continuous that it creates no remark at home, but he wants another room and evidently needs it.
Isaiah and Fannie H. Lightner are visiting at Lynch. They have been visiting at Madison and on Wednesday went to Lynch. Miss Lizzie is running the farm.
The young people are in it lately, a party for Eula Gates last Friday, a party for Willie Hill on Monday, and a party at Len Riley's on Tuesday.
R.D. Cross was down on Tuesday even from Genoa, he supposed the I.O.G.T. met this week instead of next. He will attend the Grand Lodge meeting at Trumball.
Social. The Ladies of Trinity Guild will give a Basket Social at Monroe Hall on Saturday Sept., 28th. Immediately after the lecture. Every lady is requested to bring a basket of refreshments enough for two.
A short program will be rendered.Card of Thanks. To those who so kindly assisted us in our late bereavement of our beloved husband and father was wish to express our hearfelt thanks. Mrs. E. Slayton and Family.
Frost Monday and Tuesday nights and now we ought to have Indian summer. But there is no knowing what the clerk of the weather will give us since the weather bureau got hold, or before for that matter. If we get Indian summer enjoy it the best you can for it is the pleasantest time of the year.
Quincy Lee Morrow, a noted Temperance orator, will visit Monroe on the 28th. He stirs up the animals in a style peculiarly his own. It is time the temperance sentiment was arroused throughout the country.
The Ladies Trinity Guild will hold a Basket Social immediately after the lecture.Oconee Notes. E.M. BLore's sorgum mill is now running and turning out an elegrant grade of syrup, a heavy frost but think corn will stem the tide. ... At the Republican convention Tuesday, The remarks by the chairman Mayor, Ragatz and Mr Garlow touching on the death of our President were well received.--(A gloom is over this Nation.)
Public obsequies were observed in Monroe; as all over the country on Thursday, the attendance was large, the decorations elaborate, the eulogies eloquent. The schools marched to the Hall, the Grand Army in the lead, the bell tolled. THus the whole country mourned over the wanton taking of the life of President McKinley.
S.P. Curtis spoke in the church on Tuesday evening. He is just starting out, says the Lord has called him to do temperance work and he is going to do it.
Our impression while he was talking was that he had forgotten his lecture, his talk was largely a personal experience, though he eulogised Miss Francis Willard toward the close.
Mr. Curtis is a very promising man, promises large things in the future, claims to be much in earnest, as he votes the republican ticket we think Mark Hanna should furnish him a brass band to parrade and draw a crowd.
However as Mr. Curtis took no collection. He is at least entitled to the credit of being in earnest, but as he is in his 87th year he will have to hurry things if he sets the world on fire. There were about fifty out which was not bad considering that he had no notice out until he came.Died, on Friday, Sept. 13th 1901, Emory Slayton.
Another of our business men has passed away. He went to Colorado with his son-in-law and daughter Mr and Mrs. Bruning, Tuesday last, hoping that the change of climate would benefit his health, which had been quite poor, but change of climate nor medical aid was of any avail.
He was born in Dundee, Mich., November 14th 1851, and died at Longmont, Colorado, in the fiftieth year of his age. He leaves a wife, one son, Frank, and two daughters, Mrs. Bruning of Cedar Bluffs, Neb., and Mrs. Waffle of Monroe, to mourn the loss of a husband and father.
Mr. Slayton and son have carried on the butcher business in Monroe for three and a half years, and have been very successful, they have enlarged their business facilities until it would do credit to a much larger town. His genial and affable manner will be long remembered by all who had the pleasure of his acquantance. As a citizen and business man Mr. Slayton was highly appreciated. The family have the sympathy of this community in their bereavement.
Funeral services were held in the Episcopal church Monday, Rev. Butler officiating, the remains were laid to rest in the Friends cemetery west of town.
September 26, 1901Wm. Conard has a contract to erect the new school building.
Mrs. Conard and Mrs. Jencks were Columbus visitors Tuesday.
McWilliams Bros'l., have lately sold five press drills.
Henry Mahoney of Platte center is over here plastering.
H.S. Elliot of Columbus was a Monroe visitor Tuesday.
Miss Mabel Campbell is visiting with her sister at St. Edwards.
Mr. John Sacrider will build in town, he has rented his farm for three years.
The Rev. Asmus gave us two very good sermons last Sabbath. The morning sermon was especially sound, and duly interesting.
Misses Anna and Mamie Smith of Chicago arrived the first of the week for a visit with the Smith families.
There was a pleasant gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B.S. Thurston on Tuesday evening in honor of the 15th birthday of their son Roy.
There was quite a gathering at the home of Mr. Chas Terry last Friday evening in honor of the sixty-third birthday of Mrs. Sutton grandmother of Mrs. Terry.
H.J. Hendryx has moved into his new residence. Freman Hoppock moved into the Smith residence and Frank Larson has moved into his residence lately occupied by Mr. Hoppock.
The Bible study class organized on Monday evening, Rev. Asmus leader and Ida Holingshead Sec'y. They are to meet each Monday evening. The leader promises they shall be so interesting that the members will want to attend.
Monroe has a new R.R. agent Mr. Conger comes from Silver Creek and makes a good impression.
All our people express sorrow for J.R. Meagher, he was a good agent when at himself and we had hoped he would keep straight here, but when he took up with the dissipated gang it was only a question of time.C.W. Talbitzer will build a barn.
Ed Jenkinson is on the sick list.
Mr. Cottner of So. Omaha is a Monroe visitor.
Mrs. Lee Ray sold 105 chickens the first of the week.
John Smyers has his house enclosed.
Miss Depew's house is ready for the plasterers.
Mrs. John Munter Jr. was a Genoa visitor yesterday.
Work has commenced on Miss Minnie Crookham's house.
George Emmerson is looking after business in Monroe.
Os Williams and Wm. Smith took the freight west this morning.
L.O. Williams will move here this week, says he can't wait until next spring.
Mrs. D.W. Zeigler is receiving a visit from her sister, Miss Hornbostle of Chicago.
C.W. Talbitzer says he would not sell his corn crop for 50 bus to the acre. It was irrigated.
H.B. Huston was selling lumber in Monroe Tuesday. He says trade is reviving.
James Naylor and wife of Columbus visited with Mr. and Mrs. F.K. Strother yesterday.
Stanley Maley is visiting Monroe friends. We understand he has a position with Hulst and Adams of Columbus, beginning the first of the month.
We see that H.J. Hendryx has a notice upon his store door that it will not be open upon Sabbath unless in cases of extreme necessity. We are glad to see this move as it is in the right diretion. We think every business will be closed and base ball and shooting frowned down on Sabbath. All of which will be to the credit of our community.
Oconee Notes. Sunday afternoon memorial services were held at the Oconee church Rev. Asmus gave us an eloquent sermon, paying an impressive tribute to the life of the late president. ... Corn is beginning to show the effects of the frost, drying up very fast. ... Chas. Zeigler was in town Monday he tells us that Alfalfa is the best paying crop for feed. ... J.R. Smith Sr. was in town Monday. We are always glad to shake hands with our old and esteemed friends.