The following, from headquarters, shows the names of pensions originating from Platte county, character of disability and amount of monthly pension received from the government:
Mielenz, Frank, g.s.w. foot ............$ 4.00 Selsor, Wm. g.s.w. should .............. 24.00 Smith, Jno. amp. r. arm ................ 18.00 Brady, Wm. g.s.w. r. h'nd .............. 3.00 Owen, Daniel C. inj. l. leg ............ 16.00 Kaminski, Charles. g.s.w. knee ......... 6.00 Keeler, Jno. g.s.w. leg ................ 4.00 Judd, Jehiel J. g.s.w. face ............ 5.00 Hanchett, Wm. F. chr. bronchi .......... 4.00 Fahey, Patrick. w. l. hip .............. 6.00 Sacrider, Jno. H. var. v'ns ............ 6.00 Sutton, Robt. B. g.s.w. h'nd, back ..... 18.00 Rodgers, Michael. inj. hip, back ....... 4.00 Rossiter, Richard. g.s.w. hip .......... 4.00 Price, Robt. chr. bronchi .............. 4.00 Patterson, Wm. A. inj. to abdomen ...... 4.00 Plant, Peter, w. l. thigh .............. 4.00 Cady, Anthony. w. l. sh'n .............. 8.00 Apgar, Jos. g.s.w. thigh ............... 18.00 Griffin, Mary A. widow ................. 8.00 Tannahill, Janett. widow ............... 8.00 Smith, Charity. widow .................. 8.00 Kane, Daniel. lung dis ................. 12.00 Willis, Geo. g.s.w. hip ................ 6.00 Harriger, Wm. G. g.s.w. hip ............ 4.00 Thomas, Rebecca. mother ................ 8.00 Bennet, Daniel B. g.s.w. r. shoul ...... 8.00 Mitchell, Eugene, g.s.w. r. shoul ...... 18.00 Elston, Geo. W. dis. lungs ............. 2.00 Ellis, Thos. J. inj. fingers ........... 2.00 Cain, James. loss l., inj to r. eye .... 12.00 Clark, Edward. g.s.w. thigh ............ 8.00 Barrett, Salathiel. loss l. thigh ...... 24.00 Dineen, Jno. g.s.w. leg ................ 8.00 Fitzpatrick, Edw. g.s.w. thigh ......... 7.00 Norton, Zina. w.r. leg ................. 6.00 Saunders, Thomas H. g.s.w. arm, thigh .. 24.00 Slattery, Irwin J. g.s.w. neck ......... 4.00 Ketcham, Amanda M. widow ............... 8.00 Campbell, Jas. M. neuralgia ............ 4.00 Wilson, Thos. chr. rheum ............... 14.00 Mowry, Sarah J. widow .................. 8.00 Davis, Jno. chr. rheum ................. 8.00 Thurston, Wm. J. partl paryl. arm, leg . 10.00 Spielman, Benjamin, amp. l. leg ........ 18.00 Rice, Wilson W. g.s.w. arm ............. Redenbaugh, Henry S. inj. spine ........ 18.00 Potts, Thos. A. g.s.w. l. thigh ........ 8.00 Wadsworth, David D. g.s.w. head, spine . 24.00 Wurdeman, John H. g.s.w. face .......... 4.00 Muller, Fred'k. g.s.w. foot ............ 6.00 Kibler, Geo. W. injury to abdomen ...... 8.00 Steems, John. w. r. thigh .............. 6.00 Moran, Robert, asthma .................. 30.00 Sage, Emora A. chr. diar ............... 4.00 Sibley, Wm. T. var. vns., ulcers ....... 16.00 Brooks, Daniel. g.s.w. foot, loss toe .. 6.00 Spoerry, barbara. widow ................ 20.00 Van Owen, Ore. injury to abdomen ....... 6.00 Luchsinger, Fredolin. g.s.w. fingers ... 2.00 Wagner, Margaret. mother ............... 8.00 Baker, Francis H. frac. r. arm ......... 2.00
[Columbus Journal, February 6, 1884]