Platte Co., NE - 1891-1899 Cases NEGenWeb Project

COURT CASES (1891 - 1899)

Columbus Journal, March 11, 1891
District Court.
Vandoren v Westover. Judgment set aside. Defendant excepts.
Horton, Gilmore, McWilliams & Co. v Bloedorn, et al. Judgment on verdict. Forty days to file bill of exceptions.
Anderson & Roen v Connor. Defendant has leave to amend.
Ellenwood v McFarland. Jury waived, tried to court. Finding for plaintiff $100 and costs.
Matter of estate of Edward Edwards deceased. Sale confirmed, deed ordered.
Matter of estate of P.J. Schmitz, deceased. Same.
Paul Hoppen v Peter Klanchi, et al. Defendants have leave to file amended answer.
Bonesteel v Danis. Default. Finding for plaintiff $606.90. Judgment to draw 10 per cent.
J.S. Davis Sons v P.L. Baker. Motion for new trial overruled. Judgment on verdict. Plaintiff excepts,
    forty days for bill of exception.
Hulst v Trofhaltz. Verdict for defendant.
Columbus Journal, May 6, 1891
Police Court.
On the 28th there were several complaints entered at police court by Chief of Police, Thomas McTaggart: one against Grace Cashell as being an inmate of a house of prostitution; Maud Arlington, same; Frank Berch, same; against Hattie Perry, as a keeper of a house of prostitution; also Dollie Cummings, same offence. The three former were fined $5 each and costs, amounting in each case to a total of $10.10. The two keepers of the houses were fined $10 each and costs, amounting to $15.10 each. The Perry woman was once before arraigned before the court, fined $50, and the case appealed. Whatever became of it, we don't know.
Columbus Journal, May 13, 1891
District Court.
Gluck v Howard. Defendant to file affidavit by today a.m.
Brandt v First National Bank. Defendant to answer in 30 days.
Strottman v Acker. Objection to jurisdiction of the court overruled. Defendant excepts. Defendant to answer in 30 days.
O'Neill v Carrig. Motion to require plaintiff to make all sureties on bond of defendant D.H. Carrig,
    party defendant, sustained. Plaintiff excepts, and is allowed twenty days to amend;
    defendant thirty days thereafter to answer.
Luers v Bucher. Motion to require defendant to file bill of exceptions in counter claim sustained
    and defendant to amend in twenty days.
Aultman & Co. v Wm. E. Smith et al. Defendant Moran to answer May 12th.
Home Fire Insurance Co. v Hurley. Default. Trial to court. Finding judgment, $65.25, and an order of sale
    for attached property allowed.
Darst v Ripp. Defendant has leave to file amended answer in ten days.
As we get our report, Tuesday morning, the slander case of Timothy v Spellicy has just been called.
Columbus Journal, September 16, 1891
List of Petit Jurors.
Drawn for the fall term of district court commencing the 5th of October: D. Brunken, Bismark; John Doersch, Sherman; Ira Nichols, Creston; Fred Unger, Grand Prairie; C.G. Carr, Humphrey; J.O. Blodgett, Butler; Dan Murdock, John Spellicy, Lost Creek; Wm. Folliott, Evan Evans, Burrows; James Gilsdorf, Granville; Alfred Peterson, Jacob Jenberg, Monroe; H.S. Elliott, David Thomas, Joliet; John Gogan, jr., St. Bernard; John Clark, Woodville; John Oleson, Hans Christensen, Walker; M. Brugger, Wm. Bucher, first ward city of Columbus; L.G. Zinnecker, second ward; A.F. Iffland, George Willard, third ward.
Columbus Journal, November 11, 1891
District Court.
Hoppen v. Klantschi and others. Motion for new trial sustained. Verdict set aside.
Williams v. Fahey and others. Judgment of foreclosure. Finding for plt'ff $3,477.74. Default against Fahey,
    Clark, Holleran and others.
Marcis v. Tschauner. Plaintiff required to give security for costs within ten days or case be considered dismissed.
Citizens Bank of Humphrey v. Stoffels. Settled.
Schon v. Bender. Motion to dismiss overruled.
Russell v. Fortune. Default.
Platte county v. John Stauffer. Motion for more specific statement overruled. Def't excepts. Def't to answer in thirty days.
Leach v. Reagan. Appeal dismissed at pltff's cost.
Cititzens Bank of Humphrey v. Mayta and others. Settled.
Jackson v. Flynn and others. Finding for plt'ff $1,305.10, to draw 8 per cent which is a first lien.
    Finding for def't Hugh Hughes $976.96, which is a second lien.
___nsen v. Quinn et al. Foreclosure of mortgage. Finding for plt'ff $494.45.
Kirkland v. Kirkland and others. Dismissed at pltff's costs.
Johnson v. Johnson. Def't required to pay into court for use of plt'ff $50 within ten days.
Close v. Nielson and others. Default against Nielson. Finding for Platte Center L. & B. Association $249.20, first lien;
    finding for plaintiff $350.15; for Edney & Gibben $6.90; for Moline, Milburn & Stoddard Co., $454.
Magill v. North. I. Gluck asks leave to intervene.
Huntemann Bros. v. W.H. Rightmire, was on trial as we went to press yesterday afternoon.
Columbus Journal, December 4, 1895
Court Proceedings.
Leopold Jaeggi v J.H. Kersenbrock. Verdict for defendant.
Feldstine v Herman Meyer. Verdict for defendant.
J.K. Macfarland v Pat Murray. Judgment for plaintiff for $150.
A.K. Tiesberg v J.S. Hatfield. Verdict for defendant.
Reys & Lampert v Leonard Wilhelm. Dismissed at plaintiff's costs.
Crane Co. v Columbus State Bank. Verdict for plaintiff for $425.
Fay v Finton. Dismissed at plaintiff's costs.
Kersenbrock & Mack v Schubert & Calto. Verdict against Schubert for $241.15. No cause of action as to Abts.
L.M. Gaffney v Omaha Fire Insurance Co. Judgment for plaintiff $1350.
Schroeder v Heintz. Verdict for Schroeder, $230.
State of Nebraska v John Slawinski. Convicted of assualt with intent to do great bodily harm.
The jury was discharged Saturday till the 16th. Court is still in session, hearing motions, etc.

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