Platte Co., NE - 1890 Cases NEGenWeb Project


??, January 10, 1890
Orders of attachment were issued against the grocery stock of Coolidge Bros., yesterday in the county court. The attachments aggregate about $1,000. The causes will be heard on Monday, the 13th.
    Letters of guardianship were issued to John F. Gerber for Mary Schlect. The girl is about 15 years of age, her father being dead and her mother in the insane asylum.
    A warrant was issued for the arrest of Henry Tiaden. As before stated, Tiaden is charged with assaulting his wife on December 26.
The Columbus Journal, January 15, 1890
Among cases lately filed are: John Hoffman v. J.R. and Adda A. Mathewson. Appeal from justice court.
S.T. Fleming v. Joseph Linabery, Replevin suit.
Edward Haight v. H.J. Billerback, Peter Townsend, Joseph Linabery and Henry Herbes. Damage suit for alleged false imprisonment.
Maggie Mateya v. John Ciohon. Damage suit for alleged slander.
In the matter of the estate of William James Fownes Edwards, deceased.
James McDonald v. Ell Seven Cattle Co. Conversion.
Wilhelmina Tiaden v. Henry Tiaden. Suit for divorce and alimony.
H.B. Fauble v. C.D. Evans, et al. Suit to foreclose mechanic's lien.
Kersch & Narve v. M.C. Bloedorn. Replevin.

Court sits on the 20th.

Columbus Journal, January 29, 1890
District Court Proceedings.
Margaret Gottschalk v C.B.& Q.Ry. Continued by agreement.
A. Henry v M.J. Clark et al. Ordered to show cause by 23d why sale should not be confirmed.
Robert Saley v Joseph Burke. Verdict for plaintiff, $10.
M.C. Bloedorn v G.W. Elston. Dismissed by agreement, at defendant's costs.
John Reagan v M.J. Reagan. Appeal of defendant dismissed.
Edward Keuscher v S.M. Russom. By agreement jury discharged and judgment rendered for plaintiff for $5.05, as per stipulation.
Christian Meedel v S.M. Russom Judgment for plaintiff as per stipulation on file.
C.P. & A.B. Dewey v Annie O'Neill et al. Sale confirmed. Sheriff J.C. Caldwell ordered to make deed to purchaser.
Anton Nailor v Patrick Murray. Dismissed at plaintiff's costs.
John Lubker v Singer Sewing Machine Co. Plaintiff to comly with judgment of the court on motion made Dec. 2, 1889,
    within ten days or case stand dismissed for want of prosecution. Plaintiff excepts.
Mary O'Neill v John J Macken. Dismissed. Costs paid.
J.H. Sacrider v M.C. Bloedorn. By agreement Wm. Bloedorn and Wm. B. Lewis are substituted as defendants herein.
    Jury trial, verdict for defendant for $58.35. Plaintiff excepts to instruction No. 7.
W. Eschelbacher v D.A. Hale. Judgment for plaintiff for $44.65 as per stipulation on file.
D.A. Hale v Joseph Ripp. Twenty days to file petition, twenty days after to file answer, ten days after to file reply.
D.A. Hale v W. Eschelbacher. Same as last above.
J.H. Sacrider v M.C. Bloedorn. By agreement of parties judgment for plaintiff, damage assessed,
    five cents, as per stipulation on file.
D.A. Willard v Jens C Nelson. Verdict for defendant. Plaintiff excepts to instructions, Nos. 6, 7 and 9.
William Sauer v O.& R.V. Ry. Co. By agreement case continued to adjourned term.
D.A. Willard v Jens C Nelson. Settled as per stipulation on file.
Gertrude Cramers v Joseph Ottis. Dismissed, costs paid.
Aug. Boettcher v. Philip Schroeder. Sale confirmed and Sheriff J.C. Caldwell ordered to make deed to purchaser.

Criminal Cases.
State v Joseph Brown. Defendant plead guilty. Sentenced to fifteen months in the penitentiary at hard labor and
    to pay costs of prosecution.
State v. Clarence McNeill. Defendant plead guilty. Sentenced to one year in the penitentiary at hard labor,
    without solitary confinement, and pay costs of prosecution.
State v. John Oury. Defendant arraigned, plead not guilty.

Columbus Journal, February 5, 1890
District Court Proceedings.
Mrs. Sauer v. Union Pacific company, a case in which the mother claimed damages for injuries inflicted upon her young son,
    --a verdict for the mother of $1,882.
State v. Oury,--the young man who struck Morrissey with a billiard cue in a saloon at Platte Center, a new recognizance
    was given and the case continued to the adjourned March term of the court.
The court overruled the motion for a new trial in the case of Willard v Jenson.
Sacrider v Bloedorn--Motion for new trial overruled, and judgment ordered on the verdict.
Stoddard Mfg. Co. v Krause, Lubker & Welch, formerly in the implement business, dismissed on motion of plaintiff.
Columbus Journal, February 26, 1890
Notice to Jurors.
The following named persons, viz: J.R. Smith, Nels Peterson, N.G. Gentleman, John Wiggins, David Folliott, Thomas Keating, Evan James, C.F. Dickenson, Wm. Blair, Gerhart Asche, Geo. Galley, Wm. Stahmer, Frank Moff, C.A. Beardsley, Henry O. Rodehorst, J.S. Freeman, Albert Stenger, John Brunken, Amos Stevens, W.H. Thompson, Martin Vorhees, Michael Killorrn, Chas. H. Young, W.A. Way, being jurors for the January, 1890, term are hereby notified to be present at the adjourned January, 1890, term, to wit: on the 3d day of March, 1890.
    Dated Feb. 24th, 1890.

District Court.
The following cases have been entered since our last report.
Stephen s. McAllister vs. James McDonald. Suit for debt.
P. Rankin vs. Village of Lindsay. Action to set off certain lands from said village.
Basil Wyman vs. J.C. Caldwell. Appeal from county court.
Fred Snyder vs. U.P. Ry. Co. Damage, $1040.00.
W.H. Carnahan vs. J.H. Milslagle, et al. Foreclosure.

Columbus Journal, March 5, 1890
A Fearful Charge.
    W.S. Motter, deputy sheriff of Nance county, was in the city Saturday and had in charge one Henry C. Beman, whom he had found and arrested at David City, after a hunt of two weeks.
    Beman has been a widower about three years, looks to be about thirty-five years old, and has three children, two daughters and a son. The daughters are fourteen and eleven years old, and Beman is said to be guilty of having had carnal knowledge of his two daughters and of having communicated to them a vile disease. The warrant for his arrest was based upon a charge of rape upon the oldest daughter, at Genoa, December 24, 1889.
    Mr. Motter had his prisoner securely hand cuffed and on the train bound for Genoa, but concluded that it might be best to place him in jail here, which was consequently done.
    After a half hour, he changed his mind and, putting his prisoner on baord the mail car, he took him through to Fullerton.
    Beman, it is said, bears a bad reputation at Genoa, and his personal appearance indicates the very opposite of a good man in every respect.
Columbus Journal, March 12, 1890
District Court Proceedings.
Estate of James W. Dickinson, deceased. Trial to court.
H.T. Clark drug company v. David Dowty et al. Continued by agreement.
Western Trust and Security Co. v. Henry McCabe et al. Order to show cause by Monday a.m., why sale should
    not be confirmed.
A. Henry v. M.J. Clark et al. Sale confirmed. Deed ordered.
John M. Macfarland v. D.A. Lord. Motion to dismiss, appeal overruled, plaintiff except, plaintiff to file petition
    ten days, defendant to answer thirty days after.
Stephen H. Elwood v. Clause Johnson. Verdict for plaintiff, against J.M. Macfarland for $201.
W.A. McAllister v. Mary J. Sells, et al. Ordered to show cause. Sale confirmed deed ordered.
Bertrand Strotman v. Geo. W. Elston. Dismissed at plaintiff's cost.
Dirk Becher v. Jennie Heidman et al. Dismissed at plaintiff's cost.
Martin m. Postle v. Joseph Linabery. Jury trial, verdict for defendant, $115, judgment on verdict.
M.C. Bloedorn v. Fred Meyer et al. Jury waived, trial to court, finding and judgment for plaintiff, $1,040 and costs.
    Complete record waived.
Mary M. Frew v. James Frew. Dismissed at plaintiff's cost.
H.H. Bulkeley v. Thos _____ et al. Ordered to show cause, sale confirmed, deed ordered.
First National Bank v. Henry McCabe et al. Ordered to show cause.
Anna F. Schnadell v. D.F. Davis et al. Sale confirmed, deed ordered.
David A. Hale v. Jacob Ripp. Verdict under instructions of the court for defendant. Motion for a new trial overruled,
    judgment on verdict. Plaintiff excepts and allowed forty days to settle bill of exceptions.
Anna Wyman v. Platte county. Dismissed at defendant's cost.
J.E. Ainsworth v. Wm. Petisch et al. Petisch and wife allowed to answer.
Myra R. Drane v. John P. Abts et al. Verdict for plainitff $235.
Ellen Kyle v. German Ins. Co. Dismissed at plaintiff's costs.
McCormick Harvesting Machine Co. v. Martin V. Lane. Finding for plaintiff for $114.50. Judgment on finding,
    interest ten per cent.
John Hoffman v. J.R. Mathewson et al. Motion to strike answer sustained. Defendant has leave to answer instanter. Jury called. By leave of court plaintiff dismissed this action without prejudice.
Edward Haight v. H.J. Bilderback, et al. Plaintiff to give security for costs in sixty days, defendant to answer in thirty days after.
W. Tiader v. Henry Tiader. Dismissed at defendant's cost.
H.W. Fauble v. C.D. Evans et al. Settled, costs paid.
B. Lamb v. Wm. Lamb. Dismissed at plaintiff's cost.
State v. John M. Oury. Accused plead guilty of assault and battery, was fined $100 and costs, total $165.75. We are told
    that a stranger to Oury, Mr. George Mahood, stepped up and paid the amount.
Columbus Journal, March 19, 1890
District Court.
Geo. A. Scott v. First National Bank. Continued by agreement.
Patrick Malone, Ex., v. Thos Sullivan and others. Verdict for plt'ff $690.
Luers & Schaffroth v. Gus. R. Krause, et al. Finding for plt'ff. Judgment for $27.30.
Western Trust and Security Co. v. Henry McCabe, et al. Sale confirmed and deed ordered.
Elias Jewell v. Ernest Hoare. Continued by agreement.
Wm. Malloy v. Henry Reins. Dismissed for want of prosecution.
Clara Sumerlin v. Ambrose Sumerlin. Same as above.
M.C. Bloedorn v. Citizens Bank of Humphrey. Motion to strike paragraphs 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 of deft's answer sustained.
    Def't excepts. Def't to answer in ten days.
Nye, Wilson, Morehouse Co. v. E.A. Fulford. Settled. Costs paid.
John S. Davis Sons v. P.L. Baker. Jury trial, Jury disagreed. Continued.
First Nat'l Bank v. Henry McCabe, et al. Sale confirmed. Deed ordered.
Rosenbaum Bros. v. J.R. Smith et al. Continued by agreement.
Myra B. Drane v. John P. Abts et al. Motion new trial overruled. Judgment on verdict for plt'ff $235.
C.D. Lawrence v. M.H. White et al. Motion to dissolve injunction overruled. Def't has leave to answer in forty days.
    Plt'ff to reply ten days after.
Moline, Milburn & Stoddard Co. v. M.C. Bloedorn, sheriff. Settled. Costs paid.

New Cases Filed.
Lawrence H. Geer v. Richard Filter. Appeal.
Jewell Brothers v. Patrick Murray. Appeal from justice court.
In the matter of the estate of Herman Wilken.

Columbus Journal, April 9, 1890
The following new cases were filed last week in the district court: Sarah J. Hall v. Thos. L. Hall, petition for divorce; Harrison Cook v. Miranda R. Cook, petition for divorce; Rasmus Nelson v. Edney & Gibbon, injunction; Jacob Ernst v. Platte county, appeal, damage on road.
Columbus Journal, March 12, 1890
District Court Proceedings.
Estate of James W. Dickinson, deceased. Trial to court.
H.T. Clark drug company v. David Dowty et al. Continued by agreement.
Western Trust and Security Co. v. Henry McCabe et al. Order to show cause by Monday a.m.,
    why sale should not be confirmed.
A. Henry v. M.J. Clark et al. Sale confirmed. Deed ordered.
John M. Macfarland v. D.A. Lord. Motion to dismiss, appeal overruled, plaintiff except.
    plaintiff to file petition ten days, defendant to answer thirty days after.
Stephen H. Elwood v. Clause Johnson. Verdict for plaintiff, against J.M. Macfarland for $201.
W.A. McAllister v. Mary J. Sells, et al. Ordered to show cause. Sale confirmed deed ordered.
Bertrand Strotman v. Geo. W. Elston. Discmissed at plaintiff's cost.
Dirk Becher v. Jennie Heidman et al. Dismissed at plaintiff's cost.
Martin M. Postle v. Joseph Linabery. Jury trial, verdict for defendant, $115, judgment on verdict.
M.C. Bloedorn v. Fred Meyer et al. Jury waived, trial to court, finding and judgment for plaintiff, $1,040 and costs.
    Complete record waived.
Mary M. Frew v. James Few. Dismissed at plaintiff's cost.
H.H. Bulkeley v. Thos J. McCarville et al. Ordered to show cause, sale confirmed, deed ordered.
First National Bank v. Henry McCabe et al. Ordered to show cuase.
Anna F. Schnadell v. D.F. Davis et al. Sale confirmed, deed ordered.
David A. Hale v. Jacob Ripp. Verdict under instructions of the court for defendant. Motion for anew trial overruled,
    judgment on verdict. Plaintiff excepts and allowed forty days to settle bill of exceptions.
Anna Wyman v. Platte county. Dismissed at defendant's cost.
J.E. Ainsworth v. Wm. Peitsch et al. Peitsch and wife allowed to answer.
Myra B. Drane v. John P. Abts et al. Verdict for plaintiff $235.
Ellen Kyle v. German Ins. Co. Dismissed at plaintiff's costs.
McCormick Harvesting Machine Co. v. Martin V. Lane. Finding for plaintiff $114.50. Judgment on finding, interest ten per cent.
John Hoffman v. J.R. Mathewson et al. Motion to strike answer sustained. Defendant has leave to answer instanter.
    Jury called. By leave of court plaintiff dismissed this action without prejudice.
Edward Haight v. H.J. Bilderback, et al. Plaintiff to give security for costs in sixty days, defendant to answer in thirty days after.
W. Tiader v. Henry Tiader. Dismissed at defendant's cost.
H.W. Fauble v. C.D. Evans, et al. Settled, costs paid.
B. Lamb v. Wm. Lamb. Dismissed at plaintiff's cost.
State v. John M. Onry. Accused plead guilty of assault and battery, was fined $100 and costs, total $167.75.
    We are told that a stranger to Oury, Mr. George Mahood, stepped up and paid the amount.
Columbus Journal, March 29, 1890
District Court.
Geo. A. Scott v. First National Bank. Continued by agreement.
Patrick Malone, Ex., v. Thos. Sullivan and others. Verdict for plt'ff $690.
Luers & Schaffroth v. Gus. R. Krause, et al. Finding for plt'ff. Judgment for $27.30.
Western Trust and Security Co. v. Henry McCabe, et al. Sale confirmed and deed ordered.
Elias Jewell v. Ernest Hoare. Continued by agreement.
Wm. Mally v. Henry Reins. Dismissed for want of prosecution.
Clara Sumerlin v. Ambrose Sumerlin. Same as above.
M.C. Bloedorn v. Citizens Bank of Humphrey. Motion to strike ... of deft's answer sustained. Def't excepts.
    Def't to answer in ten days.
Nye, Wilson, Morehouse Co. v. E.A. Fulford. Settled. Costs paid.
John S. Davis Sons v. P.L. Baker. Jury trial. Jury disagreed. Continued.
First Nat'l Bank v. Henry McCabe, et al. Sale confirmed. Deed ordered.
Rosenbaum Bros. v. J.R. Smith et al. Continued by agreement.
Myra B. Drane v. John P. Abts et al. Motion new trial overruled. Judgment on verdict for plt'ff $235.
C.D. Lawrence v. M.H. White et al. Motion to dissolve injunction overruled. Def't has leave to answer in forty days.
    Plt'ff to reply ten days after.
Moline, Milburn, & Stoddard Co. v. M.C. Bloedorn, sheriff. Settled. Costs paid.

New Cases Filed.
Lawrence H. Geer v. Richard Filter. Appeal.
Jewell Brothers v. Patrick Murray. Appeal from justice court.
In the matter of the estate of Herman Wilken.

Columbus Journal, April 2, 1890
The following are new cases filed in district court: Annie Salmon v. J.C. Caldwell, appeal from justice court; C.A. Beebe & Co. v. John Wagner et al, foreclosure of real estate mortgage; Amanda A. Lindsay v. James H. Lindsay, petition for divorce; Gus G. Becher v. John Sweeney et al, foreclosure of real estate mortgage; H.C. Newman et al. v. John Corcoran et al, foreclosure of mortgage; Fidelity Loan & Trust Co. v. J.M. Macfarland et al, foreclosure; R.H. Henry v. C.B.& Q.R. Co. damage suit, amount asked $450.
Columbus Journal, April 9, 1890
The following new cases were filed last week in the district court: Sarah J. Hall v. Thos. L. Hall, petition for divorce; Harrisson Cook v. Miranda R. Cook, petition for divorce; Rasmus Nelson v. Edney & Gibbon, injunction; Jacob Ernst v. Platte county, appeal, damage on road.

The case of Wm. Wendt v. the state error from Platte county, was filed Saturday in the supreme court. He is charged with selling a quart of beer without first having provided himself with a license. Fined $100 in the court below, he alleges a number of errors in the proceedings.

Columbus Journal, April 16, 1890
New cases filed in district court since our last report: Paul Hoppen et al vs. Peter Klenchi, Dr. E. Hoehen, James McAllister, Rudolph Speigler and Henry Gass, suit on indemnity bond given to Ben Spielman, sheriff, by defendants; Burnham Tulleys & Co. vs. Bernard Konert, Maria Konert et al, foreclosure real estate mortgage; McCormick Har. Mch. Co. vs. Ross Harbert, appeal from justice court; W.A. McAllister vs. Mary F. Haddox, M.D. Haddox and Wm. Lemmermann, foreclosure of real estate mortgage; Terrence Brady vs. Citizens' Bank, Humphrey, replevin suit.
Columbus Journal, April 23, 1890
The following cases were entered in the district court since our last report: Theodore Wolf v. John and Gerhard Reins, replevin suit; Harriet Bohan v. Citizens Bank et al, injunction suit; in the matter of the estate of Harriett E. Day, petition for license to sell real estate; in the matter of the estate of Solomon A. Dickinson, petition for license to sell real estate.
Columbus Journal, April 30, 1890
New cases filed in the district court since our last report: Catherine Erb vs. J.G. Loebs et al, petition for foreclosure real estate mortgage; Wilde & Campbell vs. Jacob Wagner, suit for debt on check given for $800 and payment refused. (Sale Lake real estate deal.)
Columbus Journal, May 7, 1890
The following new cases have been entered on the docket of the district court since our report a week ago: Edward J. Spencer v. Cora A. Spencer, petition for divorce; G.H. Brockhaus v. Jenovefa Kleva and Joseph Kleva, petition prays judgment for $350 on promissory note; First National bank of Omaha v. Reinhold Brandt and Charles Brandt partners under the firm name of R. Brandt & Bro., petition prays judgment for $363.53 on promissory note; in the matter of the estate of Evan Davis, deceased, sale of real estate.
Columbus Journal, May 14, 1890
District Court.
Judge Wm. Marshall, presidint Monday.
Manahan v. Manahan. Divorce. Dismissed at pltff's cost.
Phillips v. Kuh. Demurrer to petition.
Lubker v. Singer M'f'g Co. Dismissed at pltff's cost.
Howells v. McCandlish. Ordered to show cause by Wednesday morning why sale should not be confirmed.
Rounds v. Henggler et al. Dismissed at pltff's cost.
Hallam v. Durrell et al. Ordered to show cause why sale should not be confirmed.
H.C. Newman v. Platte Co. By agreement, order for payment to plaintiff by defendant $80.
Ella Newman v. Platte Co. Same as above $16.
Philp Schroeder v. Platte Co. Same as above.
Haish & Co. v. Columbus State Bank et al, garnishee of Krause et al. Dismissed at pltff's costs.
Snyder v. U.P.Ry Co. Demurrer
Columbus Journal May 21, 1890
District Court.
Elias Jewell v. Ernest Hoare. Dismissed at plaintiff's costs.
Edward W. Howells v. Fannie W. McCandlish, et al. Sale confirmed and deed ordered.
Ignatz Rosenthal v. Anton Maron. Demurrer to petition sustained. Plaintiff was 30 days to file amended petition.
    Defendant 20 days to answer, and plaintiff 10 days to reply.
Alfred Hallam v. A.A. Durrell, et al. Order of sale set aside. Alias order of sale allowed.
S.S. McAllister v. Jas. McDonald. Motion to strike second motion of defendant from files sustained. Defendant excepts.
P. Rankin v. Village of LIndsay. Trial to court. Finding for defendant and intervenor. Judgment on finding.
    Plaintiff allowed 40 days to settle bill of exceptions.
Wm. T. Cessna v. Sarah Cary et al. Motion appointing Gondring guardian ad litem for minors set aside and J.N. Kilian
    appointed guardian ad litem for minor defendants, Phoebe Cary, and Alice Cary, Alla Cary. Default as to defendants Cary.
    Trial to court. Finding for plaintiff. O.D. Butler, A. Luth, and Daniel Christy appointed referees to make partition.
    Referees' report filed, and same confirmed. Referees ordered to sell said lands, and give bond in the sum of $1,200
    and report to this court on July 1, 1890.
Jewell Bros. v. Pat Murray. Demurrer sustained. Plaintiff has 30 days to file amended petition.
    Defendant 20 days to answer and plaintiff 10 days to reply.
C.A. Beebe & Co. v. John Wagner. Decree of foreclosure for $406.17.
Gus. G. Becher v. John Sweeney et al. Decree of foreclosure.
Fidelity Loan and Trust Co. v. John M. Macfarland et al. Defendant has leave to file amended answer.
    Plaintiff has 10 days to reply.
Harrison Cook v. Miranda Cook. Divorce granted; costs taxed to plaintiff.
Paul Hoppen et al v. Peter Lentchie et al. Motion to make answer more specific sustained.
    Defendant has 20 days to file amended answer.
W.A. McAllister v. Mary Haddox. Finding for plaintiff for $825. Decree of foreclosure.
Kansas Mfg. Co. v. J.D. Davis et al. Order of sale set aside. Alias execution allowed.
Columbus Journal, June 18, 1890
Judge Post disposed of cases as follows on Monday: Amanda A. v. James H. Lindsay. Divorce granted plaintiff and she given custody of minor child.--E.J. v. Cora Spencer. Plaintiff to amend petition within 20 days; defendant to answer in 20 days thereafter; plaintiff to reply in 10 days thereafter.--In partition of Rickly estate, finding as prayed for.
Columbus Journal, June 25, 1890
The following new cases were filed in the district court last week: C.S. Webster v. John D. Davis, attachment; Nye & Schneider v. James P. Mathews and George Hughes, sr., petition for foreclosure of mechanics lien; Western Trust and Security Co. v. Peter Klanschi et al, petition for foreclosure, real estate mortgage.

Emma Hosner, the demented woman charged with stealing a horse from George Bodner, was arraigned at the county court, and held to appear at the district court. This is truly a case in which the Christian ladies of this city could do some good work. This young woman is half-witted, perhaps less, and has led a life of shame, the result, doubtless, of her ignorance and the wickedness, utter depravity, of those men who have consorted with her. It is shameful that some one does not take interest enough in the unfortunate creature to have her placed in an asylum where there might be some hope for her rescue from a long life of most abject ignorance, poverty and misery.

Mrs. M.D. Thurston, formerly of this city, has secured a divorce from her late husband (a dentist), being allowed $25 a month alimony, and the custody of the children, he having the privilege of visiting them at seasonable hours.

J.F. Bixby, editor of the Genoa Leader, charged with criminal libel, was acquitted Thursday. He had commented severely upon the busines transactions of J.O. Breech of Genoa, but it seems that the evidence justified what he had said.

Columbus Journal, July 2, 1890
Journal readers are familiar with the case of Geo. W. Poole and Miss Lydia Belle Woods of Benton. There was a double wedding last winter, Judge Thomas of Schuyler officiating. Poole's sister was married, Poole acting as groomsman and Miss Woods as bridesmaid, and after the marriage that had been previously announced, had taken place, the judge turned to the other couple, pronounced the ceremony and declared them man and wife. Miss Woods claimed that Poole had grossly deceived her in having the ceremony pronounced; he claimed that the proceedings were all regular, and that the matter was perfectly understood by the contracting parties, but Miss Woods has disavowed the marriage, and brought suit to annul it. The case was heard last week before Judge Post at Schuyler, who decided against Miss Woods.
Columbus Journal, August 6, 1890
Aaron Cue asks the court for a divorce from his wife, Ida, and for the custody of their children, Mary, Lottie, Minnie, Charles and Arthur, the oldest 12, the youngest 3. He alleges desertion since July, 1889, and that since that time she has been an inmate of houses of ill-fame, in several towns of the state.
Columbus Journal, August 20, 1890
Petit Jurors September Term.
John Schmocker, Butler; James Griffin, Loup; John Blomquist, Walker; J.W. Apgar, Woodville; August Westphal, St. Bernard; Anson Peterson, Joliet; Job Hook, Creston; Daniel Wilson, sr., Monroe; C.F. Gleason, Geo. Lehman, S.C. Gray, Columbus; Henry Geitzen, Granville; Henry Dress, Burrows; J.J. Graves, Humphrey; A.A. O'Connor, Columbus township; John Gergen, Granville; Wm. Ernst, Lost Creek; Geo. N. Lamb, Burrows; Henry Bokenhus, Sherman; C.J. Carrig, Lost Creek; John Behrens, Bismark; John Zumbrum, Grand Prairie; Christ Johnson, Daniel Holleron, Walker.
Columbus Journal, October 1, 1890
District Court.
German Insurance Co. v D.C. Kavanaugh. Sept. 26. Motion for new trial sustained. Verdict set aside.
Geo. A. Scott v Geo. W. Clother, et al. Sept. 26. Order to show cause by 27th a.m.
John S. Davis Sons v P.L. Baker. Sept. 23. Jury called. Verdict for defendant.
Loran Clark & Co. v J.W. Brown, et al. Sale confirmed. Deed ordered. Clerk ordered to pay surplus to Mrs. J.W. Brown.
Rosenbaum Bros. v Jas. R. Smith, et al. Dismissed at plaintiff's cost.
Ignatz Rosenthal v Anton Moran. Dismissed at plaintiff's cost.
Charles D. Lawrence v M.H. White, et al. Dismissed at plaintiff's cost.
Edward Searles v Gilt Edge Mfg. Co. Judgment as per stipulation.
S.T. Fleming v Jos. Linaberry. Verdict for plaintiff.
Edward Haight v H.J. Billerbeck, et al. Dismissed, for want of prosecution at plaintiff's cost.
George Bane v Jos. Linaberry. Trial to court. Finding for plaintiff $98.41. Judgment on finding.
W.H. Carnahan v Jas. H. Milslagel, et al. Default against Jas. H. Milslagel, Village of Lindsay, Gus G. Becher, John M. Macfarland, Louis Schaffe and Church Peitz. Finding for plaintiff $225.91. Second lien and subject to mortgage of Jane Cook. Judgment of forclosure. Premises described in petition found to be homestead of defendant,
    Mary E. Milslagel, who is to receive surplus, if any.
Lawrence H. Geer v Richard Filter. Dismissed at plaintiff's cost, for want of prosecution.
Jewell Bros. v Patrick Murray. Defendant to answer by Wednesday a.m.
Fidelity Loan & Trust Co. v John M. Macfarland et al. Finding for plaintiff $241.60, a first lien.
    Finding for Anderson & Roen, $947.80, a second lien.
Robert H. Henry v C.B.& Q. Ry. Co. Verdict for plaintiff $387.50. Motion for new trial.
Sarah J. Hall v Thos. L. Hall. Default. Decree of divorce, defendant's cost.
Jacob Ernst v Platte County. Sept. 22. trial to court. Jury waived. Finding for plaintiff $110.
Terrance Brady v Citizens' Bank of Humphrey. Demurrer to petition over-ruled. Defendant excepts.
    Defendant to answer in 30 days.
Catherine Erb v John G. Loebs et al. Fdining. Globe INsurance Co. first lien; plaintiff $350.50 second lien;
    judgment, decree of foreclosure.
Harton, Gilmore, McWilliams & Co. v Martin C. Bloedorn et al. By consent the Empire Hardware Co. is permitted to file
    a petition of intervention. Plaintiff and defendant plead within 20 days.
Anderson & Roen v Michael Connors. Sept. 27. Defendant has leave to answer by Wednesday next.
Western Cottage Organ Co. v Phebe J. Asher et al. Sept. 22. Plaintiff to give security for costs by Monday a.m.
    Defendant to answer within 20 days thereafter.
Gus G. Becher v Sarah J. Swygert at al. Sept. 26. Finding for plaintiff $506.65, first lien. Finding for
    E.O. Green $____ second lien. Foreclosure.
Nye & Schneider v Jas. P. Matthews et al. Plaintiff has leave to attach bill of items, instanter.
Western Trust & Security Co. v Peter Klenschi et al. Default against defendant Klenschi and wife. Finding for $81.40,
    first lien; Plano Mfg. Co. $134.25, second lien; McCormick Harvesting Machine Co. $35, third lien.
    Judgment, foreclosure of mortgage.
Harriett B. Perry v Henry Miles. On motion of defendant, the plaintiff is ordered to make Aug. Boettcher and
    Columbus Lumber Co. parties defendant.
Ole W. Ohlson v Godfrey Samuelson et al. Sept. 22. Appeal dismissed. Appellant has leave to withdraw bond.
Agnes Slawinski et al. v John Graf et al. Sept. 24. Motion to strike motion to set aside and vacate alleged
    statement overruled. Defendants except.
John G. Routson v Wm. H. Prescott. Sept. 25. Default. Finding for plaintiff $32.20. Foreclosure of tax lien
    in accordance with prayer of petition.
Edward Little v Geo. W. Bullen. Sept. 22. Motion for security for costs confirmed and security given.
    Defendant to answer in 30 days; reply in 10 days.
Columbus State bank v Gilt Edge Mfg. Co. Sept. 23. Alias summons ordered against defendant Spooner R. Howell.
    Ernst & Swarz and W.H. Rightmire have leave to file cross bills.
Omaha Loan & Trust Co. v Henry M. Waite et al. Finding for plaintiff $1,001.70 second lien on interest of Florence W.
    and third lien on interest of H.M.W.; finding for O.E. green $616.60, a second lien on interest of H.M.W.; finding
    for Home Insurance Co., a fourth lien on interest of H.M.W.
Lafayette Tinkel v John Miller et al. Sept. 22. Dismissed as per stipulation.
In the matter of the estate of Wm. Kleve, deceased. Sept. 25. Ordered to show cause Nov. 25, at 3 p.m.
Margaret Gottschalk v C.B.& Q. Ry. On trial, Sept. 29.
State v Jos. Paproski et al. Defendant arraigned; plead not guilty.
State v John Derringer et al. Dismissed on motion of county attorney.
State v W.B. Albro. Verdict of guilty.

Matilda Henning, a poor unfortunate human creature about 18 years old, who was taken up in the city by Chief Taylor the other night, was adjudged insane Monday and taken by Sheriff Caldwell yesterday morning to Norfolk. Two of the board of insanity thought she was insane, the other did not agree with them. Her father and her step-mother live on the old Dr. Mills farm in Polk county. The story here is that she is not allowed to live at home; that she has been in the habit of wandering around in the neighborhood, eating corn from the fields, taking food from the slop buckets, going into farm houses when the owners were out, building a fire and helping herself, etc. She has a tumor on her jaw, was very illy clad when taken up, and altogether a fearful looking object of great pity.

Columbus Journal, November 5, 1890
The following is the list of jurors for the next term of the district court, commencing December 8: J.H. Lynch, David Carrig, J.A. Kehoe, Lost Creek; Robert O'Brien, Columbus township; Henry Rickert, John H. Craun, Bismark; Harmon Eley, John Koop, Woodville; N.J. Mallman, Humphrey; C.E. Morse, John Stauffer, I. Gluck, Mason Beall, C.H. Davis, J.E. Hoffman, Columbus; Charles Stump, St. Bernard; Jonas Anderson, G.M. Sacrider, Monroe; T.F. Lynch, Shell Creek; John Weidner, Granville; J. Fulton, Creston; Joseph Cleve, Sam W.W. Wilson, Grand Prairie; E.W. Jones, Burrows.
Columbus Journal, December 24, 1890
District Court.
H.T. Clark, Drug Co. v. David Dowty et al. Continued by agreement.
German Ins. Co. v. Kavanaugh. Judgment by agreement for costs against defendant, amounting to $22.20.
Searle v. Gilt Edge Mfg. Co. Judgment against L.W. Weaver, ___ on appeal bond for $105.25 and costs.
Fleming v. Linabery. Motion for new trial overruled. Judgment on verdict. Defendant excepts.
Wyman v. Caldwell. Continued on defendant's motion.
Fish v. Howard. Jury disagreed and were discharged.
Fitzgerald v. Brandt et al. Defendants to file affidavits resisting motion for new trial by Dec. 24.
    Plaintiff to file rebutting proofs by Monday following.
Weihn v. Linabery. Motion for new trial overruled. Judgment on verdict. Defendant excepts.
State v. John N. Mills. Jury waived. Trial to court. Finding for plaintiff $600.
Jewell Bros. v. Pat Murray. Dismissed at plaintiff's cost.
Deering & Co. v. Wiehn. Finding for defendant $29.75. Each party to pay half the costs.
Hoppen et al v. Peter Klenchi et al. Motion for new trial sustained. Verdict set aside.
McCormick Harvesting Mch. Co. v. Harbert. Jury waived. Trial. Finding for plaintiff $699.
Terrence Brady v. Citizens Bank of Humphrey. Finding for plaintiff $200. Costs taxed to plaintiff.
Wolf v. Reins et al. Verdict for defendant.
Catherine Erb v. John G. Loebs et al. Dec. 20. sale set aside; alias order of sale allowed.
Wilde & Campbell v Jacob Wagner. Settled at defendant's cost.
Brockhaus v. Cleve et al. Dismissed at plaintiff's cost.
Horton, Gilmore, McWilliams & Co. v. M.C. Bloedorn et al. Verdict for defendant.
South v. Kruse. Verdict for defendant.
Becher v. Swygart. Sale confirmed and deed ordered.
John Fitzpatrick v. Pat Murray. Verdict for plaintiff $30.
Bates v. Haddox. Plaintiff to give security in 20 days or case stand dismissed.
Martin v. Caldwell. Defendant to answer in 30 days. Plaintiff to reply in 10 days thereafter.
John G. Routson v. Wm. H. Prescott. Sale confirmed and deed ordered.
Little v. Bullen. Dismissed at plaintiff's cost.
McCormick Harvesting Mch. Co. v. Wm. Gerhold. Finding for plaintiff $41.38.
Persinger v. Tinkel. Objections to jurisdiction on person of defendant sustained.
Hulst v. McCabe et al. Judgment against defendant Henry McCabe and M.J. Clark for $851.17.
W.A. McAllister v. J.L. Tripp et al. Finding for plaintiff $1,191.15.
Philip Schroeder v. Nick Adamy et al. Verdict for plaintiff $50.
Amelia Loseke v. Ameny Tessendorf. Verdict for plaintiff $12.50.
Bulkeley v. D.H. Carrig, garnishee of Thos. McCarville. McCarville to pay $85 to plaintiff in 20 days.
Acker v. Baker. Defendant to plead in 30 days after Dec. 18.
C.P.& A.B. Dewey v. Lizzie Kaminski et al. Decree of foreclosure $802.80.
Linabery v. Herbs. Appeal dismissed at cost of appellant.
Estate of Harry Whitehead, deceased. Sale confirmed and deed ordered.
Oberfelder & Co. v. Kavanaugh. Verdict for plaintiff $2,272.
Vandorn v. Westover. Value of defendant's possessions found to be $866.20. Damage for wrong detention 1 cent.
    Judgment for return of property.
W.A. McAllister v. Mary F. Haddox et al. Plaintiff asks leave to amend petition.
Bulkely v. McCarville. Judgment for plaintiff $135, by agreement in open court.

Criminal Docket.
State v. Louis Schroeder. Plead guilty of assault and battery. Fined $15 and costs.
State v. Harriet Perry et al. Fined $10 and costs.
State v. Hosner. Dismissed on motion of county attorney.
State v. John J. Truman. Sentenced to two years, no part of which shall be in solitary confinement; fine $5 and costs.
State v. Gray. Sentence for two years.
State v. Shilling. Sentence for one year.

Columbus Journal, December 31, 1890
List of Jurors.
For the February term of the district court: Ed. Maher, John Pinscher, O.M. Wallace, Nels Christensen, Frederick Asche, Ludwig Swanson, Frank Koch, W. Yates, W. Berg, Anderson Swanson, J.H. Galley, J. Fern, J.F. Carrig, John Kellam, Henry Newman, Fred Meedel, W.C. Jackson, Theo. Jonsson, Geo. Lehman, J.N. Fox, Wm. Hoeffelman, R. Miller, H. Murdock, John Pierce.

District Court.
Judge Post presiding, Monday, the following cases were disposed of:
Bame v. Linabery. Motion for new trial overruled. Defendant excepts. 40 days after adjournment in which to file
    bill of exceptions.
Becher v. Schroeder. Sale confirmed and deed ordered.
Columbus State Bank v. Gilt Edge Mfg. Co. Decree of foreclosure.
O.L. & Trust Co. v. Waite. Sale confirmed and deed ordered.
Capitol National Bank of Lincoln v. McCarville. Judgment for plaintiff $135.
Oberfelder v. Kavanaugh. Motion for new trial overruled. Defendant excepts, and forty days after adjournment
    given in which to file bill of exceptions.

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