Platte Co., NE - 1888 Cases NEGenWeb Project


Columbus Journal, February 1, 1888
Oberfelder & Co. v. Kavanaugh. Jury disagreed
Gibbs Sterrit Mfg. Co. v. Tscharner. Demurrer to petition sustained. Action dismissed.
Cline v. Capps. Dismissed. Pltff's cost.
Zetta Dowty v. David Dowty. Default. Tried to court. Finding and decree of divorce. Deft's cost.
    Plaintiff restored to name before marriage.
Vandorn v. Westover, et al. Verdict for plt'ff. Motion for new trial overruled. Judgment in verdict.
O'Neil v. Gottschalk. Verdict for defendant $7.
Reagan v. Cronin. Judgment against def't. by agreement for $40.
Geer v. Hartley. Continued by agreement.
St. Paul Fire and Marine Ins. Co. v. Tscharner. Demurrer to answer sustained. Defendant to answer in 30 days.
Downs & Co. v. Jewell. Continued by agreement.
Tizard v. O'Neil. Trial to court. Finding for def't. Pltff's bill dismissed. Exception by plt'ff. 40 days for bill of exceptions.
Rinehard v. Schroeder. Motion for new trial overruled. Judgment on verdict $437.50.
Haddox v. Lord. Verdict for plt'ff $112.50.
Harriet Lewis v. Robert Lewis. Motion to dismiss appeal. Def't has 40 days to serve bill of exceptions.
St. Paul Harvester Works v. Throneson et al. Default against all defendants. Decree of foreclosure.
    Due E.E. Covell $415.35; Neb. Loan and Ins. Co. $8.25; second lien Mrs. Slattery $275 and St. P.H. Works, $239.40.
Kaminski v. O.& R.V.R.R. Co. Jury disagreed--9 for plt'ff, 3 for def't.
Case Threshing Machine Co. v. Saley. Verdict for def't $3.00. Motion for new trial.
Davis v. Saunders. Verdict for plt'ff $18.29. Judgment accordingly.
Barns Mfg. Co. v. Krause, Lubker & Welch. Default against August Krause. The motion of Lubker and Welch to require
    plt'ff to make its petition more specific, sustained.
Macfarland & Cowdery v. Lord. Default. Finding for plt'ff $800. On motion of def't, default and judgment set aside and
    def't permitted to file answer. Plt'ff excepts.
Hampton v. Krueger et al. Sale confirmed and deed ordered.
Peitsch v. Spoerry. Plt'ff to file amended petition within 20 days.
Moline Milburne & Stoddard Co. v. Krause Bros. Judgment for plt'ff $1084.75 to draw 7 per cent. and for
    $715.05 to draw 10 per cent. interest.
Reid, Murdock & Fischer v. Baker & Johnson. Default. Judgment against both def'ts, $2787.05.
    Order of sale against attached property.
Chestnutwood v. Browner. Motion to dismiss appeal sustained. Plt'ff excepts.
Ducy v. Fahey et al. Default against all defendants. Trial finding and judgment for plt'ff for $1124.06 to draw 8 per cent. interest.
White v. Fahey, et al. Default. Judgment for plt'ff $212, to draw 10 per cent.
Ducy v. Shannahan et al. Finding for plt'ff $235.16.
Woonsocket Institute for savings v. City of Columbus. Motion to quash summons sustained. Alias summons allowed.
Krause v. Kavanaugh. Def't to answer by Feb. 5. Reply by Feb. 10.
In the matter of the estate of Peter Grimes, deceased. Order of sale allowed. Additional bond in sum of $500.
Hoagland v. Palmatier. Judgment for plt'ff $1154.61 to draw 7 per cent. interest.
Fedderson v. Seguine. Tried to court, finding and judgment for def't. On motion of plt'ff judgment set aside.
In the matter of the estate of James H. Cooney, deceased. Order of sale allowed.
Aultman, Miller & Co. v. Blandford et al. Default against Blandford.
Omaha Niobrara & B.H.R.R. Co. v. James O'Donnell. Motion to strike out part of petition overruled.
Shevlin v. Village of Platte Center. Appeal dismissed.
Nelson v. Clark. Appeal dismissed.
The Columbus Democrat, February 17, 1888
Julius Hembd, a wealthy German farmer residing in Bismarck township appeared before Justice Cowdery in this city Saturday, to answer to charge of bastardy, preferred by Bertha Runge, an eighteen-year-old German girl, who for some months was a domestic in his employ. She charges Hembd with being the father of her unborn child. Hembd is a married man having a wife and several children. The case made out against him was not very strong, and but for the fact that only recently he transferred all his realty and chattels to his wife, he would probably have been acquitted. He was bound over to the District court in the sum of $800 which was promptly furnished.
The Columbus Journal, March 21, 1888
Court adjourned from Friday last to Monday of this week.
    Judge Marshall presiding after Tuesday, Judge Post going to Fremont. The docket is as follows:
Russel & C. v. Rickert, jury dismissed.
Crane v. Kavanaugh, as sheriff. Verdict for defendant.
Flynn v. Speilman, as sheriff. Verdict of $272.74 for plaintiff.
Wake v. Long, et al. Dismissed at plaintiff's cost.
Elston v. Long, et al. Dismissed at plaintiff's cost.
Emerson & Galcott v. O.& R.V. Ry. Co., garnishee. Judgment for garnishee.
St. Paul F. and M. Ins. Co. v. Tscharner. Judgment for plaintiff, $27.70.
Eichmeyer v. Loseke. Dismissed at plaintiff's cost.
Mead v. Pearson, et al. Foreclosure $1,168.88.
Keating v. Ernst. Dismissed as per stipulation.
Hardell v. Kavanaugh, as sheriff. Replevin. Verdict for plaintiff and damages assessed at $10.
Myers v. Anderson was decided in favor of plaintiff. Default.
Abts v. Abts is on trial, as we go to press.
Judge Post is presiding this week.
Columbus Journal, March, 28, 1888
The following is the list of jurors summoned to appear Monday, May 14th, to serve as petit jurors: Henry Guiles, Pat Galligan, Michael Maher, Herm. Pruitt, Wm. C. Schultz, Martin Postle, Chas. Brandt, Conrad Ley, Sigmund Genuchke, John Wolf, E.W. Hoar, C.G. Dolan, Julius Rudat, D.C. Kavanaugh, W.T. Hanchett, W.R. Jones, Hector Blaser, Geo. E. Willard, Hans Christenson, Wm. Lamb, John Wise, J.H. Wurdemann, R.B. Dunlap, D.A. Robinson.
Columbus Journal, May 23, 1888
Sumner & Co. v. Steffy--Settled. Dismissed as per stipulation.
James L. Downs & Co., v. J.H. Jewell.--Continued by agreement to next term.
David Carrig v. Wm. Lowery--Verdict for plaintiff $66.67.
John O'Melia v. Neb. and Ia. Ins. Co.--Demurrer to petition sustained. Plaintiff has leave to amend within 30 days.
M.J. Leonard v. James D. Frank--Finding and judgment for defendant for costs.
Jos. Tiffany v. J.D. Frank--Finding and judgment for plaintiff $95.
M.C. Donehue v. Ellen Sheehan--Plaintiff to give new undertaking within 30 days.
Russell & Co. v. Henry Rickert--Continued by agreement.
James McDonald v. J.W. Early--Continued by agreement.
Macfarland v. Thompson & Baker--Jury called. Judgment and verdict for defendant.
Reitsch v. Spoerry--Continued by agreement.
L.H. Jewell v. James McDonald--Continued for service.
Niels Hansen v. Rasmus Nelson and others--Plaintiff has leave to file reply instanter.
Columbus State Bank v. W.T. Ransdell and others--Sale confirmed and deed ordered.
Coonhauser & Co. v. R. Brandt & Bro. Verdict for defendant.
Stoddard Mf'g Co. v. Krause, Lubker & Welch--Verdict for plaintiff $30.50.
McDonald v. Jewell--Continued by agreement.
Henry Ripp v. Gehr et al--Verdict for plaintiff $250.
John Kyle v. Jos. Henggler et al.--Finding and judgment for plaintiff $342.15.
S.L. Holman v. J.W. Early et al. Settled and dismissed as per stipulation.
First National Bank of Columbus v. Michael Reagan et al. Judgment for plaintiff $619.62.
German Ins. Co. v. Jos. Henggeler et al.--Judgment for plaintiff $4,148.89, first lien; judgment in favor of
    Columbus State Bank for $6,481, a second lien.
M.H. White v. Martin Maher et al. Judgment for plaintiff $267.75.
Simmons hardware Co., v. D.J. Maher & Co.--Judgment confessed $238.42.
Gluck v. Maher & Co. Judgment confessed for $1,777.48.
State v. Wm. Loseke--L. was charged with shooting with intent to wound and kill Diedrich Eichmeyer.
    The Journal gave at the time of the trouble a full account of it. The jury's verdict was, Not guilty.
Albert Dumkee, charged with murdering his wife will have his trial beginning today.
    W.A. Hampton and S.S. McAllister have been assigned by the court as his attorneys; he was arraigned and plead not guilty.
Columbus Journal, July 25, 1888
Louis Smith was put upon his trial here last week on a charge of adultery with his niece, Emma Hosner, a girl sixteen years old, daughter of John Hosner, also an action for seduction. Smith deeded eighty acres of land to Hosner and we suppose that the matter will rest. Smith is a married man, and is also believed by Hosner to know the whereabouts of his son, who disappeared several weeks ago.
Columbus Journal, September 26, 1888
The cases so far determined are as follows:
Pettit v Olmstead. Jury disagreed.
Downs & Co. v L.H. Jewell. Verdict for defendant. No cause of action.
Bloedorn v Lockner. Jury called. Defendnat moved for direction for judgment upon proceedings.
    Motion sustained. Jury discharged. Judgment for defendant. Plaintiff excepts.
Fahey v Byrns. Continued by agreement.
Rozicka v McCabe. Dismissed, defendant's costs.
Columbus State Bank v Wm. T. Randell. Deficiency judgment against defendnat $1889.90.
Cornhauser & Co. v Brandt & Bro. Judgment on verdict for defendant.
Stoddard Mfg. Co. v. Krause, Lubker & Welch. Same order.
McCormick Harvester Co. v James Russell. By agreement, judgment for plaintiff, $397.50.
McCormick Harv. Mch. Co. v James and Mary Russell. By agreement, judgment for plaintiff against defendant,
    James Russell, $267. Attorney fee $16.40. Finding and judgment for Mary Russell.
Columbus State Bank v Irwin, et al. Trial to court. Finding and judgment for plaintiff, $411.
Reagan v Cronin. Default. Jury called to assess damage. Verdict for $199.
Kriski v C.B. & Q. Ry. Co. Jury called. On trial. Jury out at noon (Tuesday).
H.T. Clark, Drug Co. v David Dowty, et al. Defendant Dowty allowed to file answer.
Leander Gerrard, et al. v City of Columbus et al. Plaintiff to reply by October 1.
Chicago Lumber Co. v R.W. Hughes, et al. Default against R.W. Hughes.
    Trial to court, finding for plaintiff $115.98 and for defendant Watts $151.66.
In the case of the State against John Domar, the defendant was discharged.
In the case of the State against J. Weidner, contempt, for non-appearance as a juror,
    defendant was discharged after paying costs.
Columbus Journal, October 3, 1888
Since our last report the cases decided have been:
Searles Bros., vs. Charles Schroeder. Judg't, $235.73.
Kriski vs. C.B. & Q. Ry Co. Verdict for plt'ff, $300.
Searles vs. Schroeder. Verdict for plt'ff, $547.
Walton vs. Heimbach et al. Finding for plt'ff $1949.75. First lien, finding for def't Buehler, $2692.50.
Schroeder vs. Searles. Verdict for def't.
Byrne vs. Clark et al. Judg't $313.90.
Court adjourned Friday evening to December 10th.
Columbus Journal, December 19, 1888
District court has been in session at the Court House in this city since Monday, Dec. 10.
    Cases, so far, have been disposed of as follows:
Margaret Gottschalk vs. C.B. & Q.R.R. company. Continued by agreement.
A.M. Pettit vs. Willis A. Olmstead. Jury disagreed. Discharged.
Samuel Hice vs. Henry Gass. Verdict for plaintiff. Judgment, $116.
Frank S. Malcolm, et al., vs. Henry Swarz, et al. Verdict and judgment for defendant.
Russell & Co. vs. Henry Rickert. Motion for new trial overruled. Exceptions.
Macfarland & Cowdery vs. Daniel A. Lord. Verdict for plaintiff. Judgment $75.
Wm. Peitsch vs. Henry T. Spoerry. Continued at plaintiff's cost.
Horton Gilmore, McWilliams & Co. vs. Martin C. Bloedorn. Continued by agreement.
Mrs. Anastasia Ryan vs. Martin Maher. Judgment against defendant, $272.25.
Mrs. A. Ryan vs. Martin Maher, et al. Judgment against defendant, Maher, $621.20. Dismissed as to defendant Degan.
Joseph Tschaurner vs. Albert Stenger. Continued by agreement.
Burlington Lumber Co. vs. H.D. Cramer. Judgment against defendant, $546.37.
State of Nebraska vs. Nelson Barnes. From Merrick county on change of venue. Defendant acquitted.
Columbus Journal, December 26, 1888
Sam'l Hice vs. Henry Gass. Motion for new trial overruled.
Frank S. Malcolm vs. O.N.& B.H. Ry Co. Continued.
Macfarland & Cowdery vs. Dan'l A. Lord. Judgment on verdict.
Patrick Malone vs. Thos. Sullivan, et al. Verdict for plaintiff $628.
Rosina Kuhn vs. Otto Kuhn. Divorce granted.
Myer & Schurman vs. Peter Schwartz. Sale confirmed. Deed ordered.
Paul Kriski vs. C.B. & Q. Ry Co. New trial ordered.
Sophia Paproski vs. Andrew Paproski. Judgment on verdict.
Henry Lubker vs. Gus. R. Krause. Judgment for plaintiff, $13.63, and costs.
Theodore Wolf vs. Gerhard Reins. Verdict for defendant $25.
Lilla McDonald vs. W.H. Randall and A.W. Clark. Demurrer to petition sustained.
Alois Berger vs. Nebraska Ins. Co. Verdict for defendant, $106.62.
Geo. G. Bowman vs. Rosina Kuhn, et al. Defendant excepted. Appeal sustained.
Geo. Thomazin vs. Martin Bloedorn. Judgment for plaintiff, $8.
Louise H. Allen vs. Charles Allen. Divorce granted.
Western Trust & Security Co. vs. Henry McCabe, et al. Continued.
Edward P. Allis & Co. vs. Columbus Milling Co. et al. Continued.
Catherine Lackey vs. M.C. Bloedorn. Verdict for defendant.
May Bros. vs. Hallen & Byrne. Exceptions.
L.P. Larson & Co. vs. Hallen & Byrne. Judgment for plaintiff, $195.75.
German Ins. Co. vs. D.C. Kavanaugh. Continued.

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