Platte Co., NE - 1887 Cases NEGenWeb Project


Columbus Journal, February 16, 1887
Ragatz v. Floyd. Garnishee of Wm. Lohr. Judgment for plaintiff against garnishee, $15.
Oliver W. Pulver v. Mary M. Pulver. Verdict for plaintiff.
Goldsmith & Co. v. Pat Hays. Verdict for defendant. Motion for new trial sustained. Verdict set aside.
M.S. Reed v. W.T. Ransdell. Judgment for plaintiff, $95.
Schwarz v. O.N. & B.H.R.R. Co. Dismissed.
James O'Donnell v. O.N. & B.H.R.R. Co. Judgment for plaintiff, $5500.00.
A.J. Vandoran v. Nelson Westover, et. al. Verdict for defendant. Motion for new trial sustained, verdict set aside.
W.Y. Smith v. S.C. & P. Ry. Co. Verdict for plaintiff, $10,000.00.
S.S. Rickly v. Christian Boettcher. Verdict for plaintiff, $80.00.
Elbert O'Hand v. Frances I. Coan, et. al. Judgment for plaintiff, $443.64 first lien.
    Judgment for Gus. G. Becher, $465.55. Foreclosure.
Briggle v. Drebert. Judgment as prayed.
Lockner v. Bloedorn. Judgment for plaintiff, $386.38 and 10 per cent. interest.
First National Bank v. M.C. Bloedorn, et. al. Judgment for plaintiff, $418.47, 10 per cent. interest.
E.S. Morse v. Albert Luth. Defendant allowed to file amended answer.
Jane Macken et. al. v. U.P. Ry. Co. Decree for plaintiff as prayed.
H. Natenstedt v. D.C. Kavanaugh. Writ of mandamus denied.
State of Nebraska v. John Maliski and Andrew Leas. Trial by jury as to defendant Leas.
    Verdict. Guilty. Sentence suspended 15 days. Cause dismissed as to defendant Maliski.
Columbus Journal, April 13, 1887
John Walker v. D.C. Kavanaugh. Replevin. Verdict for plaintiff.
Wilbert Fortune v. M.J. Clark. Verdict for plaintiff, $125.00.
James O'Donnell v. O.N. & B.H.R.R. Co. Damages. Verdict for $5,000.
Mary Smala v. Geo. Slorasta. Bastardy. On trial yesterday.
Wm. Godkin v. Platte County. Finding for plaintiff, $125.00.
W.G. Smith v. S.C. & P.R.R. Co. Motion for new trial overruled.
Haggard & Co. v. Sells. Verdict for defendant.
Mathias Brick v. Wm. Edwards. Verdict for plaintiff, $1.25.
Lyon & Healy v. M.C. Bloedorn. Replevin. Verdict for defendant.
State v. John Shanahan. Shooting with intent to kill and wound. Guilty.
State v. James Moore. Dismissed.
State v. Brandt & Wolf. Unlawfully selling intoxicating liquors. Guilty; fine $100.
State v. S.J. Davidson. Dismissed.
State v. John Kaus. Information filed disposing mortgaged property.
Columbus Journal, July 2, 1887
Ed. Carr, the murderer of Warren Long, of Boone county, has been sentenced to be hanged Nov. 18, '87. Judge Tiffany passed sentence on the unfortunate man.
Columbus Journal, October 26, 1887
Cases Continued.
Cline vs. Clapp.
Rinehard vs. Schroeder.
Cases Dismissed.
Jaeegi & Schupbach vs. Bower.
Landers vs. The Brighton Rnach Co.
Herman vs. Julia Schitterer, at plaintiff's cost.
State vs. Spoerry, at defendant's cost.
Margarite Stahmer vs. John Boe, et al., each to pay half costs.
Sobus vs. Carrig.
Burdick vs. Drake, at plaintiff's cost.
Verckler vs. Home Ins. Co.
Best & Co. vs. Randell. Demurrer overruled. Leave to answer in ten days.
Burke vs. Lave, judgment for plaintiff, $108 and seven per cent. interest.
Epperson vs. Thomas. Judgment for plaintiff, $229.71 and attorney's fees $22.
Ottis vs. Condon, et al. Foreclosure, $422.53 and ten per cent. interest.
Schroeder vs. Shannon et al. Foreclosure.
Howell Lumber Co. vs. Palmatier. Judgment $951.93 with seven per cent. interest.
White vs. McCabe et al. Judgment $543.50, ten per cent. interest.
Sumner vs. Steffy. Verdict for def't.
Cramer vs. Lindsay. Leave to file petition.
Emma Rudat vs. Eliza Meedel et al. Sullivan appointed guardian for infant defendant.
Early vs. Derry et al. Judgment for $151.20.
Holt vs. Holt. Divorce as prayed for.
Postal vs. Tieskotter. Plaintiff leave to amend.
Scott vs. First National bank. Passed to May 1, 1888.
Higgins & Garlow vs. Lawrence. Verdict $150 and interest for plaintiffs. Motion for new trial.
State vs. Grant. Not guilty.
State vs. Jenkinson. Guilty. Sentence has not been passed.
Columbus Journal, December 21, 1887
Word came to the city Wednesday last that Wm. Loseke, living west of Platte Center, had shot and killed his neighbor, Diedrich Eikemyer. Later it was learned that the shot was not necessarily fatal. The wounded man was taken to Platte Center and Drs. Martyn & Schug of this city sent for; he was afterwards brought to the city and is now (as we write, Thursday), in the Hospital. The strong probability is that he will lose the sight of one eye, and possibly both. It seems that the dispute arose over a road that it is claimed had been used as such for eleven years; that an obstruction had been placed on the road; that Eikemyer, undertaking to remove it against Loseke's protest, the latter struck at him, as is claimed, with a gun, the charge, wholly of powder, being accidentally discharged with the result mentioned.
    Loseke was put under arrest and admitted to bail in $1,500.

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