Platte Co., NE - 1886 Cases NEGenWeb Project


Columbus Journal, April 21, 1886
April Term, Hon. A.M. Post, Judge.
The following cases had been disposed of up to Monday evening:
Bowman v Wells. Verdict for plaintiff.
Strotman and other v Macfarland & Cowdery. Judgment of Justice reversed at cost of defendant in error.
    Case retained for trial. Plaintiffs, Macfarland & Cowdery, to file petition in 30 days, answer in 30 days; reply in 20 days.
D. Keeler v G.W. Elston et al. Judgment of county court affirmed, and petition in error dismissed.
Maria Sprunk v Christian Yeider. Verdict for defendant.
P. Schroeder v Baker. Dismissed at defendant's cost.
Newman v Mattice. Demurrer to petition overruled. Default against defendants, Medel and Schroeder, for want of answer.
W.L. Cook v Anna Cook. Dismissed at defendant's cost.
Gibbs, Sterrit Manufacturing Co. v Jos. Tschaneur. Continued by agreement.
Verckler v Home Insurance Co. Plaintiff's motion to dismiss without prejudice sustained.
McAllister Bros. v Singer Manufacturing Co. Verdict for plaintiffs.
Aultman, Miller & Co. v Jaworski et. al. Verdict for defendant.
Augustine v Linaberry. Dismissed at defendant's cost.
Estate of John Strasser, dec'd. Order of sale allowed.
State v Slawinski. Dismissed.
State v Jas. Scott. Verdict guilty. $15 and costs.
State v Jas. Scott. Plead guilty and was fined $25 and costs.
State v Fred Curtis. Plead guilty of assault and battery and was fined $5 and costs.
Three indictments were presented by the Grand Jury, but we refrain from publishing names
    because we believe injustice might thus be done innocent persons.
Columbus Journal, April 28, 1886
April Term, Hon. A.M. Post, Judge
We give the following in addition to our report of last week:
Gottschalk v L.& N.W.R.R. Co. Continued.
Gerrard v Lawerence. Continued.
McFarland v Shooney & Kohn. Continued.
W.C. White v John Hempleman. Dismissed by agreement, at plaintiff's cost.
Schroeder v Schmideke. Verdict for defendant. Motion for new trial.
A.C. Millett et. al. v Lillia McDonald. Settled, decree for plaintiff.
Bowman v Wells. Verdict plaintiff. Motion for new trial overruled. Defendant excepts. Judgment on verdict.
Sims v Postal. Motion to retax costs overruled.
Gass v Hice. Demurrer to petition sustained.
Nickle v Lang et. al. Judgment on verdict against defendants, Moudy and Hubert McFayden, for $1 without costs;
    other defendants to recover costs, $24.32 from plaintiff.
Wake v Lang et. al. Defendant has leave to file amended answer in 30 days.
Elston v Lang. Same entry.
McAllister Bros. v Singer Manufacturing Co. Verdict for plaintiffs. Judgment on verdict.
    Motion for new trial overruled. Exception.
Taylor, Schutte & Co. v Jos. Flynn et. al. Default against both defendant's. Judgment for plaintiffs of $185.
    Foreclosure of mechanics lien.
Boggs v Rudat. Verdict for plaintiff. Motion for new trial.
Bernas v Patroski et. al. Verdict for plaintiff $500. Motion for new trial overruled. Judgment on verdict.
The following were dismissed: North v C.B.& Q.R.R. Co.; Galley & Bro. v same; S. Galley v same;
The following continued: Barrow v same; Blaser v Regan; Jones v Olmsted; Rains v Jones; Cahill v Connelly; Wilcox v Martin.
State v P.J. Lawrence. Defendant arraigned, pleads not guilty. Bail fixed at $2,000.
State v Shanahan. Pleads not guilty. Bail fixed at $500.
Columbus Journal, October 27, 1886
    The court has been mostly engaged in the trial of criminal cases up to date. The probability is that an adjournment will be reached Saturday, with the certainty of an adjourned term some time during the winter.
    The cases dismissed were Cahill & Co. v. Connelly; Bunker v. Schnitzel; State against following: Langhan, Edwards, Gerber, Clark, Bushner.
    Those continued were: Jones v. Olmstead, Pettet v. Olmstead; State against following: Niblock, Spoerry, Davis, Shannahan.
    Those settled: Wilcox v. Martin; Sumner & Co. v. Gaskill, costs to plaintiff, 10 cents damages; Grunther v. Phoenix Ins. Co.; Stokes v. Elzroth.
Boggs v. Rudat. Judgment for plaintiff; costs to each.
Oberfelder v. Kavanaugh. Petition for new trial dismissed; exception; 40 days to file bill.
Dowty v. Chinn & Co., 30 days for amended petition, 20 for answer, 10 to reply.
Gluck v. Cross Bros. et al., sale confirmed, deed ordered.
Michael v. Mary McCallen, divorce at plaintiff's cost.
Order of sale allowed, estate of Chas. Heitsman.
Connell v. Condon, foreclosure, $544.85.
Maria v. Edward Bryan, divorce, plaintiff custody of child.
Henry Carrig et al., judgment as prayed for, costs to village of Platte Center.
Estate J.W. Dickenson, complaint of Lydia P. Dickenson. Plaintiff to file petition in 10 days, 30 days for answer, 10 days for reply.
State v. Dierks and A. Anon, stricken from docket.
State v. Stohmer, verdict for deft.
State v. Brice, guilty of petit larcenty, sentence, 10 days in jail.
State v. Lawerence, verdict for deft.
State v. Grant, being on trial, as we go to press.
Columbus Journal, November 3, 1886
Our last week's report contained the proceedings up to going to press. We add: Briggle v. Brebert, et al.
    Judg't. for plaintiff $667.50.
Sale of C.D. Clother's estate confirmed.
Mary v. Carl Langhoff. Decree for divorce.
Derry v. Wells, Fargo & Co. Dismissed at deft's. costs.
State v. Grant. Jury disagreed and case continued.
State v. Cook. Verdict for def't.
State v. Brandt. Charge of selling liquor without license. Verdict for def't.
State v. J. Rob't. Williams. Forgery. Bond of $1,000 forfeited.
State v. Brandt. Appeal from Justice's court, charge of placing screen between window and bar. Verdict guilty; fine $25.
There will be an adjourned term of District Court the 4th Monday in January.
Columbus Journal, December 15, 1886
Saml. Hardy, for the killing of Ralph Cowley some months ago in Boone county, was sentenced last week to fifteen years imprisonment in the state penitentiary at hard labor. This will give him plenty of time to reflect over the enormity of his crime. He plead guilty of murder in the second degree, having previously confessed that he and young Cowley, after leaving the house on the day of the shooting, had had an altercation in which, in a moment of passion, he intentionally shot Cowley. The county is congratulating itself on escaping a very expensive trial.

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