Platte Co., NE - 1885 Cases NEGenWeb Project


Columbus Journal, January 14, 1885
The following cases had been disposed of up to Saturday last by the adjourned term, which convened Jan. 5th, '85,
    and which is still in session:
Daniel M. Reagan vs John Shannahan; appeal. Jury trial; verdict for defendant.
Wm. Grant vs F.H. Gerrard. Jury trial; verdict for plaintiff, damages ten cents.
Patrick Murray vs Platte county; damages. Two cases, both of which were tried to the court and plaintiff awarded
    $30 damages in each.
Nick Adamy vs Platte county; damages. Trial to court. $72 damages for plaintiff.
Michael Wogan vs Patrick Murray, executor of the estate of David O'Brien, deceased. Settled.
In the matter of the estate of David O'Brien, deceased. Sale confirmed and deed ordered.
Hugh Hughes vs S.M. Slowinski and Martin Broviwick; foreclosure. Judgment for plaintiff for $440.84 against Slowinski;
    foreclosure of mechanic's lien against both defendants.
State vs Geo. Matthews and Frank Smith; indictment for manslaughter. Geo. Matthews having appeared at the
    November term and plead not guilty and furnished bond, the case was called up and motion to continue sustained.
State vs M.B. Paiste; indictment for keeping gambling house; verdict, guilty. Judgment of court that defendant
    pay a fine of $50 and stand committed until paid.
In the matter of the appointment of a commissioner of insanity. A.C. Turner having tendered his resignation as a
    member of the commission, his resignation is accepted and James G. Reeder is appointed a member of the board.
Martin Hollerin vs Mathis Waibel. Motion and affidavit for order to sell attached property sustained.
    Ordered to sell attached property described in motion as on execution, on 60 day's time.
Columbus Journal, April 8, 1885
Margaret v Patrick McNamara. Decree for divorce. Judgment for $1100 alimony.
Schroeder v Threw. Decree as per stipulation.
Benson v Heitzman. Dismissed at plaintiff's cost.
Clother, et al. v Millett, Adm'x. Dismissed for want of prosecution.
Butler v Grant. Continued. Defendnat 20 days to verify answer. Plaintiff 30 days after verification to reply.
Wogan v Grant. Same order as last above.
Cook v Geer. Dismissed, without prejudice, at plaintiff's cost.
Sells v Sells. Continued for service.
Haggard & Co. v Mary J. Sells et al. Motion to strike out part of reply overruled. Def't. excepts.
    Def't. required to give additional security on appeal.
Reed v Barker. Default. Judgment for plaintiff for $54.13.
Shanahan v Reasan et al. Judgment for plaintiff by agreement for $30 and costs.
Threw v Schroeder. Settled as per stipulation.
Goodrich & Co. v Ott. Default. Judgment for plaintiff for $313.08. Order of sale.
Oberfelder & Co. v Kavanaugh. Motion to strike amended petition overruled.
Kuhn v Phillips. Verdict for plaintiff $1,000.
Nebraska and Iowa Insurance Co. v Springer. Demurrer to petition sustained. Plaintiff to file amended petition in 10 days,
    answer in 30 days thereafter, and reply within 10 days.
Krystinak v Koblarz. Verdict for plaintiff 1 cent.
Bowman v Wells. Motion to dismiss overruled. Def't. excepts.
Stahmer v Boe et al. Dismissed.
Hohl v Hobben. Plaintiff to file petition in 30 days.
Scott v City of Columbus. Motion by defendant for continuance overruled. Def't. excepts.
    April 1st. Drs. Stillman, Martyn and Evans appointed to examine plaintiff's limb.
Wells v Walker. Motion to quash summons sustained. Continued for service.
The cases of the State of Nebraska against S.L. Barrett stricken from the docket on motion of Dist. Att'y.
Same order in State v J.W. Murphy and J.C. Rice, Peter Klentschi, Yale, Wm. Marson et al., J. Shanahan.
State v P.J. Lawrence. Indictment returned for incest. Bail fixed at $3,000. April 2d. Defendant arraigned.
    Objects to pleading because copy of indictment no personlly served upon him. Objection overruled.
    Defendant pleads not guilty. April 4th. Motion for continuance overruled. Defendant excepts.
State v Slawinski. Indictment for forgery. Pleads not guilty.
State v Saml. Wilson and William Curry. Indictment for larceny. Verdict, guilty of petit larceny.
    April 4th, sentenced to imprisonment in county jail 30 days and costs of prosecution.
State v Henry C. Niblock. Indictment for defrauding partner.
State v Robt. B. Eastling. Indictment--assault with intent to murder. Plead no guilty.

The time of the Court during the past week has been mainly taken up with the case of State v Geo. Matthews indictment for manslaughter. The alleged crime was committed the 17th of September last upon the person of Nellie Quackenbush. The case was strongly contested by the attorneys and went to the following jury on Saturday last, Judge Post giving them the clearest instructions as to the law bearing upon the case: Walter Compton, foreman; W.J. Hogan, Jno. Hoffman, Frank Kiernan, John Weibler, Dan. Jenni, Jr., Geo. Henggler, M. Jenni, Henry Loseke, Pat. Carey, Gus. Davis, Peter Plant. They returned their verdict at the opening of the court Monday morning, Builty as charged. A motion for a new trial will be argued within a day or two, based upon several reasons, including alleged irregularity of the court and district attorney, that the verdict was contrary to law, that it was not supported by testimony, &c.

Columbus Journal, April 15, 1885
Court Proceedings.--March Term--Continued from Last Week.
Crane v Lord. Tried to Court. Judgment for defendant for costs.
McDonald v Oberfelder & Co. April 10. Jury called and sworn. Verdict for plaintiff.
Goodrich & Co. v Ott. Judgment for plaintiff, $313.08. Order of sale.
Oberfelder & Co. v. Kavanaugh. Verdict for defendant.
Gerow Davis v Cornelia Davis. Default. Trial. Decree as prayed.
Bowman v Wells. Continued to adjourned session.
State v Geo. Matthews et al. April 10. Motion for new trial sustained; verdict set aside.
State v Lawrence. Continued to adjourned sitting.
State v Harry C. Niblock. Case continued on motion of defendant.
State v Chas. Slawinski. Verdict not guilty.
State v Henry C. Niblock. Indictment for defrauding partner.
Adjourned to April 25th.
Columbus Journal, July 8, 1885
District Court convened Monday, Judge Post presiding. The following cases were disposed of:
Amelia vs. Christian Bettcher. Decree for divorce. $75 alimony.
Caroline Greaner vs. George Greaner. Decree for divorce.
Laura V. vs. Benja. Spielman. Decree for divorce.
Eva vs. Anton Sakowscki. Decree for divorce.
Chas. Compton vs. Heirs of Hugh Compton, deceased. Report of referees confirmed.
State vs. Koble. Theft of horse. Sentenced one year to the penitentiary.
Court adjourned until Friday July 10th.

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