Platte Co., NE - 1883 Cases NEGenWeb Project


Columbus Journal, April 23, 1883
On Monday Madame Devault, Dolly Dimple, Mamie Stilz and Kittie Black were fined in various sums for immoral and illegal practices, and, in default of bail, were sent to prison. Afterwards their fines were paid, and they released.
Columbus Journal, June 6, 1883
District Court. -- Adjourned March Term, May 22-28, 1883.
Sumner & Co. vs. W.B. Dale and A.J. Arnold. Damages for failure to comply with bond to deliver burglar safe.
    Verdict for defendants.
Murray vs. Grant. Replevin. Judgment for plaintiff, deciding ownership of property.
Uhlig vs. Wilson and others. Sale confirmed.
Akin vs. Jacob Ripp and others. Sale confirmed.
Kohn & Adler vs. Strack and others. Sale confirmed. Insufficiency. Judgment for $313.53.
VanAuken vs. VanAuken. Divorce granted.
Pinson vs. Carew and others. Sale confirmed.
Lockner vs. Klas. Sale confirmed.
Biles & Bridges. Sale confirmed.
Sarkoski vs. U.P. Ry Co. Removed to U.S. court.
Durr vs. Durr. Divorce granted.
Lacey vs. U.P. Ry Co. and L.H. Jewell. Leave to amend petition.
Marek vs. Marek. Divorce granted.
Reagan vs. U.P. Ry Co. Continued.
Ramakers vs. Kavanaugh. Replevin under chattel mortgage. Judgment for plaintiff.
State vs. Wm. Diedrichs. Plead guilty. Fined $25 and costs.
State vs. Maynard. Removal mortgaged property. Acquitted.
State vs. Eicker. Defendant discharged.
State vs. Wm., Chas. and Aug. Diedrichs. Deft's discharged.
The Columbus Journal, September 26, 1883
The following cases were disposed of at the September term of the District Court in this city which convened on the 17th, Judge A.M. Post, presiding:
Catherine Behr vs Delane A. Willard et als. Default against John Behr and Wm. Robinson and Miranda Robinson.
    Decree as per stipulation.
Behr vs Klock & Morrissey. Damages. Dismissed for want of prosecution.
Behr vs Behr. Divorce granted.
Smith vs Schmitz. Dismissed at plaintiffs cost.
Bailey vs Kinney. Sale confirmed.
Heintz vs Kavanaugh. Judgment $1 against def't, and possession of property for plaintiff.
Howe Machine Co. vs Stupfel and Seberger. Appeal. Dismissed.
Maron vs Sheck. Dismissed without prejudice.
Cronin vs Price et al. Judgment on award of arbitrators $350.
Luers vs Elliott et al. Settled.
Flynn vs Grant. Judgment against defendant $389.
Estate Hugh Compton, deceased. Sale confirmed.
Lawrence vs Lawrence et al. Judgment $206.43.
Sutton vs Sutton. Divorce granted.
Megeath vs Johnson. Judgment against defendant $502.77.
Dewey vs Sheehan estate. Judgment $325.90; attorney fees $32.50; guardian ad litem $10.
Columbus Cemetery Association vs Lehman. Dismissed.
Lenchi vs O'Hearn. Sale confirmed.
Hays vs Kinney. Garnisheed $34.92 in hands of sheriff.
Brady vs McDonald. Sale confirmed.
State vs Threw. Defrauding partner. Bonds $400.
State vs Brandt. Keeping gaming table, bond $200; also keeping gambling room, bond $200;
    also permitting gambling, bond $200.
State vs Weibeler. Assault and battery. Appealed. Acquitted.
State vs Thomas Thornton. Larceny. Tried, jury disagreed; bond $500.
State vs Pat O'Brien. Larceny, bond $500.
Estate of Christina R. Wells. Petition to sell real estate; to be heard Oct. 29, 1883.
Estate Josephine Wyss. Petition to sell real estate; to be heard Oct. 29th, 1883.
Estate John Shanghnessey. Petition to sell real estate; to be heard November 6, '83.
J.M. Martin was admitted to the practice of law.
C.B. Stillman was appointed as commissioner on insanity, vice S.A. Bonesteel, M.D., gone out of state.

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