Platte Co., NE - 1882 Cases NEGenWeb Project


Columbus Journal, January 11, 1882
The preliminary examination of Mel. Moriarty, charged with committing rape on the person of Caroline Eickmyer, took place before Justice Byron Millet Tuesday and Wednesday last. The details of the evidence of Mrs. Erickmyer [sic] are too offensive and shocking for publication. She is a married woman, perhaps forty or forty-five years old, and is feeble looking. On the evening (about six o'clock) when the crime was committed, she was alone, at her residence, her husband being absent at one of the neighbors, half a mile away. Dr. Edwards was called shortly afterwards to see the injured woman and gave his testimony in court, particularizing the condition in which he found her, which is also too disgusting to appear here. Mrs. Eickmyer identified Moriarty as the man who committed the assault upon her. The Journal is loth to publish any account of this kind, and would not except upon the principle that all should have notice that such crimes are liable to be committed any day, and to the end also that some of the villains who attempt their perpetration may forfeit their life therefor. Moriarty was held to answer at the next term of the District Court in a bond for $1000.
Columbus Journal, March 15, 1882
March Term, 1882,--Cases Disposed of:
McMahon v. Early. Appeal.
State v. August Bettcher. Indictment quashed.
State v. Esghelbucken. Judgment quashed.
State v. Macken. Indictment quashed.
State v. Ripp. Indictment quashed.
State v. Moriarty. Bail $2,000.
State v. Clark. Bond $300 cash.
State v. Barrett. Verdict for def't.
Shedd v. Coolidge, et. al. Sale confirmed.
Moulthrop & Son v. Gast, et. al. Continued for service.
BeLisle v. Wake. Judgment by stipulation.
C. Aultman & Co. v. Wassenberger, et. al. Trial set for adjourned term.
L.& N.W. Railroad Co., v. Durant. Dismissed.
Parker v. Lawerence, et. als. Sale confirmed.
Gluck v. Boyle. Sale confirmed.
Cunningham v. Prigge, et. al. Injunction made perpetual.
Estate E.C. Kavanaugh. Sale confirmed.
School District 27 v. Walker, Morrissey and Deady. Judgment for def'ts.
Estate Edward Hays. Sale confirmed.
Baker v. Anderson. (Under advisement.) On Order Journal.
Ripp v. Koch and Hoppen. Judgment against def't for costs.
Shepherd & Co. v. Snyder. Default. Judgment $218.95.
Minneapolis Harvester Works v. Bockshecker & Co. and Ira Davenport. Sale confirmed.
Estate F.A. Haney. Sale confirmed.
Brown v. Bennett. Dismissed.
Dress, et. a. v. Spielman. Leave to file answer.
Dewey v. Walker. Foreclosure $601.05.
Hand v. Schmitz, et. al. Settled.
Day v. Whitaker. Default. Due Plaintiff $489.24.
Hunneman v. Rodgers, et. al. Default of W.J. Provost & Brooks E. Rodgers. Due Plaintiff $344.49. Att'y fee $34.44.
Mauderville v. Shanahan, 30 days to answer, 30 to reply.
Behr vs. Willard et al. 10 days to file petition; 20 to answer.
Hunneman v. Dale. Mandate ordered on record.
Hunneman v. Ripp. Default due Plt'ff 207.85. Sale.
McKelligon v. McMahon & Wolfel. Judgment against McMahon. Continued as to Wolfel. $153.46. Att'y Fees, $15.
McNamara v. Ryan. Judgment for Plt'ff, $106.53.
Griffn v. Carew. Twenty days to answer.
Snyder v. Furst & Bradley. Dismissed.
Henry v. Davis. Judgment $50 against df't. Davis' motion for a new trial over-ruled.
Ducey v. Walker. Judgment $200 for Plt'ff.
Adjourned session to be held May 29, 1882.
Columbus Journal, April 26, 1882
Police Court. - Cases Disposed of.
State vs. Bear. Drunkenness, $1 and costs.
State vs. Williams. Committing nuisance, $2 and costs.
State vs. Geo. Woods, drunkenness, $1 and costs.
State vs. Hugh Hill. Fighting, $1 and costs.
State vs. Mary Belisle. Keeping house of ill-fame, $10 and costs.
State vs. Mabel Hull, Mabel Gray, and Maud Clark. Inmates of houses of ill-fame $5 each and costs.
State vs. Anna M. Dee. Keeping house of ill-fame, $10 and costs.
State vs. Ed. Lowe. Malicious injury to property. $3 and costs.
State vs. Moffit. Drunkenness $1 and costs.
Columbus Journal, May 10, 1882
Police Court.
A number of cases for a hearing on a charge of gambling were up before the Police Judge Monday. The following cases were disposed of:
Louis Stracke. Keeping gambling house. Fined $25 and costs.
Henry Emerick. Gambling. Fined $25 and costs.
Orlando Shannon. Gambling. Fined $25 and costs.
H. Neib. Gambling. Fined $25 and costs.
Columbus Journal, May 17, 1882
Police Court.
The cases of the individuals arrested for gambling were all disposed of during last week, the last one coming up on Saturday morning. The following is the result:
Joe Tiffany. Gambling. Fined $25 and costs.
W.H. Randall. Gambling. Fined $15 and costs.
Dan Clother. Gambling. Fined $10 and costs.
C.M. Chambers. Gambling. Fined $15 and costs.
John Behr, took advantage of being allowed his freedom on his recognizance, to seek a more congenial atmosphere.
    G.W. Phillips was so unfortunate as to be looking for a man whom he expected to find in the room on which the raid was made by the police, was taken in with the rest of the occupants, and charged with frequenting a place of gambling; but as no evidence could be adduced to sustain the charge, his case was dismissed on motion of the city attorney.
    On complaint of Frank Gillett the members of the Sportmen's Club were fined one cent, for shooting in the city limits, but in view of the fact that it was only a technical violation of the ordinance for the protection of life and property that would be endangered by the use of fire arms in the city--the shooting being near the Loup wagon bridge, nearly a mile from any inhabited part of the city--Judge Hensely threw off his costs.
Columbus Journal, May 24, 1882
Police Court.
    A woman known about town as "Madam Dee" was taken before the court and fined $10 and costs for keeping a house of prostitution. Two inmates were fined each $5 and costs.
    Complaint was made against I. Gluck and P.W. Schmitz Saturday by Frank Owens for gambling. The gambling as charged consisted in playing at a game of chance with knives, the true inwardness of the affair being that P.W. was willing to bet on his ability as a "high kicker" and found a taker in Mr. G., "staked" the money, kicked at a knife stuck up at a certain elevation and lost. The complaining witness had not come into court at the time of this writing, Tuesday.
Columbus Journal, June 7, 1882
J.A. Hood vs. Thos. H. Saunders et al. Sale confirmed.
F. Gottschalk vs. E.C. and L.M. Saley. Sale confirmed and surplus applied on payment of certain taxes.
Hunneman and Henry vs. Music Hall Association. Sale confirmed.
Catharine Hunneman vs. Columbus Music Hall Association. Sale confirmed.
L.& N.W.R.R. Co., vs. Wm. Dietrichs. Verdict for Dietrichs, $10. Motion for new trial,--overrulled. Judgment on verdict.
Bailey vs. Kinney. Judgment for plaintiff, $102.90.
Margaret Ziebach vs. Peter Ziebach. Plaintiff allowed $150 atty's fees, and $25 alimony.
Raymond vs. McCormick. Held for trial on petition in error.
Aultman & Co. vs. Wassenberger and Henrich. Appeal. Verdict for $482.33; plaintiff remitted $38.50; atty's fees $45. Judgment.
Broulette & Laughlin vs. D.C. Kavanaugh. Verdict for defendant.
Dewey vs. Braussens. Sale confirmed.
Kavanaugh vs. Laughlin. Replevin. Verdict for plaintiff.
Williams vs. McMahon. $125 damages for plaintiff.
Dress et al. vs. Benj. Spielman et al. Judgment $205 for plaintiff.
Dewey vs. Walker. Sale confirmed.
McMahon vs. Early. Demurrer sustained.
Jane Loyd vs. Wm. Loyd. Divorce granted.
Gluck vs. Goyle. Judgment, $64 for plaintiff. Jerome vs. Downs. Divorce granted.
State of Nebraska vs. John W. Murphy, Jas. S. Rice and Robt. T. Edgar. Indictment--obtaining property by false pretense.
    $500 bail each defendant--Edgar $100.
State of Nebaska vs. Wm. Dietrichs. Indictment for libel. Bail $500.
State of Nebraska vs. Wm. Dietrichs, Chas. Dietrichs and August Dietrichs. Indictment for sending threatening letter.
    Bail $500 each.
Columbus Journal, July 26, 1882
Police Court.
State v. Bridges--Complaint of Jas. Campbell against two children, Roscoe and Lucy Bridges, charged with malicious mischief.
    His honor Judge Hensley, dismissed the case.
Emma Troop, for being found drunk Thursday night, in front of a residence on Quincy street, fined and sent to jail.
Georgie Bell and Frankie Osborn were tried Saturday on a charge of keeping a bawdy house, and fined $5 each and costs.
Madame Dee, on a similar complaint, was fined $10 and costs.
Minnie West, on a similar complaint, $5 and costs.
A similar complaint against Mary Belisle had not been disposed of.

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