Platte Co., NE - 1880 Cases NEGenWeb Project


Columbus Journal, October 27, 1880
The following cases were disposed of by his honor Judge Post at the recent session of the District Court of the 4th Judicial District, in and for Platte county, which convened Tuesday, Oct. 19th, 1880:
Cyrus H. McCormick and Leander J. McCormick v S.O. Raymond and E.D. Chapin. Stricken from docket on motion of def't.
Thos. Fay v Thos. Farrell. Depending on motion.
C.L. Poor v Thomas Morehead. Continued.
Catherine Hunneman v Lindley F. Ellis et ux. et als. Stricken from docket.
W.C. Galaway & Co. v W.S. Bartlett, treasurer of Antelope Co. Continued by agreement.
Patrick S. Griffin v Chas. Wake. Dismissed.
McNamara v McNamara. Dismissed at cost of plt'ff.
Theodore Ripp v Patrick Fahey. Dismissed for want of prosecution at cost of plt'ff.
Hunneman & Toman v Will. B. Dale et ux. et als. Continued.
Weltha L. Cossey v Wm. H. Cossey. Continued on motion of plt'ff.
John Partsch v Frank English. Dismissed at cost of plt'ff.
Frederick Muller v Alois Kasch. Settled.
Josiah E. Betts v John Eusden, L.H. Jewell and J.E. Moncrief. Leave to file answer.
Rosa Birney v Geo. Birney. Sale confirmed and deed ordered.
Clarissa Compton v C.H. May. Continued by agreement.
Danl. Ryan v Jos. E. Tasker et al. Continued by agreement.
Jones v Jones. Dismissed. Judgment against plt'ff. for costs.
L. Anderson and E.G. Platte v J.P. Becker. Case referred.
Matthew Burke v Wm. Gerhold. Dismissed.
H.G. Carew v Chris. Meedel. Continued by agreement.
John Karlin v Wm. Gerhold. Verdict for the plaintiff, $31.00. Def't. excepts to judgment on verdict.
Morrissey & Klock v M. Doody et al. Settled.
Louis Strocke and Catharine Behr v John Behr and Henry Robertson. Dismissed at cost of plt'ff.
Nathanial Crabtree v Fred. Zoll as agent and Edward Zole as principal. Continued by agreement.
Albert W. Crites v Zabdial C. Wentworth. Case referred.
Ernst Hortman v Charles Wake, constable. Case dismissed for want of prosecution. Judgment against plaintiff for costs.
L.& N.W.R.R. Co. v. D.H. Cadwallader and his heirs. Continued.
L.& N.W.R.R. Co. v. William Dietrich. Verdict for defendant for $450; judgment against both parties for costs.
Thomas O'Neill v J.G. Savidge, Martin Savidge, Anthony Savidge and Macay Zalazney. Sale and deed ordered.
Catherine Behr v D.A. Willard et als. Cause dismissed; plaintiff excepts.
Wm. Eimers v Wm. Tiskotter. Continued.
Geo. Hines v Phillip Hohl and Louis Schroeder. Judgment for plaintiff.
Nathanial Crabtree v Edward Vale and Fred. Zoll. Continued.
Franklin v Franklin. Divorce granted.
Sarah E. Latson v Lewis C. Latson. Continued.
John J. Golden v Farlee & Parrott. Dismissed.
Abbey L. Faulkner v Lavinius B. Leach et ux. Dismissed.
New England Mort. Sec. Co. vs Wilburt Forture et ux. Issues for plaintiff; amount found due plaintiff $43.22.
    Deed and sale ordered.
New England Mort. Sec. Co. v Wm. Connelly, jr., et ux. Dismissed.
New England Mort. Sec. Co. v John Grady et ux. Continued.
Wm. Cylen v Milton Edmonds. Continued.
Gerrard & Whitmoyer v Platte county. Motion to require plaintiff to file petition. Motion sustained.
    Leave to file petition instanter.
Clara A. Ticehurst v Allen A. Ticehurst. Divorce granted; plaintiff restored to maiden name, Clara A. Sanderson.
    Custody of minor children awarded to plaintiff until otherwise ordered.
New England Mort. Sec. Co. v John Keeler et ux. and James G. Downs. Settled; decree as per stipulation.
Frederick Theinhardt v Roderick McKenzie. Motion for change of venue overruled; leave to file answer in 60 days;
    reply in 30 days.
In the matter of the estate of Edward C. Kavanaugh deceased, order as prayed for; trial fixed for the first day of the
    next regular term.
James Ducey v Frank Walker. Default set aside.
School Dist. No. 29 of Platte Co. Nebraska v Jno. Walker, Michael Morrissey and Michael Doody. Leave to file answers
    without verification, to be verified during term.
Walter A. Wood Mowing and Reaping Machine Co. v Bartley Lamb. Dismissed.
Sarah B. Canfield executrix of the estate of Philo Canfield, deceased v Lois M. Stewart and Geo. W. Stewart et als.
    Default. Amount found due plaintiff, $315.83. Decree and sale.
Maggie M. Seeberg v Fred. V. Seeberg. Default. Decree as prayed for.
American Mort. Co. of Scotland (limited) v James Russell et ux. Default; amount found due plaintiff, $586.70.
J.B. Delsman & Co. v Moritz Stolze. Stricken from the docket.
John M. McFarland v Josephus M. Callison. Thirty days to file petition, 20 days to answer, 20 days to reply.
Moritz Stolze v J.B. Delsman and Benjamin Spielman. Decree to the petition.
M.E. Allison v E.D. Sheehan. Dismissed at cost of defendant.
James H. and Saml. Galley v Jno. Kelley. Dismissed.
State of Nebraska v Patrick McNamara. Dismissed.
State of Nebraska v Wm. Gerhold. Dismissed.
State of Nebraska v Frank Walker, Edward Rodram and John Mason. By agreement the defendant is ordered to
    enter into recognizance in the sum of $800.

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