Platte Co., NE - 1877-1879 Cases NEGenWeb Project

1877 - 1879

Columbus Journal, February 14, 1877
    John Stauffer, our accommodating county clerk, will accept our thanks for the following list of jurors for the March term of the District Court for Platte county, commencing on the 6th day of March next:
             GRAND JURY.
Wm. Mazon,               Z. McAlpine
P.J. Schmitz,            W.H. Prescott,
Theodore Wenk,           Wm. Hoefelman,
J.W. Temple,             J.P. Braun,
Chris. Meedel,           John Maughen,
Wm. T. Thurston,         John E. Dack,
P.H. Riley,              A. Mathis,
Geo. W. Stevens,         E.C. Kavanaugh.

             PETIT JURORS.
Geo. Rieder, Sr.,        J.H. Gogan,
H.H. Ames,               David Carrig,
D. Kinsey,               M.H. O'Brien,
S.C. Smith,              Nels Olson,
J. Moriarty,             Clark Cooncey,
L.B. Danforth,           Nels Peterson,
Will B. Dale,            Pat Foley,
John Koop,               John Flynn,
Wm. Ryan,                L.H. Jewell,
Wilbert Fortune,         Dan Foley,
P. Wheeler,              E.J. Baker,
Geo. N. Lamb,            B.A. Blair.

Columbus Journal, September 5, 1877
    List of names drawn to serve as jurors for the September term of district court to be held at Columbus, on the 18th day of September.
             GRAND JURY.
E A Sage,                L Staab,
Peter Ripp,              Steve Gleason,
Ole Olson,               John Mackin,
James Outwater,          William Winslow,
Dave Stritter,           Joseph Reed,
John Wiggins,            Henry Luers,
James Naylor,            Daniel Holleran,
Hans Christianson,       Jacob Ernst.

             PETIT JURORS.
D D Wadsworth,           Martin Holleran,
David Davis,             J B Delsman,
G H Krause,              Paul Faber,
Mike Schram,             William Knight,
A H Potter,              John Tracy,
Norman Small,            J F Schure,
Charles Horson,          John Wise,
Ed Keuscher,             J J Judd,
Charles Reinke,          August Boettcher,
G W Shaffer,             Pat Ducy,
John Eyman,              Ed Hoar,
Carson Peterson,         Pete Larson.

Columbus Journal, September 26, 1877
Court Proceedings.
Potts v. Rickly. Continued eight times; continued to next term.
Knowles, Cloyes & Co. v. A. Friedline. Judgment for plt'ff $1,774.63.
Kummer v. Hauser. Confirmation of sale.
McAllister v. Schneider. Foreclosure. Sale ordered and stay taken.
Schneider v. Wake. Continued.
Estate of A.B. Malcolm. Confirmation of sale.
Gottschalk v. Kinney. Foreclosure. Sale ordered and stay taken.
McCormick v. Raymond et al. Continued for service.
Hall v. Troth. Confirmation of sale.
Kummer v. Ludwig et al. Foreclosure. Plt'ff, $531.61.
Smith v. Roberts, Justice ordered to carry into effect his judgment.
Hail Ins. Co. v. Brandt. Confirmation of sale.
McAllister v. Kramer et al. Foreclosure. Amount found due plaintiff, $113.70.
Griffin v. Wake. Continued.
McIntire v. Lawson. Continued.
Smith & Menell v. Kellow. Foreclosure. Am't found due plt'ff $1527.82.
Hanchett v. Speice. Mandamus. Continued.
Riley v. Carew. Continued.
Patterson v. Patterson. Decree as prayed for.
Yeadman v. Anderson. Continued to November 9th.
Maw v. Maw. Divorce. Granted.
Hansel v. Guetche. Decree and sale.
Hutton v. Willard. Leave to file amended petition.
Johnson v. Kellow. For plt'ff $1111.
North and Kummer v. Hendrix. Foreclosure. Sale ordererd.
Dewey v. Gardner. Foreclosure. Dismissed at cost of defendant, without prejudice.
Schroeder v. Distelhorst. Foreclosure. Due plaintiff, $407.91.
Estate Mister. Petition to sell real estate. Ordered to show cause Dec. 11th.
Columbus Journal, February 20, 1878
    The district court for Platte county will be held commencing next Tuesday, Feb. 26th. The following is the list of jurors:
Hiram Ely,               Gerhard Schutte,
Thomas Lynch             Henry Wurdemann,
Albert Rose,             Andrew Henrich,
S.J. Edwards,            John Welch,
John Burke,              W.H. Cox,
John Bomquist,           H.A. Saunders,
Patrick Galligan,        Simon Finton,
N. French,               Major Christmas.
C.J. Snyder,             T.J. Ellis,
C.O. Waterman,           Michael Maher,
Peter Kettleson,         Wm. Ernst,
E.T. Graham,             C.S. Webster,
Nels Olson,              Fred Wolf,
C.H. Brockhaus,          Nick Blaser,
N. Crabtree,             W.C. White,
W.H. Cotton,             L.E. Kuehne,
Henry C. Bean,           John Elliott,
Robert Taylor,           Chas. G. Woods,
Guy C. Barnum, Sr.,      Wm. Ripp,
R.W. Young,              J. Trueman.

Columbus Journal, May 1, 1878
In the Police Court.
    State of Nebraska against T. Basaler. For keeping a bawdy house or house of ill-fame, for purpose of prostitution. Fined $35.00 and costs of suit, and committed to jail in default of payment.
    State of Nebraska against Mary Suts. For being an inmate of a bawdy house or house of ill-fame, and allowing herself to be used for purpose of prostitution. Plead guilty. Fined $10.00 and costs of prosecution.
    State of Nebraska against E.F., a certain female whose real name is unknown. For being an inmate of a bawdy house or house of ill-fame for purpose of prostitution. Plead guilty. Fine, $10.00 and costs of prosecution. Committed to jail in default of payment.
    State of Nebraska against William Misters. For harboring at and habitually frequenting a bawdy house or house of ill-fame. Case dismissed for want of prosecution; defendant paid costs.
    State of Nebraska against William Dietricks. For knowingly leasing or underletting a house for purpose of keeping a house of ill-fame, or for knowingly allowing the same to be used or occupied for such purpose. On trial.
    We learn since the above was in type that Mary Suts and E.F. have paid their fines.
Columbus Journal, August 14, 1878
    For the court to be held for Platte Co. commencing Sept. 17th:
James Millslagle,        J. M. Honahan,
David Schupbach,         D.W. Joseph,
A.W. Potter,             Willard Chapin,
J.J. Graves,             John Hammond,
Thomas Flynn,            I.J. Nickols,
J.W. Apgar,              Geo. N. Lamb,
N.G. Bonesteel,          George Lehman,
John Corcoran,           R.J. Martz.
Henry Rickert,           Aug. Westphall,
David Jenkinson,         Andrew Henrich,
Barclay Jones,           Hugh Hughes,
Joseph Krings,           Barney Bynres,
Jacob Held,              Christ Martin,
C.L. Hill,               Wm. Callahan,
Pat. Deegan,             M.T. Kinney,
Pete Wheeler,            John Olson,
J.H. Lynch,              Nick. Adamy,
G.W. Shaffer,            Franz Mielenz,
John Haney,              John Saalfeld,
Saml. J. Wheeler,        Adolph Jaeggi.

Columbus Journal, September 25, 1878
Court Proceedings. September Term, 1878:--G.W. Post, Judge, Benj. Spielman, Sheriff, Jno. Stauffer, Clerk.

Potts v. Rickly and others, Damages, continued ten times.
Becker v. Anderson. Reply to be filed in thirty days.
McIntyrre v. Lawson, Replevin. Verdict for def't. Motion for new trial overruled. Plaintiff excepts.
Hanchett v. Speice. Motion to dismiss sustained and cause dismissed at plt'ffs cost.
Hutton v. Willard. Dismissed by agreement, as per stipulation.
Schroeder v. Distelhorst. Sale confirmed and deed ordered.
Lamb v. Stapleton. Sale confirmed and deed ordered.
Gluck v. McMahon. Judgment as per stipulation.
Brash v. Bernhardt. For trial at the next regular term of the court.
Columbus State Bank v. Smith & Johnson. Case continued.
Dewey v. Witchey, Default. Amount found due plaintiff, $840.73, attorney's fees, $84. Decree and Sale.
Smith v. Gardner. Perpetual injunction, as prayed for in petition.
Seiberling v. Lebs. Appeal dismissed.
Johanna Langhoff v. Chas. Langhoff. Divorce granted.
Corradi v. Rose. Foreclosure. Amount found due plaintiff, $348.66. Attorney's fees, $34. Decree and sale.
Hall v. Lawson and others. Default. Amount due plaintiff, $477.66. Attorney's fee, $47. Decree and sale.
Ducy v. Morrissey. Leave to file answer in thirty days.
Kule v. Garber. Thirty days to answer.
Howell v. Stewart. Foreclosure. Plaintiff allowed thirty days to file reply.
Lehman & Co. v. Early. Motion for security for costs. Motion sustained.
Henderson et al. v. Baker. Leave to file amended petition in ten days. Answer in thirty days thereafter.
Shaughnessey v. Boyle. Trial to court. Amount found due plaintiff, $171.44.
Estate of Wm. T. Mister. Sale confirmed and deed ordered.
State of Nebraska v. Ryan & Quigley. Dismissed.
State v. Theinhardt. Dismissed.
State v. McMahon. Defendant to give bond of $100 for his appearance at next term of court.
State v. Asche. Verdict not guilty.
State v. Leach. Dismissed.
State v. C.E. Rickly. Appeal. Fine reduced to $5.
State v. Jackson. Adultery. Defendant discharged.
State v. Lydia M. Jones. Adultery. Same order.
State v. Tracy. Defendant discharged.
State v. Deitrick. Fine $25 and costs.
State v. John Grady. Indictment for shooting with intent to kill. Plea of not guilty. Bond $1000.
    Continued on motion of defendant.
State v. Pickert. Contempt. Fined $5.00.
State v. Davis. Appeal. Defendant to give bond in the sum of $100.
State v. Cummies and Blaesnel. Indictment for burning wheat in stacks. Bond $500 each. Case continued.

Columbus Journal, January 22, 1879
Jurors. For the February term of District Court for Platte county, beginning February 25th, 1879.
             GRAND JURORS.
Michael Wever,           H.F. Lutker,
Michael Jones,           H. Backenhaus,
Ed Roberts,              Jno. Anderson,
A.G. Quinn,              Robt. McCrea,
Jas. Outwater,           Ed. Moncreif,
Hans Elliott,            Peter Plant, Sr.,
Thos. Finch,             Jas. Carrig,
R Gentleman, Jr.,        Jos. Crites.

             PETIT JURORS.
Jas. Hannon,             B.S. Morris,
W.J. Irwin,              Robt. Moran,
Nels Munson,             L.B. Leach,
G.B. Bailey,             Herman Pieper,
N.E. Small,              H.G. Leuschen,
Wm. Heitzmann,           Jno. A. Maag,
Patrick Farley,          Wm. Lohr,
August Smith,            O.P. Reed,
Fred. Schaad, Jr.,       Jno. Browner,
Patrick Fahey,           Peter Snyder,
Jacob Louis,             Jas. Burrows,
Jonas Anderson,          Bird Ellis.

Columbus Journal, April 23, 1879
Court Notes. For lack of space and because business is not yet finished we give the findings in a few of the more important cases. Full proceedings next week.
Gus. G. Becher v. Annie Becher, petition for divorce, alleging criminal intercourse with A.E. Pinkney and others.
    Decree for divorce.
Potts v. Rickly. Judgment for plaintiff, $73.47.
Becker et al v. Anderson. Motion to submit questions of fact to jury overruled. Leave to file supplemental answer instanter.
Barnum v. Young. The jury, after being out all of Monday night, were discharged.
John Cooper, for horse stealing, was sentenced to the penitentiary for three years.
John Grady, tried for shooting with intent to wound, was found guilty. Not yet sentenced.
Columbus Journal, April 30, 1879
District Court.
    Our acknowledgments are due to John Stauffer and his assistant C.A. Newman, both accommodating tentlemen, for assistance in preparing the following report of proceedings. We omit cases that were reported in the Journal last week:
Columbus State Bank v. James J. Smith and Edward Johnson. Debt. Judgment for plt'ff for $1382.25.
Coradi v. Rose. Sale confirmed.
Onderdunk & Webb v. Rosenberger. Dismissed at plaintiff's cost.
Kyle v. Gerber. Dismissed.
Geo. F. Howell v. Geo. W. Stewart et al. Foreclosure. Default. Judgment in favor of Howell, $547.69;
    in favor of V. Kummer for $297.83.
F.B. Lehman & Co., v. J.W. Early. Dismissed at costs of plaintiffs.
C.M. Henderson et al. v. Eunice A. Baker. Judgment for plt'ff, $292.92.
Johannah L. Fraas v. John C. McMahon et al. Foreclosure. Default. Judgment in favor of plt'ff, $252.69.
Ellen Young v. Morgan & Gallagher et al. Dismissed at pltff's cost. Bond $500. Execution stayed.
Same v. G.E. Pritchett, et al. Supersedeas bond, $600.
A.W. Crites v. Eunice A. Baker. Judgment for plt'ff, $717.09.
Central National Bank of Omaha v. P.T. Martens. Continued.
Sarah B., Administratrix of Philo Canfield v. Cernak Wolfel. Foreclosure. Default. $686.41.
A.B. Dewey v. Gardner et al. Foreclosure. Default, $414.50.
J.P. Becker v. James Murie et al. Foreclosure. Default. $120.90.
Sarah B., Administratrix of Philo Canfield v. C.G. Hickok et al. Default for $487.56.
Same v. Same $167.19.
M. Morrissey v. Thomas O'Neill et al. Default, $96.90.
A.B. Dewey v. Thomas Blandford. Default. $268.56.
Canfield v. George P. Shatswell. Default. $290.53.
Postle & Blackman v. Anna M. Shannon. Default. $181.13.
F. Forrester v. Elizabeth Phillips, et al. $384.45.
A. Henry v. Joseph Bucher et al. Default. $561.05.
V. Kummer v. Wm. Ripp et al. Default. $430.41.
Helen Pinkney v. Collins & Martin. Judgment for plt'ff, $395.61.
M.E. Clother v. P.J. McCann. Sale confirmed.
Smith v. Gardner. Sale confrimed.
Kummer v. Hauser et al. Sale confirmed.
In the matter of the estate of Heinrich Haake, dec'd. Petition to sell real estate to be heard at Osceola, June 4th.
C.P. Dewey v. John G. and Robert Compton. Foreclosure. $1291.52.
Guy C. Barnum v. John G. Compton. Foreclosure. $1214.
Gross Bros. v. Rickly. Replevin. Judgment against def't.
Ransdall v. Diedrick. Injunction made perpetual.
A.B. Dewey v. B. Morris. Settled.
Dale v. Doddridge. Issues found in favor of Doddridge. Supersedeas bond, $100.
E.M. Maxwell & Co., v. Jos. Bucher. Foreclosure. $1454.40.
Columbus State Bank v. Eunice A. Baker. $44.45.
Sweet, Dempster & Co., v. Eunice A. Baker. Judgment for plt'ff, $965.56.
S.C. Smith v. Jos. Gardner. Judgment for plt'ff, $774.
James Ducey, treasurer school district No. 29 v. M. Morrissey. Leave to file amended petition.
L. Schwarz v. Mary Belisle. Ejection. Verdict for plt'ff.
Diebold Safe and Lock Co. v. N.G. Bonesteel, surviving partner of the firm of Bonesteel Bros. Continued.
Mister v. Thomas. Settled at cost of plt'ff.
J.J. Rickly et al v. A. Heintz. Petition in Error. Two cases. Judgment against def't for costs, in both cases.
In the case of Becher v. Becher, divorce, no alimony was allowed, and possession of the children given to Gus. G. Becher.
L.M. Cook v. J.G. Compton et al. Default. $971.78.
P. Schmitz et al v. Chas. Wake. Judgment for def't.
State v. McMahon, discontinued.
State v. John Grady. Indictment. Shooting with intent to wound. Verdict, guilty. Sentenced to one year.
State v. Samuel Davis. Assault and battery. Verdict not guilty.
State v. H. Cummies and D. Blacksnee. Indictment for burning wheat. Discharged from custody.
State v. Paul Hoppen. Case remanded to Justice.
State v. McMahon. Remanded to Justice to carry out judgment.
State v. Wm. Grant. Continued.
State v. Young. Indictment for incest. Continued.
Columbus Journal, May 21, 1879
Police Court Last Week.
Gluer and Bader. Trial for fighting. Each fined, Gluer $4 and costs, Bader $3 and costs.
Bob. Collins for drunkenness and disorderly conduct. Fined and ordered to stand committed until fine and costs paid.
O.L. Baker and H.G. Brindley fined for running a dray wagon without license, $12 and costs. Case appealed to the district court.
C.E. Morse charged with running dray No. 2 without License. Cause continued two weeks,
    at instance of Morse to procure proof that he had license.
John Quigly and J.H. Ranke for fighting. Quigley $4 and costs.--Ranke $2 and costs.
Dan. Ryan, fighting. Discharged.
Jerry Shannahan and Patt Lyons fighting--case pending.
B. McTaggert fighting. Fined $10 and costs. Case appealed.
Pat. Eagan fighting. Fined $10 and costs.
Columbus Journal, June 25, 1879
Police Court.
Frank Queen and Chas. Watson, arrested on charge of burglary. Bonds fixed at $1200. Sent to prison.
L.M. Cook, arrested on a charge of incest; bond fixed at $3,000. Sent to prison.
C.I. Bennett, for drunkenness, fined $2 and costs.

L.M. Cook, of this city, was arrested last Thursday on complaint of Ella Cook, his own daughter, charging him with the attempt to have sexual intercourse with her. A hearing of the case was had before Judge McAllister, who bound him over to answer to the charge before the District Court in the sum of $3,000. Mr. Cook failed to give the required bond, and is now confined in the county jail. A child so young and artless would not invent a story of this kind, and it would be sad indeed to be compelled to believe that we have had among us a man who would be guilty of such a heinous crime. In such cases, however, it is altogether best for individuals and communities, as far as it is possible, to suspend judgment until a full, fair and impartial legal trial is had, so that even-handed justice may be done. Because of the enormity and the loathsomeness of the crime, if for no feeling of sympathy for the accused, should the judgment be suspended until proof fastens him to his just punishment, or clears him from the reproach of the accusation.

Columbus Journal, July 23, 1879
A man living in the eastern part of the city, Marion Harper by name, and who has become notorious with the city officers and police court for disreputable conduct, was on Saturday, the 12th inst., by Judge McAllister, fined $5 and costs for brutal treatment of his wife. Upon his promise that he would leave the city and not again molest his wife and family, whom he has ceased to support, he was allowed to work out his fine in the harvest field and escape being jailed.
Columbus Journal, August 27, 1879
    The following are the jurors for the September term of the District Court, beginning Sept. 15th, 1879:
Andrew O. Donnell,      Sam. W.W. Wilson,
James Cushing,          Jacob Jermberg,
Herman Wilken,          E.A. Sage,
Dan Kelley,             Wm. Hoefelman,
Henry Lusche,           Lafayette Anderson,
Geo. Galley,            J.H. Watts,
Nels Olson,             Joseph Gross,
Ed. Moncrief,           Joseph Shilito.

A.N. Briggs,            Ed. Hoar,
L.H. Jewl,              Joseph Rivet,
Chas. Heitsman,         Gerhard Lueschen,
D.H. Carrig,            Henry Loseke,
John Hammond,           Herman Luedtke,
Peter Galligan,         John Daily,
Wm. Cornwell,           B.F. Baird,
Wm. Ressler,            James Adams,
Geo. Rollman,           James T. Ferrel,
John C. Whittaker,      John Haney,
Nels Berlin, jr.,       Jacob Guter,
Martin Bohen,           Lewis White.

Columbus Journal, September 24, 1879
Court Proceedings.
Brash v Bernhart. Transferred to Cuming county.
Columbus State Bank v Smith & Johnson. Appeal dismissed.
District 29 v Morrissey. Leave to answer in 30 days.
Doddridge v Dale. Dismissed at plaintiff's cost.
Crites v Baker et al. Same entry. Morrissey v O'Neill same entry.
Diebold Safe & Lock Co. v N.G. Bonesteel et al. Cause continued.
Barnum v Young. Judgment for defendant.
May v J.G. Compton. Judgment for plaintiff, $1237.50.
Saml. v Wilhelmina Reinke. Divorce granted.
John v. Meridian Jackson. Divorce granted.
Wells v James Compton et al. Judgment against Ellen Young for $585.48.
Blackman v Hohen. Judgment for plaintiff, $699.58.
Hunneman v Ellis et al. Judg't for plaintiff, $580.97.
Barnum v J.G. Compton. Judgment for plaintiff, $1,270.
Dewey v Hays. Judgment for plaintiff, $1068.50 and atty's fees $100.
Margaret v Patrick McNamara. Divorce granted.
Hellman v. Baker. Judgment for plaintiff, $403.28.
Steele recovered judg't against Baker for $162.44; Kummer v Bucher for $586.20; Stull v Loveland for $587.28.

State v. Hoppen. Dismissed. State v Wm. Grant, assault and battery, continued.
State v Young. Incest. Nolle prosequi.
Indictments were presented against L.M. Cook for incestuous rape and Marion Harper for assault with intent to wound.
Saml. Davis, Phil. Norton, Hans Olsen and Benj. BeLisle were discharged from custody.
The following were dismissed at pltff's cost: Dobie v Murray; McGuane v O'Leary; O'Leary v McGuane.
Central Nat. Bank Omaha v Martens. Continued for service upon defendant.
Hunneman et al v Dale and Doddridge. Change of venue to U.S. Circuit Court for Nebraska.
Walsh v Walsh. Continued till adjourned term, Oct. 15, '79.

Columbus Journal, October 22, 1879
District Court.
Adjourned term, Sept. 1879.
Chauncey Dewey v Wm. Longwith et al. Foreclosure. Judgm't $357.25 and atty's fees $25.70.
State v Saml. C. Hartley. Case dismissed. No cause of action.
Clara E. Barnum v Henry O. Barnum. Divorce. Decree granted.
State v Luther M. Cook. Indictment for incest. Jury trial, verdict not guilty.
State v Marion Harper. Indictment for assault with intent to wound. Case continued, and commission ordered to
    take the testimony of witnesses of Atlanta, Ill.
Swarz v Belisle. Ejectment. Tried before the court. Taken under advisement.
Columbus Journal, October 29, 1879
Police Court.
The State vs. Fritz Gerber. Petit larceny. Stealing half a sack of flour. Jury trial on the 23d inst. Verdict guilty.
John Karlin vs. Wm. Gerhold, action for work and labor. Jury trial on the 21st inst. Verdict for plaintiff
    for full amount of claim, $32.25.
Columbus Journal, December 3, 1879
Police Court News.
State vs. Constantine and Brizil DeWolf; before Judge McAllister. Dec. 1st. Assault and batter.
    Defendants discharged and prosecuting witness required to pay costs.
Complaint was made against John Vandersnict, Dec. 1st. Jury called. Case amicably settled, each party paying half the costs.

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