Platte Co., NE - 1871-1876 cases/jurors NEGenWeb Project

1871 - 1876

The Platte Journal, September 6, 1871
The Murder on Shell Creek.
Madison, Neb., Aug. 26, 1871.
    Editor Journal:--Since the commencement of my letter bearing date August 18th, 1871, it becomes my painful duty to make mention through your columns of a cowardly murder that took place on Shell creek in this (Madison) county Sunday night, Aug. 18th inst. It seems by the evidence adduced on the day of trial that Mr. Fuller, the deceased, and his friend George McCormick were fired upon (by two men unknown) while engaged in picking some water-melons. Several shots were fired, one ball taking effect in the body of Mr. Fuller, causing his death according to the decision at the inquest.
    Mr. McCormick was held for awhile on suspicion of having committed the crime, but was released for want of evidence. On further inquiry by the coroner, Dr. J.Q. Harvey, it was ascertained that there had been two strange men camped on Spring creek on the same night the murder was said to have been committed. The suspected parties were arrested whilst on their way to the south (as they were Texas cattle drover) and brought back and tried before Esquire Bickley of this county for the murder of Mr. Fuller, yet there could be no convicting evidence bro't to bear against them and in consequence of that fact the were released. The names of the strangers arrested were Henry Dignovvitty and Henry Milburn. The counsel for the defence were Hon. J.O. Shannon and partner in law J.A. Platt. Mr. Harris of this county was the counsel on behalf of the State. Now it is a self-evident fact that the murder above referred to was committed but by whom is a question that all orderly and law abiding citizens would be glad to have answered. I am told that one witness on the stand said his first suspicions in the premises were that the man had been shot out of a mob raised by me for the purpose of driving a gentleman from my land, he having settled upon my claim a few days previous to the murder of Mr. Fuller. By the way my claim lies about a mile and a half or two miles from the place where the murder was committed. But, God bless his dear soul, I was at the time sleeping at Mr. Elias Storves's, three miles from my land perfectly content with my lot in this life, on perfectly friendly footing with the gentleman that had jumped my claim, we having come to an amicable agreement as to the land, he having by his own consent concluded to take another piece of land near me. Now if there is an organized band in this county that has its existence for the purpose of driving innocent settlers from the vacant lands of this county, let the matter be fully sifted and the leaders of judge Lynch be dealt with according to the strict letter of the law and the dupes be admonished to do better in the future. If there is such an organization as above referred to (outside of the imagination of the Quixotic witness referred to) let every well wisher of peace and harmony, and the speedy settlement of this county constitute himself a committee of one for the purpoe of solving the mystery of this foul murder that has taken place in our midst. Who is there that can feel safe knowing that murder has been committed and the murderer not yet disclosed? Let all that are suspicioned bear the proper scrutiny, is the wish of yours, &c.,
    L. Burson.
The Platte Journal, September 20, 1871
We are indebted to our accommodating county Clerk, Hon. H.J. Hudson, for the following list of Grand and Petit Jurors for the October term of the District Court for Platte county, to be held on the 2nd day of October, 1871:
    W.D. Davis, D. Carrig, S.J. Edwards, Ed. Ahrens, R. Brandt, J. Burroughs, Chas. Renkie, John Held, F.J. North, Hy. Clayborn, A.M. Darling, John Barrow, Hy. Callaway, E.H. Baker, J.W. Chapin, Wm. Bloedorn.
    E. Hoar, J. Browner, J.G. Kellogg, P. Reinhamer, Jacob Guther, C.D. Clother, J.O. Blodgett, W.T. Callaway, Phil. Goodwin, Wm. Eggar, J.E. North, C. Brindley, Jacob Ernst, M. Clother, D. Kinsey, E.A. Gerrard, John Bennett, Abe. Coffey, L.M. Cook, H. Hughes, Wm. Hoeffleman, P.B. Bonesteel, O. Rose, Eben Pierce.
The Platte Journal, October 18, 1871
District Court, Platte County, October Term
Clarkson & Hall v. Hoffman. Improperly on calendar.
Rickly v. Hoffman. Default. Judgt. against deft. for $391.15 and attached property ordered sold.
McAllister v. Sutton. Leave to issue and serve an alias summons because of defective endorsement on first one.
Miller v. Miller. Dismissed.
Murray v. Brady. Continued by consent.
Rickly v. Phillips. By consent this cause referred to Nelson Millet, Esq., to hear and determine, and to file
    his report 30 days prior to next term of court.
Peshtigo Co. v. Dale & Co. Motion to set aside petition or strike it from the files because of imperfect verification,
    overruled. Leave given def't. to answer in 25 days from this date, and pltff. have 30 days thereafter in which to reply or demur.
Coolidge v. Dale. Judgment of last term set aside, and leave given to answer in 20 days, and cause referred to A. C. Turner, Esq.,
    to hear and determine, and report 20 days before the next term of court.
Rice v. Rice. Divorce granted.
Murray v. Brady. Continued by consent.
Grant v. Rickly. Motion to quash service overruled. Demurrer to petition, continued.
Brown and others v. Arnold. Dismissed for want of prosecution.
Tinker and others v. Hoffman. Default asked. Judgment against deft. for $1360.99. Attached property ordered sold.
Dale & Co. v. Murray. Cause continued on motion of deft.
Davis v. McEvoy. Judgment against deft. for $1042.69. Sale of property ordered.
Babcock and others v. Hughes. Deafult asked. Judgment $4109.51. Sale of attached property ordered.
Caldwell v. Busch. Sale confirmed and deed ordered.
Rossow Bro. & Co. v. Hoffman. Judg't against deft. for $1678.42. Attached property ordered sold.
Rickly v. Beebe. Demurrer to petition overruled. Continued with leave to file amended petition.
Routson v. Lutscluschen and Lutjeharms. Leave given to amend petition and to answer by 30 days before next term.
Kummer v. Kummer. Cause continued and leave given to serve alias summons.
Warner v. Sutton and Sutton. Judg't against defts. for $478. Premises ordered sold.
Rickly v. Lathrop. Judg't against deft. for $977.89.
Denneen v. Heintz. Case continued.
Dale & Co. v. Smith. Improperly docketed.
Hohen v. Kummer. Verdict, $46.50 for pltf.
Henny v. Wolfel. Continued by consent.
Johanson v. Compton and Compton. Continued.
Hapgood, Young & Co. v. Hoffman. New appraisement allowed.
Coolidge v. Needham. Continued.
Jno. Rickly Admr. Bacherl. Sale confirmed and deed allowed.
Cook v. Reinheimer. Continued.
Miller v. Cochran. Sale confirmed.
No indictments found.
The Platte Journal, January 29, 1873
    We are indebted to our efficient co. Clerk, H.J. Hudson, Esq., for the following list of Jurors for the adjourned term of the District Court for Platte county, to be held February 11th 1873 at 2 o'clock P.M.:
    John Strasser, P.S. Griffin, James Hannan, W.C. Sutton, Paul Faber, Josiah Polley, Chris Meedel, Sam Galley, C.O. Wasson, E.J. Baker, M.H. Lawson, J.A. Reed, Joseph Gardner, Geo. W. Galley, O.S. Brown, J.J. Blodgett, John Stauffer, Sam'l Anderson, M. Weaver, M.T. Kinney, H.P. Kelley, John Deneen, J.B. Wells, Lorenzo Clark.
The Platte Journal, May 7, 1873
    We are indebted to H.J. Hudson, Esq., Co. Clerk, for the following list of Grand and Petit Jurors for the District Court to be held in Platte county, Neb., May 5th, 1873.
    N.G. Bonesteel, G.W. Clother, Adney Hulbert, G.W. Stewart, J.W. Witchey, L.W. Platt, D.A. Willard, James Compton, Jr., Wm. Gerhold, Crit. Whaley, S.L. Barrett, John C. WOlfel, Julius Gabler, J.A. Turner, J.H. Galley, Hugh Hughes.
    L.M. Beebe, Henry C. Ludwig, G.F. Howel, R.S. Cook, W.T. Callaway, G.W. Coolidge, A.M. Darling, Jacob Ernst, Morga Watkins, Fred. Matthews, Charles Rankie, Virgil Baldwin, A.G. Wright, J.H. Watts, F.P. Fields, G.D. Hendricks, Paul Hoppen, Thomas Lynn, W.T. Rickly, J.W. Kelley, Samuel Johnson, W.A. Davis, Pat. Hays, Pat. Murray.
The Columbus Journal, April 22, 1874
    The following are the names of Grand and Petit Jurors for the May Term of Dist. Court for Platte Co:
Grand Jurors.
    James Hallows, Jos. Strother, John Bronwer, Chas. Schroeder, Jonas Headman, Jacob Lewis, Geo. Henggler, H.G. Leuschen, A.J. Arnold, Thos. Lynch, A. Friedline, Francis Rossetter, S.O. Raymond, J.P. Becker, Nicholas Blaser, Herman Leuschen.
Petit Jurors.
    Daniel Brooks, Henry Carrig, John Greisen, Robert Gentleman, Chas. Matthews, Louis Staab, Robert Lewis, Robert Nicholson, J.J. Blodgett, Michael Sheedy, J. Slattery, Thos. Flynn, J.H. Johannes, Thos. Sullivan, F. Gottschalk, M. Schram, Jr., John Haney, Chas. Zeigler, John Hammond, G.W. Hulst, Peter Kettleson, Peter Parr, D.A. Willard, N.C. Crabtree.
The Columbus Journal, May 2, 1874
Cases for Trial. - Court convenes, Monday, May 4th.
Ferdinand Heney vs. John Wolfel.
D.G. & G.W. Stewart vs. U.P.R.R. company
Edwin Stewart vs. U.P.R.R. Co.
Allen Counsins vs. John Rickly.
John Stickly vs. Andrew J. Stevens et al.
Patrick Murray vs. M.K. Tu____ and Andrew J. Stevens.
The people vs. Jane T. Hale. Assault.
Augustus Kountze vs. John Wurdeman et al.
The people vs. Samuel Longshere, Joseph Eaves and Frank T. Burgess.
Henry P. Coolidge vs. Wm. Gerhold.
Barnard M. Lee vs. E. C. Kavanaugh.
Peter Myers vs. Denis Murley.
Samuel Seem vs. Michael Duggan.
Thomas Morris vs. P.P.R.R. Co.
Frederika Langhoff vs. Charles F. W. Langhoff.
John G. Compton vs. Francis G. B____.
M _______ Brother & Co. vs. Henry J. Hudson and Sarah Hudson.
William T. Welsimer vs. John Busch, Anna Catherine Busch and Thomas Riley.
Richard S. Cook vs. Mercy Cook.
Samuel Seem vs. John Reagan.
Augustus Kountze vs. John Wurdeman, Herman Wilken and John H. Loseke.
Peter McGreal vs. John Armstrong.
Collins & Martin vs. McMahon & O'Toole.
In matter of application of the Platte county treasurer for judgment against
    delinquent lands.
L. M. Cook vs. Peter Myers.
The Columbus Journal, September 30, 1874
District Court.
Trial Docket, Oct. Term, 1874.

Henry v. Holfel, Continued five times. Appeal.
Cousins v. Rickly. Appeal.
Murray v. Turner and Stevens. Leave given to amend petition.
The People v. John T. Hale. Assault. Continued.
Megeath, Bro. & Co., v. Henry J. Hudson and Sarah J. Hudson, his wife. Foreclosure.
Cook v. Cook. Divorce.
Hoagland v. Hoagland. Divorce.
The People v. Wm. Grant and Anna Grant. Appeal.
The People v. Wm. Grant. Assault and battery.
J.B. Wells, guardian. Petition for sale of real estate; for confirmation for sale.
McGreal v. Armstrong. Appeal.
Cook v. Myres. Appeal.
Williams v. Speice. Appeal.
Busch v. Harney. Appeal.
Bozeman v. Willard. Appeal.
Porter v. Porter. Divorce.
Hausman v. Hausman. Divorce.
Koenig and Metz & Bro. v. Becher. Foreclosure.
Cookin v. Rickly. Error.
McAlister v. McAlister. Divorce.
Potts v. Rickly, Miller and others. Damages.
Rickly v. Rickly, et al. Foreclosure.
Lewis v. U.P.R.R. Co. Appeal.
Goldston v. Goldston and others. Error.

Grand Jurors.
    The following is a list of the grand jurors, drawn and subpoened for the Oct. term:
    Harmen Loseke, Philip Schroeder, Peter Wheeler, Wm. Bloedorn, Frank Fields, J.M. Kelley, Pat. Burke, J. Apgar, E.C. Kavanaugh, Thos. Gallagan, N.G. Bonesteel, Henry Gass, P.I. Braun, Jno. Miller, G.W. Stevens, M. Frathen.

Petit Jurors.
    I.W. Wurdemann, R. Brandt. Jas. Outwater, Jas. Warner, Clarence Newman, Wm. Hoefelman, A. Eickmeyer, J.O. Bladgett, E.A. Gerrard, W.B. Dale, C.D. Clother, Nels. Munson, H.C. Magoon, Philip Goodwin, R.A. Taylor, H.C. Preston, D.W. Davis, Tom. Maher, Robt Compton, Henry Ricket, R.S. Morris, H.V. Monette, W.T. Rickly, C.H. Davis.

The Columbus Journal, April 21, 1875
    The following jurors have been drawn for the next term of the District Court--May 3d:
    GRAND JURY.--Jas. Davis, Jacob M. Troth, Barclay Jones, Guy C. Barnum, jr., Jos. Gross, Martin Hollerin, A. Turner, John Ernst, Ed. Williams, John Jenkenson, Fred. Gerber, S.E. Pickens, David Davis, Jno. Corcoran, Peter Ripp and Jas. H. Lynch.
    PETIT JURY.--Jas. Compton, jr., Henry Carrig, W.N. Hensley, N.E. Small, Jas. Fay, C.G. Hickok, Terrance Brady, M.K. Turner, S.J. Wheeler, Jos. Tiffany, Thos. Kelly, H.H. Ames, Richard Keller, Fred. Schaad, jr., Peter Riley, W.A. Davis, Wm. J. Thurston, Jas. Ducey, Marshall Smith, Wm. Lisco, jr., Abel Coffey, Wm. Coffin, E.B. Hall and John Windeman.
The Columbus Era, January 1, 1876
Proceedings of the District Court.
    Wm. J. Godkin vs J.J. Rickly on error; leave given to file answer in fifteen days.
    Thos. Potts vs J.J. Rickly et al. (damages); continued.
    State of Nebraska vs Jno. F. Hale; (assault); continued by agreement.
    Collins & Martin vs McMahon & O'Tool, on error; jury trial; verdict for plaintiff for $85.83.
    Knowles Cloyes & Co. vs A. Friedline (debt); continued.
    Ellen Meyer vs W D Ellis (appeal); judgment in favor of plaintiff for costs, by agreement.
    Jas. McAllister vs Martin Regan (foreclosure); dismissed without prejudice at defendant costs.
    Thos. Murry vs W.B. Dale (appeal); continued by agreement.
    D.W. Minro vs G.P. Reed (appeal); for hearing on motion for continuance.
    Harriet Mason vs John Collins (appeal); motion to dismiss overruled.
    In the matter of William Taylor Mister, deceased, for confirmation of sale of real estate.
    In the matter of Peter Duffy, deceased, for confirmation of sale of real estate, sale confirmed and deed ordered.
    In the matter of guardianship of Augusta Rickly, Albert Rickly and Samuel S Rickly, minor heirs of Caroline Rickly, deceased, petition to sell real estate; I.N. Taylor appointed referee, order of sale of property designated in report of referee.
    Wm. Dykes vs. Wm. Diedrich, in the matter of garnishee of Patrick Murray; Ordered that Patrick Murray pay into Court the amount he is indebted to defendant.
The Columbus Republican, March 2, 1876
List of Petit and Grand Jurors Drawn for the Next Term of Platte County Dist. Court, Commencing March 14, 1876
    The following is a list of the Jurors drawn to serve for the coming term of Dist. Court to be held in this county, commencing March 14th, 1876:
             GRAND JURY.
Henry Loseke,             Geo. W. Hulst
Geo. P. Shatswell,        L. Staab,
John Wagner,              Peter Swanson,
G.C. Barnum, Sr.          David O'Brian,
O.E. Stearns,             G.W. Stewart,
Michael Schram, Sr.       T.C. Ryan,
T.J. Ellis,               Martin Reagan,
Patrick Hays, jr.,        Fritz Henggler.

             PETIT JURY.
Jacob Ripp,               J.B. Camp,
O. Rose,                  J.P. Becker,
Joseph Gross,             E.R. Bissen,
John McMahon,             Willard Chapin,
N. Crabtree,              H.D. Coan,
George Scheidle,          E. Pohl,
Wm. Lamb,                 Jacob Jernberg,
W.T. Rickly,              Julius Hembold,
John Moriarty,            Thomas Blandford,
Abraham Scott,            Geo. Reider, Sr.
P.H. Kelley,              Fred. Gottschalk,
John Saalfeld,            Geo. E. Drake.

The Columbus Era, March 18, 1876
Cases Disposed Of.
Miner vs. Reed, judgement for plaintiff for $35.54 and cost.
Murry vs. Dale, judgement for plaintiff for $114.10 and cost.
Mason, administratrix, vs. Collins, Discontinued.
S_rasser vs. Scheiser, order for sale of property confirmed.
State vs. S. C. Estus. Larceny. Verdict of the jury--not guilty.
Rickly vs. Rickly, order for sale of property, confirmed.
In matter of estate of Chas. Breimer, deceased, petition to sell real estate, granted.
In matter of estate of A. Miller, deceased, petition to sell real estate, granted.
State vs. Wm. Lymath plea of insanity interposed, and on motion, accused was given into the custody of his brother.
    This case has cost the county in the neighborhood of $400, and it would be wise for the county to set up the plea of insanity
    in order to avoid having to pay this cost.
The Columbus Republican, April 13, 1876
The Testimony of an Accomplice who Turns State's Evidence.

    SCHUYLER, NEB., March 25.--The trial of Samuel C. Burchard for the murder of John Helmos in this county, March 17, 1874, has been under way here for the last two days before Judge Post; District Attorney Hoxie, assisted by W.A. Harlow, prosecuting; Judge Brown, of Schuyler, and W.A. Foster, of Davenport, Iowa, defending. The State closed the testimony this evening, the most important witness being Mark Sears, one of the defendants, who turned State's evidence. He swore positively he went to the house where the murder was committed on the night in question with Frank Lent and Burchard; that he stayed outside, but heard the racket in the house of Helmos; went in; saw the other two putting Helmos and his brother on a bed, in an insensible condition, and that they mounted horses and rode rapidly away. At the time Sears was eighteen years of age, and Lent and Burchard sixteen.
    The jury in the case of the State against Burchard, after deliberating twenty-eight hours, were discharged without agreement--nine for acquittal and three for conviction.
The Columbus Republican, June 29, 1876
List of Names for Selection of Jury
    Twenty-four names will be drawn from the following names to act as jurors at the Platte county District Court, held in this city on the 18th of July, 1876:
Ed. Johnson,       Ed. Regan,       W. Benson,
J.W. Witchey,      J. Eisenmann,    Peter Swenson,
James Davis,       Nick Adamy,      R.W. Young,
R. Gentleman,      Geo. Lamb,       Dav. Carrig,
S. Gleason,        H.H. Ames,       W.G. Lehr
P. Goodwin,        S.L. Barrett,    Jas. Russell,
L.M. Saley,        C. Hoagland,     J. Wurdeman,
Ferd. Ripp,        Ole Olson,       G. Schutte,
Frank Simms,       Dan. Kinsey,     J.R. West,
J.H. Galley,       C.G. Hickok,     J.C. Morrissey,
W.H. Prescott,     E.B. Hall,       Wm. Cornwell,
W. Connelly, Jr.,                   W.H. Heidelberger.

The Columbus Republican, July 20, 1876
A Brief Abstract of the Proceedings.

    Four divorce cases tried, viz: Anna Riedts, Emma J. Doggett, Mary Ann Kessler, Hannah Bascombe, the latter petition was not granted. Several confirmations of sales were made. The case of L. Anderson vs Jonas Headman now on trial before a jury--this will be the last case. Court will adjourn to-day.
    Our new judge Geo. W. Post gives good satisfaction.
The Columbus Republican, July 27, 1876
    Godkin vs. J.J. Rickly. Verdict finding property and right of pssession in Plt'f, and assessing damages at $2. Def't gave notice of motion for new trial.
    Patth v. J.J. Rickly et al. Continued by agreement of parties.
    Cloyes & Co. v. Friedline. Continued.
    Griffith v. Coffee et al. Sale confirmed and deed ordered.
    Dewey v. Beebe et al. Sale confirmed and deed ordered.
    Turner & Hulst v. Rosno & Rosno. Sale confirmed and deed ordered.
    Steele & Johnson v. Barnum & Compton. Continued to next regular term.
    Fields v. Riemer & Spielman. Stricken from the docket at cost of Plt'ff.
    W.T. Mister's Estate. Sale of real estate confirmed.
    Becker et al. v. Anderson. Cause came on to be heard by the court. Def't objected to the introduction of any evidence on the ground that the petition does not state facts sufficient to constitute a cause for action. Objection sustained and evidence excluded. Plt'ff excepts. Cause dismissed at cost of Plt'ff. Plt'ff excepts.
    Anderson v. Hedman. Replevin. Jury returned verdict of right of possession of property in Plt'ff and assess damages against def't to the sum of five cents. Notice of motion for new trial.
    Kummer v. Houser. Continued on motion with privilege to make other parties defendant.
    Lucky v. Reinke. Appeal. Continued by agreement of parties.
    Estate of Chas. Bremer. Sale confirmed with power to make deed.
    Estate of A. Miller. Sale confirmed.
    Anna Riedt v. Chas. Riedt. Divorce. Decree as prayed for in the Petition.
    Emma J. Doggett v. W.A. Doggett. Divorce as prayed for.
    Mary A. Kessler v. Louis Kessler. Divorice. Decree as prayed for.
    Rising v. Shatswell, et al. Issues found for Plt'ff. Am't due plt'ff $296.66 2/3. An att'y fee of $25. Decree of foreclosure and sale of mortgaged premises.
    O'Toole v. Schneider et al. Continued by agreement of parties.
    Haight v. Heitzman et al. Foreclosure. Amount found due plt'ff $1718.86.
    Mutual Hail Insurance Co. v. Brandt. Debt. Continued with leave to file amended petition with leave to bring in new parties defendant.
    Hubert Bascomb v. Hannah Bascomb. Divorce. On motion of plt'ff case was withdrawn and cause continued to next regular term with leave to file amended petition.
The Columbus Republican, September 7, 1876
List of Grand and Petit Jurors.
The Fall Trial Docket, Giving the Names of the Attorney Engaged.
Court Commences on Tuesday, September 19th, 1876.

    W R Godkin vs John J Rickly et al. Notice of motion for new trial. Attorneys, S S McAlister, N Millett & Son.
    Thos Potts vs John J Rickly et al.--damages. Attorneys S S McAllister, N Millett & Son, M Whitmoyer, J G Higgins.
    Knowles, Cloye & Co., vs Ab. Friedline--debt. Attorneys, Gerrard & Whitmoyer.
    Steel & Johnson vs Barnum & Carpenter--debt. Attorney, C H Sedgwick.
    J P Becker et al vs Lafayette Anderson--motion for new trial. Attorneys, N Millett & Son, Gerrard & Whitmoyer.
    Lafayette Anderson vs Jonas Hedman--motion for new trial. Attorneys, Gerrard & Whitmoyer, N Millett & Son.
    V Kummer vs Fritz Hausser et al--foreclosure. Attorney, J G Higgins.
    Fred Lucky vs Charles Reinke--Appeals. Attorneys, J G Higgins, M Whitmoyer.
    M O'Tool vs August Schrader et al.--debt. Attorney, S S McAllister.
    Hubert Bascomb vs. Hannah Bascomb--divorce. Attorney, J B Camp.
    Mutual Hail Insurance Co vs Reinhold Brandt et al--foreclosure. Attorney, C A Speice.
    Phillinder Barrell vs John Barrell--divorce. Attorneys, N Millett & Son.
    August Schneider vs Charles Wake--Damages. S S McAllister, Higgins & Crites.
    Bernard Babcock vs Botleib Kuk--foreclosure. Attorney, S S McAllister.

             GRAND JURY.
H J Hudson,               Wm Bloedorn,
Wm J Irwin,               John Eisenmann,
John Wise,                H H Ames,
Jacob Greisen,            I N Taylor,
A H Gibson,               Geo P Shatswell,
D D Wadsworth,            John Walker,
Charles Hoagland,         H T Spoery,
C A Newman,               Wm Hunneman,
             PETIT JURY.
Henry Wilke,              W N McCandlish,
H P Session,              Wm Routson,
Wm Gerhold,               Peter Snyder,
C S Webster,              Gerhard Loseke,
Chris Martins,            B S Morris,
Jas McCormick,            H C Prston,
Geo Berry,                Pat Murray,
Frank Owens,              Wm C Callahan,
F B Wolf                  C L Hill,
Thos Lynch, Sr,           Orlando Rose,
Ed Ahrenes,               Robert Lewis,
Wm Ernst,                 Russell K Wilson.

The Columbus Republican, September 28, 1876
Business of the September Term.

    Wm. R. Goodkin vs. John J. Rickly et al; motion for new trial dismissed.
    Thomas Potts vs. John J. Rickly et al--motion to dismiss the action; continued.
    Knowles, Cloyes & Co. vs. Ab. Friedline; continued.
    Steele & Johnston vs. Barnum & Carpenter; continued.
    J.B. Becker et al vs. Lafayette Anderson--motion for new trial; to be submitted on written brief within forty days.
    Vincent Kummer vs. Fritz Hausser et al--leave to file amended answer, making additional parties defendants; continued.
    Fred Lucky vs. Carl Reinke--jury trial; verdict no cause of action, judgment for defendant for costs.
    Michael O'Toole vs. August Schneider et al--James McAlister made party plaintiff; continued.
    Hubert Bascomb vs. Hannah Bascomb; decree of divorce.
    The Mutual Hail Insurance Co. vs Reinhold Brandt; judgment, $349.25, decree of foreclosure.
    Phillinda Barrell vs. John Barrell--divorce; judgment against defenant for costs; motion for allowance to plaintiff to carry on this case.
    August Schneider vs. Charles Wake; leave to file answer instanter.
    Bernard Bubach vs. Gottlieb Kuk; judgment $174.08, decree of foreclosure.
    State of Nebraska ex rel., Patrick Lyons, vs. Benj. Speilman, Sheriff--motion to require respondent to separately number and state causes of defense sustained and answer ordered corrected.
    The State v. Anton Savidge. Recognizance to keep the peace. Continued.
    Toncray v. Columbus Music Hall Association. Continued on motion of plaintiff.
    The State v Daniel Ryan, John Haney and John Quigley. Continued on motion of Dist. Att'y.
    Indictments were returned against the above last named parties and M. O'Toole and Jerry Shannahan for resisting an officer.
    In the matter of the estate of Alexander B Malcolm. Petition to sell real estate. Order to show cause why property be not sold.

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