NEGenWeb Project
Gabler & Co, (Rudolph Gabler, Thos F Wilson), drugs, 502 W 12th.
Gabler Rudolph, (Gabler & Co), res 904 North.
Galley Albert J, bk J H Galley, res 124 W 10th.
Galley Ethel G Miss, musical student State University, res 124 W 10th.
Galley George W, farmer, res 603 E 5th.
Galley James H, dry goods, etc, vice-pres First Nat'l Bank, 505 W 11th, res 124 W 10th.
Gardner Scott, drayman, res 723 W 8th.
Garleprow John, helper Columbus Milling Co, res 502 E 6th.
Garlow Camden J, atty, 620 W 12th, res 1119 W 15th.
Gass Henry, furniture, undertaker, 221-223 W 11th, res 914 Washington av.
Gass Henry jr, student, res 914 Washington av.
Gass Samuel, saloon, imported wines, liquors, choice cigars, pool tables, 1203 W 12th, res 1002 Idahoo.
Gass Samuel, bk H Gass, res 914 Washington av.
Gassmann Emil, student, res 307 W 11th.
Gassmann E Wm, bakery, restaurant and confectionery, 307 W 11th.
Geer F Howard, student, res 1420 Olive.
Geer Francis H, (Martyn, Evans & Geer), res 1420 Olive.
Geer John, laborer, res 709 W 13th.
Gentleman Thomas, deputy sheriff, bds 120 E 11th.
Gerber Fred, res 201 E 7th.
Gerber Fred W, cigarmaker A F Saffron, res 203 E 7th.
Gerber Katie, domestic 824 W 14th.
Gerber Mamie, domestic 1604 Washington av.
Gerharz Frank, clk Flynn & Co, res 1723 Nebraska av.
Gerrard Clarence L, bicycle agt, 1207 Nebraska av, res 420 W 16th.
Gerrard Ernst, res 420 W 16th.
Gerrard Grace Miss, res 420 W 16th.
Gerrard Leander, pres Columbus State Bank, res 420 W 16th.
Gerrard Phebe Miss, res 420 W 16th.
Getzmer Leo, clk J P Borowiak, r 523 W 11th.
Geygox Heldmond, res 511 Grover.
Gibson Alfred, res 120 E 8th.
Giger Albert, wooden shoemaker C A Lutz & Co, res 804 E 11th.
Girtanner Eugene, book binder, res 723 E 11th.
Gisin Christian, helper Columbia Brewery, res 904 E 6th.
Gisin Rudolph, cabinet maker, 310 W 12th, res 217 E 12th.
Gitzen John B, mgr Foster & Smith, res 1603 W 13th.
Glass Edwin Z, engineer B & M R R R, res 502 E 7th.
Gleason Charles F, trav agt Kimball Bros, Lincoln, res 1309 Wheeler.
Gluck Israel, loan agt, 410 W 11th, res 403 W 10th.
Gluck Mamie H Miss, res 403 W 10th.
Glur Arnold, wooden shoemaker C A Lutz & Co, res Arnold nr E 2d.
Glur August, helper Wurdeman Bros, res Arnold nr E 3d.
Glur Jacob, plasterer, res Arnold nr E 3d.
Glur John, carpenter, res Arnold nr E 3d.
Goberg Sherman, laborer hemp mill, res 1512 W 17th.
Gondring John, res 1724 Nebraska av.
Gondring John M, (Whitmoyer & Gondring), county attorney, 1209 Nebraska Avenue, res 1724 Quincy.
Gondring Wm H, night operator B & M R R R, res 1724 Nebraska av.
Goodale Samuel Rev D D D, retired minister Episcopal Church, res 1117 W 14th.
Goras Frank, carpenter, res 1421 Fulton.
Gorman Thomas O, switchman U P Ry, res 702 Olive.
Gottschalk Fred, farmer, res 1705 Washington av.
Gottschalk L Fred, civil engineer, res 1604 Washington av.
Grady James, watchman U P Ry, res 723 W 13th.
Graf John, clk J A Barber & Co, res 1015 Washington av.
Grand Pacific Hotel, Samuel Mahood, propr, 523 W 10th.
Gray Arthur M, shoes, caps, 503 W 13th, res 722 W 15th.
Gray Clinton C, (S C & C C Gray), res 1422 Quincy.
Gray James K, night clk Vienna Retaurant, 504 W 12th.
Gray Leander L, plasterer, res cor E 13th and Douglas.
Gray S C & C C, hardware, 510 W 13th.
Gray Sidney C, (S C & C C Gray), res 722 W 15th.
Great German Remedy Co, mfr of hog cholera cure, Reinhold Brandt, mgr, 1211 Nebraska av.
Gregorius Fred J, printer Columbus Telegram, res 304 W 14th.
Gregorius Kate Mrs, res 304 W 14th.
Gregorius Wm J, printer Columbus Telegram, res 304 W 14th.
Greisen Bros, (Jacob & Henry Greisen), shoes, clothing, etc, 421 W 11th.
Greisen Henry, (Greisen Bros), res Platte Center, Neb.
Greisen Jacob, (Greisen Bros), res 202 W 9th.
Greisen Peter, bee culture, res 220 E 7th.
Griffin John A, trav ins agt, res 804 W 18th.
Groap Annie E Mrs, res 504 W 6th.
Gruenther Christian, bk Greisen Bros, res 202 W 9th.
Gunthorp Luther, cook U P Dining Hall, r 402 W 11th.
Guter Emma, domestic 420 E 9th.
Guthrie Madge E Miss, teacher, res 1719 W 17th.
Guthrie Thomas, carpenter, res 1719 W 17th.
Gutzmer Joseph A, clk J P Borowiak, res 824 W 7th.
Hagaman Alvin N, fireman B & M R R R, res 1114 W 16th.
Hagaman Nicholas A, fireman B & M R R R, res 209 E 14th.
Hagel Frank A, packer Hagel & Stevenson, res 303 E 7th.
Hagel George J, packer Hagel & Stevenson, res 209 W 9th.
Hagel Paul, (Hagel & Stevenson), res 903 North.
Hagel & Stevenson, (Paul Hagel, Frank N Stevenson), cold storage, creameries Genoa, Bohete, 601 W 11th.
Hagel Wm, res 209 W 9th.
Hagel Wm J, packer Hagel & Stevenson, res 514 W 10th.
Hagel Wm J jr, clk Hagel & Stevenson, res 514 W 10th.
Haight Alonzo H, res 316 W 14th.
Hall Lola Miss, waitress Vienna Restaurant, r 504 W 12th.
Hamar Charles, res 1622 North.
Hamar Emma Mrs, res 1622 North.
Hamer Charles, farmer, res 1703 Olive.
Haney Gussie Miss, bds 804 W 13th.
Hannan James, shoemaker Greisen Bros, res cor E 13th and Chase.
Hannan James, help around house U P Ry, res cor E 13th and Chase.
Hannan Lida Miss, laundress Home Restaurant.
Hannan Thomas, res E 13th and Chase.
Hardessen Hugh, student, 806 Lewis.
Hardy Clarence C, foreman Wurdeman Bros, res 114 W 7th.
Harlie Celia, deomestic 303 E 7th.
Hart James P, (Hart & Verjason), res 401 W 14th.
Hart J Pearl, laborer, res 1203 W 13th.
Hart N S, conductor B & M R R R, bds Clother House.
Hart Patrick, clerk, bds 122 W 14th.
Hart & Verjason, (James P Hart, John H Verjason), livery, feed and sale stable, 1012 Olive.
Hartel Mary, domestic 423 E 9th.
Harvey Edward, laborer, res 1814 Quincy.
Hatfield James S, miller Elevator Roller Mills, res 123 E 8th.
Hatfield Maud R Miss, student, res 123 E 8th.
Hauser Joseph, res 115 E 9th.
Havens Orvid D, trav agt Crofts & Reed, soap, res 1704 Washington.
Heater M J, millwright, res 1015 W 13th.
Heater M J Mrs, apiarist, 1015 W 13th.
Hecker Fritz, res 603 E 11th.
Hecker Louise, domestic 313 W 10th.
Hedges Chas W, engineer B & M R R, res 911 North.
Hegeman Edward, runner The Thurston.
Heier Emil, laborer, res 1524 Murray.
Heincheng Charles, clerk, bds Grand Pacific Hotel.
Heineman Henry W, tailor C A Linstrum, res 1602 Kummer.
Heintz Adolphus, prop Columbus electric light plant, 224 W 11th; drugs, 309 W 11th, res 423 W 10th.
Helb August, laborer, res 309 W 14th.
Held Louis, blacksmith and wagonmaker, 308 W 11th, res 1115 Washington av.
Henggler Magdaline Mrs, res 1424 Henry.
Hennig Fred F, farmer, res E 4th nr Arnold.
Hennig Gussie Miss, res E 4th nr Arnold.
Hennig Josephine Miss, res E 4th nr Arnold.
Henry A Mrs, res 1502 Olive.
Henry Mary Miss, res 1502 Olive.
Henry Robert H, vice-pres Columbus State Bank, res 1502 Olive.
Henry Walter, res 1502 Olive.
Hensley Wm N, attorney at law, city attorney, 618 W 12th, res 405 E 8th.
Herchenhan Henry, brewer Columbia Brewery, res 517 E 5th.
Herdy Louise, dining room girl Lindell Hotel.
Herlan Anna R Miss, res 1102 W 15th.
Herlan George E, foreman coal shute U P Ry, res 1102 W 15th.
Herlan Winnie L Miss, student, res 1102 W 15th.
Herold Annie, domestic 602 W 14th.
Herrick Fred W, furniture 1223 Nebraska av, res 1320 Nebraska av.
Herring Anna Miss, student, bds 1624 Nebraska av.
Hesler Mary Miss, res 1115 Washington av.
Heuer Otto, clk county treasurer, res cor E 8th and Douglas.
Hewitt Con, policeman, res 810 Olive.
Hewitt James, res 810 Olive.
Hewitt Lula Mrs, res 823 Olive.
Hewitt Wm A, laborer, res 823 Olive.
Hickok Carolus G, bk Herman Oehlrich & Bro, res 1208 W 14th.
Hinkelman John, tinner, res 116 E 14th.
Himiller F, messenger Adams Ex Co, bds 504 W 12th.
Hinsching Carl F W, clk A Heintz, r 319 W 11th.
Hirsbrunnger [sic] Robert, pump agt Ernst & Schwarz, res 602 E 12th.
Hockenberger Edward C, (Way & Hockenberger), res 404 E 11th.
Hockenberger Henry F J, (Becher, Jaeggi & Co), res 101 Washington av.
Hoehen Anna E Miss, res 920 Washington av.
Hoehen Carl F, drug clk Stillman Pharmacy, res 920 Washington av.
Hoehen Edward, physician, res 920 Washington av.
Hofar Barbara Mrs, res 1002 Idahoo.
Hoffman John E, oil and gasoline, res 1419 Nebraska av.
Hoffmeyer Lucy Mrs, res 1600 W 13th.
Hoge Lena, domestic, 903 North.
Hohl Leonard, train dispatcher U P Ry, res 922 W 13th.
Hollenbeck George, tel opr B & M depot, res 324 W 14th.
Honahan John M, shoes, overalls, 1216 Nebrawska av, res 103 E 15th.
Hooper John, messenger U P Ry, bds 922 W 13th.
Hoppen Anna P Miss, dressmaker Miss L B Costello, res 10th nr Washington av.
Hoppen Ed, barkeeper P Hoppen, res 121 W 10th.
Hoppen Paul, saloon, 323 W 11th, res 121 W 10th.
Hoth Carl, helper Elevator and Roller Mill, res 920 E 6th.
Hoth Julius, helper H Hughes, res 703 E 8th.
Hoth Lena, domestic 305 E 11th.
Huber John, feed stable, 812 W 13th, res 802 W 13th.
Huber John B, stableman J Huber, bds 802 W 13th.
Hudson Charles, res 814 W 15th.
Hudson Chas S, engineer U P Ry, res 814 W 15th.
Hudson Henry J, general fire insurance agent, res 404 W 15th.
Hughes Hugh, lumber, lath, shingles, doors, sash and blinds, building material, 1111 Olive, bds Meridian Hotel.
Hurd Abbie M Miss, music teacher, res 1120 Henry.
Hurd Robert G, hostler round house B & M R R, res 1120 Henry.
Hurd S Irene Miss, student, res 1120 Henry.
Huer Otto, clk court house, res 702 E 8th.
Hug, Mary, dometic 824 Washington.
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