PIERCE COUNTY CALLThursday, July 12, 1917


Numerical Numbers Given the Boys who Registered


The Call publishes the list containing the serial numbers, names and post office addresses of every young man who registered in Pierce county on June 5th for the selective draft.  The numbers run from 1 to 991.  These numbers have been sent to Washington, D.C., by County clerk F. H. Mohrman, a member of the exemption board of Pierce county.  It is stated unofficially that Saturday, July 14th has been fixed upon as the date for the drawing which will occur at Washington, D.C.  The numbers will be drawn from a jury wheel and telegraphed to every exemption board in the land to be posted.  By consulting the following list it will be a very easy matter to look up the serial number and find the names of those selected in Pierce County for service.  It is stated that 687,000 men will make up the new army and probably the number of exemptions is estimated at 50 per cent.  Save the list below so when the numbers are given out you can readily find the boys who have been selected in Pierce County.


WWI Draft registration in Alphabetical Order