holdrege.jpg This photo is of an early Holdrege, NE
holdregeea.jpg Here is a nice dirt street view of East Avenue, Holdrege, NE
holdregeop.jpg A view of the old bank and Opera House located on 4th and West Avenues, Holdrege, NE.
brewster.jpg Brewster Clinic, Holdrege, NE
dalehotel.jpg Dale Hotel, Holdrege, NE
florist.jpg Old Florist Building, Holdrege, NE
fourthave.jpg Fourth Avenue, Holdrege, NE
highsch.jpg High School, Holdrege, NE
hold.jpg Holdrege, NE
hold50.jpg Holdrege, NE
holdpo.jpg Post Office, Holdrege, NE
holdrege.jpg Holdrege, NE
holdrege2.jpg Holdrege, NE
holdregedepot.jpg Depot, Holdrege, NE
holdregeea.jpg East Avenue, Holdrege, NE
holdregesanta.jpg Christmas in Holdrege, NE
hospital.jpg Midwest Hospital - also later known as the Peterson Hospital - located at 423 West Avenue, Holdrege, NE
johnson.jpg Johnson Building, Holdrege, NE
phelpsch.jpg Phelps County Courthouse, Holdrege, NE
plains.jpg Plains Motel, Holdrege, NE
sodhouse.jpg Phelps County Sodhouse
westwardhs.jpg West Ward High School, Holdrege, NE
westwardsch.jpg West Ward High School, Holdrege, NE