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Charles. F. Stewart, MD
letter to wife Annie L. Stewart

Envelope addressed to:  
Mrs. Annie L. STEWART, Brownville, Nemaha, Co., Nebraska.  It is post marked from San Diego, Calif. March 15, 10:00 AM, 1888. On the back of the envelope is a post mark indicating the letter was received in Brownville on March 24, 1888.

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San Diego Cal. Mar. 15, 1888

Dear Mamma

    We arrieved here on Tuesday night -- 13th.  We had a rough voyage -- you will observe that I am behind time -- We were detained in Lower Calif. [ed. note: now called Baja, Calif.] some five days longer than we should have been -- [on] the regular steamer. Plying [?] but were Ensanada & San Diego had been tied up at San Diego [sic very confusing sentence].  By the U. S. authorities for violation of some marine laws.  But we were unable to asertain what the trouble was -- But fortune was on [start of page 2]

our side after all -- On Monday night the steamer Carlos Pochrea put into this port -- and left -- on  next  morning and you may be quite shur (sic) we were not left in Ensanada.  On my arrival here I received two letters from you -- one dated Mar. 2 and the other Mar. 4  I was very glad indeed to hear from you and to know the children had all recovered from the effects of their bad colds.  I had up to this time  received but one letter from you.  The one you sent to Ensanada.  The first one you sent me I have never received.  [start of page 3]

I expect to start on my homeward journey on tomorrow morning but must stop one or two days at Los Angelis [sic] and at San Francisco and perhaps at Salt Lake & Denver.  Frank Johnson received a letter here giving us the _ _ _ _  _  news that Cea_ _ t [looks like Ceafit] C_ _  _ son was very much worse and not expected to live but a short time.  I will say that this climate has not as yet improved my health.  I think however the exposier [sic] incidental to traveling has considerable to do in keeping me with accoust _ _ _  [letters are mushed together at the end of this word] to colds and coughs.  I am not realy sick.-- but do not [start of page 4]

feel quite well.  You will not have time to write me again after receiving this.  But should anything serious occur with any of you telegraph me at San Francisco - Salt Lake or Denver -- I must close truly hoping this may find you and all the children quite well -- Tell Annie that Papa thinks her letter very _ _ _  _ [possibly  "fine"].  Kiss all the babies for me and tell them to be good.

Your loving husband

C. F. Stewart

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