brock nemaha nebraska history photographs school newspaper photograph

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Brock School students. Photo taken in 1897.

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Submitted by Lynn Sabin


Brock School students. Photo taken in 1898. Note the original wood-frame, clapboard-sided school in the background. This structure was replaced by the brick school building in 1905 (below).

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Submitted by Lynn Sabin


Brock High School graduating class of 1901.

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Submitted by Lynn Sabin


Original Brick Schoolhouse in Brock, built in 1905. This structure burned November 2, 1925, and the second brick building (below) was constructed.

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Brock High School Class - teachers and students. Photo taken about 1905.

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Brock High School graduating class of 1906. Shown left to right are: Mae Knapp, Arthur Bailey, Bertha Mangon, Pearl Stout, Earl Shipley, and Ola Young. Man standing in rear has not yet been identified.

Submitted by Lynn Sabin


Students of Grant School, located between Brock and Talmage, Nebraska. The teacher is Mae Knapp, shown beneath center window, at right. Miss Knapp drove her horse and a buggy to and from the school from her home in Brock. Older students met her at the school each morning, where they would unhitch the horse, and help her with the wooden stove on cold mornings.

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Submitted by Lynn Sabin


This is Brock school as it appears today. Regrettably, this building was closed in 2003, with all remaining Brock students attending school in nearby Johnson..

Submitted by Lynn Sabin


Brock School Band - 1949.

If you can identify anyone in this photo, please contact us.

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