Excerpts From NVGS Newsletters

October, 1996 | January, 1997 | April, 1997

October, 1996 Newsletter

From the Nebraska Republican Newspaper

Transcribed by Gary Vickers

23 April 1884

A daughter of Judge DAVIDSON died of scarlet fever at Tecumseh.
Mr. FINK, 90, died near Mud Creek.
Miss Nellie FRELIN of Kansas was visiting near Mud Creek.
The Chicago Lumber Company, managed by Frank SCOFIELD, moved from Nemaha City to Auburn and Johnson.
Mrs. H. COOPER and daughter, Josie, lives in Auburn.
The farm house of Mr. A.L. FRY, Benton Precinct, burned down.
Mr. Million CLARY, former Nemaha County teacher, now teaches in Nebraska City.
Mrs. John GOOD, sister of John HASTIE of Auburn, died in Friendville.
The parents of Auburn resident Mart YOUNG live in Illinois.
Mrs. ROBINSON is a daughter of Dr. and Mrs. HOLLADAY.
Miss Ella PIPER, formerly of Auburn, is teaching school in Omaha.
A seven pound girl was born to the John THOMPSONs.
James MONTGOMERY of Auburn traded his property with John KLECKNER of Humboldt.
James JOHNSON of Brownville was visited by his sister from Dakota.
T.W. TIPTON of Brownville has a son, Perry, who lives near Burchard.
Mrs. TROY, of Norway, Benton Co., IA, died 23 May 1884. She was the mother of Mrs. Dr. GLASGOW.
Dr. McCARTY has a brother, Justin, who lives in Kentucky.
Mary LEACH, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John LEACH, was buried in Highland Cemetery.

30 April 1884

Mrs. Elizabeth DEUSER died 23 April at Brownville, buried Walnut Grove Cemetery. Sons George and Charlie of Rockport, MO and Phillip of Fairfax, MO attended the funeral.
Oliver GOOD and Monroe BURRESS appointed to appraise property of James BISHOP, deceased, late of Glenrock.
Edwin VICK of Glenrock died 29 April. Funeral at Linden School house 1 May

7 May 1884

Mrs. Mary Mathews DUNDAS of Auburn died 2 May. She married James DUNDAS in 1829. They settled on a farm north of Auburn in 1865. James died in 1871. 13 children, nine reached adulthood.
Albert GOSS visited parents in Indiana.
Ed JEWELL returned home after visiting a sick brother in St. Louis.
L.B. FILLEY returned home after visiting his farm at FILLEY Station, Gage Co.
A. CRAWFORD visited by brother from Kansas City.
B.L. PARKER, Emma YELKEN were married 1 May.
Infant child of William MATTESON died 6 May.

14 May 1884

Mr. & Mrs. KNEPHER of Brownville have a son, Henry, living in Council Bluffs.
Mrs. Joseph THOMPSON of Talmage visited her ill mother in Nemaha City.

21 May 1884

Miss Lou M. TUCKER and Wm. E. IRWIN of Shenandoah, IA were married at bride's parent's home in Howe on 14 May.
P.A. JAMISON of near St. Joe, MO visited his mother in Brownville on 17 May.
Jonas DRUERY of Steele City, NE visited his parents in Brownville.
O.P. LORANCE of Brownville married Miss Mammie BRADLEY at bride's parent's home in Harvard, NE on 18 May.
7 pound girl born to Mr. & Mrs. George KENNEDY 18 May.
Grandma GOOD of Glenrock had a birthday on 14 May.
Mrs. Mart ARMSTRONG of Brock died 18 May. Buried 19 May in Highland Cemetery.
Jeff SCOTT of Western, NE visited his uncle, Mr. TUCKER.
Jonas DRUERY has a son, Jonas, Jr.
W. HOWDEN was visited by his mother who lives in Skidmore, MO.

04 June 1884

D.O. CROSS was postmaster at Brownville
Mrs. Joseph THOMPSON of Brownville visited her son in Talmage.
Henry WHITE of Auburn was in the county jail to await the grand jury.
Mrs. C.F. CRANE and daughter, Lelia, of Brownville returned 2 June after visiting Oregon, MO.
George COLEMAN teaches the London School.
Oscar REDFERN of London visited his wife Ada's grave in Brownville.
Thomas & George MILES of London went to Stella due to the death of their little brother, Joe MILES.
Prof. FARNHAM of Peru was called to the death bed of his mother.
Donald & Alex SINCLAIR of Nebraska City were in Peru to visit their sister.
Union Lodge of Brock elected officers: F.G. NICHOLS, N.G.; Wm. H. STARR, C.G.; John MAXWELL, R.S.; and M.D. PARMER, L.S.
A daughter born to the John MACARTYs of Howe on 2 June.
Tom SAULS, after drinking a pint of lightning (bug juice) decided he was man enough to take on the whole town of Howe. After flattening Henry WYKERT, scratching up the face of John CROSON, and kicking Sam ROSSE in the bread basket and doubling him like a jack-knife, Justice BRADFIELD succeeded in securing Tom long enough for three of the guys to take control and take Tom to Brownville. Tom was returned to Howe and tried by Justice DRESSLER who fined Tom $10 plus cost and sentenced him to imprisonment in the county jail for thirty days.

Dr. PAXTON of Howe and Miss Laura CAIN of Falls City were married 30 May.
Mrs. George GRAHAM of Glenrock died 4 June.
Nate MILLER of Auburn was visited by his mother, Mrs. BREWER, of Omaha.
Mrs. J.M. ZOOK of Auburn was visited by her daughter, Miss Mand BACHELER, of Tarkio, MO.
Chet and Sally CAMP of Auburn were mentioned.
Ben BURRESS of Glenrock has a brother, John G. BURRESS living in Reno, NV.
Rev. LYELL was visiting his daughter in Nuckolls County, NE.
George FREDERICK of Auburn has a brother living in Woodville, IL.
Henry HARMON has a son named George HARMON.

11 June 1884

J.M. FOWLER of Brownville was Nemaha County Sheriff.
Lon and Milt JONES had a hardware business in Johnson.
Dave Adams, formerly of Brownville, works in the B.B. HOADLEY & Co. Drugstore in Johnson.
George ARMSTRONG, the Jolly Englishman, has a general merchandise store in Johnson.
T.J. ALEXANDER deals in general merchandise in Johnson.
Mrs. J.H. CLAGGETT sells millinery goods in Johnson.
Mr. J.H. CLAGGETT is the mailman in Johnson.
Ed CROCKER runs the Chicago Lumber Yard in Johnson.
Dan DOUGLAS is a grain buyer in Johnson.
Curt ELLIOTT is a stock merchant in Johnson.
Mr. TALCOTT operates the TALCOTT Hotel in Johnson.
John H. BRIGHT operates a livery stable in Johnson.
W.P. GORDON is a blacksmith in Johnson.
Mr. TALBOTT has a harness shop in Johnson.
Hebron STONE and Sam DICKINSON are Johnson carpenters and Lou THOMAS is a painter.
Thomas ROBB of Tecumseh built a new house in Johnson.
S.E. RUE is the street commissioner in Brock

Excerpts From the January, 1997 Newsletter


Continued from the last newsletter. Transcriptions by Gary Vickers from the Nebraska Republican.

11 June 1884

Mrs. ARMSTRON of Brock was visited by her sister, Mrs. AUSTIN of Leniway Co, MI, but Mrs. ARMSTRON was burned out two weeks before her sister arrived.
The Honorable William DAILY has a daughter by the name of Kate.
Fred H. ARNOLD of Wisconsin was back in Peru visiting his parents.
A party of about a dozen elementary students from Peru rambled around in the bluffs looking for the grave of the only one lost from the exploring party of thirty five soldiers and hunters commanded by LEWIS and CLARKE in 1804. The grave is said to be some two miles down river from Peru. The students were unable to find the grave on their outing but did bring back fossils and some curiosities. The curiosities ended up being fragments of what seemed to be the frontal and lower jaw bone of a human skull.
Mr. FARRER visited his brother-in-law, Mr E.D. BERLIN.
Mrs. WINTER of London received word of the illness of her daughter-in-law of Kansas.
Dr. B.B. ANDREWS had an office in Nemaha City.
Al VANDEVENTER was working for William DRAIN in Nemaha City but Al moved back to Stella.
An 11 pound daughter was born to the William HOWDEN's.
Mrs. Hattie MUTZ STEWART was in Auburn visiting her parents, Mr. & Mrs. John MUTZ.
Mr. John MUTZ of Auburn expects a visit from his brother in Indiana.
Mrs. William T. MOORE of Brownville visited her brother in Johnson.
Edson RICH of Washington was back to visit his father, Professor W. RICH of Brownville.
Mrs. Ed JACKSON of Auburn was visited by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry HART of Brownville.
David KEITHLY moved from Brownville to near Howe Station.
A.B. MUTZ was teaching school near Shubert.
William HOWDEN, Auburn's city attorney and deputy district attorney, had a visit from his father, Mr. HOWDEN, of Skidmore, MO.
Dr. LITTLEFIELD, formerly of Auburn, is now a dentist in Tecumseh.

18 June 1884

N. McCARTY was a physician and surgeon in Auburn.
NEALLY Brothers were painters in Auburn.
Joseph SCHUTZ owned the Pioneer Jewelry Store in Auburn.
A. OPPERMAN was a physician and surgeon in Auburn.
Charles HELLMER was a boot and shoe make in Brownville.
J.H. BROADY was an attorney in Brownville.
W. D. ABBOTT was a photographer in Brownville.
A. CRAWFORD was a dealer in lightning rods in Auburn.
John H. STULL was an attorney in Brownville.
Mrs. A. DENNING was a dressmaker.
Ben COY was an architect and builder in Auburn.
Henry WHITE was a painter.
JACKSON and DOWNING owned the Auburn Meat Market.
S.T. REEDER was a restaurant owner.
C. Ben THOMPSON of Brownville, attended college at Tabor, IA.
Mrs. A.G. GATES of Brownville visited her daugher, Miss Cora GATES, who was in charge of the Musical Department at Doane College in Crete, NE.
Lou, daughter-in-law of Mrs. WINTERS of London Precinct, died at her home in Kansas following a long illness. She was buried 17 June 1884 in the Irish Grove Cemetery, Atchison Co., KS.
James WILKIE operated a restaurant and boarding house in Brock.
Misses S. and J. STARR were dressmakers in Brock.

Excerpts From the April, 1997 Newsletter


Continued from the last newsletter. Transcriptions by Gary Vickers from the Nebraska Republican.

18 June 1884

Thomas Self owned a hardware store in Brock.
Starr Bros. operated a livery in Brock.
W.H. Humphrey was a general merchant in Brock.
Mr. Allen was a barber in Brock.
Mr. Robertson operated a drug store and the post office in Brock.
Charles Blodgett had a general merchandise store in Brock.
Mr. Loofborough ran the hotel in Brock.
Sam C. Winters of Eagle Rock, Idaho, was visiting his mother and other relatives in the county.
Miss Maggie Pachal of Maryville, Missouri, was visiting her sister, Mrs. Wm. Howden.
Miss Bertha Church was a teacher in Howe.
Tom and Harry Downing visited their parents near Tecumseh.
John Mutz was visited by A.B. Mutz and Adam Mutz and family from Indiana.
James GILCHREST moved from Portland, Maine, to Auburn to enter the bakery business with his brother, R.O. Gilchrist.

25 June

Mrs. Joseph THOMPSON of Brownville visited her son, Joseph, near Johnson.
Mrs. A.E. HILL of Brownville was visited by her sister, Mrs. Elwood DAVIS, of Kansas.

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