for 1890-91 J.M. Wolfe & Co., Publishers, 1890

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Auburn is the county seat of Nemaha county and has a population of 1,600. Both the B.& M.R.R. and the Missouri Pacific Ry. have lines running into the town; the former's lines from Nebraska City to Falls City, and from Auburn to Tecumseh; and the latter from Weeping Water, passing through Auburn, to Nemaha City. It is situated near the center of the county, on the Little Nemaha river, 57 miles southeast of Lincoln. The town is divided into North and South Auburn, each having a separate postoffice. The surrounding country is a most beautiful one, the soil rich and the farmers properous. The town is one of the most enterprising in southeastern Nebraska. J.C. Bousfield & Co., bankers, and the two national banks give ample financial facilities. There is a good flour mill, and industries of differnt kinds are springing up, among which are H.A. Allen, manufacturer of wooden tanks. There are several good hotels, a theater, good schools, three newspapers, several churches and various societies. The morale of the place is exceptionally good. The churches are Presbyterian, Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist, Baptist and Christian. The newspapers are the Nemaha County Herald , published by J.W. Barnhart, the Auburn Post and the Nemaha Granger . A new opera house is about to be constructed to cost $14,000. (Peak population was in 1970 with 3,650 inhabitants.) The post office was established Feb. 1, 1886. Town named for Auburn, New York, by Charles D. Nixon. Auburn won county seat in election with Brownville in 1883.

Allen H A, tank mfr Alspaugh L L, mfr of bee hives Auburn Bed Spring Co, Jas M Armstrong mgr Auburn Post, Rush O Fellows editor Avery S H & Co, jewelers, and prop Barnhart J W, prop Nemaha County Herald Bell J E, shoemaker Berlin G W & Co, grocers Beveridge G B, atty and notary Boal & Tyler, physicians Bothel James E, transfer and livery Bousfield J C & Co, bankers, capital $20,000, J C Bousfield Pres, W H Bousfield cashier Campbell David, postmaster Chapman Wm, carriage mfr Chrisman F M, prop Commerical House and livery Cline Patrick, shoemaker Clutter G W, dentist Colonnade Hotel, W T Minschall prop Commercial House, G M Chrisman prop Cooper Hamilton, coal and prop Park Theater Crumel Thomas, bridge builder Culbertson S D, tinner Curzon J K, jeweler Daily Wm M, phys Darrah & Co, genl mdse Dickinson D, tobacco and cigars Dort E H, drugs and wall paper Dryer H, tinsmith Dundas & Juel, abstracts, loans and notaries Dundas & Wheeldon, prop Nemaha County Granger Dustin & McConnell, transfer and livery Edwards Bros, meat market Faber August, meat market Fellows Rush O, editor and prop Auburn Post Fenn M J Mrs, prop Park House First National Bank of Auburn, capital $50,000, FW Samuelson pres, Church How vice-pres, DJ Wood cashier Freeman W P & Co, real estae and loans Fritch Frank, merchant tailor Furlong & Eustice, hardware and furniture Gallaher J M, sta. tel and ex agt Gant T S, M P Ry phys Goss Albert, photographer Greer Allan Mrs, dressmaker Greer W A, blacksmith Haith W H, harness and saddles Hardenburg Frank shoemaker Harmon H F, agl implts Hastie John, grain elevator Hatfield W H, confectionery, bakery Head W T, restaurant Herman Bros (A & F Herman) clothing Higgins & Bennett, livery Hobson J W, billiards Horn Thomas, genl mdse Horrum W H, contractor, brick mfr Hosmer F M, boots and shoes Huoghton Chester, restaurant Howe Church, atty Huston J A, photographer Johnson Danaiel, restaurant Kelligar w H, atty Kerns J W, lumber and coal Lindsey J M, dry goods Long D E C, blacksmith McGrew S W & son, drugs McKenney Bros, grocers Meese D A, dentist Miller E E, barber Minschall W F, prop colonnade Hotel Nemaha County Granger, Dundas & Wheeler editors and props Nemaha County Herald, J W Barnhart editor and prop Older Walter, prop The Talmage Opermann A, phys Park House, Mrs M J Fenn prop Rathbone W, billiards Robinson W M, dry goods, clothing Rodgers Joshua, livery Sanderson & Parks, meat market Schardt & Taylor, flour mill Shull H I, phys Sting W E, barber Stull & Edwards, attys Swan J T, hardware, furniture and groceries Taylor & Phippenney, blacksmith Teare Robert, agl implts The Talmage, Walter Older prop Thomas J E, dry goods, millinery Thompson & Peery, groceries and queensware Wallace N M Miss, milliner Wert H, carpenter Wheeler C W, wire fence Woods F J, stationery


Adamson A J, confectionery and meat market Armstrong J W, hardware and postmaster Brandt August, agl implts Carce Henry, grain Carson National Bank, capital $60,000, J L Carson pres, A C Boyd cashier Cornell G W, atty Cottrell C C, prop Cottrell House Cottrell House, C C Cottrell, prop Dutter R R, prop Holdrege House Fablinger George, real estate, loans and insurance Fraytag F H, genl mdse Fry & Bellas, lumber and coal Gillan R M, furniture, hardware and mgr opera house Hiatt J A, barber Holdrege House, R R Dutton prop Holmes R H, drugs Kamy J S, atty Knipe Wm jr, harnessmaker Nite A W Mrs, milliner Kulhmann John H, prop Frerichs A Mills Matthiesen Wm, blacksmith and wagonmaker Moore A, genl mdse Newman L A, blacksmith Norton C H, sta, tel and ex agt Parks Wm, meat market Rauschkolb Bernhardt, saloon Rauschkolb Sarah Mrs, restaurant and confectionery Robertson W b, shoemaker Roscow Bros, genl mdse Schanks W W, livery Scott Jacob, billiards Stitzel W H, tinner Tripp C L, horse breeder Welch James A, drugs


Bratton, a postoffice established March 10, 1870 and discontinued Oct. 26, 1907, in the southwestern part of Nemaha county, 11 miles from Auburn. Name was changed to Eden Jan. 7, 1897. Probably named for George W. Bratton, early settler and former county treasurer. Population 100. The nearest railway station is Howe, on the M.P. Ry.


Brock is on the Missouri Pacific Ry., in the northwestrn part of Nemaha county, nine miles from Auburn, the county town, and has a popoulation of 350. The school house here cost $2,500, the United Brethrens church cost $1,000, the Christian church $1,700, the Methodist Episcopal $2,000. The Bank of Brock has been opened during the past year with a capital of $12,000. Two elevators facilitate the shipment of grain. The societies are I.O.G.T., G.A.R. and W.C.T.U. Peak population was in 1900 with 543 inhabitants. Post office name changed from Podunk Feb. 13, 1882. Town said to be named by railroad officials of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy line for the superintendent of this division.

Adams M E Miss, milliner and dressmaker Baily B H, lumber Ball I J, durgs Bank of Brock, capital $12,000, Emile Berlet pres, E F Good, cashier Black R V & Son, hardware Brown H A, carpenter Bunn Jospeh N, groceries and harnessmaker Campbell J M & Son, genl mdse Campbell & Villars, hardware Conant J B, groceries Duff N A, grain elevator Empire Hotel, J D Wilkie prop Gabus E H, blacksmith, pumps and wind mills Haupman Fred, genl mdse Hiatt W A, livery Horn J W, blacksmith Hulbur O T, grain elevator Knapp Robert, barber Norton Hugh, sta, tel and ex agt Potter Albert, jewelry Setzer V B, confectionery and postmaster Wilkie J D, prop Empire Hotel Worley & Young, harness, carriages, agl implts Young Bros, meat market



Brownville is on the west bank of the Missouri river in Nemaha county, ten miles east of Auburn, the county town, and has about 500 inhabitants. The Holdrege and Nebraska City branch of the B.& M.R.R. passes through the town, which is situated midway between Omaha and St. Joseph, Mo. The location is a very pleasant one, the town being protected from the wintry blasts by the high bluffs in the vicinity. The nursery and fruit farm belonging to Ex-Gov. R.W. Furnas is but a short distance from the town. The principal industry here is an extensive brewery. The Brownville News is published weekly by Apthorp Brothers. The churches are Episcopal, Baptist, Methodist and Christian. Peak population was in 1880 with 1,309 inhabitants. Post office established Jan. 16, 1855. Named in honor of Richard Brown who, with B.B. Frazer, owned the townsite and planned and platted the original town in April 1856. County seat, located here upon organization of the county; lost by elction to Auburn. This was an early port on the Missour River before the advent of the railroad.

Apthorp Bros (F A and T J Apthorp), props Brownville News Bratton Ivan T, grocers Brownville News, Apthorp Bros props Craddock John, gunsmith Degman Howard S, mgr Marsh Opera House Furnas Robert W Hon, nursery and fruit farm, sec Nebraska State Agricultural Society Gates Abbott G, groceries, hardware, agl implts Gould Bros, groceries, shoes Griffith W H H, meat market Helmer Charles, shoemaker Judkins Wm A, postmaster Kauffman Wm M, genl mdse McComas E M & Co, drugs, groceries, etc McLaughlin & Co, groceries Marohn J, drugs, paints, etc Marsh House, J W Woodward prop Marsh Mary J Mrs, restaurant Marsh Opera House, Wm T Moore prop, H S Degman mgr Martin E L D, junk dealer Moore Wm T, prop Marsh Opera House Neidhart Charles, marble works Opelt Alfred, livery Opelt Edward, billiards Reaves Wm, furniture Royse Lloyd H, flour and feed Schreiner Conrad, brewery Schutz Joseph, jeweler Shurtz E Mrs, hotel Stroble Baltus, genl mdse Thompson Wm F, harness Wiester Charles E, sta agt Wilson John, shoemaker Wise A Mrs, bakery Woodward J W, atty, prop Marsh House


Calvert post office was established Oct. 3, 1881; name changed to South Auburn June 8, 1882. Probably named for a local settler or railroad official.


Clifton post office was established Feb. 24, 1868; discontinued May 29, 1883. Named for the surrounding rocky hills and cliffs.



Dayton post office was established Dec. 1856; name changed to Howard Nov. 11, 1867. Probably named for Dayton, Ohio.



Eden post office name changed from Bratton Jan. 7, 1897; discontinued Nov. 26, 1901. Reason not learned.



Febing peak population was in 1890 of 200 inhabitants. Post office established June 21, 1871;discontinued May 28, 1894. Origin of the name of this former town not learned.



Glen Rock, a station on the M.P. Ry., in the northwestern part of Nemaha county, four miles from Auburn, the county seat. Population 100, peak population was in 1900 of 120 inhabitants. Post office established Aug. 23, 1859; discontinued 1930. Former town named by Irvin Bristol for its location in a valley near stone queries. Churches here are Methodist and Christian.

Burres T, genl mdse, postmaster Carson John L, flour mill Cook C L, drugs, phys Hulburd O T, grain Simmons J N, sta agt


Grant post office name changed from Morrallton Nov. 1, 1864; discontinued July 27, 1882. Probably named for Gen. Ulysses Grant, commander of the Union Army during the Civil War.


Hillsdale post office was established Aug. 26, 1868; discontinued March 30, 1891. Former town named for its site west of Saint Deroin. Platted June 15, 1876.


Howe is a village of 100 inhabitants on the M.P.Ry., in the south central part of Nemaha county, six miles south of Auburn, the county seat. (Peak population was in 1900 of 248 inhabitants.) Post office name changed from Bedford Feb. 13, 1882. Made a rural station of Auburn, 1963. Town named in honor of Maj. Church Howe, American consul at Palermo, Italy, and at Sheffield, England. His former home was near the town. The Methodists have an organization here and have erected a good edifice. Splendid building stone is extracted from the earth in this vicinity.

Carrington Geo D, justice Clarke E J, genl mdse Dovall O, flour mill Duff N A & Co, grain Fisher I N, agl implts Guenther Aug, drugs Howe Lumber Co, lumber, coal Hulburd O T, grain Jeffreys E G, sta agt McFadden M, blacksmith Mason F E, genl mdse Moore & Co, genl mdse Rhodes E, agl implts Rounds L, phys, postmaster Weber J E, hardware


Johnson is in the western portion of Nemaha county, nine miles from Auburn the judicial seat of the county, on the Holdrege and Nebraska Ciy branch of the B. & M.R.R., and has 250 inhabitiants. (Peak population was in 1900 with 352 inhabitants.) Post office established Feb. 25, 1873. Named for founder Julius A. Johnson, official of the Brownville and Fort Kearny Railroad. Town platted by Lincoln Land Company. The location was well chosen, the site being an elvated plateau. There is a grain elevator for facilitating the shipment of the product of the adjacent country. The Bank of Johnson attends to the monied interests of the community. The Commercial is the hotel. The school is an excellent one and the education of the young well attended to, and the town has a healthy moral tone as well as an active business spirit.

Adams David D, drugs Bennett & Anderson, genl mdse Brinkley Benjamin, livery Butler Leroy M, billiards Chicago Lumber Co, Edmond Perronoud mgr Clagett C J Mrs, millinery Commercial Hotel, S T Payne prop Douglas & Butler, live stock Drehmer Bros, agl implts Fletcher Lauren D, hardware, agl implts, furniture, harness Gordon Wm P, blacksmith Greene L M, Billiards Halsey E T, grain elevator Hempel Henry, harness Hoback W J, sta agt B & M.R.R. Holtgrewe John F, genl mdse Johnson J B, postmaster Lawrence Wm, barber Payne S T, prop Commercial Hotel Pool E & Co, groceries, meat market Rogers Bernard, live stock Sharrett Geo P, carpenter Shirman E W, phys State Bank of Johnson, Jas D Russell pres, John C Greer cashier Stone J H & Son, carpenters Van Camp Jas A, phys, drugs Van Demark & Newkirk, genl mdse Welfley R H, phys White & Stone, blacksmiths Zimbleman Chas, saloon


Julian, a town on the M.P. Ry., in the extreme northeastern part of Nemaha county, nine miles from Auburn, the county seat. Peak population was in 1900 with 206 inhabitants. The post office was established Dec. 31, 1882. The first post office was established at a farm house one mile from the present town of Julian. Named in honor of Julian Bahaud, who owned serval farms in the area. A good schoolhouse and Catholic church are sustained.
Austin T L, drugs Burress B N, genl mdse, postmaster Hall E E, hardware Hubbard O F, grain elevator Mallory A H, justice Powell A R, sta agt Richardson Cy, blacksmith


Locust Grove post office established Feb. 13, 1868; discontinued Feb. 2, 1869. Probably named for honey locust trees growing in the region. A schoolhouse in the area is called Locust Grove.


London, a postoffice in the eastern part of Nemaha county, seven miles east of Auburn, the county seat, was established Sept. 2, 1867; discontinued Sept. 16, 1895. Former town possibly named by Robert Heap, who once lived in London, England.
Harding Jeannette, postmaster
Mathews H L, drugs



Morrallton post office was established July 15, 1854; name changed to Grant Nov. 1, 1864. Former port on the Missouri River named in honor of Horatio Morrall, first postmaster.



Mount Vernon post office established Jan. 8, 1857; named changed to Peru Oct. 9, 1867. Probably named for the home of President George Washington, located in Virginia on the Potomac River.

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