Nemaha County 1904

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Page 218 of 220

Page 218 cont. 
W.  C. Cathcart, private, H, 37th infantry, Brock. 
Aaron G. Tibbitts, private, K, 42nd infantry, St. Deroin.
Thos. Richards, private, B, 45th infantry, Auburn. 
John H. Pohlman, private, E, 47th infantry, Johnson.    
Luke Fisher, private, I, 47th infantry, Stella.
G. W. Kulp, sergeant, K, 50th infantry, Nemaha.
Geo. W. Smedley, private, F, 51st infantry, Brock.
Hiram Schoonover, private, F, 51st infantry, Brownville. 
Geo. W. Adamson, private, D, 54th infantry, Peru.

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