Nemaha County 1904

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Page 215 of 220

Page 215
George Vanlandingham, private, E, 44, Nemaha.
Jason Kyes, corporal, I, 44th infantry, Howe.
H. A. Brown, private, H, 49th infantry, Brock.
B. G. Whittamore, sergeant, K, 50th infantry, Auburn.
J. M. Mason, private, H, 1st cavalry, Brock.
J. L. Culbertson, private, M, 2nd cavalry, Auburn.

E. D. Sheldon, private, A, 1, M.S.M., Brownville.
E. J. Gilliland, sergeant, C, 1st infantry, Auburn.
Charles Schantz, corporal, C, 5th infantry, Auburn.
G. W. Fairbrother, lieutenant, D, 5th M.S.M., Auburn.

Page 215  Missouri cont.
Lewis Rue, private, I, 18th infantry, Brock.
D. E. Douglas, private, A, 13th infantry, Johnson.
J. R. Hall, 5th cavalry, Auburn.
Eli Robertson, private, G, 21st infantry, Aspinwall.
B. F. Leslie, private, B, 23rd infantry, Nemaha.
W. H. Lorance, private, C, 35th infantry, Brownville
Vanness Griffin, corporal, D, 43 [sic], Hillsdale
J. Gilliland, private, I, 43rd infantry, Auburn.
Thos. Mount, private, I, 48th infantry, St Deroin.
Rabe Elliott, private, K, 48th infantry, Nemaha.
W. J. Jones, private, B, 81st infantry, Brownville.
D. A. Morton, corporal, 3rd battery, M.S.M., Nemaha.
Fritz Everett, private colonel Neal [sic], Johnson.
R. B. Taylor, corporal, H, 1st cavalry, Auburn
C. J. Haines, sergeant, L, 2nd cavalry, Auburn.
G. B. Beveridge, private, A, 3rd cavalry, Auburn.
Phillip Lowery, private, L, 3rd cavalry, Auburn.
B. F. Culp, lieutenant, K, 3rd cavalry, Auburn.
Henry Hitzman, private, C, 4th cavalry, Elk Creek.
John Stevenson, private, K, 4th cavalry, Howe.
J. W. Horn, private, C, 5th cavalry, Brock.
E. M. Baker, sergeant, D, 5th cavalry, Auburn.
I. N. Cooper, corporal, D, 5th cavalry, Nemaha
F. H. D. Hunt, corporal, D, 5th cavalry, Febing.
George Hodkin, U. S., 5th cavalry, Nemaha.
Gerd Weirs, private, K, C. [sic], Febing.
A. Belinde, private, B, 7th cavalry, Johnson.
David Campbell, sergeant, C, 12th cavalry, Auburn.
J. H. Argabright, corporal, G, 12th cavalry, Nemaha.
F. R. Kirkham, private, A, 18th cavalry, Brownville.
Henry M. Curtis, private, F, 27th cavalry, Auburn.

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