Nemaha County 1904

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Nemaha County.

    "The Banner County" of the state of Nebraska is a river county, hence among the first settled.

    In its earliest history it was known as Forney county but the name was changed to Nemaha at the first regular session of the territorial legislature.

    This county in an early day consisted of beautiful rolling prairies which were traversed by streams of living water. These streams are the Little Nemaha river, Mud creek, Camp creek, Rock creek., Honey creek, Long's branch, Daugherty's branch, Buck creek, Distillery run and many other small streams. When white people began to settle here timber was considered a scarce article, as frequent prairie fires destroyed all young trees except those growing on the banks of streams, and many of the early settlers can tell of hauling fire wood a distance of twenty or thirty miles. But today, be it said to the credit of an enterprising people, there is scarcely a farmer in the county but has wood "to burn" and for making improvements on his farm. The best of building stone is being quarried by the hundreds of car loads; and these quarries are not beneath many feet of soil or under water but conveniently piled or corded along the hillsides where they are easily accessible. That coal in abundance awaits developments is generally believed; and this belief is based on the fact that in different parts of the county in digging for water conditions have been found that lead old miners to contend that a strata of coal must be near at hand.

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