These Veterans were all living in the state of Nebraska at the time the information for the Roster was collected by the County
and Precinct Assessors. Wars that these Veterans were in are listed at the top of the page above the names and include: War
of the Rebellion, Spanish American War and World War. How can you gain from the informataion in this Roster ? In many
First you learn the War your Ancestor fought in, then you will have the County he was residing in the State of Nebraska in
1923 when the information was gathered; Next to the name is the "Address" which gives the Town or Township the individual
was living in again,in Nebraska; Unit information which is helpful if not necessary to get copies of the old Military Records for
the individual from the National Archives; Last but not least you find the State the Veteran was "from." Many Veterans listed
were living in the state of Nebraska when the information was gathered but having their "home state" when it differs which can
be very helpful for further research.
Oft times from Old Military Records you can obtain: Physical description of the Veteran, date of birth, length of service, and
other information. You will have information about the Veteran to use to see if his Widow ever filed for and perhaps received
a Widows Pension. From the Pension Application filed by the Widow you will get other useful information and leads.