The Minden, Nebraska Courier Thursday, June 2, 1949 


The United Presbyterian church of Minden was the scene of a beautiful wedding on Saturday, May 28, when Miss Ruth Louis Ewin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ewin, became the bride of Lee F. Forslund, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee E. Forslund of Linden. Vows were exchanged at 4:00 p.m., when the Rev. Charles M. Wilson, pastor of the church, read the double ring ceremony. 

The bride was beautiful in a white, street-length dress of rayon taffeta with full, gathered over-skirt, short sleeves and sweetheart neckline, together with a white half hat of flowers and a veil. She carried a colonial bouquet of red carnations and white daisies and a white silk embroidered handkerchief which was carried by her great-grandmother, Mrs. Martha Kennedy, at her wedding 75 years ago. 

The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Ida Mae Ewin, who wore a rose taffeta dress and a white carnation corsage. The groom wore a blue, pin stripe suit. He was attended by Vernon C. Ewin, brother of the bride, who wore a brown, pin strip suit. The wedding march was played by Mrs. Herman Bjorklun. Attending the ceremony were the immediate families of the bride and groom. The wedding reception was held at the home of the bride, after which the couple left on a wedding trip to LeMars, Iowa. They now are at home in Minden, Nebraska.


LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel
June 3, 1949
(LeMars, Iowa)


Miss Ruth Ewin of Minden, Neb., formerly of LeMars, and Lee Forslund of Minden were married Saturday, May 28, in the United Presbyterian Church at Minden. Rev. C. A. Wilson read the double ring ceremony.

The bride wore a white street length dress and carried a bouquet of red carnations and white daisies. The bridesmaid, Miss Ida Mae Ewin, sister of the bride, wore a rose taffeta dress and a corsage of white carnations. Vernon Ewin, brother of the bride, served as bestman.

Following the ceremony, a reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents.

The bride attended LeMars high school and has been employed as telephone operator at Hastings, Neb. The bridegroom is engaged in the lumber business at Minden. The couple spent their wedding trip visiting relatives and friends at LeMars and will make their home at Minden.

LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel
June 10, 1949
SENEY: (Special Correspondence)

Mr. and Chas. Ewin and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Ewin and Linda of Minden, Neb., were visitors Sunday and Memorial Day of Ethel Ewin and John and Sadie Alderson.

A wedding of interest to the Seney community is that of Miss Ruth Ewin and Lee Forslund of Minden, Neb., which took place May 28 in Minden. Mrs. Forslund formerly lived in Seney. She is a niece of John and Sadie Alderson. The newlyweds spent Sunday and Memorial Day in the Alderson home.


Submitter: Kearney County Coordinator, Linda Ziemann, niece of the Bride; 

Family Treasure Announcement - -  The white, embroidered silk handkerchief carried by the bride, Ruth, in May 1949 has been located. Linda found the hanky in a saved family box of vintage photos!  What an Exciting Find. Just imagine today in 2025 the handkerchief is at least 151 years old. It is in very good shape; it is a white, linen (not silk) with embroidery along each of the four sides, which measures 12x12 inches. Some expected yellowing has taken place, and there is only one very small nic of imperfection at one corner (due to age and almost not noticeable.) Per Aunt Ruth's marriage news article from the Minden Courier, the original owner was Miss Martha Burkholder, who became the bride of William H. Kennedy on January 28, 1874 in Marshalltown, Iowa.  ~Shared by Linda nee' Ewin Ziemann, a great, great granddaughter of Martha & W. H. Kennedy.