HITCHCOCK County, organized in 1873 by a proclamation of Governor Furnas, was named for Phineas W. Hitchcock, who was at that time a United States senator from Nebraska.
Culbertson was the first organized town and was named county seat in 1873. Trenton became county seat in 1894 and a feeling of bitterness and rivalry developed between these two towns.
With the passing of years and changes in leadership, a friendly and co-operative attitude came to exist between Culbertson and Trenton. County officers named in 1873 were:
County clerk and clerk of district court, W. Z. Taylor; county treasurer, J. E. Kleven; county sheriff, G. E. Baldwin; county judge, A. J. Vanderslice; superintendent of public instruction, Daniel Murphy; county commissioners, W. W. Kelley, T. G. LeGrand and J. H. Conklin and county coroner, J. H. Miller.
Henry Kleven, the first white child born in the county, still resides at Culbertson, his birthplace. He was born in a sod house seven miles north of Culbertson on July 17, 1876. His parents had come to this country from Christiana, Norway in the '70's and had first settled in Wisconsin. They took a homestead on the Blackwood north of Culbertson in 1873.
At that time, Plum Creek near the present site of Kearney, was the nearest trading point for lumber and other supplies. The nearest doctor and postoffice were at Arapahoe and the early settlers went after their mail only every two or three weeks.
The outstanding event of historical importance in the county was the Battle of Massacre Canyon, which took place Aug. 5, 1873, between the Pawnee and Sioux Indians. This conflict is recorded as the last battle fought between Indian tribes in the United States.
Massacre Canyon is located approximately two miles north of Trenton. Erected with an appropriation of $7,500 from the government, a fine monument now stands on a high hill overlooking the battle ground. The appropriation was obtained through the efforts of the late Congressman A. C. Shallenberger, and the monument was dedicated on Sept. 26, 1930.
Since 1928 this historic event has been commemorated each year with a celebration called the Massacre Canyon Powwow. It is held at Trenton and for a number of years has been sponsored by the American Legion. Sioux Indians from the Pine Ridge agency in South Dakota have participated in each celebration and in 1925 a band of Pawnee Indians was brought from Oklahoma for the event. Of historical significance was the fact that members of the two tribes then smoked the pipe of peace for the first time since the battle.
Hitchcock County has an area of 708 square miles or 453,120 acres. The average density of population is 10 persons per square mile. The total population as given in the 1930 census was 7,266. In 1875 a report by the secretary of state listed the population as 95. This had increased to 1,012 by 1880 while in 1930 the census showed a total of 7,269 persons in the county.
Principal waterways are the Republican river, which flows from west to east across the central part of the county, the Frenchman river in the north part, the Driftwood and Blackwood creeks in the southeast and several minor streams. The average rainfall is 20 inches per year.
The county has 20 precincts and 5 towns. Culbertson was founded in 1873, Stratton and Palisade in 1879, Trenton in 1883 and Beverly in 1887. Three of the towns, Culbertson, Trenton and Stratton, are located on the main line of the Burlington railroad and on federal highway No. 34. Palisade and Beverly are on the Burlington branch line and highway No. 6.
All the towns have modern school and church buildings. Stratton has a hospital built in 1918 by the late Dr. W. E. Stewart and also has Veteran's Memorial Hall, erected in 1925. Palisade has a municipal swimming pool made possible by the late F. C. Krotter, a pioneer. Each town has made progressive improvements during the years since it was founded, and although the pioneer spirit of neighborliness and friendly cooperation remains there are few visible reminders of the "old days."
No history of any county in the Republican valley would be complete without mention of the Republican river flood which occurred May 31, 1935 and which took a toll of more than 100 lives in the valley and destroyed farms and farm lands in its path. On that day the river, which had often been described as "a mile wide and an inch deep" stream, became a raging, treacherous torrent, spreading death and destruction thru eight southwest Nebraska counties and several counties in Colorado and Kansas.
Stratton, Culbertson and Trenton suffered tragic losses and land devastation at first seemed irreparable. But pioneers and sons and daughters of pio-
neers, set about the task of rehabilitation with courage and fortitude.
The sorrow occasioned by the death of loved ones and friends has been somewhat mitigated in the four years that have passed and the valley farm land is slowly being restored to a semblance of its once fertile appearance.
Covered wagons, Indians, homesteads, drouth, grasshoppers--all have been a part of the history of this southwestern Nebraska county. Now with improved methods of farming including irrigation in some sections, the building of modern homes, churches, schools and excellent highways, the people of Hitchcock County are akin to all who have progressively marked the passing of the years from pioneer times to the modern ways of living.
ALLEN, CHARLES LUTHER: Merchant; b Franklin Co, N Y May 22, 1859; s of M L Allen-Isabelle Taylor; ed Oregon Ill HS; m Mary L Prescott Dec 25, 1889 Polo Ill; s John P; d Nina G (Mrs C R Arnold), Helen I (Mrs W S Deffenbaugh); m Marie Lawritson April, 1931 Omaha; 1881-90 tchr in Ill rural schs; 1890-95 farmed in Neb; 1895 Hitchcock Co clk 1901- groc bus, Trenton; secy sch bd 28 years; past mbr BPOE; IOOF; Neb Food Retailers Assn; Congl Ch; Rep; hobby, baseball; res Trenton.
BOSLEY, CHARLES M: Attorney; b Burlington Junction, Mo Mar 17, 1899; s of Augustus M Bosley-Effie N Sinclair; ed Pawnee City HS; PSTC; U of N extn course; m Verna M Gruver Jan 1, 1920 Palisade; s Warren G, Robert C; d Nadine Marie; 1915-17 tchr, Pawnee Co; 1919-20 with Hunt Motor Co, Hastings & Palisade; 1920-28 cash, Palisade State Bank; 1927 adm to bar; 1928- prac law, Palisade; 1929- Palisade city atty; during World War in USN 1917-19 commd in 1st regiment of Great Lakes; Amer Leg, past comm, past state comm; 40 & 8; helped org first standardized rural sch in Pawnee Co; past mbr sch bd; C of C; 14th Judicial Dist Bar Assn; Neb St Bar Assn; AF&AM; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, ranching, hunting, fishing; res Palisade.
BOYD, ROBERT JAMES: Manager Lumber Co; b Yuma, Colo Feb 24, 1893; s of Robert James Boyd-Barbara E Schwerer; ed Trenton HS; PSTC; m Maude Harrison June 25, 1919 Gering; s Leonard Robert; d Geraldine M; 1915-17 tchr Elmwood HS; 1919-23 farmed, Hitchcock Co; 1924-34 P M, Trenton; 1936-39 Impl dlr, Trenton; 1939- mgr Trenton Lbr Co; city treas 2 years; mbr sch bd 2 years; during World War 1917-19 with AEF hdqrs co, 137th regiment; Amer Leg, finance ofcr; Neb Lbr Mchts Assn; C of C; chmn BSA com; AF∓AM: RAM; KT; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, hunting, res Trenton.
CHIPMAN, HARRY B: Auto Dealer; b Schuyler Co, Ill May 19, 1892; s of Charles E Chipman-Edna Rose; ed Davenport; m Violet McDonald Dec 31, 1932 McDonald Kas; s Cyle David; 1910-17 farmed with father, Davenport; 1917-23 farmed near Trenton; 1923-29 emp various places, Trenton; 1929- Chevrolet dealer; 1933- prop Phillips Whol Oil & Gas Bus, Trenton; past mbr city coun; Neb Auto Dlrs Assn; Natl Auto Dlrs Assn; C of C; MWA; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, hunting, fishing; res Trenton.
COLLINS, JOHN J: County Treasurer; b Vinton Co, O Jan 25, 1902; s of John W Collins-Clara Alice Isles; ed Palisade HS; m Charlotte B Merrell Sept 22, 1929 Ogallala; d Sharon Ann, Lamona Lee; 1923- 25 farmed, Hitchcock Co; 1925-29 clk & asst cash Citizens State Bank, Trenton; 1929-34 asst cash, cash Comml Bank, Stratton; 1934- treas, Hitchcock Co; C of C; AF&AM, sr warden; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, fishing; off Courthouse; res Trenton.
CORRICK, MRS NETTIE R: Retired; b Cincinnati, O Nov 26, 1861; d of W A Trowbridge-Mary A Pease; ed Cincinnati O HS; San Jose Normal Coll, Cal; m John H Corrick Sept 26, 1885 Ottumwa Ia. (dec Mar 2, 1936); celebrated 50th wedding anniversary Sept 26, 1935; 1884 began newspaper career and after marriage assisted husband 51 years; 1907-09 pur Culbertson Banner; 1909-21 estab Palisade Times, opr both newspapers; consolidated two papers 1921; 1921-37 published Palisade Times; 1937- ret; instrumental in securing new pub sch bldg; active in lib ∓ civic work; during World War chmn of 3rd dist Neb sec Liberty Loan div, U S treas dept; vice-chmn Hitchcock Co Coun of Defense; NPA; pioneer in club work; pres Rebekah State Assembly of Neb 1904-05; IOOF; Woman's Club, past 5th pres chmn & past st chmn of conservation; hobbies, painting, travel, club work, newspaper work; res Palisade.
DEINES, CLARENCE CHARLES: Clergyman; b Sioux City, Ia, Nov 29, 1906; s of Henry Deines-Anna Urbach; ed Friend HS; Neb Wes; Iliff Sch of Theology, Denver; Presby Theological Seminary, Omaha; U Of N; BA, MT; Beta Kappa; m Ruth Barnard May 28, 1935 Table Rock; 1930-34 student pastor of chs at Ames & Nickerson while in sch; 1934-37 Meth pastor Culbertson; 1937- Meth pastor Stratton; Rep; hobbies, hunting, fishing; res Stratton.
DEWALD, ORVA: Editor; b Trenton, Neb; d of Otho W DeWald-Alice L Jones; ed Trenton HS; 1918-19 tchr, Hitchcock Co; 1919- editor & bus mgr Trenton Register; SW Neb Press Assn; NPA; B&PW, corresponding secy & publicity chmn, Hitchcock Co secy ARC; Meth Ch; hobbies, reading, travel; maternal grandfather, N T Jones, was GAR veteran & pioneer of Hitchcock Co, 1890's; father was pioneer editor of Hitchcock Co; res Trenton.
DEWALD, WEIFORD: Publisher; b Trenton, Neb Sept 4, 1905; s of Otho W DeWald-Alice L Jones; ed Trenton HS; m Vira Hildreth July 24, 1930 Golden Colo (dec June 23, 1935); s Don Otho; d Alice Loree; prior to 1922 with father In publishing Trenton Register; 1922- publisher-foreman of Trenton Register; SW Neb Press Assn; NPA; past VP C of C; sch bd; mbr vol fire dept; exec com BSA; Meth Ch, trustee; hobby, travel; res Trenton.
DUNHAM, ALVIE RILEY: Retired; b Newton, Ia, June 11, 1867; s of Dewitt Dunham-Lydia Bennett; ed rural sch; 1877-86 farmed with father, Story Co Ia; 1886-1920 homesteaded in Hayes Co, farmed with father; 1920- ret, mgr of his farm ints; past mbr dist 7, Hayes Co sch bd; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, travel; res Palisade.
EISENHART, ARVENE C: Banker; b Osceola, Ia Aug 25, 1884; s of George G Eisenhart-Laura Smith; ed Culbertson HS; Elkhorn Wis HS; m Ferns Solomon June 16, 1915 McCook; s Kenneth D; d Ruth E; 1903-15 bkkpr, asst cash Culbertson Bank; 1915- VP Culbertson Bank; mbr village bd 2 terms; mbr sch bd since 1929; past dir & past treas C of C; chmn ARC since 1933, past treas; AF&AM 174, past master; secy RAM 35; KT; OES; secy; Presby Ch, SS supt since 1910, also treas; res Culbertson.
EISENHART, FERNE SOLOMON: Homemaker; b Culbertson, Neb Nov 10, 1885; d of Samuel E Solomon-Emma Smith; ed Culbertson HS; KSTC; U of Chicago; m A C Eisenhart June 16, 1915 McCook; s Kenneth D; d Ruth E; 6 years kindergarten tchr West Point & Omaha; jr supvr in chautauqua work 2 season; 1914 traveled in Europe studied Montessori method of kindergarten, Italy; 1915- res Culbertson; NFWC, past local pres, past pres & past & past VP dist 5, state chmn of Amer home dept, state secy; OES, matron, past grand representative of Ind; Presby Ch, SS tchr 22 years, pres Ladies Working Band; hobby, collecting souvenirs; res Culbertson.
EISENHART, GEORGE G: Banker; b Tipton, Ia, Jan 19, 1862; s of Jacob S Eisenhart-Ella C Smith; ed Lighton1, Oskaloosa Ia, HS; m Laura Smith Oct 17, 1883 Osceola Ia (dec 1904), m Marion Herman Aug 7, 1907 Hayes Co; 9 sons, 4 daughters; 1878-79 telegraph opr Lighton1, Des Moines, Keokuk, Ia; 1879-81 teleg opr CB&Q RR, Thayer & Osceola, Ia; 1881-1932 steno for Stuart Bros, attys Osceola Ia; 1883-86 dist court reporter, Osceola Ia; 1895-1902 court reporter under dist Judge George W Norris; 1886-1909 estab Culbertson Bank; 1909- pres of bank since Incorporation; mbr sch bd 30 years; C of C; has farm int in Hitchcock Co; during World War, chmn Hitchcock Co Defense Coun; AF&AM 174, past master; RAM 35; KT 16; Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies, travel, farm ints; res Culbertson.
1 Lighton Ia, was a small station between Pella & Oskaloosa on the Keokuk & Des Moines RR.
FELLERS, ANDREW BURNS: Physician & Surgeon; b DeWitt, Neb Jan 17, 1879; s of Wesley Fellers-Susan Isabel Cherry; ed Chester HS; U of Denver, MD 1905; m Sarepta T Pearson Jan 25, 1906 Palisade; s Burns W; d Rose Marie (Mrs H F Bowers); 1905-06 interne, Denver Gen Hosp; 1906- prac med, Palisade; 1929 estab Palisade Clinic, F M Karrer MD & D B Walters DDS assocs; 1929- mayor; past mbr sch bd; mbr staff St Catherine's Hosp, McCook & Imperial Comm Hosp; SW Neb Med Soc; Neb St & AMA; AF&AM 216; RAM 35; Meth Ch, chmn bd of trustees; Rep; hobby, rock gardening; res Palisade.
FITZGERALD, JAMES S: Merchant; b Bloomington, Ill Dec 25, 1879; s of Patrick Fitzgerald-Margaret Vaughan; ed Stratton HS; m Millie Murphy Nov 29, 1905 McCook; s John J; d Margaret, Marie; 1900-04 gen mdse clk with W G Morton, Stratton; 1904-12 with F C Krotter Co in lbr & grain bus, mgr Stratton yard; 1912-17 in groc & meat bus, Cal; 1917- with F C Krotter Co in lbr, coal & grain bus; past mbr Palisade & Sutton village bds; Neb Lbr Mchts Assn; Natl Retail Lbr Dlrs Assn; KC; Cath Ch; Dem; hobbies, golf, hunting, reading; res Palisade.
FURSE, GERSHOM T: Publisher; b Alma, Neb Sept 29, 1906; s of H C Furse-Bertha Dow; ed Alma HS; m Dorothy Banks Mar 14, 1932 Alma; 1926-29 with Yant Construction Co & CB&Q RR lineman, McCook div; 1929-33 with father as publisher of Harlan Co, Journal, Alma; 1933-37 with brother leased Harlan Co Journal from father; 1937- co-owner & Publisher, Palisade Times; C of C; NPA; WOW; Meth Ch; hobbies, fishing, hunting, sports; res Palisade.
FURSE, H GAROLD: Publisher; b Alma, Neb Sept 11, 1902; s of H C Purse-Bertha Dow; ed Alma HS; Mergenthaler Linotype Sch, Chicago; m Elsie G Foltz Dec 29, 1923 Phillipsburg Kas; s Bobby Lee; d Jean; 1919-33 with Harlan Co Journal, Alma; 1933-37 with brother leased Journal from father; 1937- co-owner & publisher, Palisade Times; NPA; C of C; Chris Ch; hobbies, sports, hunting, fishing; res Palisade.
GERLACH, GEORGE: Water Commissioner; b Lincoln, Neb Feb 1, 1894; of Henry Gerlach-Elizabeth Bower: ed Lincoln HS; m Mabel Walker Dec 24, 1918 Fort Morgan, Colo; 1909-17 CB&Q RR off clk, Lincoln; 1919-27 with Ed Wacker Meat Market, Culbertson; 1927- Hitchcock Co agt for Crosley, DeForest, Fada radios; 1936- state water commr, div 1B pres Riverside irrigation canal: com; past police magistrate; chmn BSA com; past pres Comm Club; Amer Leg; AF&AM: Evang Ch; Rep; hobby, travel; res Culbertson.
GORDON MYRON A: County Clerk; b Osceola, Ia Mar 12, 1893; s of Clinton R Gordon-Della Sutton; ed Stratton HS; Chillicothe Bus Coll; m Olive E Gibbs June 25, 1923 Trenton; step s Rudolph A Gibbs; 1915-16 emp in groc store, Osceola Ia; 1916-18 asst cash Citizens State Bank, Stratton; 1919-24 held various positions at Stratton; 1924-36 P M, Stratton; 1936-39 acct for Chevrolet Co Stratton; 1936- Hitchcock Co clk, clk of dist court & co assessor; during World War, Sept 1918-Dec 1918 with US army draft bd; Amer Leg, past comm, past adjt; Rep; hobbies, stamp collecting, gardening, bees; res Trenton.
GRASS, AMZIE VERNON: Superintendent of Schools; b York Co, Neb Oct 23, 1907; s of Edward Grass-Louise Ramp; ed Waco HS; PSTC, BA 1929; mbr state championship football team 1928; pres YMCA & PSTC del to Estes Park; U of Colo, MA 1937; Beta Beta Beta; Kappa Delta Pi; m Elinor M Cooper June 8, 1932 Milford; d Joan Lucile; 1929-31 coach & mathematics instr, Wisner HS; 1931-35 prin Wisner HS; 1935-38 prin Broken Bow HS; 1938- supt Trenton schs; NSTA; Neb St Assn of Supts & Prins; C of C, VP; past pres Custer Co Safety Coun; BSA, scoutmaster 1 year at Wisner & 3 years at Broken Bow, Cub master at Trenton, also pres Frenchman River dist of Cornhusker Coun; Meth Ch; hobbies, camping, scouting; res Trenton.
HEIZENRETER, JOSEPH: Manager Lumber Co; b Culbertson, Neb Aug 26, 1890; s of Henry Heizenreter- Katie Schauerman; ed Culbertson HS; Tabor Coll, Hillsboro Kas; m Louise Koch Jan 24, 1917 Minden; d Joye Louise; 1910-12 bkkpr, Badger Lbr Co, Hillsboro Kas; 1912-14 bkkpr Byers Lbr Co, Minden; 1914-17 bkkpr Badger Lbr Co, Independence Mo; 1917-36 bkkpr Bullard Lbr Co, Culbertson; 1936- pres & mgr Bullard & Hassler Lbr Co, Culbertson; secy sch bd; past mbr village bd; org Culbertson B & L Assn, secy; secy Frenchman Valley Irrigation dist; has farm int in Hitchcock Co: during World War at Camp Grant Ill, 3 months; Amer Leg past Post comm; C of C; Luth Ch; Dem; Parents homesteaded in Hitchcock Co in 1878 before RR was built; hobbies, gardening, flower growing; res Culbertson.
HILL, MARION: Clergyman; b Richmond, Ky Mar 19, 1906; s of Francis Marion Hill-Effie Godbey; ed Perryville Ky HS; God's Bible Sch & Coll, Cincinnati 0; m Hazel Flanagan Dec 25, 1925 Cincinnati; d Mary Grace, Dorothy Lee; shipping clk 21/2 years for J B Schroder, Builders Hdw Supply Co, Cincinnati; 1924-26 city missionary Western Ave Gospel Mission, Cincinnati; 1927-31 pastor Pilgrim Holiness Ch. Wiley & Center Colo; 1931 toured Mediterranean countries & Holy Land; 1931-32 evangelist in 0, Ky, Ind & Neb; 1932- pastor Pilgrim Holiness Ch: Stratton; author of Thru the Mediterranean & Bible Lands; writer of articles on travel & religion; mbr Ministerial Benefit Assn; SW Neb Holiness Assn; secy Pilgrim Holiness Ch of Rocky Mountain Dist; Rep; hobbies, travel, writing; res Stratton.
KROTTER, DEAN: Lumber, Coal & Grain Dealer; b Palisade, Neb Feb 4, 1904; s of Frederick Carl Krotter-Nellie M Schroeder; ed Palisade HS; U of N, BSc, BA 1925; Bliss Electrical Sch, Washington, DC 1928; m Audrey Musick July 12, 1932 Marysville Kas; s Kent Roger; d Diane Rae, Alison April; 1925-27 & 1928-36 in lbr & grain bus with father, Palisade; 1936- with brother as mgr of father's: est; secy-treas W C Krotter Co, Inc; Neb Lbr Mchts Assn; NW Lbrmen's Assn; Natl Retail Lbr Dlrs Assn; life mbr U of N Alumni Assn; Amer Acad of Political & Social Science, Philadelphia; C of C; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, reading; res Palisade.
LAMB, IVAN P: Osteopath; b Bloomfield, Ia Jan 11, 1903; s of Nathan W Lamb-Bessie J Owen; ed Lancaster, Mo HS; Kirksville Coll of Osteopathy & Surgery, DO 1926; Norwood Clinic, Mineral Wells, Tex; Lamb Hosp Denver; m Marjorie E Slaughter; s Richard, Owen; d Elizabeth, Anne; 1926- prac osteopathy, Palisade; SW Neb Dist Osteopathic Soc; Neb St & Amer Osteopathic Assn; C of C; sch bd, treas; Meth Ch; hobbies, amateur motion pictures, golf, travel; res Palisade.
McCOY, ALFRED THOMAS: County Judge; b Sutton, Neb July 24, 1877; s of Alfred A McCoy-Mary J Ovington; ed HS; m Grace E Lant Jan 4, 1921 Denver; 1895-1905 publisher, Indianola, Trenton, Exeter, Benkelman, Hastings, Palisade; 1905-20 in real est & ins bus, Trenton; 1920- Hitchcock Co judge; volunteered for World War service Jefferson Barracks Mo, assigned to 16th Recruit Co, disch Dec 18, 1918; past comm Amer Leg; mbr village bd 7 years; C of C; past mbr Neb St Hist Soc; legislative com Neb Assn of Co Judges; AF&AM 174, past master; RAM 35; KT; Tehama Shrine; IOOF, past dist dep grand master; Meth Ch, ofcl bd; hobbies, pub speaking, outdoor sports, game conservation & propagation; off Courthouse; res Trenton.
McCOY, GRACE LANT: Librarian; b Gladstone, Ill; d of Ralph E Lant-Sarah Alice Graham; ed Stronghurst, Ill HS; PSTC; U of Washington, Seattle; m Alfred T McCoy Jan 4, 1922 Denver; 1906-09 instr, McCook schs; 1909-21 instr University Heights Sch, Seattle, Wash; 1922- res Trenton; 1922- librarian, Trenton; mbr state finance bd since 1937; Woman's Club; mbr state endowment fund 6 years, trustee NFWC; Amer Leg aux, ch mbr & ch pres 1923, co pres 1924, dist pres 1925-26, state chaplain 1927-30; OES; Meth Ch, secy-treas SS, mbr choir; hobby, lib work; res Trenton.
MACKIE, IDA MAE: Teacher; b Huntley, Neb; d of George A Mackie-Mary C Bradford; ed Alma HS; U of N, BA 1927, MA 1929; PSTC; U of Colo; Park U, Worcester Mass; Pi Gamma Mu; Sigma Delta Epsilon; tchr, Harlan Co; instr Alma schs; instr Ragan HS; instr KSTC summer sch; instr Maryville, Mo St Teachers Coll summer sch; supvr training sch, PSTC; supvr training sch Bowling Green Ohio St Teachers Coll; 1933- normal training & science instr, Trenton HS; NSTA; NEA; past mbr Neb Acad of Sciences; past mbr AAUW; pres B&PW; Chris Ch; hobbies, reading, travel; res Trenton.
MARSHALL, IDA MAY: County Superintendent of Schools; b David City, Neb May 9, 1886; d of James Stewart-Eliza Binford; ed Fremont HS; Fremont Normal, BSc 1907; U of N; m George Andrew Marshall June 22, 1911 Fremont; s George Stewart; d Ruth Elvessa (dec), Alice Margaret (dec), Mary Ellen; 1904 tchr in Dodge Co; 1907-10 prin Leigh HS; 1910-11 tchr Fremont grade schs; 1914-16 tchr, Wray Colo; tchr Hitchcock Co; normal training tchr
& prin Stratton HS; normal training instr, Trenton HS; normal training instr, prin Stapleton HS; 1935- supt schs Hitchcock Co; husband was supt of schs & instr 22 years, now farms near Trenton; B&PW, VP; Woman's Club; Neb St Assn of Co Supts; NSTA; Neb Womens Ednl Club; NEA; Meth Ch, past SS supt, bd of stewards; hobby, gardening; res Trenton.
MARTIN, WADE R: Banker; b Fremont, Neb June 25, 1891; s of Grant G Martin-Laura Richey; ed Fremont HS; Lincoln HS; U of N, BSc 1911; Sigma XI; m Louise Mote Sept 20, 1920 Denver; 1911-14 with J A Yager in nursery bus, Fremont; 1914-17, 1919 bkkpr & teller, asst cash Neb St Bank, Lincoln; 1919-22 with Comml Bank, Stratton, cash; 1922- pres Comml Bank; during World War in OTC Fort Snelling, Minn, commd 1st lt inf, disch Jan 1919 capt field arty; Amer Leg, org Stratton post, 1st comm, comm Neb dept; 40 & 8; village bd 16 years, chmn 2 years; pres group 4 Neb Bankers Assn 1 year; 2 years dir Neb Bankers Assn; C of C, dir; AF&AM, past master; Meth Ch; Rep; father was asst & atty gen of Neb, mbr supreme court commission of Neb & was Dodge Co atty; res Stratton.
MILLER, JOHN A: Retired; b Sweden May 9, 1862; s of Johanas Miller-Katherine E Chourling; ed Sweden; m Louise Josephine Carlson Nov 21, 1884 Sweden; s Carl J, Gus E, Oscar, David, Roy; d Sophie (Mrs Jessie Weatherby), Hattie (Mrs Ivan Ruggles), Laura (Mrs Paul Crow); 1886- came to US with CB&Q RR at Edgar & Davenport; 1892-1917 homesteaded & farmed near Stratton; 1917- ret; invented first one-way plow; past mbr town bd; Ch of God, past bd mbr; Rep; hobbles, reading, singing; res Stratton.
MILLER, OSCAR E: Farmer & Manufacturer; b Stratton, Neb Oct 23, 1895; s of John A Miller-Josephine Carlson; ed Stratton; m Nevada A Losey (dec 1934); s Warren; m Alta Andrews June 26, 1935 Benkelman; 1911-17 farmed with father; 1917- owner of father's int, continued farming; 1936 invented Miller Basin Tiller; 1939 recd pat; 1938- manufacturer of Miller Basin Tiller; also invented tractor guide; Meth Ch, bd mbr, past trustee; Rep; hobby, improving farm machinery; res RFD 1, Stratton.
PREST, JOHN ELRY: Physician & Surgeon; b Martin Co, Minn Apr 25, 1878; s of John E Prest-Clara Smith; ed McCool Junction HS; York Coll; U of N, MD; m Maude I Pearce June 26, 1907 McCool Junction; s Robert F; d Eva Ellen; 1904-14 prac med, Comstock; 1914-27 prac med Lushton; 1927- prac med, Trenton; SW Neb Med Soc; Neb St & AMA; chmn C of C; AF&AM; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, sports, fishing, gardening; res Trenton.
RATCLIFF, J F: Attorney; b Stratton, Neb Mar, 1890; s of E C Ratcliff-Alice Smith; ed Stratton HS; U of N, LLB; m Gall H Thomas Nov 26, 1913 McCook; 1912-15 dep co clk, Trenton; 1915-23 co atty; Trenton city atty; 1923- prac law Trenton; past mbr legislature 2 terms; past pres 14th Judicial Dist Bar Assn; Neb St Bar Assn; C of C; AF&AM; Shrine, KT; Congl Ch; Dem; off & res Trenton.
SCRIVNER, FORREST J: Agricultural Extension Agent; b Webster Co, Neb Apr 2, 1902; s of Oscar Scrivner-Letitia Moler; ed Haigler HS; U of N, BSc 1925; U of Chicago; Epsilon Sigma Phi; Palladian; m Eugenie A Krause Sept 6, 1928 West Point; d Dorothy Jean, Marilyn Ann, Gwendoline Mae; 1922- 28 with USDA in field work, ednl work, barberry eradication & rust observation; 1928-1933 Redwillow Co agrl agt, McCook; 1933- Hitchcock Co agrl agt, Trenton; C of C, past pres; past mbr Kiwanis, McCook; bd of dir SW Neb Hereford Breeders Assn; owner & opr Kas ranch, raises purebred Hereford cattle; AF&AM 135; Meth Ch; hobbies, raising cattle & collecting Indian relics; off Courthouse; res Trenton.
STEWART, JOHN NOEL: Physician & Surgeon; b Stratton, Neb Feb 17, 1909; s of Dr W E Stewart-Dolores E Sharp; ed Stratton HS; McCook Jr Coll; U of Colo; U of N, BSc 1930, MD 1932; m Edna Bunstock Jan 13, 1929 Hoxie Kas; d Lilyan Jane; 1932-33 interne Immanuel Hosp, Omaha; 1933- prac med, Stratton; Dec 30, 1938- in chg of Stratton Clinic, estab by father in 1900; chief of staff & supt Stewart Hosp; SW Neb Med Soc, past VP; Neb St & AMA; chmn Stratton park bd; C of C; hobby, photography;. res Stratton.
THUMAN, ADOLPH J: Banker; b Crete, Neb June 25, 1890: s of J H Thuman-Anna Flatemersch; ed Cambridge HS; m Elsie Exstrom Dec 17, 1914 Axtell; s Dale E, D Roger; d Rachel; 1908-17 with First Natl Bank, bkkpr; 1911 asst cash; 1917-18 org State Bank of Trenton, cash; 1918-27 VP State Bank of Trenton; 1927- pres bank; past pres group 4, Neb Bankers Assn; Amer Bankers Assn; C of C; AF&AM; Congl Ch; Dem; hobby, travel; res Trenton.
WACKER, ED: Merchant; b Culbertson, Neb Oct 10, 1883; s of George Wacker Sr-Catherine Lebsack; ed Culbertson; m Bessie Elliott Aug 3, 1925 Culbertson; 1900-14 farmed near Culbertson; 1914-38 in groc bus with father; 1938- mgr & half owner of groc bus, Culbertson; past dir Culbertson B & L Assn; Comm Club; Evang Ch; Rep; hobby, planting trees; res Culbertson.
WACKER, JOHN: Merchant; b Culbertson, Neb Feb 9, 1887; s of Henry Wacker-Mary Cline; ed Culbertson; m Katherine Eckhardt 1924 Oberlin Kas; s LeRoy Jr; d Marjory Gene, Geneve; 1904-35 with father in gen store, Culbertson; 1919-21 agt Mutual Oil Co, Culbertson; 1921-25 hotel prop, Culbertson; 1925-36 with Hein & Wacker in meat mkt & groc bus; 1936- owner & opr meat mkt & groc, Culbertson; during World War, 1917 joined Co D 314th ammunition train, O/S 1 year, disch 1919; past comm Amer Leg; mbr village bd; Comm Club; past mbr POE & LOOM; Evang Ch; Rep; hobbies, card playing, baseball; res Culbertson.