1890 Nebraska State Gazetteer - Hitchcock County Business Listings
(The following excerpt was transcribed by R.J. Christensen of San Diego, CA)
Nebraska State Gazetteer
Business Directory and Farmer list
for 1890-1891
J. M. Wolfe & Co., Publishers, 509-510 Paxton Block 1890
Entered according to Act of Congress in the year of 1890, by J. M. Wolfe & Co,
in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C.
Beverly - Blackwood - Cornell - Culbertson - Dike - Palisade - Rill - Stratton - Trenton
Beverly, a postoffice in the northern part of Hitchcock county, 10 miles north of Culbertson. It is the present terminus of the B. & M. R. R., from Culbertson to Holyoke.
- Hudson John, sta agt.
- Peterson John, justice.
Blackwood, a postoffice in the northeastern part of Hitchcock county, 12 miles from Culbertson, the county seat.
- William J M, justice
- Williams S E, postmaster.
Cornell, a postoffice in the extreme southeastern part of Hitchcock county, 20 miles southeast of Culbertson, the county seat. Population 5.
- Bell J W, blacksmith.
- Cole C S, genl mdse.
- Underhill Isaac, postmaster, justice.
Grand Central Hotel
The best Hotel in the City.
(Established in 1879.)
R.W. MONTGOMERY, Editor and Mangr.
Published every Thursday at
The SUN is a Staunch Republical Journal devoted to Local Interest, and is widely circulated among Farmers in Hitchcock, Hayes and Chase Counties.
Culbertson is the county seat of Hitchcock county, and has about 600 inhabitants. It is situated on an eminence near the junction of the Republican river and Frenchmans creek, on the main line of the B. & M. R. R., 130 miles west of Red Cloud and 240 miles from Lincoln. The surrounding country is well adapted for stock raising and large numbers of cattle are shipped from this point. Two newspapers are published here, the Culbertson Sun and the Hitchcock county Republican. The Culbertson Bank is the financial concern of the place. The Grand Central is the principal hotel. The Methodist, Presbyterian and German Evangelical denominations have churches here.
- Armstrong & Co, genl mdse.
- Bailor G M, photographer.
- Banks G E, atty.
- Blum George, shoemaker.
- Blum H, hardware.
- Bullard W C & Co, coal, lumber.
- Chase A, deputy clerk.
- Culbertson Bank, capital $6,000, L E Eisenhart pres, G G Eisenhart cashier.
- Culbertson Land Co, capital $10,000, S E Solomon pres.
- Culbertson Sun (The), R W Montgomery editor.
- Daniels G W & Co, genl mdse.
- Edgar J B, sta, tel and ex agt.
- Foerste J A, atty.
- Gant A M, billiard hall.
- Garrett F E, loan agent.
- Grand Central Hotel, John Lindgren prop. (See adv, top of page)
- Halliday J A, furniture.
- Hitchcock County Bank, capital $50,000, A D King pres, A L King cashier.
- Hitchcock County Republican, F Bert Risley editor and pub.
- House M M, atty.
- Hunter House, J Hunter prop.
- Hunter J, prop Hunter House.
- Keller Wm, tailor.
- Kirk J A, nursery.
- Klever Bertha, postmistress.
- Knowle R, real estate.
- Lundgren John, prop Grand Central Hotel. See adv top of page.
- Lunne & Davenport, hardware.
- McIntyre H D, jeweler.
- McKee J, dressmaker.
- McKelvey H D, jeweler.
- Montgomery R W, editor The Culbertson Sun.
- Parrish C A, barber.
- Powers R W, prop stage line.
- Risley F Bert, editor and pub Hitchcock County Republican.
- Shute C B, blacksmith.
- Solomon S E, Atty.
- Steinhaus John, wagonmaker.
- Straut H B, real estate.
- Taylor W Z, atty.
- Vastine B M, phys.
- Wheeler W J, atty.
- Wildman & Knowles, real estate.
- Wray Thomas, stock dealer.
Dike, a postoffice in the south central part of Hitchcock county, about 15 miles southwest from Culbertson, the county seat, and eight miles south of Trenton, on the B. & M. R. R.
- Beardslee F, postmaster.
- Berkley Dora, dressmaker.
- Feas Mr, druggist.
- Fleming Samuel, justice.
- French Mr, blacksmith.
Palisade, a postoffice situated in the northern part of Hitchcock county, 20 miles from Culbertson, the county seat. It is situated on the Palisade and Frenchmans creeks in a tolerable well productive country. A new flouring mill is being constructed by Dorsey Bros., and will utilize the Palisade creek for its motive power. The survey of the B & M. R. R., from Culbertson to Holyoke is through here, and when completed will impart a very marked impetus to the growth of Palisade. Population, 125.
- Bishop A L, phys.
- Dunham J N, phys.
- Dyer Bros, flour mill.
- Gall N T, postmaster.
- Geisler Conrad, blacksmith.
- Graves B M, harnessmaker, blacksmith.
- Harmony Co-operative Co, genl mdse.
- Jacobson J S, drugs.
- Marqueen P O, hardware, agl implts.
- Marqueen P O Mrs, millinery.
- Meyer R A, agl implts.
- Powell H V, justice.
- Pratt Mrs, dressmaker.
- Pratt W H, genl mdse.
- Reynold A E, hardware, agl implts.
- Toma Chas, agl implts.
- True S L, genl mdse.
- True S L Mrs, millinery.
- Westrope C F, genl mdse.
Rill, a post office in the southern part of Hitchcock county, about 18 miles southwest of Culbertson, the county seat.
Stratton, is a station on the main line of the B. & M. R. R., in the western part of Hitchcock county, 23 miles west of Culbertson, its judicial seat. It is favorably located as a business pount and has a population of t00. There are several stores and a variety of trades represented, two banks, two newspapers, a building and loan association, one hotel, good schools and church edifices. Civic societies are also represented here by the A. F. & A. M., A. O. U. W., and G. A. R.
- Bank of Stratton, C W Shurtleff pres, E J Harden cashier.
- Borchers C, shoemaker.
- Bratt G W, stationery.
- Burchell J G, livery.
- Burney Bros, livery.
- Burney L L, billiards.
- Commercial Banking Co, C C Vennum pres.
- Diehl C B, genl mdse.
- Frees & Hocknell Lumber Co, lumber, coal.
- Harden E J, notary.
- Harlem Cattle Co, breeders of cattle.
- Herald Publishing Co, pubs Stratton Herald.
- Hildebrand G, phys.
- Holmes E H, genl mdse.
- Huddleston Lumber Co, lumber.
- Jones N T, lumber.
- Kirkbride House, S P Kirkbride prop.
- Kirkbride S P, Prop Kirkbride House.
- Licklieder J D, genl mdse.
- Morton W G, hardware.
- Palmer W J, barber.
- Pierson S M & Co, agl implts.
- Radcliff W R, drugs.
- Republican Valley News.
- Rowley T H, meat market.
- Shelby V, harnessmaker.
- Shurtleff C W, atty.
- Stratton Loan & Building Assn.
- Woolfinden F J & Co, genl mdse.
- Yourman S A, genl mdse.
Trenton, with a population of 500, is a thriving town on the main line of the B. & M. R. R., situated in the central part of Hitchcock county. The surrounding country is rich in agricultural products. A good flouring mill is in operation. A fine brick school-house has been erected, as well as two church edifices the Congregationalist and Methodist. The civic societies are A. O. U. W., I. O. O. F., A. F. & A. M. and G. A. R. The news is supplied by the Trenton Register, the official organ of the county.
- Bank of Trenton, N W Peck cashier.
- Boseman E, meat market.
- Boyer J R & Co, genl mdse.
- Britton & Adams, real estate loans.
- Brown H C, livery.
- Bullard W C & Co, lumber, coal.
T.J. Floyd
G.W. DeWald
C.A. Floyd
Trenton Register.
Official Paper of Hitchcock County.
- Carlson A, blacksmith.
- Central State Bank, J S Squires cas.
- Coffelt F M, blacksmith.
- Commercial House, Marsh & Bush props.
- Dimmitt E C, agl implts, furniture.
- Erb T A, genl mdse, agl implts.
- Evans W T, sta agt.
- Flansburg F M, atty.
- Floyd, Dewald & Floyd, pubs Trenton Register. (See adv.)
- Floyd T J, real estate, loans.
- Hall N T, lumber, coal.
- Harcourt F B, loans.
- Hill S, justice.
- Hitchcock F C, agl implts.
- Hogg E A, postmaster, confectionery.
- Hugg O B, phys.
- McCoy A A, atty.
- McFaul J R, genl mdse, hardware.
- Marsh & Bush, props Commercial House.
- Morgan T D, justice.
- Nelson J D & Co, flour mill.
- Nelson J M, restaurant.
- Otis & Wheeler, genl mdse.
- Pember R H, harnessmaker.
- Presnall J M, barber.
- Reynolds O E, hardware, furniture.
- Scott J Y, blacksmith.
- Suiter A W, saloon, billiards.
- Tanner A V, millinery.
- Thomas A H, phys.
- Thompson Wallace, flour, feed.
- Trenton Register, Floyd DeWald & Floyd publishers. (See adv.)
- Weyl H L, drugs.