NEGenWeb Project






February 15, 1888
     Married at Hayes Center, on Monday, February 13, by Judge Abbot, John Gosney of Smith County, Kansas and Miss Martha Evans, daughter of Williams of Estell this county.

Rev. Joseph Howard - Ida Wolf
March 28, 1888
     Married at the residence of the brides mother, at Columbia, Marion County, Iowa on Wednesday, March 7th, Rev Joseph B. Howard, pastor of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church at Hayes Center, Nebraska and Miss Ida Wolf of the County, Rev. A. G. Heckerthorn officiating. Knoxville, Iowa Journal




Jesse Phillips Leah Schofield
January 5, 1911
     County Judge Loomis issued Marriage license to Mr. Jesse Phillips, age 20, Miss Leah Schofield, age 18, both of Wallace the first of the week.

Fred W. Troxel - Iva McLain
January 12, 1911
     Fred W. Troxel of Hayes County and Miss Iva McLain, of Chase County, drove up to Grant Monday, January 10th and were married by Judge Carver.

Arthur Graves - Lillie Young
February 9, 1911
     Judge Loomis issued marriage license Tuesday to Arthur Graves of Swan Lake to marry Miss Lillie Young, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Young of Estell. Also one to Verne Embrey to marry Miss Ella Massengale, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mat Massingale of Eddy. We understand the Judge went up and married the latter couple yesterday.

Johnnie Cole - Mary Fager
February 23, 1911
     We recieved an invitation to attend the wedding of Johnnie Cole to Miss Mary Fager which will take place in Culbertson Sunday, February 26, 1911. We regret we will not be able to attend but wish the young people much joy and happiness.

John Smith - Kathleen O'Brien
March 2, 1911  
     As we predicted in our last issuse two of our young people were united in marriage at McCook on last, Wednesday, February 22nd. John V. Smith, of Logan precinct and Miss Kathleen O'Brien of Harrison precinct were the high contracting partners.
     The bride is one of the choicest young ladies of the county and ranks high in the esteem of all. She ranks at the top as one of Hayes Counties competent school teachers and will be greatly missed in the educational as well as the social circles.
     The groom is one of Hayes Counties prosperous ranchmen and shippers. He has been a resident of the county for a number of years and is highly respected by all in a general and business way. He owns, with his brother and sister, a large body of agricultural and grazing lands east of town.
     We join their many friends in congratulations and best wishes as they embark in lifes rugged voyage together.

Tommy Anderson - Laura Moore
March 16, 1911
     County Judge Loomis issued marriage license to Tommy Anderson to marry Miss Laura, the 17 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abner Moore of Concord precinct and married the young couple the same day. Mr. Anderson is a prosperous young farmer of valley precinct and is well thought of as an honest upright young man. The young bride is honored and respected by all who know her. This paper joins their many friends in wishing them an abundance of happiness and prosperity.

Herman Johnson - Effie Spickelmeir
March 16, 1911
     County Judge Loomis drove down to Highland last evening where he officiated at the marriage of Mr. Herman Johnson and Miss Effie Spickelmeir at the home of the bride's parents, Mr and Mrs. J. W. Spickelmeir. We will endeavor to get the particulars of the affair for our next issue, as this worthy young couple are certainly deserving of the best we have in the shop in the form of a write up.

Charles Howe - Sarah Gardiner
March 16, 1911
     A quiet wedding took place last evening at 5 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rhodes, one and one half miles northwest of this city. The parties to the happy event were Charles A. Howe, of Oshkosh, Nebr., and Miss Sarah D. Gardiner, of York. The wedding ceremoney was characterized by simplicity and informality, yet with dignity, impressiveness as Rev. Alexander Bennett pronounced the vows, using the ring service and ritual of the Methodist Episcopal church. A small party of immediate relatives and friends were witness to the event, including Mrs. Nancy E. Gardiner, mother of the bride, Mr. John Ittner, the Misses Ittner, the Misses Meyers, Mrs. Rhoades,at whose home were extended the wedding hospitalities, is a twin sister of the bride. A bountiful wedding dinner was served and joyful was the hour. Choice presents were made the bride and groom. Mr. and Mrs Howe will take a wedding journey to Miami, Florida, after which they will reside on Mr. Howe's ranch at Oshkosh. Well wishes are extended this esteemable couple from the many who know them. York Daily News

Clarence Fanning - Dellia Hanna
March 30, 1911
     E. Hanna of Galena and Clarence Fanning of Chase Co. were over to our burg last Thursday. Mr. Fanning procured marriage license while in town and was married to Miss Dellia Hanna at the bride's home on Sunday, March 26th, Rev. Henderson officiating. The Chase County boys seem to be wise to the fact that Mr. and Mrs. Hanna have some fine girls, as this is the second Hanna young lady who has left their Hayes County home to preside over a home of their own in Chase County in the last few months.

Jacob Johnson - Emma Gaarder
April 13, 1911

A Home Wedding

     Tuesday evening about fifty relatives gathered at the home of Mrs. Mary Gaarder to witness the wedding ofl her daughter, Emma Florence to Mr. Jacob Johnson of Alexandria.
     Promptly at seven o'clock the bride and groom attended by Miss Teola Gaarder, a sister of the bride and Mr. Joseph Spickelmeir entered the parlor and took their places under a floral bower while G. M. Burnett, pastor of the Methodist Church spoke the solumn words that made this couple man and wife. Rev Burnett used the ring ceremony. Miss Fay Spickelmeir, a pretty little tot of three years old acting as ring bearer and carrying it in the petals of a rose resting on a small satin cushion. After congratulations from their host of relatives present Mr. and Mrs. Johnson led the way to the dining room where a delicious three course supper was served Mrs. Rose Bayliss and Mrs Clara Spickelmeir had charge of the refreshments and assisted in serving.
     The bride looked very neat in a pretty silk batiste embroidered empire dress. Miss Teola Gaarder as attendant, wore a pretty dress of light blue silk. The floral decorations were carnations and ferns, the color scheme in both rooms being white and green. Mrs Johnson has lived here most all of her life, and until a few weeks ago was one of the popular clerks in Wacker Brothers store. She was active in social and church circles and will be greatlly missed especially in the musical circles as she was the organist of the Methodist Church. Mr. Johnson has been a good farmer in Hayes County where he has a large circle of friends. the happy couple recieved a number of beautiful and useful gifts to make their new home attractives. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson left on No 2 Wednesday morning for their new home in Alexandria, Nebraska. The brides traveling suit was a pretty made serge with hat to match.
     Their many friends here wish them much happiness in their new home. The Banner extends congratulations. Culbertson Banner
     Jake Johson, the groom, lived in Hayes County for a number of years, removing to Thayer Coulnty this spring. He has a large circle of friends in this county who will wish him much success in his new venture.

Arthur Westman - Pearl West
May 11, 1911

Spring a Surprise

     Arthur Westman and Miss Pearl West sprang a surprise on their Hayes Center friends yesterday. They came to town and procured a marriage license and the County Judge being absent they drove to Justice of the Peace Taylor Ward's east of town and had the nuptual knot tied. Mr. Westman is a very progressive young farmer of the west side and is a young man of sterling qualities. The bride is a young lady of excellent qualities and has ranked high as one of Hayes Counties young school teachers the past few years. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William West living north of town. The editor joins with their many friends in extending congratulations.

E. A. Brittenham - Marietta Wemple
May 11, 1911
A Long Wedding Trip
     We received an announcement of the marriage of Miss Marietta Wemple to E. A. Brittenham which occured at Lincoln on Tuesday evening May 2nd. Miss Wemple will be remembered by a number of the Hayes County people as the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Wemple who lived for a number of lyears on the Methodist Ridge. Mr. Brittenham spent a couple of weeks inour town some years ago as agent for the International Harvestoring Co. We join with their many friends in extending congratulations. We clip the following from the Lincoln Star in regard to the wedding.
     The home of Mrs. N. L. Wemple, 1645 M Street was the scene of a pretty wedding last night when her daughter, Marietta was united in marriage to Edward A. Brittenham. The marriage service was impressively read at half after eight by Rev. F. A. Stuff in the presence of a company of thirty close friends and relatilves.
      The wedding appointments were simple but attractively arranged. The parlor was decorated in green and white while they exchanged the nuptial vows. The dining room was brightened throughout with pink roses.
     The bride has only resided in Lincoln a few years. She is well known in musical circles and a member of rthe Alpha Chi Omega soroiety. The groom was graduated from Nebraska University and is a member of the kappa Sigma fraternity. He is now manager of the International Harvesting Co. at Omsk Siberia.
      Mr. and Mrs. Brittenham will remain in the city for a week when they will leave for the east. They will spend a month on the way to Montreal after which they will sail to Siberia and will visit places of interest along the way. The out of town guests attending the wedding were Mrs. J. B. Dinsmore Sutton, Davenport, Mr. and Mrs Lees, Omaha, Mr. Wise, Pittsburg.

Orville Laverne Linch - Georgie Beatrice Williams
June 1, 1911
     We recieved an announcement this week of the marriage of Orville Laverne Linch to Mrs. Georgie Beatrice Williams at Denver on May 21st. Mr. Linch will be remembered by our readers as the son of O. L. Linch formerly of Swan Lake. He was one of the progressive Hayes County teachers last year. We join with his many friends in extending congratulations.

William Sanders - Margaret Thomas
June 29, 1911
      County Judge Loomis issued marriage license and united in marriage Mr. William Sanders age 22 and Miss Margaret Thomas age 17 at his office yesterday afternoon. We extend congratulations.
      William Sanders and wife were given a reception at the home of his mother Mrs. Mave Sanders Sunday at Palisade.
      William Sanders and Miss Margaret Thomas were quietly married at Hayes Center last Wednesday June 28th. The bride is the youngest daughter of Dan Thomas and is one of our most popular young ladies. The groom is the eldest son of Mrs. Marie Sanders and is an industrious young man of good character. They both have many friends who wish them a long and happy life.

Arthur M. Potts - Bess V. Crews
August 3, 1911
      Married in Montana - Through the happy medium of the exultant bridegroom,Mel Potts, word comes to our table that on July 5, 1911, Arthur M. Potts of Elsworth, North Dakota, and Miss Bess V. Crews of Trenton, Nebraska, were united in marriage at the M. E. parsonage at Glendive, Montana, by the officating minister of the above own. Mel needs no introduction through our columns, haveing been brought to Hayes Center by his p[arents in very early childhood and grown to young manhood in our midst, after which he was absent for a period of years, but returned for a long enough time to woo and win one of Nebraska's fair daughter for a wife. Mrs. Potts is the dauaghter of Mr. and Mrs J. M. Crews of Culbertson and has grown to womanhood in that city, of her efficiency and popularity let the dignity of her official capacity attest. she at the present time, is occuping the office of county superintendant. We congratulate the happy man with all the heartiness that a long and valued friendship and relationship prompts us as a sister-in-law, all the happiness of which she is so deserving.

E. L. Berry - Fanny Athey
August 3, 1911
Quite A Little Romance

     Shubert, Neb. July 29 (Special) Mrs Fanny Athey of Shubert and E. L. Berry were married at Nebraska City and will live on her farm North of Shubert. Witnesses to the ceremony were Mr. and Mrs. Ben Neal and Mr. and Mrs Frank Sinnett of Brownsville. The newly wedded couple went from Nebraska City to Union to visit his sister, Mrs. Frank Chilcott. Mr. Berry has been farming near Hayes Center. His first wife died fifteen years ago. His three children are grown and have homes of their own. His new bride is a youthful grandmother. She divorced her first husband three years ago and with her children has been running her farm. A mutual friend of Mr. and Mrs. Berry told of of the other and they began a correspondence last March and a week previous to the marriage he came to Shubert and met for the first time the women who is now his wife. Omaha Bee

Harry L. Augustine - Etta Wooley
August 3, 1911
     At the home of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs E. B. Wooley of Valley precinct, occured the marriage of their only daughter, Miss Etta to Mr. Harry L. Augustine of Selby, Nebraska on last Friday evening, August 4th. Squire Jas Corlett performing the ceremony in a very graceful way.
     The bride came here with her parents from Selby a few years ago and has formed a large circle of friends and ils held in the highest esteem by all. She ranks at the top among the educators of the county. She is a charming young lady of a fine disposition, and one that will make the kind of a woman that is desired in a home. she wore a bveautiful dress of cream crepe de chene.
     The groom is a perfect stranger to most of our readers, but he is certainly a young man of taste, as was shown in his selection of a life partner. He wore the conventional black.
     After the ceremony the party which was composed of only the nearest relatives, were seated to a very elaborate supper.
     We join with their many friends in extending congratulations. The newlly wed left the first of the week for their future home in Selby, where the groom will farm.

A. H. Mulford - Emma Robeson
August 3, 1911
Former Citizen Married
      A. H. Mulford, one of the well known and prosperous farmers on the south side was married Monday to Mrs. Emma Robeson of the same section. At the same time Mr. Andrew Robeson and Miss Osea Mulford. son and daughter of the first named couple were united in marriage, the double wedding taking place at Beaver City, County Judge Lutton officiating.
      The wedding party returned home in the evening and Mr. and Mrs Mulford will make their home on the Mulford farm while the younger couple have gone to house keeping on the Mrs. Robeson farm.
      Both of these families are among the prominent and well to do people on the south side and have a large circle of friends who will join the Observer in hearty congratulations and best wishes for a future happy married life. Holbrook Observer

Willis Daniels - Edith McGowen
September 14, 1911
Married in Indiana
      W. W. Daniels stole a march on his friends in this place when he returned Monday morning from Indiana with a bride. Willis left Palisade some three weeks ago and to inquiring friends stated that he was going for a visit to Pioria,Ill. Subsequent events, however, leave some doubt in their minds as to whether he ever saw Peoria, at least on this trip. Mr. Daniels and Miss Edith McGowen were married at the home of the bride's parents in Fort LWayne, Indiana. Aug 10, 1911. Mr. Daniels had rented the Lamp property on Parker street and furnished it before he departed and they are now at home to friends at that location. The Times joins their many friends in extending congratulations.
Palisade Times.

Sherman Goodwin - Abbie E. Corlett
October 5, 1911
      County Judge Loolmis issued marriage license to Mr. Sherman Goodwin to marry Miss Abbie E. Corlett, and married the couple Friday afternoon. The bride is the only single daughter of Squire and Mr. Jas Corlett of Concord precinct and groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Goodwin of Valley precinct. The bride looked charming in her blue silk dress. The groom wore the conventional black. These are both worthy young people and have the respect of a large circle of friends who wish them much joy in their matramonial life.

Earl Young - Mary New
October 12, 1911
     Wednesday, October 4th at the home of the brides parents at Gallatin, Mo, occured the wedding of Mr. Earl Young and Miss Mary New. Earl has practically spent his life here, having been reared from boyhood in Palisade and Hayes County and is one of our best young farmers, while his bride is well and favorably known in Hayes County where she has taught school for some time, and has a host of friends. They will make their home at the Young ranch in Hayes County. The Times joins their many friends in wishing for them a long and happy married life.
Palisade Times.




Rev. E. Hutchins - Frankie Payne
April 28, 1921    1912?
     Married at the residence of the bride's parents in Franklin, Nebraska on April 11, Rev. E. L. Hutchins of this county and Miss Frankie eldest daughter of Captain and Mrs. C. C. Payne of Franklin. The ceremony was performed in the presence of a select company by Rev. J. P. Badgley, pastor of the M. E. Church at Franklin. We wish them a pleasant voyage through life.

Clyde Pully - Cecil Piper
February 29, 1912
     License was issued February 20th by the Judge of Frontier County to Clyde Pully to marry Cecil Piper. These are two of the highly respected young people of Valley precinct. The Times joins with their many friends in extending congratulations.

Mathew Sharrah - Pearl Monaghan
March 7, 1912
     Wednesday evening, February 28th, at 6 oíclock occurred a pretty little home wedding at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Goucher in the presence of their immediate relatives. Their eldest daughter, Miss Pearl Monaghan, was married to Mathew Sharrah. Their attendants were Roy Monaghan and Miss Esther Bailey, brother and cousin of the bride. Rev. Pickering in a short and impressive ceremony made them one. The bride was beautifully attired in white over lace, while the groom wore the conventional black. After congratulations they were marched to the dining room where a beautiful supper awaited them. Miss Pearl is one of Hayes Countyís most accomplished young ladies, having been engaged in school work for several years, the groom is a young man of integrity and commands respect of all. A very large circle of their friends wished them a safe and happy voyage on life's journey. They will soon go to house keeping near Catherine.

April 4, 1912
     Claude Palmer and Miss Grace Fitzgerald were married at Hayes Center, March 26.

Howard Holmes - Ethel Stratton
April 25, 1912
     Mr. Howard Holmes and Miss Ethel Stratton were quietly married by County Judge Loomis yesterday afternoon at the home of the brideís sister, Mrs. J. R. Gress in the presence of only a few close relatives. The bride is a charming young lady of excellent qualities and is a Hayes County product pure and simple, having spent most of her life with her parents Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Stratton, formerly of Fairfield precinct. The groom is a young farm boy of Hamlet and is an industrious young man of sterling qualities and has a fine ranch and fitted up a nice home for the lady of his choice. The newlyweds left the same evening for their home. We extend congratulations.

Thomas French - Clara Ready
May 16, 1912
     Married by Judge E. Loomis in Hayes Center on last Saturday afternoon, Thomas French to Miss Clara Ready. The ceremony was performed at the office of C. A. Ready, in the presence of only a few of the most intimate friends and relatives The newly married couple have gone to house keeping on the H. Wach farm in High Ridge precinct, where the groom will farm the coming year. Their friends treated them to an old time charivari last night. We wish the young couple a long prosperous married life.

Fred Fitzgerald - Alice Barrett
The Supreme court liberates Fred M. Fitzgerald

     It did not take the Supreme Court long to decide that Fred M. Fitzgerald of Hayes County was not guilty of child stealing because he eloped with Miss Alice Barrett aged sixteen years and married her. The case was practically decided from the bench. It was argued last week and a written opinion by Judge F. G. Hamer was filed Monday reversing and ordering the case dismissed. Fitzgerald is about twenty six years of age. He courted the girl for four months they were engaged to be married. The father of the girl objected to the match and after the couple were married he had Fitzgerald prosecuted under the child stealing law, which makes it a felony to steal a child under sixteen years of age, under the marriage law a person sixteen years of age or over can legally marry.
     Miss Barrett and her brother started to a dance. They rode in a buggy and on the way met Fitzgerald. The girl got out of her brotherís buggy and got in to Fitzgeraldís buggy, the brother offering no resistance and apparently aware of the designs of the couple. The people went to North Platte and thence to Missouri where a marriage license was denied them. They then went to Nebraska City and were married. The marriage occurred two days after the couple ran away. They immediately returned to a farm one-quarter of a mile from the farm of the girl's parents. The girl's mother called for her to come home. She went to her fatherís house accompanied by her husband. The court dismisses the case on the ground that the evidence is not sufficient to support the verdict of guilty of child stealing and it is stated in the opinion of the court that the section of the law under which the prosecution was commenced is wholly inapplicable to this case. It is the opinion of the court that Fitzgeralds alleged criminal act was not done maliciously or forcibly or fraudulently, nor to detain the young lady from her father. There was no attempt at concealing of the girl. (Tuesday's Lincoln State Journal)

June 13, 1912
     DIVORCE: Alice Barrett vs F. M. Fitzgeral - set for trial before Judge Hurd

Jack Brown - Gertie Witt
June 13, 1912
     Jack Brown of Anatelope was united in marriage to Miss Gertie Witt of Elsie at the Bride's home on Sunday evening at 5 p.m. They were given a regular old time reception at their home in Antelope precinct on Monday night. Mr. Brown is the mail carrier from Galena to Palisade and the bvride is a former Hayes County girl. We extend congratulations.

Ray McLelland - Hazel Roberts
August 29, 1912
     Mr. and Mrs. William Backer went down to Blackwood Sunday and were in attendance at the wedding Hazel Pearl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs R. R. Roberts to Ray McLelland. Rev. Pickering go Palilsade tied the nuptual knot at high noon in the presence of a few of the closet neighbors and friends.

Fay Conger - Iva Nickerson
September 5, 1912
     A very quiet wedding took place last Monday at the home of the brideís parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Nickerson in West Hayes Center, when their youngest daughter, Iva was married to Fay Conger, Judge Loomis officiating in the presence of only a few of the closest relatives and friends. The young groom will farm with his father J. F. Conger north of town. The parents of both contacting parties presented the happy couple with handsome presents. We join with their many friends in extending congratulations.

October 10, 1912
     We received word this week of the marriage of Miss Opal Bennett to Johnnie Lewis which occured at North Platte last Wednesday October 2nd. John is the son of S. Lewis of Concord precinct. Miss Opal has been staying with her cousin, R. E. Counce of this place for a number of years and was a very popular young lady among her companions. She had a smile for all. We wish the young couple a happy and prosperous wedded life. They have begun housekeeping and will assist with the work on the Lewis ranch on the Willow.

Orville Gilbert - Mabel Moore
October 31, 1912
After a little trouble in the prelininaries, They are set to Ringing Right
     A very unique wedding occurred Monday, October 21st in Bride's Canyon in Hayes County, all on account of our State Laws, which won't let a man get a license in one county and get married in another. The wedding party left Wallace at 2 p.m. by Tabors Lightening Express and going south, at Bride's Canyon they met the bride's father, Henry Moore and family and a few friends and under sunny skies. Rev. John E. Craig, Pastor of the Congregational Church spoke the solemn words that united two loving hearts. The groom is Orville Gilbert, a young man of excellent habits, he was born and raised at Plainsville, Kansas where they will make their future home. The groom being a prosperous farmer of that place. The bride Miss Mabel Moore was born in Hayes County and is a charming Christian girl who will grace any home with her presence. She is a graduate of the seminary at Orleans where the pretty romance commenced while she and the groom were attending school that culminated in the wedding bells.
     After the service returning to Wallace an elegant four course wedding dinner was served at the home of the brides brother, Howard Moore, at 6 p.m. After dinner a few pleasant hours were spent in visiting and music. Wallace Winner Miss Moore is well and favorably known in this locality, she haveng been born on the homestead a few miles northwest of town, where she grew to girlhood. She is a cousin to Mrs. J. E. Hudson of this place. We join with her many friends in extending congratulations.

Miss Iva Iona Evans - William Krakberger
November 7, 1912
At the William D. Evans Farm Home Last Wednesday Evening
     In the glow of bright light and surrounded by relatives and loving friends, Miss Iva Iona Evans became the bride of William Krakberger.
     The wedding was celebrated at six oíclock Wednesday evening October 30th at the home of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Evans of Government precinct. As the hour for the ceremony approached the strains of the piano were resolved into the nuptual music from Mindelsohns wedding march played by Miss Grace Evans, sister of the bride which announced the approach of the bridal party, unattended, entering the parlor where the ceremony took place. The ceremony was very impressively read by Rev. J. W. Gress, pastor of the U. B. Church.
     After the ceremony the party were seated to a three course, six o'clock dinner, at which covers were laid for twenty-two.
     The rooms were all tastefully decorated with white chrysanthemums and palms.
     The bride looked very beautiful in her wedding robe of white shimmering satin, artistically veiled with dainty silk embroidered net in tunic effect, and carried a bridal bouquet of white roses. The brides traveling gown was a blue serge tailored suit, with which she wore a white beaver hat.
     The bride is a daughter of County Commissioner elect, W. D. Evans and wife. She is a young lady of many graces of mind and person who is capable of filling the home she will adorn with happiness and will prove to be truly a helpmate and companion by the husband she has chosen to honor with her hand. She has been distinguished the past 8 years in the educational circles of the county as one of our successful young teachers. She is a graduate of the Fremont Normal. She is also a musician of some talent having spent one year at the Lincoln Conservatory of Music and one year at the Haas Conservatory of Music of Kearney, Nebraska.
     The groom is a hustling young businessman of Peetz, Colorado where he is engaged in the hardware business. He is noted for his honesty and integity and is a young man of exemplary habits. He is a talented violinist and is prominent in musical circles of his town and is at present leader and instructor in orchestral work. He was formerly a student of the Lincoln Agricultural College.
     After the ceremony about a hundred of their young friends gathered in and during the period of congratulations and reception which followed. Mr. Clyde Laird presided at the piano and rendered some excellent and appropriate music while the party were being received by the newly weds, assisted by the parents of both bride and groom.
     Refreshments of fruit and confectionery were served. The bride and groom have a large circle of friends to extend felicitations as they begin their wedding journey and they were remembered with a number of beautiful and useful gifts.
     The happy couple left Friday morning for a short wedding trip in the west and the announcements read At home, Peetz, Colorado after December 1, 1912.

R. E. Counce - Bessie Disbrow
November 12, 1912
     R. E. Counce and Bessie Disbrow were quietly married at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Garrett of Hayes Center, County Judge Loomis officiating. Only a few of the closest friends and relatives knew of the event, till the next morning. when the wedding was made public. His many friends gathered at their home in west Hayes Center one night the first of the week and treated the newly wed couple to a genuine old time charivari.
    Bob invited the crowd in a treated them royally and if you have not smoked on the event yet call at R. E. Counces hardware store and receive your treat. We all wish the couple a long happy life together.

Leo Cross - Eliza Witt
Jasper Jones - Nora Bond
December 26, 1912
     County Judge Loomis reports two weddings for the past week. On Tuesday he united in marriage Mr. Leo Cross of Colorado to Miss Eliza Witt, daughter of Jenkins Witt of Galena. Yesterday he spoke the words which made Jasper Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Jones, of Harrison precinct and Miss Nora Bond of Lincoln County, husband and wife. We extend congratulations to the newly-weds.

Joseph Showalter - Maude Enterline
     Joseph Showalter and Miss Maude Enterline gave theri friends something of a surprise last Saturday by driving to Osborn in the afternoon and getting married. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gebhart and the marriage took place at the home of Rev. Kelly, pastor of the Congregational Church in Osborn, who performed the ceremony.
     The bride is the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Enterline of this city and is a charming and very worthy young lady. Nearly all of her life has been spent in Downs and she has always been extremely popular among her acquaintances. she was a member of the well known "Luck Thirteen" club in Downs and has always been prominent in society here. The groom is equally well known and popular. He if the only son of C. W. Showalter and is a young man of industry, society and business ability. The young people will have the best wishes of a large circle of friends who will have known them since the days of their childhood.
     Mr. and Mrs. Showalter will go to Nebraska to make their future home, the groom having leased a larger ranch near Hayes Center. They went to Sims on Monday morning for a visit with the brides sister, Mrs Lee Long and family but they will return here the latter part of the week for a visit among relatives and friends before going to their Nebraska home.
Downs News December 5, 1912
     Mr. Showalter has leased the Blatchley Ranch on the Willow for a term of 5 years. Joe's friends here extend congratulations and we will gladly welcome this Kansas Bride to a place in our social circle.


Stephen Leach - Maggie Wilhelmson
January 15, 1920
     Judge J. W. Detty went over to Valley yesterday and officiated at the marriage of Mr. Stephen Leach to Miss Maggie Wilhelmson at high noon. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Em Leach and the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Wilhelmson.
     A very pretty wedding occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilhelmson, when their daughter Maggie Ellen was united in marriage to Stephen Eben Leach, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Leach. Judge Detty officiating.
     The bride is an accomplished young lady and was attired in messoline and crepe de chine.
     The groom is a prosperous young farmer and wore a suit of blue serge. The bride's maid and best man were also attired in blue serge. After the ceremony the guests which were about one hundred in number partook of an elaborate six oíclock dinner, which had been prepared by the bride and her mother. The table decorations being pink and white Chrysanthamums. In the evening the guests danced and made merry until the wee hours of the morning when all departed for their homes wishing Mr. and Mrs. Leach much joy and happiness. Many beautiful and costly presents were received. One who was present.

Edward E. Musil - Helen L. Wehland
March 25, 1920
     Announcements were received here last week announcing the marriage of Edward E. Musil to Mrs. Helen L. Wehland at the home of the bride at Holdrege on Wednesday March 17th. The ceremony was performed by a brother-in-law of the bride, only relatives and a few of the closest friends of the contracting party were present. The newlyweds will be at home after April 8 to their friends at Hayes Center, The bride is a stranger to most of our people, but we will gladly welcome her to our social circle. The groom is well and favorably known to nearly all in the county having been associated in business in this place for the past fifteen years, first as cashier in the bank here, afterwards going into the real estate business of which he has made a decided success. Their many friends will gladly welcome them and join with this paper in extending congratulation.

April 1, 1920
     A very pretty wedding occurred at the home of the bride's parents Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Cooley when their daughter, Rhoda, was united in marriage to David Wilson, both of Boulder, Colorado, Rev. Harris officiated.
     The home was beautifully decorated with white carnations and roses, palms and ferns. The bridal couple were accompanied by Floy Buchanan and James Johnson, both of Denver. Following the ceremony a four course lunchion was served at the Boulder Hotel. The guests included the parents of the bride and grom, three sisters of the bride, namely Mrs. B. R. Nicholson of Acquia, Idaho, Mrs Charles Abbot, Stapleton, Nebraska. Mrs. E. W. Schmelzer, White, Nebraska, Floyd Buchanan, Mrs Albert Davison and son Thane, all of Denver and Mrs Tyler of Colorado Springs, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson ar students at the University of Colorado and after March 28th will be home to their many friends at 1633 Grove Street, Boulder, Colorado. May their lives be filled with happiness. Mrs. Wilson will be remembered by many as she was formerly of Hayes Center.

George Pinn - Minnie Ward
June 17, 1920
     We learn that two of the popular young people Mr. George Pinn and Miss Minnie Ward, of Thornburg neighborhood sprang a complete surprise on their many friends by going to North Platte where they were quietly married. The groom is eldest son of Harry Pinn east of town and spent a year in foreign military service during the world war. He is an industrious young man, honorable in every respect. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Ward and is a young lady of sterling worth and during the time she taught in the country was very popular with both patrons and pupils of the schools. She taught one of the most sucessful terms of school in the school her last year in the history of the school, and her puples and patrons all regret that she has decided to take a class on instead of coming back to Hayes Center another year, but will all join with us in extending congratulation.

Harold Edghill - Gladys Housman
July 15, 1920
     Four of Hayes Center young people auto across to North Platte last Saturday and reports have it that both couples were married. The interested parties are Messers Sam Wilson, Jr. and Harold Edghill and Misses Irma Hillman and Gladys Housman. We have authentic reports as to the marriage of Harold Edghill and Gladys Houseman, but we will not vouch for the latter. Harold Edghill took his bride and went to Franklin for a visit with his mother and old friends.

Thomas M. Swob - Anna Detty
September 9, 1920
     A quiet home wedding took place at the home of Judge and Mrs. J. W. Detty Monday morning, when the ceremony was performed which united their daughter, Anna and Mr. Thomas M. Swob in the holy bonds of matrimony, the ceremony being perforned by the Judge in his usual efficient manner in the presence of none except the immediate family, following which Mr. and Mrs. Swob left for McCook, via auto, where they took the morning train for a two week's wedding tour in the mountains of Colorado.
     The bride is well known by all our readers as she was born on the Detty homestead in Fairfield, and her entire life has been spent among us, and she has long been one of the most successful school teachers in the county, and been active in all church and other activities in the town and county, and is known by all, young and old, for her cheerful, lovable disposition and friends of all.
     Mr. Swob is not so well known here only having visited our town a few times since his discharge from the army, having served in the 91st Division, and as such done his "bit" on driving the Huns from the fields of France, he received his honorable dishcharge on May 1, 1919, since which time he has been employed at his trade in the Burlington shops at McCook as a sheetmetal worker and pipefitter. The Time-Republican and the host of friends of Anna extend their most hearty congratulation.

Lester Garrett - Edith West
September 16, 1920
     Mr. Lester Garrett only son of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Garrett and Miss Edith West, youngest daughter of Sheriff and Mrs. J. R. West were married at McCook, Tuesday evening and left the same night for a short honeymoon at Denver and other western parts. When they return they will take up housekeeping on the ranch of the grooms father on the Willow northeast of town. The many friends of the young people join with us in extending heartiest congratulations.

January 13, 1921
     Last Saturday, January 1, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Minnick in Bartley, Miss Margaret Minnick and Isaac O. Premer mutually took New Years Resolutions to love, honor and obey. Rev. Savage of the Bartley M. E. Church spoke the words, which made them husband and wife.
     Mr. and Mrs. Premer returned to Palisade Sunday via auto, despite the bad roads.
     The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Minnick of Bartley. She has been engaged in the teaching profession, in which capacity she has made an enviable reputation. She has been teaching in the McCook school this year, but was appointed county superintendent of schools of Red Willow County to fill a vacancy last fall, a position which she declined to accept.
     The groom is the Burlington agent at Pallisade and enjoys the acquaintance of friendships of everyone within a radius of fifty miles. He has been stationed here several years and has become part of the social and business life of the community. Few men have attained more fully the confidence and respect of so large a percent of any community as has Mr Premer in this one. Best wishes for a life of happiness is on everyone's tongue.


Henry Reese - Alice Errickson
January 20, 1921
     Mr. Henry P. Reese and Miss Alice L. Errickson autoed down to Macon last Tuesday and were married by County Judge A. L. Zink and returned to their home Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Saylor had prepared for the newly weds a nice six o'clock dinner which was enjoyed by the wedding party.
     The bride has been making her home with her friends Mr. and Mrs. Saylor for the past year, and is a young lady well liked by all who have made her acquaintance. She is a graduate of Hasting High School and has had two years training as a nurse.
     The groom is well and favorably known by all in his county, having been born and reared here. At present he has charge of his mother's large land interest northeast of town and has the reputation of being one of the most progressive young farmers and stockman of the county.
     Mr. and Mrs. Reese have commenced house keeping at the old home place northeast of town, with the best wishes of the entire community and bright prospects for their future happiness ahead of them.
     Saturday night two serenading parties called upon them at the Reese ranch and were royally treated and went home at a late hour after extending congratulation.



Jimmie Kellie - Helen Farrill
February 24, 1921
     Wedding Bells Again! Mr. Jimmie Kellie of Highway Valley and Miss Helen Farrill of Endicott were united in marriage Febriaruy 9, 1921 at 4:30 oíclock in the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Kellie. The wedding was a quiet affair. Those present were Minister Liston Ford and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Kellie and son, Willie, Mr. and Mrs. Luthur Barnes of Wauneta. The bride was daintily dressed in a beautiful pink silk gown, while the groom wore a nifty brown serge suit. Mrs. Kellie is a stranger to this community, however she has been warmly welcomed by the many friends of her husband. Mr. Kellie is one of the prosperous farmers of Highway Valley. Their many friends join in wishing them a long and happy life.

Walter Sander - Edna Potter
March 31, 1921
     Walter Sander sprung a complete surprise on his many friends last week. He came to town Wednesday, and by taking Judge Detty into his confidence the matter did not leak out till after important event had taken place, and he was quietly married to Miss Edna Potter at the home of the brides parents Mr. and Mrs. Filmore Potter, living northwest of town. The bride has been reared in the county, is a professional nurse and a young lady of sterling qualities. The groom is one of the progressive young farmers of the county. The Times-Republican joins with their many friends in extending congratulations.

Vern Fisher - Zelpha Johnston
March 31, 1921
     Miss Zelpha Johnston, daughter of Waunetas leading hardware merchant and Vern Fisher a prominent young Hayes County farmer and ranch man were married this week. They left in a new car, the present of the groom's family for a wedding trip to North Platte, Holdrege and other points.

Ben Merrill - Anna Lee
April 17, 1921
     Dame Rumor states that Mr. Ben Merrill and Mrs. Anna Lee were united in marriage Sunday.

Durham - Vlasin (in paper spelled Vlashin)
May 12, 1921
     Nelson C. Durham and Miss Agness Vlasin were married at McCook, Nebraska at the office of the County Judge on Saturday, May 7, 1921. They were accompanied to the Judges office by Frank Vlasin, a brother of the bride and Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Jennings.
     The happy couple returned to Wauneta in the home of the bridegroom. On Sunday May 8th a bountiful dinner was given them at the home of the bride's parents.
     The bride has lived near Wauneta for a number of years and has a host of friends in and around this place. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frnak Durham and has grown to manhood in Wauneta. Congratulations. Wauneta Breeze

Elmer Laird - Geraldine Bixler
June 16, 1921
     A quiet wedding took place at the Methodist parsonage in McCook, Wednesday afternoon at three oíclock when Rev. Charles W. Ray pastor of the Methodist church united in marriage Mr. Elmer Laird and Miss Geraldine Bixler of Palisade using the ring ceremony.
     The happy couple were attended by Mr. LeRoy Bixler brother of the bride and Miss Thelma Cole of Palisade.
     The bride was charming in a pretty suit of white cantoll crepe, white organdy hat and marabou scarf.
     Mrs. Laird is the daughter of Mrs. L. A. Bixler of Palisade and was graduated from the Palisade high school class of 1919, attended Kearny Normal and has been a successful teacher for several years.
     Mr. Laird is a son of Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Laird of Hayes County and is a prosperous farmer.
     Mr. and Mrs. Laird have a host of friends in this community and are popular young people The Times joins with their many friends in wishing this worthy young couple many happy years together and extend hearty congratulations to them.
     They will be at home to their friends on the Laird Ranch 16 miles north of Palisade. Palisade Times.

Henry Schnieder - Helen Braun
June 23, 1921
     Henry Schnieder, aged 26, of Hayes County and Miss Helen Braun. aged 18, of southwest Frontier County called on County Judge Henry W. Berry, Saturday and secured a license to wed. Stockville.
    Henry is a son of J. F. Schnieder, who served on the board of County Commissioners for a number of years and Henry is farming one of his fatherís farms down in the southeast corner of the county at present.
     The Times-Republican joins with the many friends in extending congratulations.

LeRoy Bixler - Thelma Cole
June 23, 1921
     A pretty wedding took place Wednesday evening at the lovely county home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cole west of Palisade, when theri daughter Thelma and Mr. LeRoy Bixler of Hayes Center were married.
     Promptly at eight o'clock as Mrs. Sol Blum played the Lohingrin wedding march the bridal party came down the stairway and took their places under the archway in the living room, which was decorated with pink roses and orange blossoms, and Rev. C. S. Mundel read marriage lines using the ring service.
     During the ceremony Mrs. Blum played ìTraumuriî by Schumann, and during congratulations Mendelssohns wedding march. The attendants were Mr. Samuel Post and Miss Gladys Cole, sister of the bride.
     The bride was charming in a beautiful dress of silver lace over white satin and wore the bridal veil of her great grandmother, fastened with orange blossoms and carried a pretty shower bouquet.
     Miss Gladys Cole wore a pretty dress of French organdy.
     The color scheme was pink and white and was carried out in decoration and menu. The rooms were decorated beautifully with pink and white crepe paper and pink roses and orange blossoms.
     Mrs. S. Krohmeyer did the artistic decorating of the rooms which truly formed a beautiful backround for such a pretty June wedding.
     A delicious three course wedding dinner was served by the Misses Irene Blum and Lillian Stephen who wore pretty dresses of white crepe and pink organdy.
     Mrs. Bixler is a graduate of the Palisade high school and has been a successful teacher in Hitchcock county for the past two years.
     Mr. Bixler is the son of Mrs. L. A. Bixler and a prosperous farmer of Hayes County.
     Both Mr. and Mrs. Bixler ar popular young people of this community, and their many friends join with the Times in hearty congratulations to this worthy young couple.
     Immediately after the wedding dinner Mr. and Mrs. Bixler left for their home north of Hayes Center.

Judge Abbot issued marriage licenses: July 28, 1921
     William U. Hatton and Fannie Heater
     George H. W. Burkert and Lina Hruza
     Rufus Mintling and Fannie Paxton

James E. O'Neil - Mrs. Elizabeth C. Meister
August 25, 1921
     On Wednesday August 17, 1921, Mr. James E. OíNeil and Miss Elizabeth C. Meister were united in marriage by Rev. D. F. McCollough at the Catholic Church in Palisade at 9:00 a. m. Mr. Don O'Neil brother of the groom was best man and Mrs. O'Neil bridesmaid.
     The bride looked charming in silver lace over white crepe de chine and white hat to match. The groom wore navy blue serge.
     The bride, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs George A. Meister has grown to womanhood in our midst.
     The groom, son of Mr. and Mrs. O'Neil is a prosperous farmer of Swan Lake precinct.
     After congratulations they drove to the home of the brides parents where a bounteous dinner was served to forty relatives.
     The young couple received many beautiful and useful presents. About 3:30 p. m. they departed amid a shower of rice by auto for Denver and other western points.

James Cooper - Josie Angel
September 12, 1921
     Mr. James A. Cooper and Miss Josie A. Angel, residing ten miles north of town were united in the bonds of wedlock Monday by Squire J. E. Crackenburger.

John Bobinmyer - Anna Drain
September 22, 1921
     Last Thursday Judge Detty said the words which united Miss Anna B. Drain of McCook and Mr. John O. Bobinmyer of Kansas in the holy bonds of matrimony.

Leland Paine - Margaret Herman
September 29, 1921
     We have been informed of the recent marriage of Miss Margaret Herman to Leland Paine, which took place the 17th at the home of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Herman of Lincoln, Nebraska. Miss Margaret was born in Hayes County and lived here during her early childhood with her parents on the farm northeast of town. She is a sister of Mrs. E. L. West of this place. Her many old Hayes Center friends extend congratulations and wish the newly weds a long and prosperous wedded life.

William Nitsch - Sophia Werkmeister
October 6, 1921
     Last Thursday morning William Nitsch and Miss Sophia Werkmeister drove to McCook and were quietly married.
     They arrived at the parental Werkmeister home late in the evening and were met by a large crowd of chavari folks, consisting of friends and neighbors. Mr. and Mrs. Nitsch, Jr. promptly responded and the crowd was royally entertained. We wish the young couple a long, happy and prosperous journey through life.

Christian Martin - Amanda Thompson
November 3, 1921
     Schuyler, Nebraska, October 21, Christian Martin of Phoenix, Arizona and Mrs. Amanda Thompson of Palisade, Nebraska, ages 73 and 78 were united in marriage by Judge Wells. It was a love at first sight case and were only acquainted 10 days. After theri honeymoon tour to Phoenix, Arizona they will return to Palisade where they will reside. State Journal

C. M. Kinsinger - Effie Hoagland
December 22, 1921
     Mr. C. M. Kinsinger and Miss Effie Hoagland were joined in the holy bond of wedlock at the residence of the brides father, George Hoagland at 5 0'clock p. m. on Christmas Day.


Extracts provided by Joan Lauenroth. THANK YOU!

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