NEGenWeb Project - Hayes County
Business Directory and Farmer list
for 1890-1891
J. M. Wolfe & Co., Publishers, 509-510 Paxton Block 1890Entered according to Act of Congress in the year of 1890, by J. M. Wolfe & Co, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C.
Business Listings Carrico - Eddy - Elmer - Estell - Eureka - Galena
Hayes Centre - Highland - Hope - Hudson - Lucile - Strickland
Carrico, a postoffice in the northwestern part of Hayes county, 25 miles north of Culbertson.
---------- Eddy, a rural postoffice in the northeastern part of Hayes county. Population 10.
Harman Harvey, postmaster.
Newsome C N, justice.---------- Elmer, a postoffice in the western part of Hayes county, 13 miles from Hayes Center. Population 30.
---------- Estell, a rural postoffice in the southwestern part of Hayes county, 15 miles from Hayes Center, the county seat.
Daniel J M, postmaster.
Daniel J M & Co, genl mdse.
Manchester & Daniel, blacksmiths.
Piper J, justice.---------- Eureka, a postoffice in Hayes county.
---------- Galena, a rural postoffice in the western part of Hayes county, 13 miles west of Hayes Center, the county seat. Population 20.
Beckman C R, blacksmith.
Sleeth S W, genl mdse, postmaster.---------- Hayes Centre has a population of 400 and is situated in the centre of Hayes county, of which it is the seat of justice. The county is a very rich one, the main products being grain, hay and live stock. The town is a brisk business point, drawing trade from 20 to 30 miles around. There are here three banks and two newspapers, the Herald, and Hayes county Times. Both are well supported. Several churches and a county building have been erected, and the usual prosperity prevails here as in all Nebraska county seats.
Abbot Chas, pub The Herald.
Blood J L, insurance.
Bostock F H, phys.
Centre House, W G Kisseberth prrp.
Christner J H, abstracter.
Dombach Bros, drugs.
Davis J P, atty at law.
Farmers and Merchants Bank, A A Hatch pres, R B Likes cashier.
Gull & Stratton, hardware.
Hatch A A, atty, loans.
Hatch C C, prop Thurman Stock Farm.
Hayes County Banking Co, C H Eubank cashier.
Hayes County Times, Barney Hofer editor and pub.
Herald (The), Chas Abbott pub.
Hicks M, feed mill.
Hofer Barney, editor and pub Hayes County Times.
Hudson Wm F, genl mdse.
Johnson D C, painter.
Kirk J S, livery.
Kisseberth W G, prop Center House.
Liker R B, atty.
Mercer Wm, lumber, blacksmith.
Meredith J T Dr, drugs.
Mooman H E, barber.
Murray J B, genl mdse.
Orr R C, atty, loans.
Osthoff J H, blacksmith.
Parkinson Jos & Co, hardware.
Potts E, prop Potts House.
Ready C A, atty.
Sears W I, blacksmith.
Snee & Eubank, chattel loans.
State Bank, J B Cruzen cashier.
Stratton & Duker, agl implts, etc.
Stratton G H, real estate.
Stoker J G, meat market.
Thompson J M, harnessmaker.
Tilton & Boyle, livery.
Wallace G L, postmaster.
Yates & Kellogg, contractors.---------- Highland, a postoffice in the southeast part of Hayes county, eight miles east of Hayes Center.
---------- Hope, a rural postoffice in the central part of Hayes county, about 10 miles southeast of Hayes Center, the county seat.
Gruver Wesley, postmaster.---------- Hudson, a recently established postoffice in Hayes county.
---------- Lucile, a postoffice recently established in Hayes county.
---------- Strickland, a postoffice in the northwestern part of Hayes county, 19 miles from Hayes Center, the county seat.
Jackson W J, blacksmith, postmaster.
Farmers Lists A-L M-Z
© R.J. Christensen 1998-2001
Transcribed by R.J. Christensen,
San Diego, CA