Franklin County, Nebraska

For Another Day

By Rena Donovan
Transcribed by Carol Wolf Britton

Franklin County Chronicle, June 4, 2002

An Experience May 30, 2002

A blessed event twice

It’s amazing how a day can start humdrum and end being the kind of day you want to tell the world about.

That morning I walked on Mill Hill Road and was feeling like the day was not going to be all I wanted it to be. At home out in the yard I planted another row of trees to mow around for the next 30 years hopefully. Just as I was finishing up, Duane brought a piece of paper and handed it to me. I thought, I don’t have time to do bookwork now, and was rather irritated. “Read it,” he said. In the bright noonday sunshine, with the hot sun beating on my body, I looked at the paper that had arrived in the mail. I found it contained a family tree for my son, Pat and his wife, Wynette with their children listed below the last line on the chart reading “Baby Donovan Due October 1, 2002.” Yea, I thought as a smile warmed my stressful face. But I already knew that and I will tell you why…I am a good guesser.

While at Pat and Wynette’s home about three weeks ago Net had an appointment in Salina and she insisted, she would leave me at the mall. When I asked her what kind of appointment it was she commented, “I really don’t want to say right now.” Well, I knew right then and there she was expecting. So for the next few days I observed. Why was she wearing those big shirts and didn’t she look a little bigger in the front? When I said. “You really shouldn’t raise Chase (their 2-year-old) alone. You should have another child?” Pat said, ‘Okay’. Was he just trying to please me or was what I thought true? I was so sure they were expecting I almost told my friends, so I wasn’t surprised when the letter came.

But, the story isn’t over yet. As the day went on I finished my day’s yard work in the 95 degree hear and tried to call them about three times. No answer. Then they called me back. We talked about how excited we all are and I asked if my middle son, Brian and his wife, Janelle knew. Pat says, “Mom, you call them and tell them.” I said, “You want me to call and tell them you age going to have a baby?” He yelled to Wynette in the other room, “its okay if Mom tells Janelle and Brian isn’t it?” He assured me it was all right and tells me to tease them and tell them to get busy and have another child too. So I called Brian and Janelle’s home. Brian talked for a bit and said he had to go. “Hold on a bit,” I said. Brian says, “No I gotta go!” “Now you just wait,” I said to my son with crossness in my voice. Then Janelle got on the phone. Of course I am so happy to tell them the news. “I have Pat and Wynette’s permission to tell you the good news of a new baby coming to their home,” I explained. Janelle says, “Oh, that’s nice. That’s wonderful news.” Then she said, “I suppose you think we should be getting busy too.” “Yes, that would be a good idea. Don’t wait too long,” was my reply to her. But, before I could hardly get the words out of my mouth, She says, “How about February 1, 2003.” I thought I didn’t hear right. Janelle says, “I am serious! We will have a baby around that date.” Well now, that wonderful news was unexpected, but so welcome.

Yea, again I think with another smile on my face as I pace back and forth on the patio at about four in the afternoon. Was I ever set up! They knew about each other babies before I called and had planned it out how I was to learn about both babies on the same day. Duane and I will be new grandparents with in five months of each other. This is what life is about, family and children. I love it. So now I need to get planning Wynette is already five months along. I told them they cheated me out of at least four months planning time. They chose to wait to tell the good news until all the tests came back saying our little bundle is healthy and beautiful, floating in Mommy’s tummy.

So once again, we will journey to the delivery room at the Salina Regional Hospital for two more times. This maternity floor has already been the scene of many happy memories for all our families. It’s so fun to hear a baby’s first cry with the first breath of life. I cannot explain the high that cry puts in my soul. I can go for days without the substance of food or water. The chills that run up my spine to my head are like happy bubbles that fairly explode into a euphoric of well-being. A feeling that life is wonderful and everything is all right with the world. A super rush for the Lord’s blessing.

Back as far as we can go at this present time on the genealogy charts, is eight generations back to Oliver Walker in Virginia on my side and seven generations back to Richard and Ellen (Murphy) Donovan in Ireland on Duane’s side. I say to these spirits of the past, I don’t know you. You are just a name on paper. But I am learning of you through the birth of your descendents. Come a few months from now I might learn even more about you. To our ancestors, our genes are strong and healthy and your traits of temperament and morals must have been superior for our family is blessed with your goodness. Rest assured that this chain will not be broken and we pass on generation-to-generation the values you entrusted to us by your existence on this earth over a hundred years ago. Thanks to the Lord for the ancestral line of our families and I thank Him for this extension of His line in the form of these two new little souls soon to be born, insuring that our family name and all it stands for will continue even when Duane and I are a only a black and white name on the genealogy chart.

The holiest of all holidays are those kept by our selves in silence and apart;
The secret anniversaries of the heart. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Rena Donovan, For Another Day.

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