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Franklin County Museum

City Displays of Franklin CountyEstablished in 1932, the Franklin County Museum preserves the heritage and genealogy of Franklin County with many displays of historical items.  It consists of three separate buildings.  The largest contains many artifacts and memorabilia from the area such as WW1 and WW2 uniforms, newspaper articles, pictures, letters, ammunition, honor ribbons and medals. Most of the artifacts are from Franklin County residents who fought for their country during many different time periods, and in numerous wars and battles.  It also contains many pictures of the pioneers that founded and first lived in Franklin.  A special exhibit is dedicated to the life and times of Pierce Lyden, famous ‘bad man’ of Hollywood’s old westerns.  The exhibit displays hundreds of items from his movie years including his saddles, clothes, pistols, posters and pictures.  Pierce was born in Franklin County.

Genealogy Research