Cuming County Biography

The Sharp Family of Beemer

information taken from West Point Republican.

One of the early family groups to settle in the Beemer area was the wife of Cyrus Sharp, Lydia, and her three youngest children. They came by covered wagon from Wisconsin in search of a drier climate and one free from the “ague” (which had plagued the family for a number of years) as well as to find land that had opened up under the homesteading act. Lydia was able to obtain 160 acres of land from the original owner’s wife, Patrick C. Noyes, and moved her family into a small cabin by the road until a larger home could be built. She became a charter member of the Beemer Methodist Church and also helped deliver many of the area’s babies. At the age of 67 she took in four of her young grandchildren whose mother had died and helped raise them. When she died in 1896 the following tribute was paid to her by the West Point Republican.

“Grandma Sharp was what is commonly known as a land mark in Cuming County. She came to this section when it was practically a wilderness and braved all the early privations incident to the life of all first settlers. Her many acts of kindness have made her name a household word to early settlers.

“Grandma Sharp lived to a ripe age of nearly 88 years. In her 31 years that she has spent on her old homestead near Beemer, she witnessed a development of Cuming County that is truly marvelous. It gave our old settlers much pleasure to meet her at the Old Settlers Picnic at Beemer last summer where early experiences were talker over. She was loved by all who knew her.”

She is buried in the DeWitt Cemetery east of Beemer.

Martin Van Buren Sharp, ninth child of our above featured family, came to the Beemer area in 1865 along with his brother Silas. The brothers purchased 160 acres of land west of Beemer but because times were hard they also took a freight hauling job with a firm out of Omaha. They also worked for the railroad at Valley cutting timber for railroad ties. Martin married in 1874 and was blessed with four children. They were able to hand on to their homestead and prove it up. In 1910 Martin turned over the farm management to his son, Grover, but remained living there until his death. He enjoyed working with bees, raising a garden and playing the violin for pleasure. At the present time one of the Sharp descendants is living on the place and has set up an “Ironwerks” business thus preserving the name within the Beemer community and Cuming County.

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