NEGenWeb Project


From the 1917 Standard Atlas of Colfax County
On March 1st, 1911, A. B. Fiala took over the operation of Pleasantdale Farm, located on Section 14, T. 29, R. 3, previously owned and farmed by his father, Jos. V. Fiala, now retired and living with his son.

Mr. Fiala's aim has been to keep up and improve the soil fertility on his farm. He believes in the growing of improved varieties of grain and grasses and the raising of pure-bred livestock on all farms. Mr. Fiala has been breeding the R. C. Rhode Island Red Chickens, Duroc Jersey Hogs and Percheron horses. His sales of breeding stock, especially the hog line, have been very satisfactory.

During the six years of his farming he has had his share of discouragements in forms of loss through hog cholera, loss of several horses and partial crop failures, but he is still firm in his belief that all is well that ends well, and supports this contention with his favorite Bible verse: Romans 8:28.

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