Colfax Co. - Looking Back Miscellaneous NEGenWeb Project
Looking Back At The World (1916, 1926, 1936, 1946, 1956, 1966, 1976)
Published by The Leigh World in 1986
Colfax County, Nebraska

The Leigh World published several columns entitled Looking Back at the World, in 1986. A special thank you to the Leigh World for allowing me to reprint those articles.

SEVENTY YEARS AGO - Charles R. Kuhle, publisher

February 4, 1916 - reprinted February 19, 1986

Announcement of the death of Mrs. Andrew Iverson was made about eight o'clock last evening. Funeral services will be conducted by Rev. H. Erck at one o'clock at the family home Sat. afternoon and burial will be made in the Danish Cemetery.

Glenn Graham and Miss Ella Busse were married at Fremont, Wednesday, the Rev. Mac Griffin reading the marriage lines.

A squad of sports came down from Creston Monday evening to engage in a bowling contest with a similar aggregation from this place. Owing to the fact that the evening frieght was late, only two games could be played. On the Creston squad were Ausin, Engelbart, Jensen, Lemmerman and Brown. Leigh group included W. Vlach, F. Vlach, W. Hahn, Glandt and E Wolken.

February 11, 1916 - reprinted February 19, 1986

The Death Angel entered the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Mohnsen on Sunday afternoon and took to the brighter world the soul of their baby daughter Luella, who was born September 11, 1915.

Walter Kemper is moving his goods over from Creston and will live on the P.N. Glandt farm, which has been vacated by Peter Wiese.

Henry Loseke, one of the aged pioneers of the community south of Leigh, passed to eternal rest on Thursday, death being due to a tumor of the stomach.

March 3, 1916 - reprinted May 14, 1986

Last Friday, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Deichmann was taken ill with what proved to be scarlet fever. The home was placed under quarantine and the school in that district, taught by Miss Ella Herink was closed.

A pretty wedding took place at the R.W. Suhr home, north of town, last Thursday afternoon, Febr. 17, when Miss Annis S. Oldings, sister of Mrs. Suhr, became the bride of Mr. Fred J. Mueller.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Woeppel were here from Stanton last week for a short visit at the Paul Woeppel and Louis Staab homes. They recently returned from a honeymoon trip spent in Florida.

March 10, 1916 - reprinted May 21, 1986

The first electric sign for Leigh was put up this week by A.F. Felsch in front of his picture theatre.

Fred Wahl and Miss Anna Christ of Howells were united in the holy bonds of wedlock at St. John's German Lutheran Church in Stanton County on March 1st.

A pretty wedding was solmenized at St. Mary's Catholic Church, Tuesday forenoon when the lives of Miss Irere Fritton and John Odenreider were united.

April 14, 1916 - reprinted July 16, 1986

The teaching corps at the Leigh school the coming year and their salaries are as follows: W.C. Mackey $1,000 per year; Elma Softly $70 a month; Lorene Lamb, $70 a month; Alice King, $60 a month; Anna Fallon, $60 a month; Mary Cain, $60 a month; Grace Titus, $75 a month.

The L.Y.R. Club held its regular meeting with Miss Anna Vlach as hostess. Misses Martha Wullschleger and Ruth Smoot were initiated into the mysteries of the organization.

August, Anna and Herbert Luedtke of Creston have left to take up their school duties at Kearney, after spending their vacation with home folks.

April 28, 1916 - reprinted August 6, 1986

After lying in a state of coma for a week, Mrs. Joseph Smith entered that eternal sleep last Thursday night that knows no awakening and passed to that home in the Great Beyond.

Mrs. Frances Panek passed away on Tuesday of last week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Kudrna, death being due to the infirmities attending old age.

George Wetmore, an old soldier, answered the last roll call of the Great Commander in Chief at the Soldiers Home at Clinton, Iowa, last week.

A distressing accident occurred just north of Leigh, Tuesday evening, when an automobile driven by Herman Bruhn collided with a team and buggie occupied by Joe Kral.

SIXTY YEARS AGO - Charles R. Kuhle, publisher

February 5, 1926 - reprinted February 19, 1986

Following a gradual decline in health extended over a period of many months and which was due, directly to hardening of the arteries, Mrs. Anna Vlach passed to her eternal home early Saturday morning.

The community was saddened this week by the illness and death of a young girl, Delores Henry, 17, who by her gentle disposition, had won herself innumerable friends.

Mrs. W.H. Carlton is at Schuyler this week, being called there by the serious illness of her little granddaughter, Betty, the 3-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sedlacek.

February 12, 1926 - reprinted February 19, 1986

Profound sorrow was felt here on Sunday when a telegram was received by Mr. and Mrs. H.J. Littelman, telling them of the death of their sister, Mrs. Emma Naber Rease.

A beautiful wedding was solemnized at St. Mary's Church at ten o'clock Tuesday morning when Miss Agnes Thalken became the bride of Clyde Sucha.

E.G. Thorpe tendered his resignation as janitor of the local school at a meeting of the school board last week.

Neighbors and friends sprung a surprise on John Marty in honor of his 27th birthday last Friday evening.

March 5, 1926 - reprinted May 14, 1986

The Methodist parsonage in Norfolk was the scene of a pretty wedding on Wednesday evening, uniting the lives of Helen Motycka and Edward Zabka.

The members of the local post of the American Legion enjoyed a splendid program at their regular meeting. The program consisted of a comedy skit by Drs. Warner and Warner, a reading by H. Chris Nelson and an old fashioned spelling bee. Adam Fuhr won the spelling contest. After the program an oyster feed was held. About 25 were present.

March 12, 1926 - reprinted May 21, 1986

Of interest to friends here is the wedding of Miss Lily Moeller and Carl Asche, which occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Asche in Columbus, Thursday afternoon.

Farewell parties in compliment to Mr. and Mrs. E.G. Thorpe, who will soon leave the Leigh community to reside elsewhere, have been common the past week. The Ladies Guild had a party on Monday evening, the school faculty and OES presented gifts to them.

April 16, 1926 - reprinted July 16, 1986

The tolling of Zion Lutheran's bell at 2:30 o'clock last Friday afternoon announced the passing of Frieda, the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wiechen, and a wave of sorrow was felt throughout the community and countryside.

Sunday, April 11 was the 70th birthday anniversary of Ben Thalken Sr., and a pleasant gathering of members of his family and friends made the day a most happy one.

A beautiful double wedding was solemnized at ten thirty o'clock on Monday morning in St. John's Church when Miss Verna Botsch became the bride of Paul Deichmann and her sister, Miss Gladys Botsch became the bride of Harry Hahn.

April 30, 1926 - reprinted August 6, 1986

Arriving about 20 minutes late Monday forenoon the Nebr-Northwestern Railroad Cow and Hen special was greeted by a total of 1478 people to view this educational special.

Creston defeated Leigh in the pre-season practice game on the Creston diamond Sunday by a score of 6 to 3.

Christ Lutheran Church was the scene of a beautiful wedding last Friday evening at 8:00 p.m. when Rev. J.P. Kirchnert read words which united the lives of Miss Minnia Otte and Karl Otte.

FIFTY YEARS AGO - Charles R. Kuhle, publisher

January 31, 1936 - reprinted February 19, 1986

The marriage of Miss Fern Amelia Highlen to Fred J. Rabeler, both of Norfolk, took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Kumpf, Wednesday afternoon.

Otto Franzen was elected chairman of the Zion Lutheran Church congregation at the annual meeting, Sunday afternoon.

Even the severe cold of Friday was not reckoned with when the Dodge and Leigh basketball teams turned on the heat of their contest that ended 30 to 29 in favor of Leigh. On the Leigh team is Breunig, f; Philson, f; Svoboda, f; Phillips, c; Nebola, c; L. Hespe, g; and Price, g.

After an illness, which extended over a period of two years, Herman Osten, prominent farmer in the neighborhood south of Creston, died Thursday.

February 7, 1936 - reprinted February 19, 1986

Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Marty Sr. of Columbus observed their golden wedding anniversary on Sunday, February 2nd.

It was a "Harsh" basketball game, when Platte Center mixed with Leigh Hi on Friday night, the visitors taking the game by the score of 43 to 23.

John Correll, resident of the Creston Community for 30 years died at a Norfolk Hospital on Thursday eve of last week.

The Powers grocery store opened at Creston Saturday and Mr. Powers expressed himself well pleased with the reception accorded him and his wife and with the day's business. On an ad in this week's paper, the Powers grocery has Little Dutch Peanut Butter, qt. size, 28 cents, 12 oz. jar 14c; Tomato Ketchup 14 oz. bottle for 11c; RBC Gelatin Dessert, 4c per package, etc.

February 28, 1936 - reprinted May 14, 1986

Mr. and Mrs. Julius Rahtz observed their silver wedding anniversary, Sunday by entertaining relatives and friends of long years standing at a dinner.

Miss Ethel Marie Fuhr became the bride of Fred W. Severin in a ceremony solmenized at St. John's Church, Sunday afternoon.

Miss Stella E. Asche became the bride of Carl G. Reins in a ceremony read by Rev. J.C. Kaiser, at the bride's parents' home, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Asche, Sunday evening.

A late winter wedding was solemnized at St. Mary's Church at nine o'clock, Saturday morning, when Miss Elsie Hekrdle of Stanton was joined in marriage to Louis Reichmuth, Humphrey.

March 8, 1936 - reprinted May 21, 1986

The marriage of Miss Velma Grotelueschen and LeRoy Frese was solemnized at Christ Lutheran Church, Sunday forenoon, with Rev. H.L. Bornemann reading the service in the presence of a large gathering of relatives and friends.

Martha Polenz and Olive Dell Briard placed first in the declamatory contest held at the Leigh High School Monday eve.

Wilma Scheffler of Creston has been ill with a severe cold which she contracted, Saturday. With her sister Helen, she went to the ice north of their home to slide. The ice broke under their weight and they fell into the water above their waists. Wilma had on her father's high topped overshoes and with that weight, had difficulty getting out. On their way to the house their clothing froze stiff and both girls chilled through.

April 10, 1936 - reprinted July 16, 1986

A total of 119 votes were registered at the election on Tuesday when Jerry Hobel and A.H. Breunig were again chosen as members of the village board, and Henry C. Hooker and Julius O. Moeller were again placed on the school board.

J.H. Hunt was tendered a surprise Saturday eve, by members of his family and friends in honor of his 75th birthday.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Loseke were complimented by friends and relatives who gathered at their home, Sunday to spend the day, the occasion being the birthday anniversary of Mrs. Loseke.

April 24, 1936 - reprinted August 6, 1986

Fire of unknown origin completely destroyed the barn and a granary and machine shed on the J.B. Jenny farm, Thursday.

Announcement of the death of Mrs. Henry Marth was made early evening, Thursday. Services will be held Friday afternoon at Zion Lutheran Church.

Henry Herbst, 44, passed away in a hospital in Beatrice on Thursday of last week. Fun- [text omitted]

Miss Ruth Louise Grotelueschen became the bride of Victor Olson in a ceremony read by Rev. J.C. Kaiser at Zion Lutheran Church, Wednesday afternoon.

The wedding of Miss Lillian Loseke to Ervin Bonner of Columbus took place at Zion Lutheran Church, Saturday.

FORTY YEARS AGO - Charles R. Kuhle, publisher

February 1, 1956 - reprinted February 19, 1986

The Church Council of St. John's Lutheran Church voted at its meeting, Jan. 25 to grant the Ladies Guild permission to set up a fund for the purchase of a new organ. It is planned to make this a Memorial project in gratitude for the safe return of the young men of St. John's, who served in the recent war.

A new partnership formed early this week gives to Clarence Barjenbruch a half interest in the implement business operated until now by Gus Spanhake. The newly formed firm will do business under the name of Leigh Implement Co.

A birthday party was given in honor of Ted Engelbart and Teddy, at the Engelbart home, Monday evening.

February 8, 1946 - reprinted February 19, 1986

Miss Laurinda Herink became the bride of Eddie DeKeere in a ceremony read by Rev. Wm. Fitspatrick at St. Mary's Church at nine o'clock a.m., Tuesday.

Miss Eunice Bakenhus and Walter K. Marty were united in marriage in a ceremony read at Christ Lutheran Church, Sunday afternoon.

The Humphrey High basketball team won both games from Leigh on their court on Friday evening. Gernstein made 16 of Leigh's 24 points.

March 1, 1946 - reprinted May 14, 1986

Mrs. Louis J. Sedlacek passed away at her home shortly before midnight Tuesday, after a lingering illness with chronic arthritis.

Mr. and Mrs. S.P. Peterson, who lived nine miles north of Leigh for over 40 years, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary in Stanton, Sunday.

Miss Lulu Wurdeman became the bride of Carl Mauch of Scribner in a double ring ceremony performed at Zion Lutheran Church, Saturday eve.

The tolling of St. John's Church bell early Sunday morning announced the death of Wm. Gobler. Funeral rites were held from the home to St. John's, Tuesday afternoon.

Miss Ruth E. Hoessel and Adolph Rickert, both of Columbus, were united in marriage at St. Paul's Church, Sunday afternoon.

Miss Libbie Agnes Hakrdle and Earl LaVern Fuhr were united in marriage at the Congregational parsonage, Tuesday afternnon.

March 8, 1946 - reprinted May 21, 1986

Miss Evangeline Beran of Howells and Arthur Weber were married at a rural church, Bethlehem Chapel, on Thursday.

Miss Alvina Bokelman, niece of Mrs. Rikus Rosendahl and Werner Engel of Columbus were united in marriage on Feb. 22.

Gordon Fajman has been given his discharge from the armed service and returned home last week. He saw three years of service in the Pacific.

Seaman 1st Class S.M. Thomas Trojan and Seaman 1st Class Gordon Hoff recently enjoyed a visit together while their respective ships were anchored in Osaka Harbor, near Kobe, Japan.

April 12, 1946 - reprinted July 16, 1986

4-H Clubs in this community were re-organized for the season. County Agent was over from Schuyler to help W.C. Deichmann with the set up. Mr. Deichmann enters his 17th year as a leader of two Leigh Clubs, the Blue Banner Beef and the Lion Tamers Swine. Both were organized since 1929.

Ernest Gigax received serious injuries which will keep him bedfast for several weeks, when a scaffold on which he was working, Monday, broke.

April 26, 1946 - reprinted August 6, 1986

William Metzger arrived home last week from 14 months overseas service in the Navy, 14 months of continuous sailing in Pacific waters.

Mrs. Joe Koch died at her home Saturday, death being due to a stroke of apoplexy suffered three weeks ago.

In a double wedding ceremony read by Rev. R.L. Jobman at St. Peter's Church, in Creston, on Wednesday, Miss Ilene Mae Engelbart became the bride of Paul G. Theilen and Miss Fern Ruby Engelbart became the bride of Norbert W. Theilen.

THIRTY YEARS AGO - Donald M. Emanuel, publisher; Harold L. Conrad, publisher beginning March 1, 1956

February 2, 1956 - reprinted February 19, 1986

Another of Colfax County's pioneer residents, Mary Louise Hooker, passed away January 23. Burial was in the Leigh Cemetery.

The Leigh Volunteer Fire Department was called out when a fire was reported at the Frank Trojan farm home.

Henry Dasenbrock retired from the Farmers Union Co-op Oil Association Board after 27 years of service.

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Emanuel have announced that they have sold The Leigh World to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Conrad of Newman Grove.

February 9, 1956 - reprinted February 19, 1986

The Leigh Panthers got back in the winner's circle Friday and defeated Creston 71 to 62 in a hard fought battle.

Mr. and Mrs. Arla Harper of Creston entertained at a 12:30 dinner Saturday Jan. 28, their fortieth wedding anniversary.

A five o'clock dinner Saturday evening honored Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hellbusch on their 25th wedding anniversary.

March 1, 1956 - reprinted May 14, 1986

George G. Kumpf was the successful bidder at the West Side café auction Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Severin celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary Thursday evening in their home.

Funeral services for William Brunken, 79, Columbus were held at the Creston Baptist Church at 2 p.m. Burial was in the Creston Cemetery.

Mr. and Mrs. Herman Jansen held open house at the Presbyterian Church, Creston, Thursday afternoon and evening in observance of their 40th wedding anniversary.

March 8, 1956 - reprinted May 21, 1986

Gary Belohrad and Dorothy Olson were crowned King and Queen of Sports at the annual sports banquet held Sunday evening, March 4th at the Leigh Public School gymnasium.

Services were held at Scribner, Sunday for Elmer Armstrong, 61, who died at the West Point Hospital. Burial was in the Leigh Cemetery.

Judy Henke, small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Henke broke her collar bone recently in an accidental fall.

Relatives surprised Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vlach last Sunday afternoon on their 35th wedding anniversary.

April 12, 1956 - reprinted July 16, 1986

Entertainment at the Leigh P-TA Monday night at the school featured Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wullschleger in an interesting talk about their European trip.

A troop of 14 Intermediate Girl Scouts and a troop of nine Brownies were organized at the Leigh Public School Auditorium Monday.

Peter H. Claussen has filed for the Nebraska Legislature from the 16th District.

Clifford Leach passed away April 2 in Corvallis, Oregon, following a heart attack.

April 26, 1956 - reprinted August 6, 1986

Mr. and Mrs. Adolf Sander of Columbus observed their golden wedding anniversary Sunday with an open house.

Mr. and Mrs. John Herink were pleasantly surprised Thursday evening when 80 relatives joined them at St. Mary's Social Center for a no-host dinner honoring them on their 35th wedding anniversary.

Douglas Hobel received a superior rating on his humorous reading at the Nebr. Fine Arts Festival held at Lincoln.

TWENTY YEARS AGO - Harold L. Conrad, publisher

February 3, 1966 - reprinted February 19, 1986

Otto C. Weber has resigned his post as police magistrate for the Village of Leigh and John L. Morfeld has been appointed to fill his unexpired term.

Five Leigh area men were presented certificates by the Centennial Tree Planting committee. The were Urban Imholte, John Herink, Ed Callies, Merle Folken and Thomas Bradley.

Mrs. John Hyland was honored at a party, Wednesday afternoon at her home, the occasion being her 82nd birthday.

A large barn and its contents on the Lawrence Hellbusch farm, south of Creston, were destroyed by fire shortly after noon, Monday.

An open house reception at the Baptist Church in Creston honored Mr. and Mrs. Arla Harper on their golden wedding anniversary.

February 10, 1966 - reprinted February 19, 1986

A carillion has been installed in the tower of St. John's Lutheran Church. The chimes are a donation of Herman Ragotzke and his sisters, the Misses Bertha and Martha Ragotzke, members of the church.

At the February meeting of the Leigh Womans Club the group voted to buy a stove for Tri-County Recreation Area kitchen.

Visiting and quilting at the home of Mrs. Lizzie Aukerman Wednesday afternoon were Mrs. Walter Folken, Mrs. Hulda Kumpf, Mrs. Olga Van Heufeln and Miss Loretta Fields.

March 3, 1966 - reprinted May 14, 1986

The Rev. O.H. Praeuner, pastor of Zion Lutheran Church, announced his resignation following the Wednesday evening Lenton Worship at the church.

Jamie Held, five year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerald Held, broke bones in both wrists in a fall from the slide on the District 20 school playground.

Barbie Henke, five year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don Henke of near Creston, slipped and fell in her home Thursday evening, causing a double fracture and double chip of her left elbow.

Funeral services were held at St. Mary's for Elaine Claire Wiese, 15. She died Sunday of injuries sustained in a car accident on Feb. 18.

Nearly 100 guests were present to honor Mr. and Mrs. Albert Franzen for their 25th wedding annivserary, Sunday afternoon at Zion Lutheran parish hall.

March 10, 1966 - reprinted May 21, 1986

Mrs. Gerald Vasek was elected president of the Leigh Womans Club at their March meeting. Other officers are Mrs. Charles Mullenhoff, vice president; Mrs. R.A. Polenz, recording secretary; Mrs. Harold Conrad, treasurer; Mrs. Laurence Maliha, corresponding secretary.

June Conrad, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Conrad, has been chosen to represent Leigh High School at Girls State this summer.

Ford Craig, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Craig, has been selected to represent Leigh at Boys State which will be held in Lincoln this summer.

Dr. Calvin Hobel has accepted a fellowship to study under Dr. William Liley at the National Women's Hospital, Postgraduate School of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand.

April 14, 1966 - reprinted July 16, 1986

Gerald Vasek and N.V. Engel were elected to serve on the village board in the village election, Tuesday, April 5.

Leigh High School seniors will present their class play, Finders Creepers, Friday night, April 15 in the school auditorium.

Leonard Barrett, Art Olson and Herman Jannsen [sic] were returned as members of the Creston village board in Tuesday's election.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Paper and family have moved from the farm south of Leigh to Columbus, where they have built a new home.

April 28, 1966 - reprinted August 6, 1986

The Rev. O.H. Praeuner presented his farewell sermon on Sunday morning, during the worship service at Zion Lutheran Church.

Leigh High School music department received nine first and three seconds at the District Music Contest at Howells.

H.H. Callies of Omaha died Monday afternoon at the Veteran's Hospital in Omaha.

The calf business is booming at the Harold Neemeyer farm, where the birth of triplet calves is reported.

Mr. and Mrs. Victor Olson Sr. were honored Friday evening, when relatives gathered at their home in celebration of their 30th wedding anniversary.

TEN YEARS AGO - Harold L. Conrad, publisher

January 29, 1976 - reprinted February 19, 1986

The dog-eat-dog battle that occurs every time Leigh and Clarkson clash, once again took place last Friday night with Leigh coming out on top of a 49-41 score.

Funeral services for Mrs. Rudolph Steiner of Clarkson were held Friday morning, Janjuayr 31 at the Clarkson Catholic Church.

February 5, 1976 - reprinted February 19, 1986

Six Leigh residents completing the First Aid Course were Janet O'Sullivan, Myron and Carol Hobza, Tom Huisman, Dale Kumpf and Scott Millard.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hellbusch were honored twice last week by families and friends celebrating their 45th wedding anniversary.

As a Bicentennial project, a quilting bee was held at St. John's Lutheran Church on Jan. 30. 28 guests signed the book and helped make quilts for World Mission.

A group of neighbors and relatives gathered at the Michael Malena home Wednesday for a housewarming.

February 26, 1976 - reprinted May 14, 1986

Mark "Birdy" Settje placed second in the State Wrestling tournament held in Lincoln last week. His season record is 32-1.

Leigh Panthers defeated Dodge and Lindsay Holy Family assuring Leigh the possession of second place in basketball in the tough Mid-State Conference.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Severin celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary with a family dinner for 35 at Tri-County Clubhouse, Sunday, February 22.

Funeral services were held Friday, February 20 at St. Peter's Lutheran Church for Harvey E. Sander.

March 4, 1976 - reprinted May 21, 1986

The District III FFA Contests held at Blair saw the Leigh Chapter win three major contests.

Funeral services were held in Clarkson for Mrs. Joseph Cisler.

Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Feye celebrated their silver wedding anniversary Tuesday, Feb. 24 beginning with a 6:30 dinner for 28 guests at the Old Leigh Inn.

Funeral services for John Henry Gerken, 94, were held at St. Peter's Lutheran Church in Creston, Saturday.

April 22, 1976 - reprinted July 16, 1986

The annual Easter Egg Hunt sponsored by the Leigh Community Club was held Saturday with 150 children receiving the treats.

The Leigh Area Human Services committee met and the Hands of Friendship projects were planned.

Funeral service for Otto F. Muhle, 81, who died Sunday, April 18, were held at 2:00 p.m. Wednesday at St. John's Lutheran Church.

Lori Kapels, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elden Kapels, has been named by the Creston American Legion Auxiliary to attend Cornhusker Girls State in Lincoln.

May 8, 1976 - reprinted August 6, 1986

Dr. Edgar A. Kelley will deliver the address at the Commencement Exercises in the Leigh Community School on May 18.

There will be a free blood pressure check May 8 sponsored by the Leigh Emergency Unit.

Mr. and Mrs. John Herink celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary at Tri-County party room, Sunday, May 2.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Deichmann of Central City celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary Sunday, April 25, at the 4-H Club Building near Central City.

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