You will need to use your Find Key to locate your surname of interest. Names are listed as recorded in the county's index book.NOTE: I have not had an opportunity to proof this transcription against the original records. Please be aware that errors may exist.
Date | Name | Number | Book Title | Book No. | Page |
March 21, 1873 | Donihy (Donahy), Thomas | Declaration of Intention | 1 | 54 | |
March 6, 1874 | Dohmann, Franz | Declaration of Intention | 1 | 67 | |
June 1, 1874 | Dudek, Frank Sr. | Declaration of Intention | 1 | 76 | |
June 1, 1874 | Dudek, Frank Jr. | Declaration of Intention | 1 | 76 | |
June 22, 1874 | Dudek, Antonige (Antonia) | Declaration of Intention | 1 | 77 | |
July 27, 1875 | Distler, Franz | Declaration of Intention | 1 | 91 | |
June 14, 1876 | Dworak, Jacob | Declaration of Intention | 1 | 104 | |
October 1, 1881 | Dedic, Frank (Franc) | Declaration of Intention | 1 | 175 | |
March 28, 1883 | Dudek, Frank (Franc) | Declaration of Intention | 1 | 212 | |
November 23, 1886 | Dowd, Frank | Declaration of Intention | 1 | 290 | |
September 14, 1887 | Dickinson, Michael | Declaration of Intention | 1 | 302 | |
October 11, 1888 | Dworak, Joseph J. (Josef) | Declaration of Intention | 1 | 323 | |
October 10 1890 | Dickenson (Dickinson), William | Declaration of Intention | 1 | 357 | |
December 10, 1891 | Dolezal, John | Declaration of Intention | 1 | 371 | |
November 3, 1893 | Drahota, Anton | Declaration of Intention | 1 | 392 | |
September 5, 1908 | Dvorak, Anton | Declaration of Intention | 3 | 34 | |
June 23, 1909 | Dietrich, Henry | Declaration of Intention | 3 | 68 | |
November 26, 1910 | Dobes, Frank | Declaration of Intention | 3 | 96 | |
September 26, 1911 | Drbal, Joseph | Declaration of Intention | 4 | 28 | |
December 12, 1912 | Dietrich, Frank | Declaration of Intention | 4 | 44 | |
March 27, 1916 | Docekal, Stanislav | Declaration of Intention | 4 | 133 | |
September 22, 1916 | Detlefsen, Peter Henry | Declaration of Intention | 4 | 150 | |
January 9, 1917 | Dytrych, James | Declaration of Intention | 4 | 157 | |
January 8, 1918 | Dvorak, Frank A. | Declaration of Intention | 5 | 18 | |
October 3, 1918 | Dickey, Frank Joseph | Declaration of Intention | 5 | 72 | |
March 21, 1919 | Dahl, Herman Henry | Declaration of Intention | 5 | 86 | |
May 23, 1921 | Dibelka, Jerry | Declaration of Intention | 5 | 109 | |
July 31, 1925 | Dibelka, Louise | Declaration of Intention | 5 | 175 | |
February 17, 1926 | Dvorak, John James | Declaration of Intention | 5 | 184 | |
August 1, 1927 | Diguiseppe, Salvatore | Declaration of Intention | 5 | 203 | |
June 4, 1938 | Dufek, Petr | Declaration of Intention | 6 | F.663 | |
October 14, 1949 | Doubek, Karel | Declaration of Intention | 6 | F.701 | |
May 15, 1950 | Dobry, Dorothy Farguharson | Declaration of Intention | 6 | 702 | |
May 15, 1950 | Dobry, Edmund Joseph | Declaration of Intention | 6 | 703 | |
June 19, 1950 | Dobry, Joseph George | Declaration of Intention | 6 | 704 | |
October 14, 1950 | Dietrich, Henry | Declaration of Intention | 6 | 705 | |
October 13, 1875 | Dustol, Thomas | Bench Docket | 1 | 157 | |
October 13, 1875 | Dustol, John | Bench Docket | 1 | 157 | |
March 22, 1876 | Dobrey, Mathias | Bench Docket | 1 | 176 | |
March 20, 1877 | Dudeck, Joseph | Bench Docket | 1 | 207 | |
March 20, 1877 | Doud, James | Bench Docket | 1 | 2077 | |
September 27, 1877 | Davis, Joseph | Bench Docket | 1 | 249 | |
September 27, 1877 | Davis, Eliza | Bench Docket | 1 | 2499 | |
March 12, 1878 | DeBower, Edward Focke | Bench Docket | 1 | 262 | |
March 13, 1878 | Donovan, (Bath) | Bench Docket | 1 | 270 | |
September 25, 1878 | Dunlap, Jane | Bench Docket | 1 | 302 | |
September 25, 1878 | Donihy (Donahy), Thomas | Bench Docket | 1 | 302 | |
March 12, 1879 | Donally, James | Bench Docket | 1 | 332 | |
September 22, 1879 | Dudek, Frank Sr. | Bench Docket | 1 | 357 | |
September 22, 1879 | Dudek, Antonige (Antonia) | Bench Docket | 1 | 357 | |
September 25, 1879 | Dohmann, Franz | Bench Docket | 1 | 373 | |
March 23, 1880 | Dudek, Frank Jr. | Bench Docket | 1 | 403 | |
March 27, 1880 | Dworak, Joseph J. (Josef) | Bench Docket | 1 | 422 | |
November 3, 1880 | Dvorak, Jan | District Court Journal | 2 | 10 | |
November 3, 1880 | Dlouhy, Frank | District Court Journal | 2 | 10 | |
November 3, 1880 | Distler, Franz | District Court Journal | 2 | 10 | |
November 4, 1880 | Dworak, Joseph | District Court Journal | 2 | 12 | |
October 4, 1881 | Dworak, Jacob | District Court Journal | 2 | 77 | |
March 15, 1882 | Dahms, John | District Court Journal | 2 | 142 | |
October 4, 1882 | Dlouhy, Anton | District Court Journal | 2 | 177 | |
November 8, 1886 | Divis, Frank | N.I. | District Court Journal | 2 | 491 |
October 17, 1888 | Dedic, Frank (Franc) | N.I. | District Court Journal | 3 | 83 |
October 15, 1889 | Dickinson, Michael | N.I. | Nat. Rec. or Final Papers | 1 | 48 |
October 19, 1891 | Dudek, Frank (Franc) | N.I. | Nat. Rec. or Final Papers | 1 | 113 |
May 18, 1892 | Dowd, Frank | N.I. | Nat. Rec. or Final Papers | 1 | 131 |
February 7, 1893 | Dickenson (Dickinson), William | N.I. | Nat. Rec. or Final Papers | 1 | 50 |
February 13, 1893 | Donato, A. | N.I. | Nat. Rec. or Final Papers | 1 | 154 |
March 13, 1893 | Dworak, Joseph J. (Josef) | N.I. | Nat. Rec. or Final Papers | 1 | 158 |
February 16, 1897 | Dasenbrock, Joha Diedrick | N.I. | Nat. Rec. or Final Papers | 1 | 209 |
November 27, 1899 | Dolezal, John | N.I. | Nat. Rec. or Final Papers | 1 | 234 |
April 23, 1901 | Daricek, Rudolph | N.I. | Court Calendar | 7 | 62 |
June 14, 1901 | Drahota, Anton | N.I. | Nat. Rec. or Final Papers | 1 | 257 |
February 24, 1902 | Dolezal, Frank | N.I. | Nat. Rec. or Final Papers | 1 | 265 |
November 1, 1904 | Dvorak, Joseph L. | N.I. | Court Calendar | 8 | 35 |
Dvorak, Joseph L. | Nat. Rec. or Final Papers | 2 | 18 | ||
October 6, 1913 | Dobes, Frank | 192585 | Pet. & Rec. or Final Papers | 4 | 15 |
October 3, 1917 | Dittrich, Frank | 463733 | Pet. & Rec. or Final Papers | 4 | 73 |
October 3, 1919 | Dietrich, Frank | 463742 | Pet. & Rec. or Final Papers | 5 | 26 |
October 5, 1921 | Dibelka, Frank | 1248320 | Pet. & Rec. or Final Papers | 6 | 3 |
February 11, 1922 | Dahl, Herman Henry | 1688056 | Pet. & Rec. or Final Papers | 5 | 95 |
October 17, 1923 | Dusatko, Anton | 1688082 | Pet. & Rec. or Final Papers | 6 | 36 |
November 18, 1925 | Dusatko, Annie Margaret | 2159260 | Pet. & Rec. or Final Papers | 6 | 62 |
November 10, 1926 | Dibelka, Jerry | 2159261 | Pet. & Rec. or Final Papers | 6 | 68 |
June 6, 1929 | Dvorak, John James | 2159291 | Pet. & Rec. or Final Papers | 6 | 95 |
February 17, 1930 | Dibelka, Louise | 3166968 | Pet. & Rec. or Final Papers | 6 | 100 |
June 2, 1941 | Dufek, Petr | 5044839 | Pet. & Rec. or Final Papers | 8 | F.403 |
November 2, 1931 | Daniels, Mrs. Anna (Anna Sophia Schmidt) | 3526755 | Pet. & Rec. or Final Papers | 8 | F.365 |
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Last Updated on 11/2/99
By Sherri Brakenhoff